
I have to move on before I drown

Magnus 1


09-15-2014, 11:15 AM

The man took a shuddering breath. this was once a place he had called home, he assumed that Ludicael had simply moved; there was no way that his former home was lost, but this had also been the place of his greatest failure. how he longed to see Zlata and Australis, but the time for that was over. He had to leave things like that in the past. He was not as young as he once was. He had once stood here a part of a pack, a mate and a father. But that had all been washed away, and that section of his life had come to an end.
The rain had quieted down a bit now, but still, every drop stung as it lashed at his skin. the storm wasn't quite as bad as it had been when he first returned to Alacritia. He had passed through severe areas of storm. the gods were clearly enraged.
OOC: this is my first post in a long time, so yeah, I'm pretty damn rusty



4 Years
09-15-2014, 11:35 AM

The ivory sadist would pace herself down towards The Rock Garden, large muscles rippling beneath her scarred up pelt. Her docked tail slowly swayed behind her, yet some actions still hurt her banner. That damn bastard that had made off with her tail and scarred up her pelt. Well, surely enough, next time she saw the mutt, she would make it off with his head.

The pale Queen would huff a sigh and gracefully bring her large bodice to land atop of a boulder, gold and amethyst topaz orbs flicking through her surrounding areas. She would spot a male not far off away from her, and Anzhelika would bark up a greeting. "Yo." She would say, the single lyric holding a calm, low timbre.

(OOC; Anzy trying to be gangsta, yo B) xD Jk. But that was a bit rusty, I had a bit of a muse block. Sorryyyy)

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!

Magnus 1


09-15-2014, 11:51 AM

The scent of her was muffled by storm but it still flowed to him. He chose to ignore it. That was until a single noise was omitted from that silly little mouth. He whirled around, rather annoyed that his peace had been disturbed. But he was quite surprised by what he saw. She was beautiful, she could almost rival Aurora. But not quite. Mismatched orbs gazed at him with a harsh light from behind a thick pelt of cream and honey. But again, not even the Queens of old would rival his beloved.
"Yes? What do you want?" The words were harsh, spat out in anger. she may have been beautiful, but she was disturbing him. He wanted to be left alone to his thoughts. Trouble was not what he sought, but if she bothered him anymore he might just tear her throat out though that pretty little neck of hers.


09-15-2014, 11:52 AM

The mighty titan prowled the entire entry of the rock garden, her queenly attire was nary a mistake as the fine pink scar that lay kin to her snout glistened in the eerie late morning. No songs of dark nature spewed from the goddesses lips, only the demented growls of something far more insidious. She was on the hunt, the kill. It was thus the intoxicating scent of Anzhelika caught her attention father than the newly found odor of a masculine. One she has yet to be acquainted with in the lands of Alacritia.

Trudging onward, in march with her own silent rhythm. Her paws ever missed a beat while continuing down a path that led her upon the two pale hounds, meanwhile her growls still ruptured, seeming as if she were going to strike though that wasn't the case. Her strings are controlled by the very hands of death, she knows not what she does sometimes, but now she insisted that she'd take the reins this time. Taking a spot beside her friend, and in the dying silence she found herself eyeing the brute, sparkling silver orbs flickering with a candlelight flame.

Sinister seemed to have ill-intentions on harming him, though for what benefit and trophy will she conquer? Nothing, perhaps coming off more as a bitch wouldn't be to wise, so the demonic dame abruptly changed her sense of humor for the mean time. Steel-made muscles shifting beneath thick layers of snow white fur, little scars here and there birthing to life then dying once again as her pelt shielded their tragedies. Making no effort in speaking, instead she'd listen until a voice would call forth upon her.

OOC: I'll be replying to our thread here in a second mishipoo <33




4 Years
09-15-2014, 12:12 PM (This post was last modified: 09-15-2014, 12:14 PM by Anzhelika.)

"What do I want? Nothing in particular, just tossing up a hello," her tone would still consist of a calm, low, timbre, yet it was laced with her venom that lashed itself out when the words fell from the ivory Queen's mouth.

Suddenly a familiar and enticing scent reached her through the storm, large head turning just in time to meet the gaze of silver hued optics. "Sinister," she would say with a soft chuckle, a small smile turning up the corners of her ebony lips. The white demon would jump atop the rock and place herself next to Anzhelika, the ivory Queens sitting upon a high throne.

Her attention would turn back to the male, yet she would stay quiet, large pale bodice sinking down upon her haunches, docked ivory tail wrapping itself neatly next to her.

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!

Magnus 1


09-15-2014, 12:40 PM

"What do I want? Nothing in particular, just tossing up a hello," A hello. huh. not something he wanted. he wanted her to leave. that would be preferable. just as he was about to reply another woman slunk in and sat beside the first. great. more company. Sinister So this sinister woman was going to play mysterious, hard to crack and still as stone. he hated that type, they always played the guard. "I wouldn't have thought of you as the type of woman who needs a bodyguard you seem strong enough to look after yourself. Is she here in case I misbehave?" he said with a sly grin. It didn't come out quite as he'd hoped, but to hell with it. Let her and her silent bodyguard interpret it as they would.

He sat down, still keeping an eye on the silent brute. He did not trust this duo. Not in the slightest. He kept himself tense, ready to spring to his feet. He had been wary these past months. in fact it had nearly been a year. gods. he had kept the grin on his face. let them think that he was relaxed.


09-15-2014, 12:57 PM

Ooh, such bravely, to speak to a demon like that was like challenging the Devil for his throne. Though, unusually she stayed silent, but, a evil smirk crept onto her countenance and a eerie chuckle ripped from pale lips. Anzhelika needed no bodyguard, she could take care of herself, and for this brute to suggest such a thing was something very unorthodox. What he spat out could possibly harm the other dames pride, nary any of Sin's of course since she was a sociopath -- not because shes a killer, but because shes an apathetic; someone who just doesn't give a damn about anything in life and lives like she doesn't have a care in the world, which might be true.

A fitting growl escaped, her expression no longer holding that grin upon her facial features. Instead it was replaced with a quarrel of multiple demonic devices, one that held death and betrayal and another that held a cold and violent aroma. She was in no dire mood to be sought out as some useless guard over her friend who could certainly fend for herself. So, without another thought raging vocal cords vibrated against a larynx laced in unkind venom and dreadful sins. The voice of a angelic then again a demon sated its whole tune. "You speak of lies brute, I am not her bodyguard, as you call it. Instead I am a friend, passing through and I so happen to fall upon the likes of you and Anzhelika. So, should you misinterpret something again, you won't only be misbehaving but you'll also be wishing you never said that."




09-15-2014, 01:06 PM

The first few days within the group, the boy would wander away from the marked lands, scoping out farther and farther away just in case he would ever find any trace of his sibling again. With each trip however, the chances she was still a round would dwindle more and more, until there was nothing left. As much as Australis wanted to believe she was still out there, the longer she was gone only strengthened the fact that she wasn't going to come back. First Aurora, then Magnus, then they come back only for mother to leave once more, Zlata disappearing after until finally his father went with. It was sickening.

Just when the boy was about to turn back and go to the packland, a scent caught his attention on the wind, familiar. Just sweeping past his nose was enough to bring a low growl from the boy's lips, eyes narrowing as his body turned back, paws carrying him along the trail. He would move at a steady jog, not eager in one meet to see if the trail lead to the one who it belonged to. Tail swung, body calm, ears flicking at a few droplets of rain falling upon them.

It wouldn't take long for the young male to get close enough to catch two more scents mixed with the first, but they were not as musky, these were much different. Women. The boy's brows came together harshly, the fur along his spine raising while his pace slowed down to a quiet walk. Just a few more steps and they would come into view, the man standing before two women who were sitting upon rocks. Was he flirting? The boy's tail lashed behind his large frame, aqua hued eyes landing on his father but quickly went to the woman who spoke after him.

The boy chuckled at her choice of words, though his demeanor and facial expression was emotionless stone. "And so will you, wench." Though he had meant to sound harsh, his tone would only come as calm and emotionless. His gaze, a void of nothingness would move away from the woman's backside (he is behind them) and turn to the one who he would have called father when he was younger, gaze hardening. "New ass?" He questioned, ears swiveling forward, the muscles beneath his coat rippling. It would not surprise the boy if the old man was looking for new ass to play around with, bang some chick, and once kids come around ditch them and move onto the next. Was it a game for him?
