
Step up your game



3 Years
09-28-2014, 02:55 PM

ooc: All are expected to attend. Second round will start 5th October

Though fight training was technically to fall upon Kyung's shoulders, Athena had still taken it upon herself to arrange one session with the wolves of Isokan. Hopefully the dark male would understand that it was still his duty to train the wolves of Bevroren at some point, the task certainly wouldn't always fall to their Soeverein. At the moment however there was no one to take the pack through any hunts and Talvi would take the role on her own shoulders for now in an effort to get the pack together for a feast and perhaps some training for the less experienced members of the pack.

Hopefully the turn out for this would be good, and more importantly better than her last attempt to summon anyone from the pack. She was still a little sour from the poor results from her teaching meeting, hopefully both Kyung and Devin wouldn't fail to attend now. They too had to set an example, if the teachers couldn't support one and other why should the rest of the pack be expected to? Letting her howl call for all able members of the pack she would now sit back and wait. Who would show?



09-28-2014, 08:12 PM

Haruka would. But this was nothing unusual, as the wolves of Bevroren had some to know. It was what she always did, and was usually the first to arrive. Her and Talvi were speedy with there response time, which amused the fox-coloured girl. Weaving between the pines she carefully picked her way towards the caller, a smile showing when she saw that it was Talvi who had called, the very girl she had just been thinking about. She seemed like a nice enough female, not that she knew her that well. But she was in tune with Athena, which made her lean more towards trusting her. "Greetings Talvi, what is the meaning of your call today?" She asked with a tilt of her head. Talvi was the lead warrior, but they had just had a training a few days ago. So what else would the blue female be calling the pack to? Curiosity danced in her brown eyes as she came to sit in front of the girl, leaving a few feet between them. Shame she had such a hard time fully trusting others, because the woman before her would probably make an excellent friend. They were both attentive, both quick to answer calls and truly cared about the pack. Yes, the two girls had a lot in common.

Walk "Talk" Think


09-28-2014, 08:39 PM

The sparring had shown just how inexperienced the female was when it came to true battle, but she at least had the spirit to try. It was her promise, after all, that she would give her all in thanks for acceptance into this pack, and so she had. The female had over the past few days been a bit busy, however, with something a bit more important than pack duties. Her daughter had fallen ill, her reason for not showing at the fight training. Vesta had fallen ill. The woman had wished she foresaw it, but that was water under the bridge now. Caring for her daughter and making sure she was comfortable before she left the den for any reason was what the mother strove for, and to never be away for too long an extended period of time.

The brown female would hear the call of Talvi and head it. She had been relatively close, and would come to find that she was second to arrive. The other small fae, Haruka, was quite the interesting wolfess. She appeared as if she were a shadow herself, materializing almost out of thin air whenever a meeting was called. A nod was given to her before the brown woman turned her gaze on Talvi. "Good to see you, Talvi. Vesta will not be joining us I'm afraid. She has fallen ill. I don't believe that it is anything serious, however, so hopefully she'll be back among us soon." With that the female would fall silent, waiting for others to arrive.

Speech, Thought



6 Years
09-28-2014, 11:44 PM

He refused to admit he had fallen ill, he had enough experience of sickness with what happened with the plague. So the king obviously looked fine, but he didn't feel fine. Vereux hadn't been up and about like he usually had because of the sickness but he was fine he swore to himself. The boy didn't want to seem lazy to his people that was for certain so when Talvi called he raised himself and would attend the pack hunt. As his paws led him there, he gave a sheepish smile to those who were already there and dipped his head, however remaining silent.
He wondered if they thought of him as a good man, sure his wife was the alpha, but he was the king still. His tail would flick for a moment, and he didn't want to think that they thought of him as bad. After all Bevroren had been quiet and partly because he hadn't been as active as he should have been or at least he felt that way. He waited, and he would speak only if needed. Because if he did, it would probably become obvious that he was no well with a soft scratchy voice.

?I speak?



3 Years
09-28-2014, 11:49 PM

Devin had been collecting herbs, and didn't bother to call a meeting since everyone seemed busy with other things. It would be bad to overwhelm them specially when they were not healers. It was a difficult task to be the only healer within the pack, but it was thankful that they were so small at the moment. The brute moved along with his frown, looking at the others like he was going to kill some of them. He wouldn't of course, but those who had seen him should have known by now that was just how he acted or looked really.
Hunting was important to keep his body fit, he was kind of like a body builder doctor. He enjoyed his hobby of healing well, but he also excelled at fighting and running simply because his body was built for it and he had spent his entire life style bent around it for his family. Devin took a seat away from the crowd of small wolves and awaited instruction. Hoping that he didn't stink of marigold and mint too much.

Athena I


9 Years
09-30-2014, 08:46 PM

When Athena heard Talvi's call a small, pleased smile touched her muzzle. Of course she would immediately turn and head toward her sister, eager to show her support for her Leraar. She realized as she was trotting toward the sure to be gathering group that she hadn't yet announced Talvi's new position to the whole of the pack. She knew Kyung and Devin should know by now since she had already called a meeting with them and of course word was sure to spread at least a little, but she made a note to bring it up at their next meeting.

When she arrived she nodded to all those that had arrived already, her eyes landing on her husband last. She gave him a mildly scolding look as she sat beside him, whispering into his ear, "Don't you dare push yourself too hard. I can't have you getting any more sick. I have half a mind to send you back to the den now." She honestly had half expected him to stay behind, but she should have known better. He wasn't going to let a little sickness keep him down. She gave him a little smile and nudged his shoulder with her own before glancing around at those that had gathered once again.




3 Years
10-05-2014, 08:35 AM (This post was last modified: 10-05-2014, 05:51 PM by Talvi.)

ooc: We'll try get this done quickly, I'll aim to start the next round on the 10th, maybe before if you're super quick again!

The ever-prompt Haruka would be the first one to appear and Talvi would dip her head in greeting to her fellow beta. "Hello Haruka, I thought it was about time the pack was brought together for a hunt." She would explain, perhaps she should have waited, there would be a chance she could be explaining this numerous times.

The next to arrive would be Arietta, it was good to see that the woman this time was indeed making word on her promise to improve herself and had so far attended both the fighting and now this group hunt. Today there was the news that the keen young Vesta was not able to attend. "That is a shame, and this would have been a good experience for her. I hope she is better soon." Vesta may not have been as useful on the hunt as some of the others, though her words were truth. Now would be a good time for her to start learning to improve her hunting skills and work efficiently with her pack.

Finally Vereux, Devin and Athena would arrive, a simple nod of greeting returned to each of them. Her brother did not look at his best, he could certainly have been excluded from such activities, it probably wouldn't do him much good if he wasn't feeling well still though Talvi decided she would make sure he wasn't pushed too hard. Devin it was good to see had chosen to attend, though where was Kyung? The dark male would not appear and eventually, though rather disappointed in the Ridder, she would have no choice but to go on without him.

It seemed strange to address the pack like this, stranger still that over half of the gathered group were either or higher or equal rank to her. She would brush it aside however and force herself to continue. "I figured it was about time we all got together for a hunt again." The blue and silver girl would speak up now. "There have been a few herds of elk lingering around the lands recently, and figured that we could track and target one of those." Talvi would explain.

"Once we have found a herd, I suggest we break off into two groups, one to lie in wait, Athena, Vereux and Devin and the other, myself, Haruka and Arietta will push our prey towards you." There had been some care in her assignment of the groups, though it may have appeared it was simply for the order they had shown up in. Athena could make sure Vereux didn't push himself too hard and Devin could act quickly if their Hertog did anything to injure or strain himself.

"I have recently scented at least one of the herds heading towards the river so that will be our best bet to begin with, is everyone ready to move?" They were not children, they didn't need everything carefully explained to them though she would have taken more time explaining how to track and how the groups would work had Vesta been present. Now it was time to move unless anyone had anything else they wished to add.



10-05-2014, 05:43 PM

The woman smiled at the silver and blue wolf, keeping her mouth shut as others showed up. She didn't question her further, knowing that with her intent, she might have to end up explaining herself more than once. Although she looked at the little crowd that gathered, feeling anger well in her small chest. Letting out a huff her ears pinned flat against her head, her lips pursed as she forced herself to remain silent. Even though they were small in number, at least they all showed up and weren't lazing about. When Talvi began to speak again she turned her attention to her, picking up on the woman's slight awkward feelings. Surly it was a strange thing to address everyone like she was, telling them the plan. She couldn't help but smile at her softly, trying to encourage the shy one. She was much the same, which is why she knew how she felt. Haruka would be shaking like a leaf if she were in her place. "Sounds good Talvi." She commented, making sure that her fellow Beta knew that she stood behind her. She may be one to sit in the shadows, but she still cared for Bevroren, and all in it. She wouldn't mind getting to know the blue woman better, it seemed that they had a lot in common. "Lead and I will follow. I am good at moving without being seen, so it will be easy for me to pick a hiding place away from the herd." Pulling herself to her paws she pointed her body in the direction that Talvi had mentioned, waiting for the larger female to lead the way.


10-06-2014, 06:23 PM

Talvi would speak, giving the information the group would need to make this hunt a success. Their intended game was elk. She had noticed the herds lingering about herself, while she practiced her stalking techniques, and was excited, though nervous, that she would be assisting in this hunt. The teams were made, she to lay in wait with Haruka and Talvi, while the others were to lay in wait for the prey to be driven to them. The small female would give a nod. "The herd I think you may have took note of has a couple older cows, and a bull. They've been moving slowly through our territory, and when I last saw them myself that seems to be the way they were heading."

She wasn't sure if her information would be the most useful or not, but taking down older, weaker game was a better idea to help the herd survive as well as their pack. Right now Arietta's mind was solely on this task -- the only one she felt that she excelled in, and with that her bit of confidence had risen, her light blue eyes shining. Talvi was still to lead them of course, but Arietta would give any info or input that might be useful to the blue woman. Ears would twitch, feeling a bit of excitement at the hunt at hand. It was time to show she was not useless -- something she feared some of them may still think of her.

Speech, Thought



3 Years
10-12-2014, 01:31 PM

ooc: Next round starts 19th October

There seemed to be nothing to add that might change their game plan, only additional bits of information from Arietta to assure them all that the herd had indeed last been seen heading towards the water. And so all that was left to do was find them. Together they would follow their own path towards the river, senses alert for any sign of the herd. Sure enough her nose would soon pick up a relatively fresh trail and as they continued the herd would finally come into sight through the trees ahead of them. Silently she would look to Athena would a glance that seemed to say 'now'. It was time for the Soeverein to lead Devin and Vereux to a point to lie in wait.

Once they have moved Talvi would remain still, icy gaze watching the herd carefully for any signs of a weaker member that might stick out immediately. So far the weakest target was a curious young calf that had strayed a little further from the herd, there were those older cows that had been noticed and if caught, one of those would make a far larger feast for the pack.

With enough time having passed to give Athena's group chance to settle, Talvi would now cast a look to both Haruka and Arietta. "Let's go." She would comment simply and then lead the chase towards the herd, eyes all the while searching for the weakest member as the herd began their own move.


10-20-2014, 03:49 PM

Ooc:: Was hoping some others would post before me but... xD;;

Arietta moved along after Talvi quietly, moving with the rest of the group. It didn't seem to take long, as they moved towards the river, for the scent of their prey to reach her nose. Ears would perk with a bit of excitement, hoping to show her strengths to the rest of the pack. She wanted to be useful. Wanted to have more than just an average life. Before long the two teams were splitting up, leaving herself, Haruka, and Talvi in one group while the rest went with Athena to lay in wait. Adrenaline would rush through her, excitement making her body tingle. They were close, so close to the goal. If they worked together this would go through without a hitch.

She would stand near Talvi, gaze upon the herd, analyzing for the weakest link. She noticed the calf too, though striking the youngest members was not particularly the best strategy. While an easier target, to give the herds strength to live on, they would need to prey on an older member. That was why her main focus was on the weaker cows. With a silent nod at Talvi's order the slender femme would begin to race towards the herd. Upon scenting the wolves the elk would begin to run. Gaze would shift to one of the cows starting to lag behind. "Talvi, look there!" She would call to the femme, hoping that she would also take note of the cow lagging behind. Once one of the others made the target clear she would move in as well.

"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Dione



6 Years
10-20-2014, 04:29 PM

Vereux listened carefully, but didn't say another word. Here was another story for him. He was totally concentrated and ready for the task ahead. His paws carrying him closer to Athena as he watched his surroundings and took them in. He remembered his first hunt, and it had been by himself. Though he had been kicked in the chest back then, he assumed he would just know how to do this. He didn't remember going on any pack hunts with his father if that counted for anything.
Once in position, he waited patiently for the others to draw the herd here. His tail flicked carefully, single green eye focused in the direction of the scent. Meat made his mouth water, something like this was a delicacy he couldn't just pass up after all.

?I speak?