
curiosity (SECRETUA)

Katja the First


8 Years
09-27-2014, 10:14 AM

On her way back to Yfir from Ebony she took a... minor detour, to bring her near to the lands of a pack she had skirted around on her way north after being driven from her temporary home by storms. She knew nothing of the pack, had heard nothing from other rogues past that it was insular and secretive, which sounded frankly quite appealing. So she paced her still-healing body to the borders of their northern-most lands and sent out a call to their alpha to join her there. As she waited for him to show up - if he did at all, though it would be unwise of him not to take the opportunity to size her up as she planned to him - she breathed in the scent markers, getting as much information as she could from them. A small pack... there wasn't much variety in the markers and what difference there was between scents was slight, as though they shared genetics. A family pack perhaps? She continued to sort through the scents as she waited.


Rune I


5 Years
09-27-2014, 10:56 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

There had been a slight lull in the rains this day, and though it should have been a wonderful occurrence it was only a minor relief. There had been so much of it the days before that the grounds within and around the Gulley were muddy and slick, dangerous and deceptive, and just as Rune had guessed the lower sections of the Gulley had filled with rainwater. Thankfully no one had gotten caught in any of these locations, the lot of the pack smart enough to keep well enough away, but it still limited their movements through the whole of the place.

And it was exactly that which caused the grey, blue-eyed wolf to arrive later than he had intended there upon the border of the Gulley, frowning and grumbling to himself. He had been searching the Gulley again, looking for any new portions of the richly forested locale that were either cut off or completely flooded in, when the call had interrupted him from his work. He had been irked enough to note that it was not the call of a loner seeking shelter let alone when the path he had been cutting through the vegetation was suddenly cut off by a newly risen waterway that he had needed to find another way around. As he finally drew himself over the lip of Gulley and out upon its edge he muttered something to himself about being done with these storms and their damnable rains.

Surely he looked like a bit of a mess, his fur more or less dry but windswept and unruly. His black paws appeared almost more brown with mud that clung to them from his climb out of the Gulley, and though it was still summer he felt unseasonably cold considering all the winds that had accompanied the rain these past weeks. And now here he was, in his summer storm best, entertaining visitors. Naturally he frowned as he came to stop before the masked woman, his nose cautiously drawing in her scent and noting with unapparent happiness that it had nothing to do with Solstice and the red woman who had visited him previously. But there was still something distinctly pack-like to her scent that made him wonder...

"You're not here looking for a home," he stated simply, bluntly, having long ago ruled out the notion the moment he had heard her call. No, she must have been here for something else, and though he did not ask outright he hoped she would take his statement as a means for her to explain her business and get things rolling.

Katja the First


8 Years
09-28-2014, 03:01 PM

The appearance of the alpha, disheveled as he may appear, did not matter to Katja. She was a warrior, raised with and by warriors - one got disheveled at times and there was little to be done about it in the moment without wasting time best spent on other pursuits. It was his attitude, blunt as her own, that intrigued Katja.

"No, I am not," she confirmed immediately upon his statement. "I am Katja Finnvi. I challenged the alpha of Olympus and won the right to their pack, which has been renamed Yfir. Who are you?" She tilted her head slightly to study him in silence as she awaited his answer.


Rune I


5 Years
09-30-2014, 12:05 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

He breathed, nearly snorted, as the masked woman confirmed for him what he had stated as fact. At least his mind was not so addled by the recent bout of horrendous weather to no longer be able to read those few wolves who happened to show up upon his border. Wolves that knew well enough to explain their business without tiptoeing around it to get caught up in the formalities that so many others deemed necessary. This wolf wasted no time for either of them, going on just as he had hoped to introduce herself and her position - her rank as an Alpha did not immediately make him feel any better - as well as her curiosity about him.

Well, at least she had not asked directly to start any friendships or alliances, particularly without first even learning of his name and the pack that he ruled. Lifting his chin with a touch of authority and pride, he answered simply, "Rune. Guardian of Secretua." For once, he actually felt good in being able to speak of his pack with another known leader though this one was entirely unfamiliar to him. Just briefly he wondered what her own newly established pack, this place known as Yfir, was like.

With his own introduction out of the way, Rune felt immediately uncertain. Was that it? Would they simply exchange names and pack names and be done with it? It seemed too good to be true. So skeptically, certain there had to be more to this visit than simply "getting to know the neighbors" he asked in a low sort of tone, unable to stop himself from narrowing his frosty blue eyes, "Why are you here?"