



09-01-2014, 02:28 PM (This post was last modified: 09-01-2014, 05:37 PM by Rixva.)
Well, well, well. She was finally here. On Alacritis. She heard of the fabled land in her own homelands, in whispers and rumors. It was a wonderous land, free of most terrors where wolves ruled. It was a paradise, some said, but the path to it was treacherous. Others said it was a living hell, and once you go you can never leave. Some were right, and some were wrong, Rixva thought. It is indeed beautiful, even in the north. And there are many packs. But there are still terrors. Here she smiled to herself, pointed canines flashing. She herself was a terror. It was a difficult journey, yes, but no paradise, not a living hell, and she most certainly could leave if she felt like it.

The black and white female shook herself out of her thoughts and slunk forward, weaving around the massive trunks of the redwood. Perhaps she would dwell here, somewhere in this forest. For the time being, of course. Only long enough to equate herself with the surrounding land, perhaps... have a little fun with the inhabitants. Find someone to sell herself to. Amber and green eyes gleamed at the prospect, a sly smile appearing on her face as she breathed in. The scents of wolves were all around her. Through the territory she already traversed, she had scented even more. This land was well populated, and soon enough she would be ready to go among them.


09-05-2014, 04:30 AM

All over the male had wandered these damned lands, and it was back to the north that he now found himself. The cold was preferable to the heat of summer, though he still had a mission to fulfill within the other parts of the lands. He doubled his little... Troublemaker would come here, to the north. No... Being as small as she was she would likely freeze in the snows, even in this season. But Kau was a patient man, and he walked with a steady gate, his single light purple orb scanning the trees of the forest he stumbled upon.

What an interesting place this one was. Nothing to bad... Though there were stale scents here of many different wolves. A pack once lived here, but no longer it seemed. Pity really, but nothing he was concerned about. He was simply traveling right now, going where his large paws would lead him and where he might find a bit of entertainment for the day, before the darkness of his mind came back to shroud his thoughts and drag him into the living nightmares he now faced. Kau was breaking... And it seemed to him nothing would stop that downward spiral.

Nostrils would flare as he caught the scent of a woman. Ahh... Was it that time already? A bit on the sexist side he certainly preferred males to females, especially as his partner, but, well, Kau had started thinking indeed. He would need heirs, would he not? The most suitable heirs could only be found if he had... Lots of candidates. So why not scope out those love ladies, hmmm?

When he saw her, edging in from her right side, he would lift his head, putting on a smile. ?Lovely day, is it not?? His voice was upbeat, perhaps a bit too cheery even for his own acts. Ah well, he?d worry about correcting that tone as needed.




09-19-2014, 10:29 AM
Well. Well. Well. Rixva's ears pricked sharply as she heard steps, and her nose caught the whiff of a scent. A male... the woman chuckled, swiveling to her right just as the male came into view Her smile broadened as she examined him; he was quite lovely. He seemed... fake, though, and that was reaffirmed as his too cheerful voice rose in the air.

She laughed softly, her voice low and sweet. Her tailed swished in a slow wag behind her as she focused her eyes on Kau. "Almost as lovely as you are," she murmured. She certainly didn't mind the company of a male. It was a chance to use her skills again; she was sure they had become quite rusty from the lack of use lately.


09-19-2014, 03:45 PM

Did the woman see through him? Perhaps, but if she cared she made no hint at it. Perhaps they would play on each other, or rather, with each other. He had tuned up his charm, but to ladies who knew a thing or two, well, they could see through that sugar coated act. She would laugh, and it seemed that once more the one-eyed man was a serpent playing with a viper. But such acts, when he neared his dangerous levels, were not so scary. Kau did not fear death, after all. So if he feared not death, what was there to truly fear?

The male wasted no time in closing the distance, being on her right meant she was not on his blind side, and that was good. No, it would do at all to give her a major advantage over him. "Almost hmm? But a mere shadow to the dear lady who I stand with. The gods themselves must have painted your colors." Such common colors yes, but hey, you tell a girl you thought she was pretty and things normally went over in your favor. Such an interesting lady she was. His body would shiver, though he dared not yet touch the forbidden fruit. He wanted to savor the moments, and take a good, long bite when he had the chance.

"What is such an angel doing out here along? Should you not be hurrying back to the heavens?"