


07-25-2014, 06:33 PM

Everything was in motion, it was happening? Just one more loose end to tie up? Vi would drift through the gully easily, rolling gait only marred by the limp she stoop bore. Loose lidded eyes would drift over her surroundings as she smiled. She felt drunk, high? Something? Was this a dream? She didn't know but still she would move towards the edge of the territory, towards mount volkan. As she arrived she would pause at the boarder, looking out again and blinking slight before turning and looming back inland. Yes, now would do perfect. Head tipped back lightly, howling for her children before lowering herself to her haunches lightly to wait for them. Would they come? Where they all here still? Solo was gone now, Vi would have to stop by to see him on her way out but there were more to come. Vivek, Arisu, Fiamette? Hestia? Would they all come?

Table by Neffs



3 Years
07-26-2014, 03:16 PM

I'll be TWISTED its my turn!

What in the name of all she cared about was going on? There were fading scents every... missing bodies. Something had happened, and she didn't know what it was. The russet girl was moving like a wraith across Covari lands, seeking her mothers out... even her remaining siblings. Were any of them still here? The dark girl was feeling pain again, pain of abandonment and even uncertainty. What was going to become of them now? She could find her own way surely, but what would happen to her family?

Then the call sounded, a call from her red mother. The girl would perk her ears, moving towards the sound quietly and dutifully. Her mother would shed some light on what was going on, on why things had suddenly changed. She was, in fact, disappointed to see that she was the first one there. Arisu didn't say a single word, however, just looked at Vi with a questioning gaze in her emerald eyes as she sat, keeping her head held high as she waited for the news her mother had to give.

"Hear My Voice,"

'Read My Thoughts.'



5 Years
07-28-2014, 12:46 PM

Her world has been thrown into chaos. She enters her packs lands on weary paws, the scents of her pack mates nonexistent within the once buzzing territory. They have all left, where to she is not sure, but rage begins to boil rapidly within her core. Had they all abandoned her family? Or had they all been wiped clean from this earth? The maiden is not one to feel fear or anticipation, but today is an exception. She feels a sickening sensation churn her gut, and her throat becomes tight as she tries to swallow. She is fearful of what has happened to her mother, and to her siblings. She is contemplating leaving these lands to go in search of them elsewhere, but as she moves to pivot and turn herself around, her mothers call rings out across the gully. Immediately the nymph pivots toward her mothers summon, and she sprints off in that direction. Her mother's crimson form becomes visible among the bright foliage that surrounds them, and her sisters muted pelt becomes visible right after. So, it was down to them three, eh? ?Mother, what is this.? She questions, and by this she means the sudden disappearance of all their members and pack. Volcanic gaze slides toward her sisters acidic eyes, and she looks at her for a moment before turning back toward her mother.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"


07-28-2014, 02:41 PM

Ooc;; not keeping a posting order here

Arisu was first, her dear sweet girl... Vi would slip forward to attempt to touch her nose to the girls cheek on an oddly warm greeting she would take a step back as Fia approched, a bit more hot headed like her pelt might suggest and Vi would chuckle. "I am leaving with Desiree... We would like to have another litter together and after you were kidnapped..." Vi would sigh and shake her her softly. "Neither of us wanted our station to put any of you at risk, or the new babies... So we handed the pack to Crucifix, he did well with it last time. I believe he is relocating and renaming the pack though..." She mused softly before chuckling and shaking her head. Was this a dream? She felt so light, like she had nothing left to prove, nothing that had to be done or required her attention. She could be a wife and a mother rather then what everyone else needed her to be. "I am leaving you all with a choice as you are all old enough to be on your own if that is what you wished. You may come with Des and I, we will be going to an island. We can practice fight training and poisons and everything my mother taught me so maybe one day a Sovari may rule again. You may stay here as a rouge or you may join one of our sister packs. Svan handed her pack to her daughter she is quite... Interesting. Crucix's new pack is also an option... Either way, it is your choice my darlings. You will all know where to find me and I will never be more then a howl away if you need me." Was she abandoning her children? In a sense yes, but there was the option there that Vi would give them that if they wished to stay with her they could. Vi was simply moving to a warmer more isolated climate, her children could live with her or simply visit or if they wished they could have nothing to do with Vi at all. It was all up to them...



2 Years
07-28-2014, 02:57 PM

First, her mother had howled for....someone. Arisu had walked off, and Hestia quickly followed, after the sister that she was now so close to, and was not about to let out of her sight. When Fiamette came, Hestia felt a low growl bubbling in her throat as she stared at Arisu before turning back to their mother. Narrowing those cold blue eyes, Hestia cast her blue gaze towards her mother, hoping that the red queen would not hear the soft growl still bubbling in her. The black sheep pushed herself closer to Arisu, and sent a smug look in Fiamette's direction. She was used to being on her own for so long, and having Fiamette send all those challenges, but that would not happen, hopefully, any longer. Although Hestia missed Solo, and it was no doubt that Arisu did, she would not say anything about her brother, who was in Olympus with his little princess. He didn't know that something strange was going on, and Hestia hoped to tell him soon. With a soft whisper to Arisu, talking to her about Fiamette, the black sheep would whisper that in her ear softly. "And Fiamette acts like she's still the best when she doesn't even have her own prince. At least Solo has someone who doesn't act like sister over there. I don't know how he could stand her, if she did." Although Hestia did not want anything to hurt Arisu's feelings, she couldn't but help let that scathing remark leave her jaws easily. When her mother spoke, Hestia let out a low throat clear, and rose to her paws easily. "I don't know what Arisu's choice is, but, whatever she chooses, I will follow her. She is my closest friend, my only friend, it seems." That last part was sent towards Fiamette, with a glare at the red female. "It wasn't until a few days ago that I was actually respected, cared for....Even if that was only by Arisu. Fiamette and Vivek can do whatever they want. I don't think I care anymore, after the way they treated me." With a glance at her mother, Hestia relaxed, and gave one final statement. "Mother, I'm sorry for being like this.....But I have to admit, I wanted to say all that for a while now."




5 Years
07-28-2014, 03:29 PM

Her mother greets her sister with a brush of her nose, but she does not greet Fiamette affectionately. She feels resentment rise within her core, as she has always been her mother's favorite, but now it seems her mute colored sister has been grasping her attention. Her mother speaks, telling them of her plans, and immediately the rage within the nymph engulfs into flames. Her mother was abandoning them to have another litter? To start a new life with her purple whore? Bullshit. This was not happening, the first born daughter would not allow it to happen- but before the girl can say anything to her mother, her left ear slides toward the black sheep. She is whispering something to her sister, most likely about her, and as a single orbs glances in her direction she sees the smug look that devours her sister's expression. The anger she feels coils dangerously within her belly, her lips raising to expose her fangs. ?What did you say about me, little sister?? She taunts, hoping to provoke her sister into repeating what she had just whispered to her other sister. The babe does not move, but instead she remains motionless, a single orb cast toward the black sheep although her chest still faces their mother.


OOC: It has been decided that Hestia is on Arisu's right side, making her on Fiamette's left side.

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



2 Years
07-28-2014, 06:13 PM (This post was last modified: 07-28-2014, 06:14 PM by Vivek.)

He would come to his mother's call - albeit a bit miffed. The wolves of Covari had all split up. Gone everywhere, it seemed... but they wouldn't be foolish enough to abandon Viridiana, would they? The brute was irritated to say the least, but the bright contrast of his mother and sister's pelts would calm him - slightly. It seemed that Fiamette would mirror his attitude, asking what on earth could have happened to erase an empire. The explanation... was not exactly what he had been expecting. The knowledge of his mother expanding the family would shock him, but opposed to jealousy he would see opportunity. He would nod, although Crucifix's name would cause him to frown. What a boring, self righteous guy.

"I'll go with you, mother." He would answer, ignoring Hestia and her dramatics. He had never raised a paw to the bitch, never even looked at her funny. Sure, she was dull, but she was his sister as he was her brother. And to Vivek, even though he didn't really seem to care for much, he cared for her. It wasn't until she mentioned him mistreating her that he would sneer, his tail lashing behind him. "What the fuck have I ever done to you? I don't care if you want to be annoying, or dramatic but I never treated you badly." And even though it was much in this moment, this wasn't the usual. Nostrils flared as he gave a low growl, demanding to know on what ground she treat him like he made her an outside when she did a damn good job of doing that on her own.



2 Years
07-29-2014, 03:54 PM (This post was last modified: 07-29-2014, 04:18 PM by Ainsel.)

Vivek would appear after Fiamette challenged her, her own lips twitching up in a snarl as she glares at her sister boldly. She heard her younger brother talking, but sent no signs that she was even listening to him at all. Moving closer to her sister, the black sheep sat down again, a smile that seemed to try and beg her sister to attack plastered on her face. Parting her jaws, Hestia spoke in a voice that was just brimming with pride and hatred, her blue eyes narrowing as she continued. "Now, you see, Fiamette, I don't think what I said is any of your business. If it had been any of your business, I would have told you." She was just itching for a fight between her and Fiamette, to finally decide who was allowed to control all of the siblings, including the one who lost. Flattening her ears, and bunching her muscles, Hestia would tuck her tail slightly between her legs so that Fiamette couldn't grave it. Her blue eyes were narrowed even more, so that her sister could not hurt her eyes, and she started to let out a low, threatening growl, aimed towards her sister.

When her sister refused to move, or what Hestia thought was her refusing to move, the black sheep tensed her muscles up. Without a warning, the black sheep lunged, aiming to pin her sister down. If she did manage to do that, she would aim to bite the side of her face. If she didn't manage to, she would aim to sink her fangs into her sister's left back leg and aim to give her sister some scars that the red female would remember her by.

-:Fight Stats:-

Round: One of two

Hestia vs Fiamette for: Dominance

Defenses: Flattened ears, Tucked tail, narrowed eyes.
Attacks: Attempting to pin her sister down, bite the side of her face, or bite her left hind leg
Injuries: None

OoC Notes: First fight.



5 Years
07-29-2014, 04:52 PM

As she waits for her sister to repeat herself she silently flags her defenses. Since her fight with the chocolate man she has learned more ways to protect herself by using her body. Ears fold flat against her skull, her eyes narrow to slits, her chin tucks to protect her throat, her muzzle scrunches to better expose her fangs, her lips remain curled, and her head drops to align with her spine. Words spill dangerously from her sister maw, and the girl pivots toward her, aiming to align there chests so they are face to face. She continues to build her defenses, as she can sense her sister's shortening fuse. She rolls her shoulders forward, her hackles raise along her nape and spine, her neck scrunches, and her knees bend to lower body and center her gravity. She distributes her weight evenly between her four limbs, her tail lifting to align with her spine, ready to be used as a rudder when making sharp turns. She grips the loose soil beneath them, her toes flexing and splaying, her narrowed eyes screaming a silent threat. Then, without warning, her sister moves. (this is when Hestia lunges)

Immediately she aims to lunge toward her right, an attempt at dodging her sisters sudden lunge. Although she hopes to have her sister completely miss her, she is not so lucky. Her sisters left shoulder smacks forcefully into her own left shoulder, and she clenches her teeth in agony, trying her best to ignore the pain that courses through her shoulder. It will surely bruise after the fight, but she has no time to dwell on it now. Fangs lash at the very left portion of her left shoulder, and her sister manages to grasp a chunk of fur into her mouth. Her sister's fangs puncture a half inch deep into her flesh, leaving behind a minor flesh wound. The babe snarls in protest, and decides she has had enough of her sisters petty games.

With jaws splayed open the babe cocks her head toward her left, and attempts to full mouth bite her sisters exposed left eye. She aims to sink her top fangs into her sisters left eye brow, and aims to pierce her bottom fangs into the soft portion of her left cheek. She aims to bite, hold, and shake her sister's face as opposed to biting and releasing, as she wants to do as much damage to her face as possible. She aims to shake her head viciously from left to right immediately upon grasping flesh. In sync with her bite, the babe lifts her front left paw and attempts to forcefully bring it down upon her sister's front left paw with an admirable amount of force. She aims to break toes this way, maybe even her whole foot if she is strong enough to do so. Her weight resides within her three limbs as she does this, and she aims to have her left foot return to the earth whither her paw smash is successful or not.

Defenses: Paragraph one
Attacks: Attempting to bite Hestia's left eye, aims to bite and hold. Aims to violently shake her head upon grasping ANY flesh. | Lifts her left paw and attempts to bring it down upon Hestia's left paw. Hopes to break her sisters toes / whole paw if she is strong enough.
Injuries: Bruised left shoulder, half inch bite wound (flesh wound) to left shoulder. Image is here Pink is bruise, red is bite~


ooc- for the judges note, me and Croa have agreed that Fia is 27 inches and Hest is 34 inches at this time. Also decided they were a few feet away from each other before Hestia lunged.

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



2 Years
07-29-2014, 05:26 PM

Although her sister tried to escape, the black sheep crashed into her left shoulder. Resisting a grin as Fiamette grits her teeth in agony, and had sunk her fangs into Fiamette's shoulder. Her fangs sink half an inch into her sister's shoulder, and pulled away as her sister aimed to bite her eye. The female's red jaws clamped onto her left shoulder, and the black sheep whipped her head around. Her jaws open wide, she aimed to grip the flesh around Fiamette's left eye, attempting to shake her head violently if she manages to get a hold on her eye. Pulling away from Fiamette with a painful tug, she glared at her sister. Her front left paw ached, and she stared at it, unsure what had happened. Without another move, she dashed at her sister, ignoring the pain in her paw. She attempted to sink her jaws into her sister's flesh wound, and aimed to shake her head.

Finally, she aimed to grab the left side of Fiamette's neck, pull violently, and shake her head. She would race away, regardless if the moves worked or not. She got ready to see if her sister would attack, her muscles tensed to try and dodge any attacks.

-:Fight Stats:-

Round: Two of two

Hestia vs Fiamette for: Dominance

Defenses: Flattened ears, Tucked tail, narrowed eyes, tucked chin.
Attacks: Aiming to sink her jaws into Fiamette's injured shoulder and shake her head. Aiming to grip the side of Fiamette's neck and pull her head violently before shaking it again. Aiming to bite Fiamette's eye and scar or possibly maim.
Injuries: Scarred place on her left shoulder, bruised paw.

OoC Notes:



5 Years
07-30-2014, 05:31 PM

Her defenses are consistent, each of them flagged to assist the babe in protecting herself in the midst of battle. Her ears are still folded, her eyes are narrowed to slits, her chin is tucked to protect her throat, her muzzle is scrunched to better expose her fangs, her lips are curled, and her head is dropped to align with her spine, although she moves and lifts it while fighting. Her shoulders are rolled forward, her her hackles are raised along her nape and spine, her neck is scrunched, and her knees are slightly bent to center her gravity. She distributes her weight evenly between her four limbs, and tries her best to evenly distribute it while on three legs. Her tail is lifted to align with her spine, and her toes are splaying and gripping the soil beneath them.

Her attacks are not as successful as the babe had initially planned them to be. Her sister rips away before she has a chance to bite her eye, her teeth sinking into her sisters left shoulder. Immediately the nymph rocks her head from left to right, and she pulls a chunk of flesh from Hestia's shoulder. Her head pulls back, her toungue pushing the fur and flesh out of her mouth. She has no time to contemplate her next move before her sisters fangs lash dangerously toward her left eye, and the babe aims to pull her head toward her right, hoping to mimic her sisters previous move and have her eye missed. Hestia's jaws end up lashing at her previous wound, and the babe attempts a quick counter. She juts her left shoulder out forcefully, attempting to shove her bone straight into her sisters face. (COUNTER DAMAGE TOWARD HESTIA PENDING) Jaws clasp her left shoulder despite her attempt, adding more depth to her wound and causing more blood to seep from her interior. Crimson liquid mixes with her hues of scarlet, and she tries to remain unfazed by the pain while in the heat of battle. Her wound has been deepened, and she is left with an inch deep wound in her left shoulder.

Her paw smash had been successful, although she is unsure if she has broken toes or her sister's entire foot. Her sister seems unfazed by it, and leaps toward her again. She was aiming for her shoulder again, and the babe would attempt yet another counter. She turns her head completely toward her left, splays her jaws wide open, and attempts to grasp her sisters bottom jaw into her mouth before she can bite her left shoulder again. She aims to pierce her top fangs into her sisters soft toungue, and aims to sink her bottom fangs into her bottom jaw, just behind her chin where the flesh grows soft and indents. She hopes to avoid having her shoulder bitten again by doing this, as her wound has already gotten worse. She aims to grasp her sisters bottom jaw and clasp it with all her jaw strength, as she knows she has a better chance at keeping her sisters fangs under her control if she can grasp her jaw. In sync with her attempted bite, the nymph lifts her left paw again, and attempts to bring it down forcefully upon the same foot she has just attacked. She hopes to worsen her sisters front left paw, and hopes to render her foot useless for weeks by completely breaking it. Again her weight and balance resides within her three limbs as she does this.

Defenses: First paragraph
Attacks: Attempting to shove her left shoulder into Hestia's face when she goes for her shoulder, since she missed her eye (COUNTER) | Cocks her head completely toward her left and attempts to grasp her sisters bottom jaw (COUNTER TOWARD SECOND SHOULDER ATTACK) | Attempts to lift her left paw again and smash it against her sisters injured paw
Injuries: Bruised left shoulder, half inch deep wound has become an inch deep wound in her left shoulder.
ooc- thank you for the fight Croa! It was fun <3


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"

The Judge


08-10-2014, 04:47 PM

Hestia v Fiamette for Dominance

Round 1

0 for clarity- [-2] you didnt clarify how she tried to pin fia down. Did she try to grab her scruff and yank her down? [-2] where they head to head when she lunged forward. [-2] which side of fias face did she try to bite? [-2] where abouts on the left leg did she try to bite? At the bottom, nearest the top etc. [-2] 'grave it.' doesnt really make sense, make sure to read over your posts.

7 for powerplaying. [-3] When attacking you need to make one attack or the other. putting ' if she didnt manage to' and then a different attack is rather unfair for the opponent. [-2] 'Moving closer to her sister' you need an attempt here

4 for defenses. +1 for each seen

6 for attack. +3 for attempted bite, +2 for trying to pin +3 for attempted bite to face. [-2] for the lack of clarity to the bite to face and leg

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Hestia Total: 27/50


4 for clarity- [-2] when Hestia hits fia's left shoulder where abouts is it? In the center? more towards the bottom etc [-2] the left portion of the shoulder is still pretty big, did hestia get the upper half or bottom half, or center. [-2] you kept using she, which is rather confusing since both characters are female, watch out for that.

7 for powerplaying. [-3] 'immediately upon grasping flesh.' you need an attempt here, by the way you wrote this it assumed you thought the bite and hold was successful.

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

8 for attack. +3 for attempting to break toes +3 for trying to bite her left eye +1 for maim attempt +1 for trying to worsen by shaking left to right.

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Fiamette Total: 39/50

Round 2


0 for clarity- [-3] 'The female's red jaws clamped onto her left shoulder,' If she was aiming for the eye its difficult to miss it so far out as to landing on shoulder. which part of the shoulder did Fia end up getting? The upper portion? Bottom? [-2] you mention that Hestias paw hurt but you dont clarify Fias attack. [-2] 'Without another move, she dashed at her sister' this doesnt really make sense, you say she doesnt make another move and yet she dashes for her sister? [-2] which flesh wound did hestia try to attack? [-2] which part of fias left neck did she try to grab, the top or center, the bottom?

1 for powerplaying. [-3] theres to much movement, having to biting attacks and for them to be successful are unlikely, this also limits what your opponent can do. [-2] Hestia cant just race away, that presumes you think she was successful, you need an attempt. [-2] for not clarifying Fia's paw attack to brake bones. [-2] i feel like your taking very minimum damage and its not very realistic.

1 for defenses. 'muscles tensed. Make sure to add defenses to each post you make, you cant just list them in the stats below.

8 for attack. +3 for trying to grip neck + 3 for trying to grab eye +1 for maim attempt +1 for attempting to worsen by shaking

5 for injuries. -2 for bruising of paw -3 for scarring to shoulder.

Round two Hestia Total: 15/50


8 for clarity- [-2] 'and she pulls a chunk of flesh from Hestia's shoulder' where abouts on the shoulder? Be specific.

2 for powerplaying. [-2] her chins tucked to protect her throat but thats rather hard considering she attempts to clasp around her sister face. Also due to the height difference it'd be hard to tuck in. [-3] 'and she pulls a chunk of flesh from Hestia's shoulder' this is a rather serious attack/maim which you presumed was successful [-3] theres to much movement, as she attempts to shift so hestia missed the shoulder and then Fiamette attempts to bite the bottom jaw, its pretty slight to do all that so quickly in one fight.

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

9 for attack. +3 for attempting to brake toes again +1 for trying to worsen previous attack +3 for attempting to clasp hestias jaw +2 for shove

5 for injuries. -3 for wound to shoulder -2 for the bruising that will come

Round two Fiamette Total: 34/50


Hestia: 42/100

Fiamette: 73/100

And the winner is...

Fiamette! Hestia must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Hestia- Bruising will take a few ic days, bite wounds 2 ic weeks, scars will remain on shoulder. Toes if broken will take 2-3 ic months to heal

Fiamette- Scarring on shoulder, bruising will take a few ic days to heal.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Croaton
Make sure to always include atleast 8 defences, simply listing them wont gain points!:) Also, watch out for to much movement, its unfair for the opponent.

For Aislyn.
You did very well on this fight, same to you really. To much movement is unrealistic.

- By [Luisiana]



2 Years
08-11-2014, 02:13 PM

Her sister's bone hit her face, and Hestia pulled away, a snarl on her face. The second time she attacked, Fiamette's fangs pierced her tongue and just behind her chin. Shaking her head, she noticed her sister's paw raising up, too late. Pain went through her paw, and, on reflex, she jolted it up. Pain speared through her, and she kept the black paw close to her ebony chest. She struggled to get away from her sister, yanking her head away, even though the pain worsened. It had not been the best idea to do that, but she couldn't fight anymore. It was her first fight against a wolf, and was obviously inexperienced. Shaking her head, she spat out some blood, sending a glare at her older sister. Blood matted her fur, and pain went through her shoulder as she limped away. With a glance at Arisu, she opened her jaws to speak, although it caused her some pain.

"I'll meet you there when you find somewhere to stay. Just howl." With another glare at Fiamette, the black sheep tucked her tail between her legs slightly in submission, but soon let it go into it's normal position, pausing for a moment to look down at her paw. With a low growl, she limped off in any direction, knowing Arisu could catch up to her.



09-14-2014, 11:40 PM

ooc;; this post must have gotten lost D: wanted to put something short back up for something more official, idk. basically disowning the girls.

For a time she would sit, taking their anger and rage with a sigh, eyes closing and a look of disgust slowly rolling over her features like a storm cloud. She hadn't done any of this for them, hadn't had this pack for them. it had all been for Desiree. She hadn't even wanted these little bastards in the first place. Hestia and Arisu spoke of being disappointed? With her? And then her son would appear, the only one speaking rationally of the bunch and slowly she would lift herself, move to stand beside him. Maw would lower in an attempt to touch her maw to his head in a show of appreciation and affection. "Thank you?" Her words were a soft murmur into his fur before she would turn to look to her daughters. Useless? Her lips would curl into the softest snarl as a fight began to break out. Hestia and Fia? How was that not surprising. "None of you are worthy of the name Sovari? None of this was for you, you are not entitled to anything. If your want an empire, build your own. If you want a family you can make your own as well? I'm done with your shit." Her words were sharp, but she doubted it got through the scrap. But she didn't care. She would nod briefly to Vivek, allowing him to follow if he so wished but she would leave, turning and setting off. She didn't care who won the fight, didn't care what happened to them. In her mind she only had two children anymore, only had two sons.

-exit vi-


Table by Neffs