
The Eye of the Storm[event thread]



09-15-2014, 09:03 AM

The storm wouldn?t wake her, but the water level would. As the liquid would begin to creep into her den the wetness of her fur would wake her from slumber. Bright bicolored eyes would flash open to take in the scene before her. Song?s ears would be assaulted with the sound of raging wind and angry thunder as the storm?s ferocity would bring her to wakefulness. She woudln?t let panic set in but fright would grip her heart as she struggled to calm her mind and organize her thoughts. She had to get Arivae and the pack to higher ground. She?d take Arivae into her jaws, she was almost to big to do that with, but thankfully not there yet. She?d try to wake Garthinaw, who seemed to already be stirring, and her form would slip from the den.
Only to be greeted with the downpour and the ferocious winds. She?d feel herself lean into the larger male as she struggled with her footing, worry setting in even further as she thought of the pack members that weren?t in her line of sight. Silent and her new pup, Anthem, her own yearling children. How did they fare? She?d grunt, handing over their weighted daughter to Garthinaw and putting her head back to call for the pack. Over and over she would call as she kept searching for higher ground to gather on.

"Speech" Think "You"



5 Years
09-16-2014, 11:06 PM

She was cold and she was wet, not a good combination and it made Canta irritable. The girl huddled in her den, almost too afraid to step outside. Then she heard it. Her mother was calling them together, just barely audible over the howling wind. Gritting her teeth the young Destruction plunged out into the outside world. Driving rain seemed to seep straight into her bones, the wind lashing at her fur. Canta ducked her head doing her best to shield her eyes as she frantically searched for her mother. Finally she saw the bright white form, a beacon in the swirling grey world of the storm.
?Mother?? She shouted, trying to be heard above the wind. Her voice carried all the unspoken questions. Are you alright? Is my sister? The girl turned to gaze out across the grey expanse looking for the others. They would need to move soon!

[Image: oLGAaTF.png]



09-17-2014, 08:22 PM

The storm came faster than Garthinaw had anticipated. He had seen the clouds and felt the winds of change, but he had continued with his daily schedule. After cleaning off in a stream and drying his pelt in the rising breezes, he had curled up around Song and Arivae, making his day complete with the welcoming forty winks. Instead of sleeping through a quiet night, however, the world outside had other plans.
The large male woke up with a start, realizing that something was wrong. Water had seeped into their den, slowly rising from his paws to the middle of his lower legs. Song was already on her feet and roughly passed their daughter over to him. He clumsily scooped her in his jaws and made sure that she was securely in his mouth. Words came to him, but were muffled in his daughter's fur as he followed his dear Song out to the nasty storm.
His large, black paws carried him through the squelching mud, wind and rain being tossed every which way. Song pressed herself against his body and the two wolves moved in unison, all the while ensuring Arivae's safety. He pushed harder than usual into the ground, making sure he wouldn't be tossed into the storm that surrounded them. Song called for the pack, hoping that they would come and follow her to safer ground. His glacier-blue eyes looked through what pieces of the storm he could, finally seeing Canta approach out of nowhere. He pressed himself closer to Song, hoping that no one would try to appear and separate her from him.

Table by Lu
[Image: jZBCock.png]



09-17-2014, 08:41 PM

Dhiren had been in his den, hiding away from the rain for a change. After dealing with the sudden downpour the other day, he was worried about getting sick. As he lay curled in a ball of black and white fur, he began to feel wet and cold. Silver and gold eyes had been closed, dreams with various colors and a white background swimming in front of his eyeballs. When the physical contact with the water met him, he woke up with a start. Head snapped around to see the water slowly rising around his body. 'Oh crap,' he thought.
He rose onto all four paws and quickly trotted towards Guinevere's den. She was still asleep with the little baby beside her, unaware of the danger quickly approaching. Dhiren slipped into her den and began to nudge her with his already damp muzzle. "Guin," he said, tones gentle as he attempted to wake her. When she didn't wake, he nudged her again. "Guinevere," he sternly repeated, tones rising in volume and urgency. Once she began to stir, he didn't waste time in explaining in many words. "Rain. Flooding. Go. Now."
Dhiren patiently waited for her to scoop up her daughter in her mouth and led the way out into the murky darkness. Rain and dark clouds rolled above them, wind whipping everywhere and smacking Dhiren with a combination of the falling water. A low growl slipped from his lips in irritation before he heard his mother's call from a good bit away. He turned his head in the direction her howl came from before looking back for Guinevere. When she was ready, he walked alongside her to ensure her safety. They stumbled and almost lost their footing, but regained their balance before making it to a higher hill.
As they travelled the distance from Guinevere's den to Song's highest peek, Dhiren didn't leave the girl's side. He took Charmaine in his jowls when she looked exhausted, carrying the weight of the small pup as they progressed one step at a time. His silver and gold eyes watched her attentively with each step forward until they reached Song, Garth, Arivae, and Canta. He let Guinevere walk ahead of him, staying close to her hips as she pulled herself up beside Garthinaw's tall form. With the pup still in his mouth, Dhiren met Song's gaze before handing Charmaine back to her mother. He moved around the wolves to get beside his mother and began to howl with her for the other members whom hadn't made it.

Lineart courtesy of Kaylink on dA - Character belongs to Wynn

Silent I


11 Years
09-17-2014, 09:04 PM

She had been enjoying a quiet conversation with Bronze when the storm had started. Steel was resting peacefully beside her and the atmosphere remained serene despite the rain. All was great until the thunder boomed and the clouds broke their silence. The rain fell at an alarming speed, followed by the wind that swept the storm up and around the springs. It sounded horrible and Silent knew that it would get worse.
Without her having to say it, the rain began to rise on top of the ground. Due to its speed, the forest was unable to absorb all of the needed water. Silent saw it approaching her den's entrance and the air caught in her throat. Black ears flattened against her skull and she looked over to Bronze with a timid facial expression. "Bronze, we must move to higher ground, unless we wish to not make it to morning."
She nudged Steel's sleeping form and urged him in words. "Baby, let's get up. It's time to go exploring." She licked his forehead before scooping him up in her jaws. Slowly, she pushed herself onto her black paws and stood on aching joints. Silent didn't complain as she looked at Bronze to make sure he was doing the same. A few steps took her towards the front of their den and she began to walk through the rising waters.
The storm she stepped into was horrible. Cold water came from the sky, immediately soaking her sleek, black coat. With the wind tossing everything in sight around her and Steel's weight, she bowed her head against Nature's tantrum and continued to walk towards higher ground. Song's call, mixed with Dhiren's, hit the air and even though it was temporary, Silent figured out where they were. She looked for Bronze and felt his frame next to hers as she took the slow steps needed to survive the oncoming tides.




6 Years
09-24-2014, 08:45 PM

Anthem had never been a big fan of rain. Even the gentlest of drizzles was mildly distressing to him. He greatly preferred the bright sunshine; he liked when the flowers stood tall and strong and the air was filled with their floral scent, rather than the damp smell of rainwater.

The storms had quickly rolled in over the lands of Sawtooth, the steady and rhythmic beating of rain on the earth slowly growing more and more ferocious. A sigh left the pale-furred man's lips as he pressed his back to the side of his den. His chosen place to sleep was small, especially for a full-grown man, but he appreciate the feeling of the walls against him and the security the enclosure offered him. Of course, it was common for him to romp into the sleeping dens of his many siblings and other family members, but the rain had kept him inside for most of the last few days. Anthem had no interest in getting wet, and as he heard thunder cracking somewhere in the distance, he grew even less willing to leave the safety of his den.

Though the storm was upsetting, he only grew panicked when he felt the cold water seeping into the fur of his paws and belly. Suddenly, with painful clarity, he realized how badly he missed Novella and the rest of Threar. They were not far, and he knew he was welcome into their home anytime, but he knew they were further away than they had been before. What if he needed them, he wondered? He missed Symphony most of all, for she hadn't spoken to him much since her return. A whimper escaped his lips as he pulled himself onto all fours. What would he do now? The floor of his den was wet and he didn't like the idea of lying in a puddle of water, but the skies were pouring rain -- either way, he would be getting wet.

He was happy to hear Song's call ring out over the lands. Her guidance was needed, and quickly he would duck his head low as he barreled somewhat dramatically from his den, as though he could outrun the rain as he made his way to his sister's call. Paws would carry him quickly over the slick ground, almost losing traction with the earth as he moved hurriedly toward Song. He had not been far from her, but the walk alone had distressed him -- now that he was soaked to the bone, shivering from the cold of the wind and rain. He let a whimper escape his throat as he moved to press his nose to her face, needing reassurance, wondering what they were doing.