
It sure doesn't look like it



3 Years
08-19-2014, 06:40 AM

The battlefield was a very familiar place. Upon returning to Alacritis it seemed to be the first place to come. Despite his nature, and his search for Eulari. This was the path that had been set for himself and a curious one at that. No wonder he had left, this place had served only one purpose for him. And when Eulari had been trapped in the north him unable to get to her the man hadn't bothered to try. But now as usual, he smiled and his tail waved back and forth. He was completely unaware of the family he had here. All that he had his mind concentrated on was trying to settle himself and start a new adventure. He wasn't very experienced, he needed to learn a lot. The prince was ready to stretch a few strings to revoke his royal blood pride. That was just how it worked. So Colman sat, beady eyes forward as he waited for someone to present themselves to him.


Rune I


5 Years
08-22-2014, 12:26 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

He had put it off for as long as he could. There had been plenty to do within the pack to keep him busy those first weeks, enough hunting and patrolling and border checking to distract him from the fact Secretua's numbers were few and that eventually, for the betterment of the pack, he was going to need to let strangers in. The thought at first had sent him off to inspect parts of the pack lands all over again, anything to get his mind off of the hard fact but it had remained no matter what he did. His family, though decently sized, was not enough to make the pack all on its own. He needed more wolves that he could trust and who could and would pull their weight once allowed the chance. He needed to recruit.

The Battlefield had been a thought in the back of his mind from the start, the easiest and surest way to find those in need or in search of a permanent residence somewhere. His reluctance was mainly due to knowing that many different types crossed into this area, seeking many different things for themselves. How could they be trusted? How could he take one of them home and know without a doubt that no harm would come to his children and his nephews because of his decision? It had not been an easy decision to make, had not even been an easy journey to make knowing it could have all been for nothing, but he had made it. The grey male wore his customary frown, feeling irritable and rather out of place though he had every right to be here. Just as every untrustworthy, malicious rogue had a right to be here too.

Who he found did not outwardly appear as devious as he had originally expected. In fact, the rogue male did not pace or prowl or run about manically. No, he sat, patiently waiting with a smile about his face, as if the predicament he found himself in was quite alright with him. It reigned Rune in from outright approaching him, wondering instead if he might have misunderstood the intent behind the wolf's patience. The grey wolf's frosty blue eyes stared at the stranger for a little while before he finally worked up the nerve to approach, holding himself with the authority of the leader that he was and wearing it in the stern lines of his face. His dark paws slowed and drew him to a stop a comfortable distance away from the rogue, still eying him warily even as he asked, "Are you waiting for someone?"



3 Years
08-26-2014, 06:52 AM

Colman would stop for a moment when he heard the voice. Before smiling and laughing a little bit at the male. He couldn't help being friendly, or smiling. It wasn't like him to be down in the dumps. Ever since he learned about his mothers death things had been different. After all, it had been when he was gone. His tail curled a little. "I guess you could say that, I'm not waiting for any specific people. More over I'm looking for a good home. It's not easy to choose one and end up stuck." Colman said, hoping Rune knew he was talking about the packs.

Colman shifted a little, it was logical for wolves to be afraid of strangers. It was not an illogical fear. But once he was given the chance to prove himself, that was what he enjoyed most. Earning trust and keeping it, he really didn't want much in life. He wanted to find Eulari with the hope she'd accept him back in her arms. Even if that dream was far off.




6 Years
08-26-2014, 10:23 AM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2014, 09:05 AM by Azalea.)

Azalea strolled into across the battlefield, casual with loose shoulders and her tail over her back. She had a pack to represent now, not that the lack of one ever stopped her from showing off her pride.

She was true royalty, spawned from the Adravendi line but now rising above her Adravendi linage. Epiphron Adravendi had tried to put her to shame, her face bore those marks, but her attempts had been in vain as Azalea's power had led her to rise above the challenges of a family at war. She was the black sheep, but in the end she was not, nor would she ever truly be, Adravendi by blood.

Despite their short comings it would prove that the Armada's were the ones who had her back. Roman was thus far a good friend, though she was worn down with all that had happened. It was Azalea's given duty to pull the pack through, to lead it once more to greatness. She could do it, she knew, if only they would stick with her.

It was then that Azalea left her own mind, realizing there were wolves ahead of her. Both were in grey-tone and against the bleak backdrop, Azalea had to blink to be sure she was seeing them right. Curiosity struck her, as the pair was clearly not quarreling. She strode over, taking wide steps to cover ground quickly. Her pace would slow as she approached, realizing that one of the wolves appeared to be another alpha. She nodded to him first and then the other, dark headed, wolf. "Odd place for a meeting, boys." She gave a light smile.

"I am Azalea Adravendi, new Empress of Ethereal." If nothing else this could bring her some fun. Azalea was quite bored currently.

Rune I


5 Years
08-27-2014, 12:05 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Rune listened with a confused sort of scowl, unable to place the male's reason for his laughter and not altogether approving of it either. This was a serious matter as far as the Guardian was concerned, though it appeared this was only the case for him. There was simply too much at stake, too much that could be lost or hurt or broken, from inviting the wrong sort of individual into his home for him to take his task of recruitment lightly. Ruling Secretua was not fun or entertaining; it was simply a necessity that had needed to be taken in order to achieve the type of environment he thought would best suit those he had vowed to protect and care for. Just a little he wondered if there even was a location to find the type of individuals he wished to welcome into his home.

The man stated he did not wait for anyone in particular to show - expressing some subtle suggestion that he did not want to find himself stuck in a position or pack he did not approve of - but that did not keep them from showing up. There was only time enough between them for the stranger to answer his singular question before another approached the pair, this one eye catching even from a distance. The red about her face struck an immediate chord within Rune's memory, drawing him back to the very early days of his mateship with Alamea, when he had foregone pursuing Tortuga in order to be with her and begin their lives together. Was she part of their family, the ones who had ruled Valhalla, with their identifying russet markings? Or could she merely have been a lookalike with a strangely similar color pattern?

Rune turned to look at her more closely, drawn into staring openly at the woman due to the familiarity he felt at seeing her. It was not until she introduced herself that full recognition hit, and for just a second the ever-present frown about his faced smoothed out in a moment of unguarded understanding. An Adravendi! That explained her looks, the familiarity he felt in seeing her, the sense that he had seen her before. She was one of them, the ones who had once ruled Valhalla, the ones who were now scattered to all reaches of Alacritia. Or at least...most of them. The pack she named was completely unknown to the grey male, and once again his frown returned, a new confusion overtaking him. "Regium?" he asked, his pale eyes still no less cold than they had been though they contained considerably more curiosity now, "Where's that?" Was it new perhaps? With the downfall of Covari, Rune had fallen out of contact with much of what was going on in the other regions. It seemed there was plenty of catching up he would have to do once diplomatic affairs began to work their way into his schedule. However far down the road that would be.



3 Years
09-18-2014, 03:23 PM
Colman felt a little uncomfortable in his position. He suddenly tensed feeling the emotion off of time after his sarcastic laugh. He didn't mean to mess things up, after losing his mate the average male was confused on what direction to take. The other woman reminded him far too much of his mother whom he had torn her ear off in a fit of rage. He didn't want to seem like he was freaking out so he bit into his tongue mildly before beginning to speak. "Adravendi, my other was friends with them. Her name was Vahva." He stated in a calm voice. Maybe his mind would b able to wrap around his emotions if he was careful.

He turned to rune and dipped his head suddenly realizing that this was becoming far more stressful than he had intended. "My name is Colman Hutashi, I'm looking for a new home since I lost my mate. I have mild fight training but my strong point is hunting" he said to the two of them. "I'm looking for a place where I can be accepted and work hard, build good relationships." He hoped they would not fight for him. But he was more leaning towards the males pack.

Rune I


5 Years
09-27-2014, 10:17 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The red-headed woman hardly had a moment to speak as the blue-eyed loner piped up, addressing her with some mention of his mother. Rune, though not entirely interested in whatever vague relation the two might have had, merely glanced between them with a brow raised. Would that be it then? Would this speculative relationship be all it would take for his mission of recruitment to fall through? He had feared so, but a quick glance at the male again made him unsure. There was no look of friendliness or comfort as the male looked at Azalea. In fact, if the Guardian wanted to put a name to it, he looked almost uncomfortable and worried.

It was not his place to ask - and honestly he did not care overmuch - so Rune allowed the male to turn and speak to him next, assessing him with his customary frown. He gave his name as Colman and attested to his skill as a hunter, only just touching on the fact he had a little bit of fight skill to him as well. Though he looked nervous, a fact Rune was unsure about, he at least had the sense to plead his case and speak of his strong points, and considering Secretua was still so new any strong point was a much-needed asset.

From the corner of his eye, Rune turned his frosty blue gaze on Azalea before speaking up, unsure of the woman's intentions but eager not to let this possible recruit slip away. "Secretua is still very new and needs pack-oriented individuals. Most of us are family already. Is that a problem for you?" It was likely an odd question, but it was a worry Rune had. With most of the pack being related already, he feared new wolves being put off by their inherent closeness and eventually leaving because they could not find a place among them. It had yet to happen with his single recruit so far, but the last thing he wanted was to drag someone there who would leave soon after.

OOC: Sorry, Trynx! D: Wanted to keep this going.



3 Years
10-14-2014, 10:01 PM

Colman looked at Rune for a few moments. He was a broken man, who lost his mate. A family of wolves was probably the best for him, something to keep his mind off of the woman he held affections for no longer being at his side. She was probably dead, it was best to assume so. After all, he hadn't seen or scented her in forever. It was as if she never existed, but he knew she had, it just made it sting more that way. Colman would smile painfully at the man. "It wouldn't be Rune, if I could become a part of this family, well then I'd say I would be graced by the gods."
He mused before dipping his head towards Rune. "I'd work hard and hopefully forget my old wounds. If you'd accept me." his ears flicked. Their two different colors making it seem like there were two separate parts of him. Yet, really he just needed to forget about these sad things. They would get the best of him otherwise.


Rune I


5 Years
10-24-2014, 12:11 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Rune might not have displayed much as far as what he was thinking, but the answer Colman gave was encouraging. Secretua needed individuals who were going to want to become part of his family, blood relation aside, in order for them to function at the level he wished them to. They needed to support one another, count on one another, and not shy away from the cohesion that he was trying to establish. For Colman to see the offer of belonging in this manner, of having a place with a purpose, as being a blessing, the grey Guardian was feeling more confident and comfortable with the thought of extending an invitation.

To his surprise, rather than waiting on the offer to become fully realized and voiced by him, the blue-eyed stranger immediately placed his fate at Rune's paws. The stern leader regarded the male carefully for a moment, deliberating as he often did when trying to gauge the trustworthiness and dedication of those he was considering of inviting into his home. There were precious lives there within the Gulley of Secretua that he wished to protect, lives that he had promised to guard and guide, and it would have been against his conduct to allow some unsavory sort to slip past his inspection.

But Colman did not portray himself as any sort of threat. If anything, he was simply another lost soul looking for a direction in which to wander. How funny that this was the same sort of description Rune would have used to describe his family when they had first started out away from Covari and into the formation of Secretua. "I'll be holding you to your word," Rune warned by way of acknowledging and accepting Colman's offer of fealty. "Consider yourself part of Secretua. A Hunter, since you say that's your strong point. We could use a few more anyway."

It was awkward to conduct business before someone else, but rather than make things more awkward than need be Rune cast only a fleeting glance at the russet-faced wolf who observed before turning away from the small gathering to lead his newest pack member home.

-Exit Rune-