
Burn It Down



3 Years
09-01-2014, 10:06 AM (This post was last modified: 09-01-2014, 10:08 AM by Svetlana.)

You told me, "Yes"
You held me high
And I believed when you told that lie
I played soldier, you played king
And struck me down, when I kissed that ring
You lost that right, to hold that crown
I built you up, but you let me down
So when you fall, I'll take my turn
And fan the flames

As your blazes burn

Hurting. She was hurting. The betrayal... how dare she appear again, just like that, and expect to be forgive? She had left just the same. Just the same as that damned woman who abandoned them! No, not just one, but two. First the woman who birthed then... then force claimed by the other who claimed to be their mother. Yet as soon as they were there in Olympus they were abandoned. Left to their own devices. It showed her something... truly showed Svetlana something. When she left Ebony, turning her tail on it, that she had only one true friend, one true person she could trust in this damned land of Alacritia. Her companion, Korrin, who had stood with her through everything. She never once turned her back on her. But now the gray girl knew she needed to make a decision on some things. Something told her to seek out that woman she met during her time held in Olympus; the black and gold marked beauty Chryseis.

As she walked the girl would speak, announcing things to her companion. "Korrin, listen well to me." The polar fox at her side would look up to her, tilting her head to the side. "From this day forth do not call me by my given name. That name, the name of that so called 'family' is no longer important. Rozaliya Alkaev... that is my name and how I will be addressed, understood?" Worry shown in the steel colored eyes of her companion, but the fox knew better than to argue with the wolf. She was in a dangerous mood, ones that had started since being taken to Olympus.

"Understood Roza... but..." The wolf was already starting towards the water of the lake, wading into them. She was done talking it seemed. The small fox would clamber onto a rock nearby, settling down as she watched the yearling glare down into the water. "Oh Svet... Svet's innocence was stolen..." The fox would say softly to herself, setting her head upon her paws. What was she going to do? Her friend needed help... before she fell too far into the darkness and could no longer be saved.

"Hear Me Talk,"
"Listen To Korrin,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]


09-01-2014, 07:36 PM

Her life was growing boring. Apollo had been scarce much to her dismay, and Hypnos, but she wasnt to the point of pressuring him. Hypnos was steadily growing stronger, though there were set backs as to be expected. Soon she would watch as Olympus fell and sat as nothing more than a pile of ash. They would bow at her feet and bend to her will. One day she would sit on the Olympus throne, with Apollo at her side and together they recreate the Olympus name. There was no doubt in her mind. But first, Hypnos needed to be strong, and Apollo needed to figure out what in the hell he was going to do.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a soft voice. Her gaze would shift, watching the subtle shadow through the trees as the stranger headed towards the lake. She had met this stranger before. Svetlana. A smile curled her lips, bringing the queen to her feet to follow the girl. The younger girl moved to the waters edge, her little companion sitting on a rock beside the shore. The dark temptress would approach until she stood at the waters, watching as the girl waded around. "Svetlana."




3 Years
09-05-2014, 04:15 AM

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The call of her denounced name would cause the girl to stiffen. She would spin, lips lifting in a snarl as her ears pinned against her skull. Eyes were narrowed... At least until she saw who it was who spoke. Her fur would settle, the girl giving a cough as she recomposed herself and gave the older woman an apologetic look. ?Chryseis... Sorry... I did not realize it was you.? She would pad back to the shore, her body still a bit rigid with the agitation she held from the Ebony meeting. She felt like she could trust Kassander... Yet... He had stayed, hadn?t he? Her mind was so twisted... So warped right now... Betrayed. If only the gray-black furred girl knew the truth behind it all... How her anger was not the right reaction. But there were so many things she didn?t know... And to her all the newly named Rozaliya felt was that those who claimed to care for her would ultimately betray her.

?I... I do not go by Sv-- that name any longer. The ones who were supposed to care for me are nothing but liars... Betraying me... Rozaliya is my name now.? She would sit, an angry flick of her tail before she curled it around her legs. Her ears were flicked back still, though she seemed a bit more at ease as she sat before the gold marked woman. ?I was hoping I would run into you, actually...? Blue hues would lift to the other woman, an ear flicking as she heard Korrin coming towards them.

The fox did not like this at all, but she stayed silent, gray eyes on the stranger that her companion seemed to know. Korrin debated going back to Ebony, to find help to bring Svetlana home... But the worry of the damage she could cause being alone kept the creature by her friend.

"Hear Me Talk,"

"Listen To Korrin,"

'Read My Thoughts.'

[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]


09-10-2014, 03:03 PM

She was met with unexpected aggression. A brow would lift, but before anything could be said, the girl was relaxing, and apologizing. Haunches would recline as the girl left the water in favor of dry land, her light pelt sticking to her flesh. "Who has wronged you to deserve such wrath?" A smirk would toy with her lips. Rozaliya. Interesting, but pretty. "Well, Rozaliya, what ails you?" Anger rolled off the girl in waves. It was evident in the flick of her tail, her posture, the way she sat. Surprised flitted across her features as the girl mentioned wanting to find her. She had only met the child once before, and only for a brief time. Whatever had happened, it must have someone tied back to her, if the girl wished to find her. "Oh?" Her crown would tip curiously to the side, eyes brightening with interesting. She made herself comfortable, enjoying the cool breeze coming off the water. The stranger creature had come closer, linger beside Rozaliya, almost as though it were a little guardian. Her gaze would drop briefly to the creature, but said nothing, merely sparing it a glance between returning to the girl. Slowly she would lower herself to the earth, forelimbs stretching about before as she pressed her belly against the cool earth of the beach. Cyan pools would tip up towards the girl, gesturing for her to follow suite. This is definitely not going to be short chit chat.




3 Years
09-13-2014, 08:25 AM

The girl would give a deep sigh, fighting that aggression and agitation that came at being asked the question. ?The ones who called themselves my family. The mother who left us not once, but twice, abandoned her crown. The sister who sought her even after this abandonment, when clearly she loved not her children. The brother and sister who disappeared as my remaining brother and myself were force claimed by Virgil, our Olympian parent, who did not even dare ask us how we felt. Didn?t ask if we wished to be stolen and imprisoned in her pack. I... I hate them all.? Ebony and Olympus were enemies in her mind. She was hurting so bad, and her emotion lead to rash decision and thought. If she had just taken the time to become calm, to think rationally, she might have been made to see the truth. But it was impulsive decision one after the other now. She didn?t care what happened now... As long as the wrongs she felt she saw were righted.

Light blue eyes would lift to Chryseis. ?So I need an ally... One part of neither Ebony or Olympus... And I thought of you. If you will help me grow stronger, to punish them for their wrongs, then I will return the favor in kind to you and aid you with what you desire.? A hellbent path of destruction, surely... But right now the newly named Rozaliya didn?t care. She would cringe, glancing down as Korrin settled next to her. She would glance back to the gold marked woman, laying down as she was suggested to do. Korrin was flicking her gray gaze between the two wolves uncertainly, ears flicked back some. Svetlana was letting her emotions rule her... And this woman... Korrin didn?t trust her. She was going to lead her friend into a dark path... But Korrin did not speak, less she betray her suspension to the other.

"Hear Me Talk,"
"Listen To Korrin,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]


09-13-2014, 09:32 PM

The girl looked ready to explode. With a sigh she would begin her tale. So she had mommy issues. Brows would lift at the mentioning of Virgil. The Olympus bitch had gone so far as to force claim children? I hate them. Those three little words were like music to her ears. Oh to have someone close to Virgil that hated her guts. She would meet the girls gaze steadily a slow grin curled her lips. She wanted an ally. She wanted to punish those who had wronged her, she wanted to make them hurt. A dark chuckle would roll off her tongue. "If seems we have the same desires." Her voice was low, soft like a lullaby. "One day, I will see Olympus fall at my feet before the wrongs they have done to me and my family." A sneer would curl dark lips as her expression grew cruel. "I will help you with what you desire, and in return, you will stand beside me when I rip the crown from their grasp." Anticipation gripped her tightly as she peered over at the girl. Would she agree? She could only hope.




3 Years
09-27-2014, 07:49 PM

The she wolf would watch the woman before her, that dark chuckle, in her mind, being that of an ally. They did have the same desires. To see Olympus fall. To see them hurting. She too, wanted vengeance on her blood-kin. At least this was what Svetlana, or Rozaliya, believed at the current moment. Her aggression towards Olympus could very well linger, at least until she was actually able to speak with Virgil. If she actually listened. With Virgil getting pregnant and being scarce, they nearly dying herself... Rozaliya pushed those thoughts out of her mind. The femme would give a firm nod, feeling her fox companion stiffen beside her. But she payed it no mind. ?Have you any plans regarding the downfall of Olympus? Or simply bidding your time for now??

"Hear Me Talk,"
"Listen To Korrin,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]


09-29-2014, 01:53 PM

The girl seemed to share the same idea, the same desire. But could she be trusted? How easily could she be swayed? When a question left her lips, the darker woman would choose her words carefully. It was unwise to expose too much to soon. "Bidding my time, there is still much to work." Tones were nonchalant as she lifted a shoulder in a shrug. "What are your plans?" She would ask, curiously. Did this girl want to see blood shed, or simply to watch them all fall apart from the inside out? Would tooth or rumors be her weapon of choice? Indigo eyes carefully examined the girls face, flickering to the fox at her side only when he shifted with tension. When the creature went on ignored, her gaze would return to angry girl. Eyes danced with wicked amusement. The more she could recruit against the Olympus, the better. But she needed to ensure that none could be swayed, she would not tolerate a traitor amongst her midst. The tip of her tail would twitch idly, audits tipped forward to focus on the she wolf in front of her. Who better to corrupt than the child of Virgil. Oh the betrayal that would ensue if she was successful.




3 Years
10-14-2014, 12:15 PM

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Rozaliya would give a small nod as Chryseis answered her. So the other was still working in patience on a plan. Made sense to do so; rushing into overthrowing a pack would lead to complications, wouldn?t it? Mistakes. Costly mistakes. The female would look out across the water. ?Find where my strength truly lies, whether in calculation and strategy or by tooth and claw. I will wander a while, finding this strength, testing it, before I try any sort of action. One must not be too hasty...? Roza looked back to Chrys, smirking.

?I guess, in the meantime, both of us are bidding our time. Perhaps it is for the best.? Rozaliya would rise, her bright eyes flashing some. ?For now it may be better to part ways, Chryseis. I?ve no doubt we?ll meet again soon enough. When we do I hope to have discovered my best skill, so that it can truly be put to test. Korrin, come.? The dark girl would look to the female fox, who rose with a soft sigh. Korrin would look towards the black and gold woman before bounding after her companion, her heart sick with worry. What was happening to her dear friend?

-Exit Svet/Roza unless stopped.-

"Hear Me Talk,"

"Listen To Korrin,"

'Read My Thoughts.'

[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]