
Afraid of the Lonely


09-28-2014, 06:10 PM

Her once glorious coat clung to her skinny frame so tightly that every bone in her body was outlined against the faint light that bled through gray clouds. Once royal eyes, that stood brightly against the colors that adorned her face were glazed and dull. She didn?t move the with the grace of a queen- rather she moved sluggishly, limping as she went. Wind whipped across the wall, as she crossed into the North- a territory that she once commanded. The blood that was strong in her veins had once claimed the North- and struck fear into the hearts of all the wolves in the land. It seemed that era may have passed.

She coughed, a rasping sound and shook her head slowly. The sickness that had attacked her body- so soon after losing her children and her crown had seemed a cruel punishment. She wondered how Azalea was doing with Regium- she hadn?t stuck around long after she had given the crown away, even though she had intended too. It seemed that there was a pull- something drew her away from the lands of Alacritis.

What had drawn her back?

Another gust of wind battered her body, and she stumbled- trying to regain her balance. Her claws dug into the ground, but she didn't really care if she fell to the ground. Could she fall any farther? She halted, sinking to her haunches- her limbs quivering, and she stared ahead of her, lost. Where could she go? What could she do? Could she ever regain the pride and strength she once commanded? Who was she now?

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak



3 Years
09-28-2014, 06:20 PM

In the frosty north, there was a bit of a sickly woman in the midst, lost as ever. The warrioress observed from afar, rubies searching the queen for any sense of familiarity in her curved markings and elegant violet eyes. Her mismatched toes would quietly crunch the snow beneath her weight, her steely banner hung low as she walked forth, the woman dwarfing her by much, not much of a surprise. Her thick black pelt stood out like a beacon against the snow, but she winced at the sound of a rasping cough. This queen was skinnier than a branch, poorer than a peasant. A quiet look of both curiousity and concern was smeared upon her facial features, slowly approaching so she wouldn't be taken for a threat. Her posture was relaxed, but muscles were tense in case this woman was hostile. This woman was obviously in trouble and injured, and now wasn't time to be dead silent as usual. "Are you alright?" Rubies asked kindly, as she stopped feet away, scanning the pained woman's features for an answer, asking if she wanted somewhere to recover.



09-28-2014, 08:33 PM

She wasn?t alone, but that was a fact she would realize too late. It took the other woman speaking, to alert Roman of her presence and the former queen flinched. She strained to understand her- but it had been so long since she had spoken. Would her own voice even work? Her ears flattened against her head, as she looked at the other wolf, straining to form some word. Her jaws parted, and closed. Again, it would seem that she would find it hard to make a word form. A strangled rasping noise left her, and she frowned. Why was it so hard to talk?! What have I done to deserve this?

Of course, it would be that a stranger would find her- even her in the north. Why couldn?t it have been a wolf she knew? Someone she trusted. She cursed herself for appearing weak in front of this stranger, but she couldn?t even muster a snarl. Defeated, she looked at the ground, embarrassment flooding her face- tinging her cheeks red. She was prideful, and admitting that she needed help cut deeply. Her body shook, with effort from even sitting and she stared at the frozen earth beneath her.

Part of her, wanted to accept any mercy this stranger may offer- while the rest of her, remembered the last time she had foolishly thought herself capable of making such a decision. Letting out a rattling sigh, she looked away from the other wolf- and finally forces three words. ?I am fine.? Her voice is a rasp, breaking slightly and it is foreign to her ears. But she isn?t. She?s far from fine. She wishes Greek to be at her side, but she had slipped away from him- left him in her favorite forest. She only hoped he waited for her. Greek would know what to do- he?d know what to say. He?d speak for her.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak

Athena I


9 Years
09-28-2014, 09:16 PM

The Soeverien had not come out here expecting to find much of anything. She really had only traveled out here to stretch her legs and to get a read on how the rest of the northern regions were doing as Alacritis began to speed toward the fall season. The always chilly north would once again fall into arctic temperatures and Athena wanted to be sure that her territory and the areas around it would be ready to support not only her pack but as well as her neighbors.

However, what, or rather who, she found would be something of a complete and utter surprise. She spotted two forms up ahead, one pale white and frail while the other was coated in black with interesting gray markings. It was the gray mask that made Athena remember her as Sheikra, one of the Isokan members that had appeared at their joint training they held not too long ago. The other was a bit of a mystery till she got closer and spotted the distinctive red and yellow marking on her hip. Shock and worry shot through her gut. She suddenly picked up her pace into a full on run toward her sister, concern evident on her face. She lopped to a halt, so many questions popping into her head. She wouldn't ask any of those right now though, her first concern was to get Roman home, something to eat, and find Devin to have him take a look at her to take care of that cough that could be heard from several feet away. "Don't lie, Roman," she replied to Roman's bogus claim of being 'fine'. She glanced to Sheikra and said, "Sheikra, if you would, run ahead to Bevroren and find Devin for me. I want him there to take a look at her as soon as we get there. If anyone tries to stop you at the border tell them I sent you." Her voice was firm with no room for questions.

Once Sheikra was on her way she turned back to Roman, nudging her up with her muzzle and keeping her side close to her sisters should Roman need to lean on her. "Come on, lets get you back to my den." She knew Roman well enough to know that her sister's pride could get in her way, but Athena would not let her injure herself any more than she already had. She wouldn't take no for an answer.



10-06-2014, 08:14 AM

Apparently, the fates would not let her be- would not let her die. As another appeared to witness her feeble state. Her ears pricked slightly, before falling flatly to her head- as she noted the presence of Athena. Her younger sister had grown into a true Queen. Roman chuckled at her words, though the sound sounded much like a dying cat. "I don't remember you being so bossy." Roman rasped, blinking. As Athena bridged the gap between them, Roman slowly drug herself to her feet. "'thena, I'll just be a burden." She bit out the words, her lips curling in distaste. Why should anyone care for her in this state? She couldn't earn her own place! "I can survive." She bit out, her eyes narrowed.

Her pride would be the death of her, her refusal to be a burden to anyone, wouldn't let her accept help, even if she needed it to live. God if her father could see her now, the disappointment- he'd surely feel. What a pathetic queen she made now. Surely, even Athena thought less of her? Why had she returned?

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak

Athena I


9 Years
10-06-2014, 08:53 AM


Athena wouldn't even take the time to question why Roman was in this state or why she had suddenly reappeared. To her Roman was family, a member of her family she was quite attached to in fact, and because of that she felt no room to judge, only to worry. She only wished for Roman's well being and her only focus was to ensure that her sister was safe.

To Roman's comment on her being bossy she scoffed and gave a small smirk. "I didn't have much choice but to learn to be bossy. Queenly duties and all that." She had expected some resistance to her help from Roman, but for her to even think of herself as a burden was unthinkable to the silver girl. Confusion crossed her gaze and she looked at Roman not as a subject but as a sister. "Roman, you will never be a burden. I have no doubt that you will survive, but I want you to come home with me. I want to talk to you and find out where you've been, but I don't want to do that here. I want to get you some food and have my healer take a look at you because you're my sister and I love you." She nudged Roman's shoulder with a gentle insistence and added, "Let me help you. Come home with me."



3 Years
10-06-2014, 09:19 AM

[Image: aafzlv.png]

It wasn't like he would object to anything his queen sent him for. The rather odd looking healer rose to his feet as he headed over to the wall to the two girls location after Sheikra had told him. He spotted the two of them, by the looks of it they were close. The muscled man walked over looking at her. What kind of stress had she been put under to end up like this? It pissed him off so much he wanted to tear apart whoever had done this to this poor woman. He hadn't been here to hear her complaining about the healing, so he wouldn't be aware of that.

"You'll be fine, just some rest and slowly gaining back your strength will do you some good." he said roughly. The man was well muscled so it'd be easy to go to the other side of her from where Athena was to raise Roman up. "Looks like we'll need to give you some honey and mint too." both were good things for stress and strength. He could tell by touching her and looking at her that she had given birth some time ago, but by the absence of pups it didn't look like they had made it. Of course Devin may have seemed nice right now, but he would not let Roman argue about anything he did to make her better.


? ? ?

cait at btn


10-21-2014, 12:58 PM

To her sister's words- and the words of the approaching wolf, who appeared to be the healer, she merely grunted- something along an agreement. She was too exhausted to argue- rather she focused on standing, and moving forward without falling on her face. Each step she'd take was rocky, her limbs ached with exhaustion, but she tried to move forward- tried to get to the Northern lands that her sister had reigned over. A low growl bubbled in her throat, frustration that she was this weak- that standing alone could exhaust her. Hadn't she once struck fear into her enemies by her presence?

Slowly, she'd step forward again- concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other, as she moved. Taking a few steps, she'd pause- panting. "This is hopeless." She's growl in annoyance. How many steps had she taken? Five, Six, Seven? At this rate it'd take her days to get to the territory of Bevroren. Clenching her jaws, she pushed forward- throwing her mind and last ounce of strength behind her. She'd get there- even if getting there killed her. Her ears pressed against her head, she blocked out the two wolves around her- focusing on walking, which consumed her mind. One foot in front of the other.
