
tigers on a gold leash (APOLLYON)



3 Years
09-15-2014, 01:13 PM

His encounter with Fiamette had left him cold and sour but he had said he would do this thing and that he would take her orders and so he would stalk out to the most clear territory this pack had acquired, the Rio Grande. He studied it with the intent eye of a warrior well used to such things and judged it decent for multiple spars. There were obstacles, uneven parts, but if a warrior couldn't deal with a less than ideal environment they were not warriors but children playing at being warriors.

He was still seething when he raised his muzzle to the sky and sent out a loud call, the bright tenor resonating with demand and intensity. He would have these would-be warriors gather now to get this testing over with, to winnow the wheat from the chaff now before some fool got raised to a position they did not have any hope of deserving or keeping.

He lowered his head, letting the echoes continue to bounce around the river and forest that made up Apollyon's lands, before lowering his haunches to the ground to wait. His good cheer had been restored at the call, and the prospect of a fight, and his blue eyes once more gleamed guilelessly, a half-smile brightening his cherubic face. If they didn't appear he'd track them down later and give them a scar to teach them why they should move quickly when he called - whether he held a rank or not he would not be ignored when he made demands.

OOC: Deadline for replies is Monday, September 22nd at noon Ala time and Skoll isn't joking about tracking people down and maiming them if they don't show up - he's serious about his task so be there or be square.



1 Year
09-15-2014, 07:38 PM

The newly crowned Veioi of Apollyon would hear a summons for training. Fight training. A smile would spread across his maw as his muscular legs pushed his frame up from the ground and carried him across the dirt and roots in the direction from which the call came. He would find a pure white man in his view when he did finally arrive. The icy blue eyed man from the meeting was calling fight training. Perhaps it was his way to prove to Fiamette that he deserved a specific rank as forcing Requiem into being Fiamette's personal serf had been Aurelio's task. He would dip his head and sit close to Sk?ll but not too close. He would wait for his name to be paired up with another.

His mind would race as he thought up moves he could use in the spars ahead of him. He had crossed through the forest to find his place near the Rio Grande and yet he had not thought up a strategy! Some beta he was. He would hold his head high a bit as he was, to his knowledge, below only Fiamette herself within the ranks so far.



09-16-2014, 08:35 AM

She stepped into the slowly forming ring, eyes narrowed and locked on the white wolf that had called them. She had seen him before, but like most of the pack had yet to introduce herself properly. That would change today. More than anything she was disappointed at herself. She had not reached a suitable tier in the pack yet and was instead placed in a position that was mediocre at best. Then again, most of the was in the same way; only one of them had achieved anything of merit, Aurelio. A wolf she had never had never spoken to directly but was hand picked by Fiamette, so he had to have done something to impress her, and was no doubt deserving of the rank.
No one is here to light the way



5 Years
09-16-2014, 11:45 AM

It is the battle call of Skoll that manages to bring such a wide smile to the empress' face, his determination to rise within the ranks and train her warriors pleases her greatly. They will become an impeccable force, a pack others would not dare to stir up trouble with. (even though she has plans to create chaos) Proudly she struts toward the meeting, her skull raised dominantly toward the heavens, (the highest of them all) her body language screaming supremacy. She may be one of the youngest members of the pack, but she was the alpha, the queen, their empress, and she would be treated with respect. She is not the first to arrive, although she did not plan to be the first either. Skoll, Aurelio, and Dodge were beginning to form a circle, and so she would silently pad toward the group to join their little ring. Volcanic orbs bounce from face to face, a delighted smirk spread across her velveteen lips. Today she will see who knows how to fight, and who needs to train their asses off.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



3 Years
09-17-2014, 03:58 PM

I'll be TWISTED its my turn!

Her task had began, truly, though Arisu had been slipping in and out of pack lands as she sought leads as to where her siblings might be. It was when she heard the call for an alpha challenge that she would return back to Apollyon, a frown on her face. Part of her wished to go to that challenge, to see how it would end, but another part could not bring herself to go. The tongueless girl felt a bitter stirring in her gut, her acidic eyes on the ground. If Olympus was challenge than that meant her brother, Solo, could lose his home. Her heart went to him. While she was sad he was gone, perhaps jealous and bitter at those he was with, she would never compromise his happiness. For him, and Vivik, she would not push them to come to Apollyon. Seek them out, state her case, but she would never force her brothers, ones she loved, to be part of their sister's pack. It was their choice what they did.

When it came to Hestia, however, Arisu was torn. She loved her sister, but was also feeling bitter towards her as well. She had tried to fight for Hestia's honor, to redeem her, yet she had lost. Now both of them were without their tongues. Was Hestia still alive? Arisu's leads said yes. Confronting her sister was a must, to see what fully went on. She had simply arrived at the tail end of things... but what had caused the phoenix woman to attack her sister? Had her mind grown dark? Said something that provoked her wrath? She would give a deep sigh, stepping among the field where Fiamette, two men, and a woman were gathered. She would move to her sister's side, whispering in her ear;; "If you have 'o' heard, sis'er, O'ympus has been cha'e'ged for. So'o may be i' da'ger of 'osing what he ho'ds dear." It was no secret that Arisu cared deeply for him, and she would glance at the red nymph, a moment of sadness in her eyes before it was gone and she would pad a bit away from the other, sitting as she prepared for this to begin.

"Hear My Voice,"

'Read My Thoughts.'



3 Years
09-24-2014, 12:09 PM

Skoll was disappointed in the turnout but perhaps the five gathered were simply all the wolves Apollyon could boast of. Very well.

"Your empress wishes to see how well we can acquit ourselves in battle," he drawled when all that were going to be present, were. "No teaching, no 'practicing', this is purely and simply... a test. To that end we will each be engaging in two spars. The first will be, oh, the two yearlings together and the green eyed female with me. Then we shall switch, Green-eyes with the empress' little sister and me with our esteemed beta." His tongue dragged over the words with a heavy lilt of amusement. "And empress Fiamette-may-she-live-and-rule-forever is going to watch to see if we're up to her standards. Simple enough, yes? Good, let's get to it then. Oh... and don't pussy foot about it, but do try not to actually kill each other, hm?"

He levered his tall, pale body up from his seated position and approached the green-eyed female with an angelic smile. "Ladies first," he purred to her, indicating she could make the first move in the battle.

OOC: Unless Ais wants otherwise, we'll be doing two (or three if she wants) sets of spars to show how they fight, including how they fight against different types of opponents and when they're already tired from the first fight. You guys have three days to actually get them started and then there'll be the usual defaults to keep them moving along satisfactorily, and once they're done we'll go immediately into the next set and get them done too. Good luck everyone.