
Break Me Shake Me



2 Years
09-26-2014, 08:41 AM
He wanted to fight - anyone would do. He didn't know much about strategy, but he was all up for learning on the fly. Vivek Sovari was quickly growing into himself, and as he reached his full height, his body begged to be put to the test. Today's test? How well would he fair against the wolves of Alacritia? Anyone would do to start, he was curious, and getting bored which was never good for the bright red boy. It made him feel lackluster to sit around and watch the world go by. Dull and boring and just like the masses - which he knew by now that he absolutely was not meant to be.

It was about time that he either prove it, or figure out what he could do to climb onto the pedestal that he had set out for himself and a select few others. For now, he knew the basics - strength was power, and power was everything. He needed to know how much strength he had to know how much he would need to gain before he could truly consider himself great.



2 Years
09-26-2014, 11:18 AM

Will you recognize me, When I'm lying on my back?
Something's gone inside me, And I can't get it back.

Booorrrinnnggg?.. Aksel frowned as he padded around the unfamiliar terra. He knew it was the battlefield but at the moment it was rather devoid of activity and the young male was beside himself. He was ready to cause some mischief! So where the hell was everyone? Fur frizzed as he gazed about himself, half expecting Acadia to pounce on him as revenge for his well aimed snowball on Frost Island. Skirting around a few trees he slipped into the tall grass and finally into a clearing?. to find himself standing directly across from a RED wolf.

Aksel's eyes grew wide. "WHOA? dude your fur! Your mom didn't screw a cardinal did she?" How did that color even happen? And damn?. he was tall. WHY WAS EVERYONE SO MUCH TALLER THAN AKSEL? The young wolf stood at a respectable 33" but it still irked him that is sister Acadia was taller as well as all his other male relatives. This bright red wolf wasn't helping his self esteem much.

"Sooo? whatcha doing? You wanna spar or something? Oh! I'm Aksel, Aksel Frost."

Will you recognize me, When I lose another friend?
Will you learn to leave me? Oh, give me one more try again.



2 Years
09-27-2014, 05:12 PM
Vivek had hoped his challenger would be more... his size - but hell, any challenger would do for now. He was getting a little bored, and he supposed either way he was getting his experience. The little brute was expressive to say the very least. The red brute would flick an ear back in annoyance, but awknowledge the younger male's presence all the same. Hearing him mention his mother irked him a bit, but his statement drew a snicker out of Vivek regardless. "No shrimp, my mother was the cardinal." He corrected him thinking about Viridiana's bright red plumage, a smirk on his lips as he teased the boy for his height. The other might get taller... but the red male had nearly half a foot on him. "I'm Vivek Sovari." His voice was laced with pride, the brute liked his family, even if nearly half of his litter had been booted by his mother he still considered them his.

"You iching for a fight too, Frost?" He would ask the other, admitting the reason that he had come here with the question. Why else would he come to the battleground while there wasn't any fighting going on? "I promise to go easy on you." Not quite a lie - he wouldn't maim the boy for no reason... but he wouldn't underestimate him completely. There was always the chance that he had a teacher for this kind of thing at a young age.



2 Years
10-04-2014, 08:40 AM
ooc: I apologize for the wait! I'll be more prompt from this point on. I'll leave the style of this fight to you if that's alright. Did you want to rp them at their experience level or go all out for the practice?

Aksel's eyes grew wide as the stranger spoke. His mother was a cardinal? How?. what?. HOW?! An unusual image floated into his mind of a puffed up bird, stretched to the limit with a wolf pup growing inside her. Oh there was something so very, very wrong about that. So much so that it made the trickster's head hurt so he set aside the thought to be contemplated later. The other boy introduced himself as Vivek Sovari. A good name, a nice name at least it wasn't something weird or bird-like. What did cardinals normally name their young? Cheep? Chipp--- HEY WAIT A MINUTE!

Aksel grew indignant as he realized Vivek had just called him a shrimp! How dare he! Of all the luck! He knew his father was tall and was certain his mother had to be to so what the hell had happened to him? The trickster felt a slight twinge in his stomach. Well? he had been very sick early on in life. Had that stunted his growth? Hmph! Well, he'd tell the stranger the same thing he told ace. If they had the height it only meant he got the brains. His body gave up on growing those few inches for brain power that had to be it.

"You iching for a fight too, Frost? I promise to go easy on you"

Aksel snorted and then grinned. This banter? was kind of nice. He'd always wondered what it would be like to have a brother. "You bet I am Sovari, and you better not go easy on me or I'll wipe the floor with you!" Aksel positioned himself directly across from his opponent as he quickly set up his defenses. "Bird-born behemoths first!" He chirped, inviting his opponent to make the first move. If it looked like he was about to be viciously outclassed he could always turn tail and run. Though? uncle Thor and Baldur would pitch a fit at such cowardly behavior. How were they related to Loki again?


Round 0/? for Spar