
A new generation


09-24-2014, 03:37 PM
Crucifix first please. Then Maija, Falk, and Surreal are welcome.

The storm continued to rage outside, battering against the caves relentlessly. She had been restless the past few days, unable to get comfortable or get much sleep. Her belly had grown substantially and she was growing impatient. Stretched out in the privacy of their temporary cave, she attempted to nap. Eyes would open, glaring at the wall across from her, her irritation clear. She would shift and pain would shoot across her belly. Gasping in surprise, her body would tense, jaws clenching as she rode it out. As the pain subsided, her shoulders would sag. A soft bark would leave her jaws. She wasn't sure were Cru was at, but she hoped that he was at least within the caves.

Flipping her hips to the side, she would curl up, her gazing resting on the mouth of the cave. Concern flickered in the back of her mind. Was Orchid around? Just incase she was needed? Would things go smoothly? Her heart would skip into overdrive, her blood pounding in her ears. She waited for the click of nails against the stone as Cru approached, but while she waited, another wave of pain washed over her. Muscles would tense, her back arching as muscles spasmed across her belly. Jaws would part in a pant, pain etching into her features. Her heavy breathing echoed off the caves walls, disrupting her peace. She hoped that Cru would be along shortly.




2 Years
09-24-2014, 06:23 PM

When Sibelle had told him she was pregnant it had taken some getting use to. He hadn't realised itself, blind fool that he was and it had taken her setting him down and telling him before the signs stood out to him. Upon that realisation he loathed to let her out of his sight. He ensured she was always well fed and watched the slow growth of her stomach with love and weariness both. It was to be his first litter, of course and he was still young himself, he wanted to make sure he could do well for these pups, provide for them and raise them as princess and princess of his world.

As luck would have it he was outside the cave when she called, just pulling himself back inside with a hard won rabbit in his jaws when the soft back would sound out. He would perk his head in surprise and hear her laboured panting. The rabbit would drop, forgotten, likely now to turn into a play toy for the board pups of Twig that roamed the caves. He jogged to her cave to see her as she arched her back in agony. He would be at her side in the next heartbeat, sitting on the floor beside her as he began to lick her ear, turning his head back to the entrance as Orchid entered moments after him. She had been in the cave and her stride brought her to Sibs other side with herbs in her mouth. He smiled gratefully at her, feeling better already with a healer by his mate. ?Shh its ok? he soothed gently, smiling wryly to her at the silly words that ran rampage out of his mouth.

Walk "Talk" Think

Orchid I


5 Years
09-24-2014, 06:35 PM

Orchid never went far from the pack, here was where it was at, any injured wolves from the weather where brought here where she could treat them, she had brought as many of her herbs with her as she could and knowing Sibelle was close had painstakingly ensured she had everything she needed for this venture. She smiled at Altavro as she did so, he was a nice brute and was never far away from his apprentice, but she would rather they didn't teach Albatross anything when it was the Alpha's giving birth and moved forward herself to be at their side.

Her herb bag had vanished at some point, she was quite certain that had been lost to the pups as a play thing and couldn't wait for the weather to end so she could make herself a new one. In the mean time all the herbs she required where held lightly in her jaws as she entered the cave and smiled at the two leaders, coming over to Sibelles other side. ?Your doing wonderfully, now eat this and lets take a look? she said matter of factly as she put a small dose of Trillium against the girls scared lips, she only needed a small amount to help ease the pain of childbirth. She had placed some more herbs on the ground out of the way. After her experience with Othello ? thank god that had happened right in her herb den ? she came overly prepared for pregnancy now, in the hopes that she wouldn't have to use certain herbs well knowing she would be foolish to go to a pregnancy without them.

She moved from Sibelels side to check between the legs, the birthing had just started and she carefully kept an eye as she sat on the earth. ?Push, Sibelle? she said gently.

Walk "Talk" Think


09-24-2014, 09:37 PM

Cru would enter, immediately settling down beside her. She would lean into his embrace, finding comfort in his words. Orchid would soon follow, though it seemed she was never far away. She would place some herbs before her, giving orders and the queen would oblige, eating the herbs as Orchid continued. Her body would still and eyes would widen as Orchid between peering down between her legs. Just as she was given instructions to push, a wave of pain would wash over her. Muscles would tighten, air whooshing between clenched teeth. She would begin to push, her body heaving, muscles straining as she attempted to rid of her body of her children. She would pant heavily, sucking in air as pain rattled her body.

This was awful. No one told her child birth would so terrible. Ears fell flat against there skull, claws scrapped the cave floor as her body once again heaved but to no avail. The pressure she felt was immense. A low whine mingled with a growl as she again tried to push. A sharp shooting pain impaled her belly, pulling a startled cry from her lips and causing her to flinch. Wide eyes would search Orchids face. Was this normal? Pain rolled through her, exhausting her even as her body urged her to push. Succumbing to instinct, she would push in vain, wanting nothing more than to expel the pup and feel relief.

Walk "Talk" Think



2 Years
09-24-2014, 10:31 PM

Crucifix would stay with her through the whole thing, gently licking her forepaw and whispering to her as she cried out in pain. Childbirth was supposedly one of the most painful things a wolf might go through, but with all the injuries Sibelle had already sustained he had no doubt she could get through it ? even if he would have rather spared her the pain. The boy would continuously wash his loves paw, and then the side of her head and her forehead as Orchid worked, letting the healer do what she needed to. She was still crying out in pain, and there was no sign of the baby, it was the intense look orchid held that made him worry. He rested his paw atop of Sibelles feeling worry stir in his stomach. He could not lose her, not the babies, but whatever the problem was, Orchid could deal with it, right? He held back his worry, not wanting to stress out Sibelle. The sight of Othello's troubled birth wasn't forgotten, and Orchid had fixed that hadn't she? He let out a breath and nuzzled his head against Sibelle's side. Everything was going to be okay, he had to believe that.


Orchid I


5 Years
09-24-2014, 10:43 PM

Orchid was all business when she slipped into the role of healer. It was funny, to think of the wolf she had been before Covari, before Vi and her role as a healer, she had grown tough, confident somewhere along the road. Now she was the sort of wolf who could boss about her Alpha's when matters of healing required it. She would smile fondly at Sibelle's wild expression as Orchid looked between her legs. But really, what could she expect from a healer at a birthing. She pushed aside those thoughts as she told Sibelle to push and the alpha complied. She seemed to shudder, to attempt to push again without success, this baby wasn't coming out. Orchid knelt closer to Sibelle, looking in as she could to find out what the problem was. She was only half surprised to see that the wolf was stuck ? of it course it was, none of these wolves would kindly give Orchid an easy birth. At least this would b easier and safer to deal with then Othello's, but she still needed to act fast, a stuck pup could result in the mother bleeding out, she could still lose both mother and child. 'Hold on? she whispered and slipped out. She would see Cru's abandoned rabbit and make quick work of the prey, working out the fat onto a leaf before washing her hands in another filled with water.

Returning the healer would stop before Sibelle, sitting down between the woman's legs and and greasing the sides of her vagina and as much of the pup as she could reach. This would make the pup slippery and easier to exit. She would of course need to carefully clean both and give Sibelle herbs to starve off infection after this little stunt. ?Push, Sibelle? she ordered



09-24-2014, 11:12 PM

Much to her relief, Orchid stayed calm. Cru remained beside her, nuzzling her and licking her paws and face. After her panicked look, Orchid would vanish briefly before returning. The Queen would watch her with faint curiosity as she approached. And then she touched her. Jumping in surprise the woman would rise to her feet, welling in surprise. Eyes would widen in shock, haunches lowering as a contraction rolled through her. And finally her first child would enter the world. The pressure would ease, even if only for a short time. Lowering her upper body to the cave floor, she would clean the pup, licking it until a cry left its tiny lungs. A smile would lift her lips, tucking her first born against her belly. She would peek up at Cru, a smile on her face.

Her smile quickly faded though as contractions rippled through her body. She would push again, but this time, the child came much easier. Exhaustion tugged at her, her body begging her to sleep. But instead she would grasp the tiny pup, repeating the process again of licking it clean until she cried. She would tuck the pup against her side beside her sister. Leaning back against Cru, her body would relax, tiredness tugging at her. She would peer up at Orchid, wondering if this was it. But it was not. A contraction would roll through her, tensing her already weary muscles. Her body would push, wishing to expel the pup. She would push and push before finally her last child would be born. Repeating the process, she would clean him and place the only boy beside his sisters.

Her eye longed to close, she longed to sleep. But something was wrong. The edges of her vision blurred, her body expelling far to much blood. She felt weak, unable to do anything. She would slump against Cru, her crown would lower to her paws. Her sides would lift in shallow breaths, her eye fluttering closed as she slipped into unconsciousness.

Walk "Talk" Think

Orchid I


5 Years
09-24-2014, 11:43 PM

In response to Orchid's ministrations, Sibelle would react, jumping up despite her pregnancy and looking on at Orchid in alarm.The healer drew herself up to her full height ? she wasn't a big wolf, but she had a presence about her when it came to healing, a confidence she had at no other time. ?Lie down Sibelle? her voice, firm, unyielding and angry. ?I am a healer let me do my job and ensure you and your children survive? she barked sternly even as the first of the litter was born. Her sharp eyes where upon Sibelle as she sat back down and cared for her first-born. Orchid gently looked over the pup as the mother eased it to her belly. Orchid could see she was a finally, healthy, big girl. Orchid could see why it caused her mother some trouble, she would grow up perhaps to be taller then her parents if those paws where any indication. The next born would be another healthy young girl.

The last would be a boy, the only one amongst two girls. Orchid had to smile at that, no doubt his life would be interesting with two older sisters. The next thing she knew Sibelle was falling unconscious. The pregnancy had been hard on her, but still Orchid had to check to make sure nothing further was wrong. She believed she had lost a bit of blood because of the first pup, but it wasn't enough to be deadly, she had seen to that. At least with Sibelle unconscious it was easier to care for the mother. She cleaned out the fat she had used to smooth the birth of the first born, and applied some herbs for blood lose. ?She will need plenty of water, maker sure of that? she told Cru gently, smiling fondly at the two pups as she cleaned up the den with some more herbs and the last of her clean water ? at least with this weather water was in great supply. This complete the healer would smile, tell Orchid to call her if they needed her and slip out.



09-24-2014, 11:52 PM

The world she knew was made up from the building blocks of blackness and sensitivity, feeling to be precise. Emotions where still foreign to her, but bodily feeling was not. There was the softness of skin and fluid about her. There was sometimes discomfort, felt from the being that held him and a tightness about her that made her long to stretch out. She was big for this confined space, some part of her brain knew that and longed for the freedom of.. of what she did not know, but of something else other then this.

Perhaps that determination is what made her the first born, when it came time to move on to another world she would be the one who first found that light, that difference of tones against her closed eyelids. She would try to move through to light she knew was there, and to what could only be that something new she longed for. When she reached for it she felt a confinement unlike anything else she had encountered in this world she knew. She gasped, feeling trapped and confined, the weight of something pushing her, shoving her against a passage that would not admit her. Then something cold and slimy touched against her, her first impulse was to push away from that feeling, but a push came again shoving her free now and out into the world. It was cold out here, and strange and different. She opened her mouth and let out a chorus of healthy cries as she was gently lifted and cleaned. Once she was cleaned the feeling of coolness eased before she was placed beside the soft warm thing she was already coming to love. An instinct that stretched out beyond the ages urged her, and she sought out a scent she could smell, closed her small lips about it and sucked.



2 Years
09-24-2014, 11:59 PM

Crucifix tensed when Orchid left the room, he couldn't help but feel that this was something to worry about, but he let none of his concerns show as he continued to gently lick her cheek in gentle, loving movements. When Orchid returned and Sibelle rose in shock he was, perhaps unintentionally shoved aside so she could rise. He was worried for a moment that the two woman would have a stand off right there in the middle of her pregnancy but they next thing they knew the first born was there. Sibelle eased back down as she cleaned the baby and Cru himself got a few licks in before she was eased to Sibelle's stomach. The boy beamed like a proud father as he looked at his first little princess. The second would arrive and the parents would do the same to her, and then the third. The third was a boy, one with black tones similar to his own but far more of it then he boosted. He realised then that most of them held shades something like what he held. One a pinkly white like his main shade another a strangely golden tone, he wasn't sure where she got them from. Last but not least he would see that each and every pup held the mark of his family. He was beaming so wildly then he almost didn't see when Sibelle fell unconscious.

His attention was pulled wholly from the pups as he card for her, soothed in her ear and hovered and fretted. Orchid however seemed unconcerned, she would clean up Sibelle and the room before telling him to ensure she got plenty of water. He would nod his agreement and watch, worriedly as she left, leaving him with an unconscious wife and three new born children. He didn't need to fret about them however, they heartily drank from their mother, curled up on their tiny little bodies and slept. It seemed there was nothing else for him to do, he curled about Sibelle and closed his eyes, to watchful to sleep himself.

Walk "Talk" Think



1 Year
09-25-2014, 05:41 PM

Her world had been peaceful and safe. She had known nothing but darkness, warmth and the light touch of her siblings. She was content, but things had begun to change. Her home had shrunk and now it was clenching around her. She would protest, allowing her sister to go first. When it was finally her turn, she would thrust into the cold world. A unfamiliar sensation overwhelmed her senses, oxygen burning her tiny lunges. She would wail in protest, strange scents filling her nose. Her parents smell would imprint on her young mind, her brain committing the smell to memory. She would be pressed against something soft and warm and an overwhelming sweet smell would assault her senses, pulling forward and guiding her to feast. Snuggled against her sister, a third form would be placed beside her. Warmth surrounded her and as her belly filled, sleep would claim her. A sense of security would send her tumbling over the edge and into a word of dreams. She would snuggle against her mothers unconscious belly, unaware of the trouble they had caused her.

Walk "Talk" Think


09-25-2014, 06:05 PM

She was blissfully unaware of Orchids administrations, much to her relief considering the woman had yelled at her not to long ago. Steady breathing lifted her sides as she remained unconscious for sometime. When she finally did wake, eye would flutter open, peering around the cave. Her children would asleep as her belly, as was Cru. She would smile, lifting her skull to look at the sleeping bundles. Within the silence of her cave, she would ponder names. Two girls and a boy. He would undoubtedly have an interesting life with two older sisters. Names would drift around her mind as she examined each. The boy was dark, much like Taurig, her smile would sadden briefly. The first born girl was large, it was likely that she would be larger than herself, and her coat was a mix of russet and creams. Her second daughter was pale, with only a few spots of russet. She was sickeningly pale. Her fathers lineage had carried through her and to her daughter. All three had Crus signature cross, though theirs was on the opposite shoulder.
She would nudge him gently, waking him so that they could name them. "Cru, we need to name them." She would murmur softly, licking his cheek as he woke.

Walk "Talk" Think



09-25-2014, 06:27 PM

Something inside of Maija told her that Sibelle was in crises. She left her duties temporarily (after speaking with Cataleya, of course) before she headed out of the Moor to the Weeping Woods. Crossing the borders without a guide was something the forest seemed to protest, but Maija growled and simply raced through the large sets of trees. The faster she moved, the closer she would get to Sibelle.
After a few minutes of sleuthing on her own, Maija found the den where everyone had vacated during the flood. Paws heavily laden from pregnancy weight pushed up and around the crevices Maija needed to use in order to rise. After a few minutes, she was on the correct level and she didn't waste time padding into the den obviously marked for privacy.
Her leaf-green eyes looked at the entire scene before falling upon Sibelle's exhausted form. She had missed the actual birthing, but maybe it was for the best. Drama and blood did not mix when there were too many wolves. She lowly growled, making her presence known before she padded towards the small group. The sleeping babies curled against the russet-furred belly and a warm expression was noted in the woman's eyes. She looked up at Cru and Orchid before speaking to Sibelle's still awake form. "Little Red," she stated, hoping that the woman would reply to her. "They are beautiful..."

Talk like this



2 Years
09-25-2014, 07:13 PM

Sibelle would wake and Cru would open his and smile at her, the woman who had brought him little prince and princess's. He looked at the children also who still slumbered and let out a soft sigh of love as Sibelle looked at him and the little ones and pointed out that they needed to name them. He smiled, he had thought of that, at least a little. ?I was considering the name Illaria, after an old friend I haven't seen since a pup? he ventured, smiling at a memory before taking in his children again, and reaching forward he licked the largest, and most colourful of the litter. ?This one, perhaps? he mused softly. ?Have you considered any?? he would ask her then.

When a wolf entered the boy looked up, half rising protectively over his young and vulnerable family, even as the stranger emitted a lot growl of her own. Hers didn't seem threatening however, only to announce herself. She began to pad towards the small group and Crucifix rose fully, only when the woman spoke and seemed to know Sibelle did he relax an ounce. He still looked to his love, asking her if she wanted this woman here. If she did not, he would chase away this stranger ? but he had a feeling they where friends, he just wished the golden woman had announced herself a little better to save him the worry.

Walk "Talk" Think



8 Years
Athena I
09-25-2014, 09:49 PM

With the ever present storms raging as of late Falk had not felt comfortable leaving Surreal for any length of time, not to mention the fact that at times it was impossible for him to even travel through the torrential downpour that was this storm. However, the weather had lightened today so he decided it was high time he go check on his sister. He hadn't seen her since the run in they had the day Surreal told him she was expecting and he wanted to be sure she was doing well. It had to be any day now that she would be having her pups and he was eager to meet his new nieces and nephews.

He padded toward Solstice's territory, his steps quick but not rushed. He had told Surreal he might be late getting back so he knew she wouldn't be worried if he was gone a while. Almost half way to his destination he felt a strange need to hurry faster, like something was wrong, but he tried to shake it off and continue at his regular pace. He wasn't sure what that feeling was, but he tended not to believe things he couldn't see these days. None of the less, he trotted just a bit faster toward Siblle.

He hesitated at the border, wondering if he should call for someone to escort him to his sister, but just then he heard the sound of paws pounding against the ground, crashing through the forest, and suddenly a golden flash of fur went past him several feet to his left. He blinked with surprise, quietly questioning himself, "Maija?" He hadn't seen the other woman in ages, since he had last seen Taurig with her, but her golden coloring was hard to forget. That sense of dread and worry hit him again. Why would Maija be racing into the Solstice territory if not for Sibelle? Falk took off as well, ignoring his instinct to wait at the border, following after his former sister in law.

He slowed as he reached a cave, following the scents there till he finally spotted Maija standing in front of Sibelle with a wolf he could only assume was the Crucifix she had told him about before. With them was... his nieces and nephews?! An excited smile touched his muzzle and he came to stand near Maija, giving her and Crucifix before turning his attention back to his sister and their newest family members. "Sis, they're beautiful," he rumbled softly, sitting himself a comfortable distance away. He didn't want to crowd her too much with her apparently just giving birth and all.



09-25-2014, 10:25 PM

Cru would wake almost instantly, smiling. He would name the largest girl Illaria. She liked it. He would ask for her opinion. "I think Ravenna, for her." She would gesture to the other girl. The soft click of nails would catch her attention, tipping her ears in the direction of the cave entrance. A growl would fill the cave and she would stiff, body instantly curling around her children. Cru would rise defensively, ready to attack. But a familiar voice filled her ears and immediately she would relax. A grin spread across her lips as she unfurled her body, turning her gaze towards her sister. "Maija, thank you." She would smile up at her sister, gesturing that she could come closer if she wished. More nails would click against the stone, her gaze flickering to a figure behind Maija. Her grin would grow, tail wagging gently. "Falk." She had no expected her brother so soon. He had perfect timing. Her gaze would flicker behind him, expecting to see Surreal, but he was alone. She would beckon him closer. "Your nieces and nephew." She would peer down at her girl, love clear in her eyes. A small smile played on her lips. Looking up, she suddenly realized how crowded the room was. And poor Cru. He had no idea who they were. "Cru, this is my sister Maija, and my brother Falk. And this my mate, Crucifix." She would glance between all three of them, smiling apologetically at Cru. He was probably having a silent panic attack, all these strangers surrounding his newborns.

Walk "Talk" Think



09-26-2014, 10:14 PM

The smallest of the litter would be born last. The third and final pup, he was technically the runt, but with time he would grow up as healthy as his siblings. Thankfully there wasn't much competition getting to his mother's milk, three wasn't quite a crowd... it was still hard to reach the woman who he instinctively knew would be his greatest protector. He didn't know much at all past that - there were faint noises around him, and he squeezed between two little bodies that were squirming and he sort of felt connected to, and he would grunt as he wriggled his tiny, tiny nose and sneezed as he tried to smell them. That was enough to take the energy out of him, but he would reach his mother and drink; only to fall asleep soon after.

ooc: i am so bad at these i swear - i am so sorry lmao
