
The Rains of Today



1 Year
09-21-2014, 02:03 AM

The girl sat by the den entrance, her blue eyes watching the seemingly endless rain. That was all she knew was rain, it had started soon after she had become aware of her surroundings. She didn't know much of sunshine and flowers, but her mother told her stories of the better weather. Charm's breath fogged in front of her as she watched the liquid pour from the sky, falling to the earth with a harsh, audible thud. A strong wind blew towards her, pushing her tiny form backwards. Charmeine let out a little yip and she was sent head over heels, rolling backwards and closer to the center of the den where her momma slept. The girl came to a stop when she rolled right into the large female, giggling as she rolled out of her little ball and looked at the curled up form. Her head tilted to the side as she watched her mother's chest go up and down as she breathed. Charm was flat out on her back with her hind legs splayed across his mothers hip, her rump slightly off the earth from where the wind pushed her. Huffing again she let out a bark, short tail thumping against Quin's leg. "Moooommaaa!" She called, whining to try and rose her sleeping form. She was bored of staying put in this cave, she wanted to get out and actually do something. There was only so much a young girl could be occupied by in a small den. If only the storm would pass so she could actually go outside and not catch a cold.

Charmeine rolled her teal eyes when her mother did not rose right away, her eyes slanting towards the exit of the cave. The rain couldn't hurt that much, could it? Huffing slightly she rolled over again, pulling herself to all four paws and marching towards the den door with determination in her steps. She was a brave girl! She wanted to go and find Daddy and play with him! Maybe he could be her shelter and she could march along under his black belly. Giggling at the thought she paused, stretching out a paw until a few drops landed on her fur. Gasping she pulled it back, looking down at it with wide eyes. Her fur was all wet and droopy now! Was that what this rain thing did? Curious, she slid out so that her front legs were sticking out, her butt in the air as her legs got all wet. Charm let out a few wild giggles as her white fur stuck close to her skin, enjoying this new game.

Because of nearly drowning, Charmeine is very afraid of water and may panic if she gets to close to it.



09-21-2014, 07:03 PM

She still wasn?t sure if she?d ever catch up on her sleep, to her small daughter?s dismay the russet faced girl took naps frequently. Not that she could even take the young pup outside, the water was still pouring from the sky. The wind howled and would easily pick up her sweet charmeine and drag her away. No, it was much better that they just nap and stay within the den that Dhiren looked out for. The current siesta Guinevere was enjoying would be disrupted by a squeak and collision with said daughter. Charmiene had to entertain herself on occasions so Guinevere had grown a bit more accustomed to the disturbances.
Now though, the girl would include her mother in whatever game she?d been occupied with, her name would sound and bright yellow eyes would flutter open to peek at her curious child. She?d huff softly, barely conscious as she gave her attention. She?d hear paws retreat to the den?s entrance and more of a wakefulness would fill her body. Eyes would open a bit more as she shifted her features toward the bored pup. She?d watch as Charmiene played with the rain, a smile forming on her lips as she listened to the innocent giggles she uttered.
Finally Guin would sigh, pushing herself from the earth and coming to take a seat by her playing child. She?d smile lovingly, nudging her wiggling rump playfully before taking the girl?s scruff in her mouth quickly. A quick ?Hah!? would leave her lips as she pulled Charmiene back, paws would wrap around the girls form as she let go of her loose fur. ?What are you doing in the rain?!? She?d laugh as her muzzle reached down to tickle the girl?s exposed belly.





1 Year
09-21-2014, 08:00 PM

She was having fun in her play bow position, pumping her front legs on the ground as they got soaked from the rains. She was about to stick her head out into the weather as well until she felt her mothers teeth tug around her scruff. Letting out a yip of shock, it was soon replaced with gleeful giggles as she was pulled back into the dry den. Wiggling herself to get rid of the extra water, she beamed up at her mother as she questioned what she was doing in the rain. Letting out manic laughter as she tickled her tummy, she flailed her legs against her mothers face as she tickled her. "Mommy noo!" She squealed, wiggling forward until she managed to break free, springing to her paws and sticking her tongue out at the woman. "'nd I wasn't AWL ou'side Momma, just 'his par'!" She called, raising up on her hind legs to show her mother her wet front legs. Falling back onto all fours with a thud, she sat on her rump and looked up at her mom, blue eyes wide and blinking. "Why can' I go ou'side Momma? 'he wain can' ge' me!" She puffed out her chest, trying to show that she was a big girl.

Because of nearly drowning, Charmeine is very afraid of water and may panic if she gets to close to it.



09-21-2014, 08:18 PM

She?d watch as the girl was close to sticking her head out into the downpour too, but mom would ruin the fun before that plan was executed. Giggles would be drawn forth from the squirming child as she was brought back into the safety of the den. Tickles would commence, and after much protest the tiny child would wriggle from her paws pale grasp. She?d display a wide grin as Charmeine turned around to look up at her. Her bright gaze was astounding, and her tongue very much pink as she stuck it out. Guinevere would laugh, letting her tongue roll out of her mouth. Still the girl was persistent and would demand she be let outside.
Guinevere would tackle her again, her front half falling to the earth as her arms fell on either side of her daughter. She?d kiss her voraciously before denying the request. ?The rain might not get you, but the wind will pick you up and take you away forever!? Eyes would widen as she emphasized her point, she could not leave the den until clear skies were seen once more. She didn?t know what she?d do without her, Charmeine was her world.




1 Year
09-21-2014, 08:34 PM

Her mother would tackle her and she squealed and tried to wiggle backwards, but her momma had her stuck. "Mommy!" She cried, laughing as she reached up and tried to boop her mom on the nose with her outstretched paw. Then Guin made a comment about the wind picking her up and blowing her away, which made her eyes grow wide in shock. "Nooo! No carried away from Momma! I be sads, sads!" She cries, tears pooling in her eyes. Rushing forwards she buried her face in her mothers chest, pushing herself as hard as she could to her. She almost vanished in the folds of her pale fur. Sniffling, she let out a small whine. "No go away from Momma." She whined, nipping Guin's skin with her sharp little teeth.

Charmeine pulled away quickly, tears now gone from her eyes as a wide grin replaced her frown. "Momma I was 'idding! I joke, I joke! I so funny Momma." Charm let out a few delighted giggles as she pranced around her mothers forelimbs, stuck in the little trap that her mother had made. The poor babe was bored, she just wanted to get out and actually do something.

Because of nearly drowning, Charmeine is very afraid of water and may panic if she gets to close to it.



09-22-2014, 08:50 AM

Charmeine?s little protests would do little to release her mother?s grip, the pale woman finding her own giggles before becoming serious about the topic at hand. She needed her daughter to know how dangerous the outside was right now. She wouldn?t mean to scar her, but a healthy dose of fear would hopefully do the trick. The grey marked girl?s bright eyes would open astoundedly, tear pooling in her gems. The girl?s form would be pressed into her breast, and she would comfort her as she coped with a hard truth. Obviously her trick had worked. Though she really could get blown away by the wind Guinevere still felt sorrow for the child who was bursting with energy. She deserved to go outside, but she could not with the weather as it was. They?d have to find their own game within the den.
Suddenly Charmiene would pull away after the much appreciated embrace, her expression fixed and her form unapologetic once more. Guin would smile softly and chuckle at the supposed joke. "Charmeine is so funny!" She?d agree, nuzzling the child and releasing her grip. "But remember its not nice to joke about danger." Her tail would wag slightly as she lessened the sternness in her voice, she could see that Charmeine wouldn?t be going anywhere without her. "The wind and the rain will stop soon. Just try and be patient my love."




09-25-2014, 11:31 AM

The rain had continued to fall, bringing with it numerous Sawtooth members deciding to remain in their dens. For the first time since the storms had arrived, Dhiren had chosen to stay in his quarters. The Lead Beta was content with where he was, for his body was tired and his mind was as well. After travelling to many packs to make alliances, he had finally traipsed into his den and fallen asleep late that previous evening. With how long the rain had been falling, it was hard to depict when night and day existed anymore.
After a few hours of needed rest, Dhiren's silver and gold orbs sleepily opened. He gave a large yawn and stretched his front limbs, black and white paws flexing their claws before retracting. The sound of rain and brisk winds met his ears and he turned his head to look out. What he saw was the same thing from the past few days before. A sigh slipped from his lips and he lowered his head back down to his paws. Maybe he needed to go back to sleep...
Then, in a break between the rain and the thunder, he heard her. High-pitched giggles and squeals clearly rang in the air, followed by Guinevere's happy voice and then more puppy protests. A smile twitched at his lips and he began to think of how Charmeine was quickly growing. Whatever time he wanted for making memories, he needed to do it while she was still young. He didn't need much convincing, explaining why he rose from the ground, shook his pelt free from the dirt, and set out in the rain for Guinevere's den.
Instead of walking straight for the den like he had before, Dhiren took the curvy route. The crescent-shaped setting of dens were covered by trees, giving each den an overhang of leaves and branches to prevent rain from hitting the wolves upon their exits. For the moment, the dens between Dhiren and Guin's were empty, making it easier for the Lead Beta to cross the entrances without being harassed. In little to no time, he appeared at Guin's entrance and peeked his head in. Silver and gold eyes sought out both mother and child, heart slowly warming to the sight in front of him.

Lineart courtesy of Kaylink on dA - Character belongs to Wynn



1 Year
09-27-2014, 07:49 PM

Her momma told her that she was silly, and her tail wagged behind her. But when Guin talked about not joking when it came to danger, she nodded her head. She knew that it was dangerous outside in the storm, but it was just so boring stuck in here! It was hard for the young one to remain in one place for so long, there was only so little that could keep her busy. Gray ears turned when she heard the sound of paws thumping on the ground, her whole body spinning as she looked up, teal eyes locking on the black and white form of Dhiren. "Daddy!" She squealed, racing towards him and stood up on her hind legs, wrapping her front ones around Dhiren. the only place she could lock on what right above his front right knee, laughing happily as she hugged herself as close to him as she could get.

The girl knew no other wolves but Guin and Dhiren, it was only natural for her to think that the black man was her father. Cause who else could be? Her tail was wagging so fast that her whole body was vibrating as she let him go, hopping from side to side in front of him. "A game a game! Pwease can we plays a game?" She asked, turning around in circles. She had so much energy, too much to be stuck inside this small den. All she wanted to do was to go outside. "I can' go ou'side, bu' I wanna goes ou'side! We play game ou'side?" She asked, her T's just dropping into no where. She had no idea that she wasn't able to pronounce T, it was just normal for her.

Charm turned her head and looked at her mother, knowing that she had said no to outside. But maybe Dhiren would say yes! She turned back to him, her eyes wide and pleading. "You big an' s'rong, you can pro'ec' me from rwain!" She yipped, jumping up and down. So much energy she had.

Because of nearly drowning, Charmeine is very afraid of water and may panic if she gets to close to it.



09-28-2014, 09:06 PM

Charm would make no more mention of the dangerous situation she?d almost found herself in. So Guinevere would accept her playfulness and trust that the girl would heed her words and stay inside until the time was right. She wouldn?t have her thoughts linger on the dangers for long, the sound of approaching foot steps would cause her features to turn towards the den entrance as Dhiren?s form took shape on their door step. Charmeine would also notice the sudden presence and her little form would go flying towards the dark male. Though she and Dhiren were still working on their relationship she couldn?t help the warmth that would spread in her chest as her tiny daughter raced up to his form, proclaiming his title of ?daddy? proudly. Guinevere was unsure how the Destruction man took such a name, but she hoped he too felt the love she did for the tiny grey masked girl.
After an exuberant greeting the girl would beg for the alpha to take her outside for a game. She knew how boring the den was to her, and though Guinevere would try to help by playing with her she found it difficult. Much of her own innocence had been stripped from her and play had become more difficult since the meeting with Charm?s father. Her bright eyes would try to meet with Dhiren?s how would he take the girl wanting to go out into the dangerous storms?




10-01-2014, 04:52 PM

The black male was greeted with a squeal and hug from a miniature wolf. She wrapped her front paws around his right leg, ensuring pure love and excitement from her pint-sized form. His face broke out into a wide smile and his eyes twinkled as she moved back to explain her predicament. She was bored and wanted to go outside, despite the rain and her mother saying 'No'. What was she to do, aside from ask him for permission?
Dhiren felt like he was in a corner, keeping the small girl from being happy and encouraging the firmness Guinevere had shown in her parenting. His tail slowly wagged behind him as he softly sighed and met his potential daughter's gaze. "Charm," his voice mirrored his sigh, "the weather is very rough and very cold. You could get sick if you come out in the rain, and the wind could blow you away, too."
There was a serious glint in his eye as he continued. "But," he dramatically paused, "if you really want to, we can go play in the dens next door to Mommy's. There may be some treasures --" his eyes widened for emphasis, "waiting to be discovered." He hoped she would catch on and want to go on a little hunt, a game made specifically for her.

Lineart courtesy of Kaylink on dA - Character belongs to Wynn