

Loki 1


6 Years
09-26-2014, 08:14 PM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2014, 08:15 PM by Loki 1.)

Loki was thinking on the matter of women.

Well, sex anyway.

Relationships were nonsense, a trap to be avoided at any cost. The world's ultimate trick on men. An unwary male could be ensnared by some beautiful woman, bound in ropes of love and chained with responsibility til he couldn't even think about moving around.

A smart man stayed free.

And, well, he was thinking of his son too.

Aksel was rapidly approaching a year old and while not sexually mature for quite some time he was certainly not lacking in appreciation for a pretty face. It was good that they'd met up once more on the island, for Aksel was ripe for some pretty young pup to scoop him up and introduce him to the idea of monogamy and no son of his was going to be ruined like that.

And what better way to avoid the steely jaws of matrimony than to learn of the many, many different wonders of the feminine form so you could never be satisfied with just one female when you had so many options to chose from on a whim? It could be discouraging to start out on your own with no idea what a woman was looking for, and you might be inclined to settle with the first broad that raised tail for you. But if you had a guide... a mentor in the art of sexuality, so to speak... doors would open for you.

And that's why Loki was here, his silky black fur as well-groomed as was his norm, trailed by his fire-marked boy as they sought out a little... practice. This was important - the second most important thing Loki could ever teach his boy. The art of the trickster was rather less time-sensitive, however, and so would be set aside for now.

"I actually met your mother on the battlefield," he mused aloud reminiscently, "but unfortunately women like her are in rather short supply and most prefer wooing rather than teeth. Inconvenient, but if you go into it with the right mindset... It's the best game of all."




2 Years
09-26-2014, 08:34 PM

Will you recognize me, When I'm lying on my back?
Something's gone inside me, And I can't get it back.

Aksel trotted along after his father, chest swelled with pride and excitement. It'd been so long since they'd shared any time together. Just the boys! Eyes gazed about him in constant distraction while secretly wondering what his father wanted to teach him. He'd gotten pretty good and hunting small game so he was pretty sure Loki wouldn't be teaching him that. If it was larger game they'd have brought his sisters so definitely not hunting? hmmm?. fighting maybe? Aksel knew he could use the practice but his uncles seemed for more enthused to teach him to fight than his father did.

Aksel's ears flicked forward as Loki mentioned his mother. He met her on the battlefield? Aksel's grinned lessened slightly. Mother. It was something he'd thought about from time to time in his wanderings. He knew that Imena was not his birth mother which often led him to wonder about his biological mother but he didn't really know how to bring it up to his father. So she was a fighter?. had she died on the battlefield? His gaze grew distant for a moment but quickly snapped back at the mention of a game.

"A game? I'm in, how do we play!"

Will you recognize me, When I lose another friend?
Will you learn to leave me? Oh, give me one more try again.


09-26-2014, 08:54 PM

She would depart from her mothers territory, long stilts carried her across the unfamiliar until she reached the lake. It wasn't often that she left her home, but she was hungry for an adventure. The last excitement in her life had been the training her mother had forced upon the pack. She longed for the same thrill and high of being locked in battle. Her opponent had been good enough to provide that high but nothing more. Her crown would dip as she stood at the part of the lake nearest her home. She was out of earshot, dense foliage blocking her view of any company she may have, but the wind was not in her favor. Her crown would dip, jaws parting to lap at the water.

Haunches would recline on the beach, her verdant gaze stretching out across the water. She was no one to stand by idly, it was not in her blood. Her fangs longed to sink into the flesh of her victims, she longed to follow in her mothers foot steps and take over the world. Her youth was killing her, no one would take her seriously at this age. She needed to jump in head first and begin making a name for herself. She wanted others to tremble at the sound of her name. A wicked smile curled her lips, eyes darkening with something dangerous.


Loki 1


6 Years
10-22-2014, 07:48 PM

Loki preened at his son's enthusiasm for this new-found game. But his smug grin faltered slightly as he suddenly realized... had he ever spoken to any of his kids about... well, the birds and the bees? He could remember no mention of it ever having come up. They'd been too young when they left Valhalla for Imena to have done it. Had Thor? Had Baldur, when he'd been there? Somehow he doubted it. It would just be too easy for one of his brothers to have gotten that in their thick heads.

"Ahhhh... hm." He paused, eyeing the boy with discomfort. "Er - Aksel. This game... this is what helps make babies. I mean to say... when you're older, someday, you will be able to... uhem. You know how your..." he gestured toward his genitals, "are different from your sisters? Well when you're older..." How could one conversation be so painfully awkward? "Er - you'll be able to use it to make babies with women. Not your sisters," he added hastily, "other women. Women who you play this game with will want you to do that with them. And it will be pleasant. Very, very pleasant. So pleasant you might want to do it even when it's not going to give them babies. Which is what we're planning tonight, because Aksel, you do not want to give a woman a chance to wrap you around their toes and make you their play toy."

He let his breath out in a soft huff. It wasn't much of an explanation but it was something. And that's when a scent touched his nose. Another wolf. More, a female, a young one at that. Had to be close to Aksel's age. A grin split his jaws. Ok, son, awkward lesson time over... "All right, Aksel, let's go play the game. Find this girl and... observe. Tell me what you see about her." He hadn't realized teaching what he did would be so difficult... this should buy him a little time, see what instincts the kid already had.




2 Years
10-25-2014, 11:12 AM

Aksel's head tilted to the side as he looked up at his father who soon began to try and explain the game. This game made babies? His nose wrinkled. What on earth did he want to do that for? Even so Aksel listened with patience and tried to piece together what on earth his father was talking about. Aksel blinked slowly suddenly feeling self-conscious. THAT was what you used to make babies? Heat rose to his cheeks as the mention of pleasure. To be brutally honest he wasn't that much of a stranger to certain? effects on his body. But with a girl?

His expression turned serious for a moment. Right, he was nobody's play thing that was for sure! Aksel followed after his father and paused as he stared at the girl his father was talking about. Keen jewel-tones looked her over before he turned back to Loki. "She looks?.exotic I guess. Pretty but in a very different way. She also looks kind of mean." Aksel did not like the way this fae was grinning, she looked like trouble. But then again? so was he. "So? should I go talk to her what happens now?"
