
Carnival Of Rust


09-13-2014, 10:18 PM

A long, deep howl broke through the arid lands, calling for someone, someone very specific, beckoning them and only them to find him. He refused to let his children grow without a father, especially not healthy, strong, pups that came from parents with a hunger for flesh and a thirst for blood. They would raise hellions together, his children would be loved and feared, and all would bow before them. He howled again, not out of impatience, but rather calling an audience to follow his golden iron maiden. Allowing them to witness their reunion, and welcome their new packmate. Isardis may have done the legwork for him, may have done everything he wished he had done, but Isardis only carried himself, the zealots that followed him were incidental. That would not stand, not as long as he needed an army to avenge his wounded pride.

Walk this way

Talk this way



09-13-2014, 11:03 PM

She had been patrolling the Moor, enjoying the tender ground underfoot. Her duties had fallen upon sturdy, golden shoulders and she had picked them up without skipping a beat. Despite carrying the babies inside of her, Maija had a weird desire to keep up her muscle build. Firm legs carried a stoic body as they moved as one across the borders. She silently left bits of her scent upon the unseen boundary lines, making her a permanent part of Arcanum.
When she heard the howl, Maija froze. She knew the growl that hid beneath the tones of the seeker and she couldn't help but softly smile. A pleasure growl slipped from her own lips before she unfroze and moved towards the source. It didn't take long to reach the part of the Moor he stood upon and her leaf-green eyes gave off a rare sparkle.
A low chuckle came from the golden goddess as she watched him on the other side of the line. "I am surprised," she softly admitted. Her lips toyed with a smirk that was unfamiliar to her facial muscles. Slowly, she blinked and reached out her nose to take in his scent. "I thought you would appear here sooner..." She wanted to brush against him, nuzzle his neck and tenderly enjoy every bit of his handsome form...but she held back, for she knew that Cat would not be far behind.

Neo Speech

Maija Speech


09-14-2014, 09:21 PM

The call that rang out was very specific, requesting the presence of one individual. She would shrug it off, not really caring who wished to visit. But when the second call rang out, asking for her presence, she was intrigued. Altering her course, the silver Queen would head towards the border, the mists of the moor cloaking her gently. The closer she got, the stronger her golden toys scent got. This spiked her interest. She would move with silent grace, stopping only when she was a few feet from the duo. Her coral gaze would land on Maija, darkening with carnal desire, before shifting the man who stood at her borders. He was peculiar looking, intricate markings adorning his face. Her gaze would flicker back to Maija and brow lifted curiously.

"And who might you be?" Slowly she would look back at the man, her tones level and smooth. If she wasn't mistaken, these two knew each other. Nostrils would quiver, noting the difference in Maija's scent. She would keep her mouth shut, far more interested in what this man had to say rather than her own suspicious, they would come to light soon enough.


09-15-2014, 02:21 AM

"I thought you would appear here sooner..." she said, he dropped onto his haunches and avoided eye contact. Shame, an all but alien concept to him draped over his features. "I wanted to be sure." He huffed. It was a cruel mentality, but it was his, and only his; had she not been carrying his children he, now unburdened by thoughts of his old mate, would simply find another woman to carry whelps...Or at least that's what he wanted to believe he'd do. The truth was; since their night of passion he had thought of nothing else but her, he barely knew her, but something about her drew him in, made his knees weak, and his heart pound against his chest as though it were trying to escape. His brother Preston, the fool, would have told him it was a "Soul Rapport." That they were alike in more ways than they could ever count, and even though they knew nothing of each other, they would feel as though they belonged together. But Preston was an idealistic idiot, this he knew, and having established that his brother was an idiot, he refused to believe that he could be right about anything; especially love. No, she was pregnant and that was all that mattered.

He looked at the silver empress as she came up behind Maija, and almost immediately he inclined his neck to show her his throat. A sign of respect for his superior. She seemed impressed by his physique. Well, who wouldn't be? He smirked at the thought. "And who might you be?" She asked. He rose to his feet, his eyes locking with hers "I am Neo Gorecki. Degenerate, and unfortunately, Cairo's adoptee." He all but spat the name of his vagabond "father". The man who in one breath claimed to love all his children equally, fostered or not, and in the next assign his blood-related curs in ranks above him. An offense he would never forget, and never forgive. A twinge of loathing struck at his heart as he thought of all the ways he had been cheated by the god damned Adravendi. And for a moment, all he could think of was the look of horror that would be on Cairo's face if he saw what had become of his derelict bloods. And what had become of him. Epiphron, the scorned lover of a adulterer, Chrsanthe, the one eyed bitch who drove his legacy into the ground, Syrinx, a bag of hot air and bravado that he could only hope was put in his rightful place by the Ice King, and finally....whatever her name was, Eon he supposed. And then there was him. The one that sent tremors through the once great pack of Valhalla, the soon to be father of pups that would no doubt ravage the land, and bring everyone of Cairo's blood to their knees.

The world he had so easily forgotten returned to him in a crash, and he went from glaring knives at the mossy ground to looking back up at the argent regent, almost surprised. He cleared his throat to regain his composure; "I have come to seek asylum within your pack, and to see to it that my children are not born bastards."

Neo Speech

Maija Speech



09-15-2014, 12:58 PM

Maija would watch how he would respond: hang his head in shame with eyes averting her gaze. Having him react the way he did had caught Maija off guard, but his words were even more startling. Neo hadn't wanted to appear because of a wild goose chase, and she understood that. Why waste time until you had all the facts?
She showed a good bit of surprise in her leaf-green vision before she felt the ground quake beneath her paws. Her feelings were pulled back in as she looked to her right and saw the Queen's silvery form appear. The smirk that had appeared on her face before temporarily stayed as her gaze met the coral pools. Once Cataleya asked Neo of his identity, she watched him with a sliver of interest in her eyes.
Neo introduced himself and explained that he was there to seek asylum...and to ensure his pups had a father. Maija's eyes slightly widened and her fur stood on end. She hadn't told Cataleya about her unexpected surprise, but the golden woman knew her Queen was smart enough to know that her scent was different from their last encounter. Slowly, she looked over to Cataleya and nodded, confirming the words that came from Neo's mouth. It wasn't like Maija had forgotten about her pregnancy. The unknown number of whelps inside of her were very new news and she didn't plan on telling Cataleya until she had confirmed it with a trusted healer.

"You're gonna hear me roar"


09-15-2014, 06:08 PM

Degenerate and unfortunately Cairos adoptee. Interesting way to introduce ones self. The name was foreign to her, but she didn't care enough to ask. Besides, his next statement was far more interesting. He wanted to play a father to his children. Her gaze would flicker to Maija, a brow lifting in question. She had noted the difference in her scent, but she would have preferred a heads up, the last thing she wanted was a pack full of insolent children. Looking back at Neo, she would respond. "I don't offer asylum to fathers." Words held little emotion, it was simply a fact. She would pause, mulling over her words and her offer. "If you wish to a father of these children, then you will train as warrior along side everyone else." It was a small price to pay, but her real offer was on the tip of her tongue. "Children are entirely useless in war, so to make up for it, you will both stay here until the children are 2 years old, after that I don't care what you do."

Her gaze would flicker to her golden temptress. This was her fault. Had she been truthful, then perhaps they could have overlooked this little transgression. But now she had tiny babbling mouths to defend and occupy needed space, so a price would have to paid. Looking between the expectant parents, she would wait for them to agree or disagree. But either way, her plaything would be staying. Whether or not she wanted to.


09-16-2014, 07:25 PM

He looked at her, almost...confused. Were these unreasonable demands? Was he supposed to feel like he was being torn from freedom? He canted his head slightly, still looking at the silver queen "And...?" He asked. Almost brazenly so. If anything he felt offended that she expected him to sit on his laurels in a pack, one destined for war of all things. Neo knew that when the pups were born he'd be a fighter first and a father second, a warrior in all his affairs. What he was destined to be. What Cairo held him back from being. And when his pup's eyes opened he'd begin grooming them for the battlefield.
Walk this way

Talk this way



09-16-2014, 10:34 PM

She watched and listened with bated breath for the words of both her Queen and father of her unborn pups. Leaf-green eyes remained stern, even as she silently hoped Cataleya wouldn't chomp off Neo's head. Time wasn't wasted on the golden vixen, for the silver temptress spoke first and set down negotiations for Neo joining Arcanum. When she realized that her future was wrapped in the propositions Cataleya made, she sharply turned her head to look at the silver tyrant. What did she just say?!
It seemed like shock, along with karma, had come to visit Maija Artenie. She didn't know if it was because of her letting her children wander the globe at only a year old, or if it was because ahe had killed the unnamed male for sport. No matter what, Maija would take her consequences in stride and a proud head upon her shoulders. She looked away from Cataleya, smirk firmly placed on her lips as she looked back to Neo. She wouldn't want her children to be raised anywhere else. Words still remained vacant from her lips. She wanted to see what else the two wolves would say.



09-19-2014, 11:34 PM

Neo would answer first, and he was unfazed by her proposition. A smile would curl her lips. Excellent. Out of the corner of her eye, she would see her toys golden crown whip towards her, in what could only be shock. But no words would break the silence. "Well I am glad we can all agree." She would turn away, not feeling the itch to challenge him. If Maija had gone so far as get knocked up by this man, and then willingly greet him, he must be something impressive. A coy smile would curl her lips as she turned away. "Welcome to Arcanum." Leaving the two behind her, she would pivot away, disappearing into the mist of her domain, her grey coat blending her effortlessly. Paws would press into the soft ground, muting the sound of her exit or approach. Steadily her numbers were growing. Soon they would all be strong. Strong enough to become an army. An army to invade and slay her helpless victims. A low chuckle rolled off her tongue, bouncing eerily around her cloaked Queen.


OOC: fen if you wanna toss neo into the training thread, you can.


09-20-2014, 12:50 AM

He nodded solemnly as the argent woman welcomed him into her pack. "A pleasure." He smirked. He waited until she had completely disappeared before he rose and walked toward Maija. "Forever, mon amour" He whispered. His shoulder brushed against hers almost carelessly, his head resting momentarily on top of hers , holding his place against her form before he broke away from the golden femme and stepped deeper into his new home, disappearing, much like his alpha into the fog. There was much to be done. Romance and courtship would have to wait. He'd no doubt need to find a den of his own, and until he rose in rank it would have to stay that way. A temporary setback, but he had no doubt that when his pups were born, it would be in the hearth of their shared den. A simple task, and should he fail, he would accommodate accordingly. He wouldn't have it any other way.

-Exit Neo-
Walk this way

Talk this way



09-20-2014, 04:34 PM

She closed her eyes to his touch, breathed in his scent, and relished everything that came from his form. If she had a choice and no duties to fulfill, she would take him with her and disappear from the world. Images of future interactions between the two swirled in her mind and she silently longed for the same occurrence to happen that had brought her future babies into existence. Yet, all she would do was sigh and watch him as he pulled away to explore the lands.
Leaf-green gaze showed a rare twinkle in them as his form headed into the deeper parts of the Moor. She smiled to an audience of no one and slowly turned to retreat as well. Golden paws treaded upon the soggy ground beneath her vivacious form, leading her towards the den she had called her own. It was hidden in the Moor, where no one would be able to find her. Hopefully, the spacious home she had chosen would be the last one for a good while.-Exit Maija-
