
How Much There Is To Learn



5 Years
09-27-2014, 04:39 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She sneaked away at the first moment she could, light hunter's paws carrying her quietly away from her family's new densite and out beyond the territory that was to be their new home. She was not up to anything bad, nor did she have any intention of getting herself caught up in things that her parents would have disapproved of, but still she felt as if she needed to be more cautious around them, particularly when she wanted to leave their sides.

Everything had gone so horribly after meeting Pyrros. He had seemed like a decent wolf when they had met, a little odd with his particular taste in humor but nothing she needed to worry about. And then he had pinned her, covering her scent with his and then demanding that he meet her parents. She knew without exactly knowing that he should not have done what he had, had been nervous the moment she had brought him to the edge of her home and then frightened by her parents' strong reactions. And all she had wanted to do was make a new friend.

The terrible weather that had been plaguing much of the world did not reach this far inland, but its effects were still visible. The sky was nothing but pale grey clouds, blocking out the sunlight and seeming to keep the last of the summer's warmth more cozily pressed against the earth. Anais felt it about her as she moved, no longer creepily moving about but open with her step, and obviously downcast. Her tail drooped at her legs and her head remained lowered, the look upon her face both sad and confused and without her typical smile as her mind continued to be weighed down by the events that had transpired.

She felt awful. And stupid. Surely she should have been able to put it all together without her parents help, without needing them to intervene on her behalf? Never before had her naivety and innocence been a problem until now, and now after everything that had happened it felt quite embarrassing. She was supposed to be this great, skilled hunter, someone who could be dependable in a pack and carry her own weight, but how dependable could she be if she could be so easily taken in? With a huff, the young grey and gold wolf allowed her legs to give out beneath her, depositing her amid the cool, cushioning grasses that grew at the top of a rise in the Knolls. How much she had to learn of the world...

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.


09-27-2014, 05:32 PM
The weather had taken a turn for the worst and for more creatures with was bothersome considering it was summer and most tended to have the idea of sunshine and rainbows,this was not reality though however rather than seeing the bad in this odd world sakura took it upon herself to be thankful.

The slender form of the sandy female moved though the strange domain at at easy going relaxed walk as if she had all the time in the day. Sapphire orbs gazed around her body with a distant look as she admired the little things around her from the simple of forms such as a flower to a more complex thing such as other creatures like herself.

From the corner of her orbs she cough the form of a young female, or at least she presumed so by the frame and build of the canine. Soft steps carried her towards the creature, was she hurt? wounded perhaps? or just sleeping in an odd location she pondered her though for a moment before she spoke.

" Great Hera what have we here?"

She cooed in a soft almost mother like tone as she fixed her soft orbs upon the creature as she waited for some response.



5 Years
10-06-2014, 03:23 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The dejected girl had closed her eyes, breathing in quietly the scents of the Knolls. They were a good distraction, though she could still see Pyrros even when she wished not to. He smiled, smirked, sauntered close, all with that mischievous glint within his hazel eyes that hinted at more than she had been able to comprehend. But she understood now, probably more than she wanted to, and bothered her how she never had noticed.

She sighed, wishing there was some way that she could have gone back in time and reversed everything that had happened, when someone addressed her. Quickly her lemon-gold eyes opened and her head lifted to stare at the sandy-colored wolf who had approached her, startled though only partly so. At least it was not her brothers here to check on her, or Pyrros himself to attempt to reclaim her a second time. "Oh. Hello," she greeted her, unable to draw up the smile that she otherwise would have greeted her with. Surely she sounded less than enthused, as she did feel that way as well.

But it did not feel right to simply answer her that way. As an afterthought, she added in puzzlement, "Were you talking about me?"

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.


10-06-2014, 04:50 PM
The Hue's of the female continued to watch the young lass before her, As the girl spoke, it was hard to miss the upset tone of voice and with the body posture of the girl it was clear something was upsetting her,What that thing was however was a mystery.

"Yes,I was refraining to you"

She said in a soft mother like tone as she reclined to sit upon the domain before she spoke once more.

" I tough you were wounded or hurt."

She added as she tilted her head slightly as if trying to clear her suspicion by scanning the girl,Thankfully she seemed in good health so it added to the idea that she was bothered by a more mental problem, deciding to peruse her theory she offered a soft smile

" You seem distant from this world, are you bothered by something?"

She questioned not really sure if the girl would open up to her since she was a stranger after all.



5 Years
10-06-2014, 05:29 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The woman was kind as she spoke to her, though the fact she had been referring to her after all did not quite make Anais feel any better. Did she really look that awful? Her ears turned and tipped back against her head worriedly, her yellow-gold gaze dropping to stare a little more embarrassingly at the soft earth beneath her paws. Wounded or dead? "Really?" That was definitely not how she was realistically....but maybe it was closer than she would have liked to the truth.

The grey-gold girl sighed quietly. Was something bothering her? "Yeah, there is," she answered, not even thinking to keep the truth from the woman despite only having met her. Did she really want to go into all the details about it? It was a long story, and one that still made her uncomfortable to think about. Rather than trying to explain what it was that had happened, she instead focused upon the problem that was solely her own, the issue that was currently bothering her. "I'm just...I feel like there's a lot I don't know that I should know by now."

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.


10-06-2014, 06:00 PM
The hues of the female softened as she listened to the girl,letting her finished she nodded slightly as she chuckled before she lifted her hue's to gaze upon the sky above them as she spoke.

" Not everyone knows everything, Some know things that others don't, but that is life, Even Hara herself is wise but not all knowing "

she stated as she smiled faintly to the girl once more

"Did something happen?"

she added as she coiled her tassel around her paws as she settled herself on this domain as if trying to show the girl she was willing to listen.



5 Years
10-06-2014, 06:44 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Strange as it was to be cryptically explaining her issues to someone who she had only just met, Anais felt better for getting what was bothering her off her chest. And thankfully the woman she spoke to was kind and patient, offering a friendly face that was attentive to everything she said. The grey-gold girl stared back at her worriedly but with a hopeful smile of her own, feeling a bit better as the sandy-colored wolf went on to describe someone else as not being all-knowing either. The name and the significance behind it were lost to Anais - who exactly was Hera? - but she did have a good point. Not everyone knows everything. And apparently the part that Anais did not know involved mischievous male wolves.

Gently the wolf tried to coax more out of her, and Anais shifted as she pushed herself up from her lying down position to sit upright, her weight moving from foreleg to foreleg anxiously. Did she tell her what had happened? Just saying what little bit that she had had done a little good. She felt better for it certainly. But the whole thing was something else, and there were still bits of it that she felt reluctant to revisit, no matter how kindly the stranger, or even family member, who asked about them.

Once again she decided on tiptoeing around the truth as much as she could to only divulge the barest bit of it. "Yeah," she admitted, "and now my family is keeping really close watch on me. Like I'm some pup who needs to be supervised." Just a little she felt irritated by it, though she knew they only meant well. They were all worried about her well being, and they just wanted to see her safe out there in the world. She still half expected one of her siblings to randomly show up to take her back home now. "I know not all wolves can be trusted," she added quietly, her words nothing more than a disappointed mutter, "but I don't seem to be able to tell the difference anymore. At least according to my parents."

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.


10-10-2014, 11:58 AM
The large hue's of the dame watched the female as she moved to sit up right, she had to admit seeing the girl so gloomy, she wanted to coil around her and sooth her in some way however she did not wish to cause more uncomforted for the girl so she decided to stay put. As the girl began to speak she simply tilted her head as proceeded to listen the girl's problems before she began to speak herself.

" humm, I see your problem, Dolo's has picked you for a victim am afraid"

she stated in a slight sigh before she smiled and gently moved to bump her snout against the girls shoulder.

"Fear not dear one, one will see deception with experience"

she stated before she nodded slightly as if she was agreeing to her own advice before she spoke once more.

" As for your family, am sure they mean well Did something happen to cause such a protective order?"

She questioned as she smiled softly



5 Years
10-28-2014, 12:24 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Apparently this woman liked to speak in riddles, or at least about things that Anais had no knowledge about. Dolo? Victim? The grey-gold girl's brow furrowed in confusion, and just slightly her head began to tilt to the side. "I don't know..." she began to say but stopped herself short. Maybe it did not matter so much. Maybe it was just a term for unkind males. According to her parents, she had been a victim after all, even if she had not realized it until they had pointed it out to her. She hated it, but it was a fact she had already come to terms with.

She felt a little reassured by the smile the wolf offered, as well as the kindly bump she made against her shoulder. Her words, though not entirely able to reverse any of her current issues, did seem to placate her worries about the future. In a way, she thought she might have been correct. Now that she knew what to look for, Anais would likely be able to recognize it again if it returned, either in the form of Pyrros or some new wolf who wished to single her out. To show her appreciation, Anais offered a slightly forced smile, not feeling quite her usual, chipper self yet enough to make it sincere.

Whatever evasion she had made so far seemed not to have worked as the woman again tried to pry, smiling as kindly as ever as she asked what had caused her new strict rules that her parents had set into play. Still not up for explaining the details, the golden-eyed girl merely answered, "Yeah," rather disappointingly to the question, adding only, "They're afraid I won't be able to see danger in other wolves now, all because I messed up once." But perhaps the most frightening part for her was that she too shared their fear; even she was worried she could not trust her own judgment anymore.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.


10-28-2014, 05:53 PM
The ears of the girl flicked something told her that what she was saying did not quite seem to sink in to the other creature so she was unsure if the girl understood her. As the girl spoke once more she simply nodded and rose to her paws. Taking a few steps away from the girl.

Once again she rested her self on the domain next to a fairly large puddle that had yet to be drained away from the storm that riddled the lands, Once again inquisitive eyes rested on the girl as she smiled.

" Come here Dear one, What do you see?"

She stated hopping the girl would not simply say her reflection, no that was not the lesson, it was not what she wanted to draw the girls attention to it was simply the calmness of the water



5 Years
11-04-2014, 12:30 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Again her answer seemed to be enough for her company, and again Anais was grateful. As much of a relief it would have been to get the whole of the story off of her chest, it was simply not a tale she was keen on revisiting with a stranger. A part of her wanted to bring it up with Nako as he always seemed to provide a good listening ear when she needed it and never appeared to judge her for her actions or opinions. But she had also seen how he and every other member of her family had reacted, and she really did not want to bring back any of those protective, stifling emotions.

From what seemed like out of the blue to the grey-gold girl, the other female rose and began to walk away, leaving her younger companion staring on in confusion. Was that it? Did she no longer wish to keep the conversation going with her anymore? Maybe it was because she had been so reluctant to say anything... But no, Sakura only traveled a short distance before she reclined again, taking a seat beside a large puddle that had been left over by the storm. A quick order and a curious question were offered, and with her brows furrowing in puzzlement, Anais got to her paws and wandered closer.

What did she see? The puddle, of course. It was still and quiet and mostly shallow, though it was to be expected as the storm was well and truly gone and the sunshine had only just begun to return and drive it away. The only other thing she could reasonably see was herself as well as her companion, their mirrored reflections staring back at her from the mostly flat surface of the puddle. "I see us," she answered simply, feeling as if she might have somehow answered wrong but unsure how she could have answered right. It was true, they were both there on the surface of the puddle. What else was she supposed to see?

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.


11-07-2014, 03:19 PM
Soft orbs watched the younger lady, listening to the girls answer she simply chuckled softly before she shook her head slightly and diverted her gaze to the water.

" you see how calm the water is? "

She questioned before she gave the girl a moment to answer, once she answered she extended her paw only to drop it in to the water causing some of it splash and and gain a few ripples.

" She what happens when I upset it?"

She questioned before she continued with her little lesson

" Like the water, some wolves appear calm and trustworthy... then something happens and they allow there true colours to show just like when I placed my paw in to the water... the only way we can find out what kind of wolf they are... is if we take the risk to uncover them.."
she spoke clearly though she unsure if her lesson was easy to understand... she was never too good at explaining things



5 Years
11-11-2014, 03:00 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Of course she received a chuckle. She had suspected when she answered that her simple observation was going to be the wrong one. Obviously there was some bigger picture life lesson that this kind lady intended for her to learn, but she was not quite there to the point where she could understand it yet. But Sakura was patient, even if she did laugh. She was not going to leave her to figure it out all on her own without any hints or clues. She was going to help her understand.

At the prompting from the woman, Anais once again turned her now curious yellow-gold stare on the pond, noting exactly what it was Sakura had observed about it. It was calm. "Yeah," she answered affirmatively, unsure what significance that tiny fact had on anything but the expectant look about her gave away that she was eager to understand and know. Rather than state words, her company lifted her paw and splashed it gently into the water, sending small waves rolling off in ever direction around it.

The look upon Anais's face became more serious, focused within a frown, as she worked to piece together the puzzle of Sakura's message, not offering a response to this prompt but rather awaiting the explanation. It was stated more readily this time, and though it did make sense to the girl she was not altogether convinced it was something she had not known before. Feeling a little disappointed, her voice lower in tone because of it, she asked, "So I'm...not going to know about people right I?" How disconcerting it was to learn that sometimes she was simply going to have to wait it out in order to learn of a stranger's intent.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.