
Learning as we grow



1 Year
09-13-2014, 12:18 AM (This post was last modified: 09-13-2014, 08:45 PM by Alectrona.)
(OOC: sorry for it being a short starter, not exactly sure what she could be doing at the moment XD)

Alectrona decided it was time to try and explore her home a bit more but without her parents supervision. She was curious and wanted to learn about things as her little mind would soak up all information she could gather. Her paws that she had yet to grow into completely made running a little difficult for Alectrona but it didn't stop her as she stumbled once or twice. Sea green eyes scanned the land of the Emerald Valley or so she could see anyway, wanting to learn more about and its residents who also call this place their home.

Little by little her footfalls could be heard rustling the grass beneath her paws as she bounded a little further from the den. Not too far so in case she could call out for her mum and dah if she were in trouble. Particularly her dah, she wanted to be daddy's 'little' girl even when she grew up, wanting to take after him in the many duties that he does. For now though she needed to take her time to explore, to learn, to play, to meet others in the pack particularly other pups. Pack life may become hard as they grew up but at least a friend or two would help a bit no matter what rank they were to be.


09-18-2014, 10:00 PM

The rustle of the grasses were what disturbed the boy's sleep. He had left the den, though not to far so that his adoptive parents could find him without too much trouble. At least this time. He didn't want to be caught sleeping at such a great distance away. But exploring, with how quiet he was, Thany felt that he would be able to creep around the danger. He wasn't terribly brave, at least not outright, but the male moved with the silence of death. His namesake was of a god that many feared, but death was not something that was simply evil or cruel. It might have been cold... but it was welcoming. It could take away all pain, and give birth to a new existence. Of peace. But only if a spirit found their light. If not... that spirit would remain restless... and the gods would work to help it find peace.

Or so that was what Thanatos would dream. In those dreams he would see a dark land, but walking along it would be lit with small things of light. Plants it seemed, though the boy never stopped to examine them. No, he kept padding along, slow, sure. He accepted this place. Was not afraid. Even when he heard the crying, the moans of terror and pain... no... Thanatos did not fear it. This place, he felt, was where the dead walked. Where he was supposed to return one day. This particular part, while not so welcoming, was just part of the path. Part of the dividing land. He heard the souls of the damned, who begged for mercy and cried with pain that would never be released. Yet he was no such wolf. He would keep walking, until he saw something wrapped in a flowing cloak. He would approach, eyes searching for the figure's face under the hood, but instead a purple light would fill his vision...

...and Thanatos would fully wake. His head would come off his paws, a gasp leaving him. A quiet sound it was, barely audible at all, really, unless one was next to him. That was when he would see her. One of the pups he was supposed to den with. Hercules' sister. He had met Herc, well, more officially, and actually spent a bit of time with him and his sister. It wasn't so bad, really... interacting. But he still preferred to do it one on one. Maybe... the boy hoped... maybe she too could tolerate him? Become a friend? Thanatos would rise on his paws, ears flicking back nervously as he gave a soft bark, sounding a little hoarse at how quiet it was, in an attempt to get her attention. He was off to her right, and falling a bit behind her now. If she didn't hear him he'd have to catch up to her.

Walk "Talk" Think



1 Year
09-20-2014, 02:47 AM

Alectrona stopped upon hearing the bark and spotted the boy who was coming up to her. Politely she returned a bark of her own in a playful manner as she waited. Letting her sea green eyes look over the boy, taking in his appearance as if she was drinking from the river of knowledge. Perhaps he would tolerate her with her many questions and for now her rather what she would deem messy appearance. Never was Alectrona one to present herself to others in such a manner but she hoped that this male wouldn't judge her on such a trivial thing. The questions were bubbling within her and soon she would have a chance to fire them all off and hopefully some of them might stick. However if the male didn't want to answer them that was fine as well after all she could possibly become friends with him. Yes friends were always indeed good particularly if a strong bond is formed which helps eases the burden of almost any kind of work.

Her sea green eyes looked over the environment as well to make sure there were no hidden surprises waiting for them. Ever since going out on patrol once with her beloved father she was trying to become more and more aware of her surroundings so she wouldn't be such a easy target as she would grow older. One of these days she was going to test her father just to see if his own skills were up to par or at least enough to entertain her more than likely to just entertain her every so often. Though first thing she was to do was to introduce herself to the male who was approaching her and with her gentle voice her words came about "Hello there, lovely day today isn't it? I'm Alectrona, Alectrona Olympus and you are?" she wanted to know his name before any further conversation.



09-27-2014, 07:19 PM

Her own words were soft, and Thany was grateful for that. He did not care for those who were overly loud and obnoxious. He would give her a little, shy smile. Alectrona. It was a pretty name. He?d heard his caretakers use it before, but this was actually his first time speaking to her. Socially awkward as he was, he didn?t easily approach others straight away. Normally it was better if he was the one approached. Hence why it took so long for him to even really get to know those in his own pack.

?My name... Is Thanatos.? He would speak quietly, twitching his ears some as he came to a stop. ?Thanatos Olympus.... And... Yes it... Is.? He would look around slowly before letting his bright gaze go back to her. ?Herc... Is your brother... You... Have another sister... Right??

Walk "Talk" Think