
The stronger survive



09-28-2014, 12:20 PM

He had a plan, but if it prevailed or not he would not know. He was looking for his brother, his blood brother. After all ravens children vanished, and only gods knew where esti had gone. He and laufey had been close once upon a time, after they were abandoned in Valhalla and Vahva died. But Orochi had left to find their mother, and he had. So essentially his sense of wanting laufey was because their blood was the same. The now year old boy was in a position of power, but he was hoping he could convince laufey to come with him to isokan. Where they still had a debt to pay to the walker that had helped them into this world, and took care of them when raven was sick.
Orochi had grown to hate the thought of raven, even though his mother had loved her until the very end. He didn't see her as his other mother, just a wench like most others below him. His tail wiggled as he sighed a little. My how the world had changed around him. But he was strong, he had to be otherwise he would die. It was a survival fact. The day he died meant the day he wasn't strong enough to continue on.




5 Years
Extra large
09-28-2014, 03:34 PM

After his brother left, Laufey took up wandering in solitude. Valhalla was the closest thing he had to a home and for a time he visited often, until one day, after weeks of traveling, he came back to find it gone. With his one anchor severed, the boy's wanderings had taken him farther and farther. Eventually he found Esti and the two stayed together for awhile, but then she too disappeared. He got used to being alone.

The young titan had once more found himself being integrated into pack life. This time seemed a touch more permanent, though. For starters, he was an actual member this time. Daegmar was a scary new addition, but her teaching was sound and Laufey found that he was having little trouble adjusting to her hellfire ways. The guidance he so desperately lacked was finally being given the opportunity to take root in his life. For once he had a purpose and while Yfir didn't feel quite like home yet, he was confident that only time stood between him and that feeling.

Still, it felt nice to step back from the pack for a bit, to wander once more. He had every intention of going back, but traveling had gotten into his blood. Perhaps Lady Katja would find a purpose in his tendencies and put him to work in a way that used them.

Orochi. His presence was sudden and startling, causing the boy to freeze in place as his mind struggled to make sense of the ghost before him. He huffed, drawing in long drafts of the apparition's scent to confirm his identity. The familiar scent washed over him, immediately sparking fond puppyhood memories of the boy. He couldn't believe his eyes and so it was with spooks in mind that he questioned the wolf in the language he'd learned from his mother. The language, used only in his puppyhood, fell from his lips with difficulty. "Rethorb? Uoy yllaer taht si?" If he was who Laufey thought him to be, he would have no trouble answering.


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.



09-28-2014, 05:01 PM
Orochi would watch his brother and a sense of anger came into him. Yet he wouldn't outwardly express it knowing that life did move on without him. As his gray eyes looked at the other Titan he spoke the language only their family had known since they were born. " Uoy ksa tsum I yefual uoy rof gnikool neeb ev'I ,sey" Orochi only had one thug on his mind, his brother was rightfully his by blood. He didn't want the world taking any more of it away from him. He gave a serious gaze to his brother no caring of the pack scent that cling to his pelt. If he requires fighting the alpha for him he would.

"Come with me to isokan I have a high rank and you will be treated well, leave those who are not of your blood or bonds" He stood in front of his brother not making a move. His dominance showing through the lithe muscles he had. The world he did not care about would be out to attack his brother. It wasn't like they could depend on anyone else anymore.



5 Years
Extra large
09-28-2014, 08:13 PM

No, his senses weren't playing tricks on him. The boy's countenance brightened as joy overcame him. "I've missed you, brother." He smiled, feeling genuinely pleased to see the other boy. Much had changed since the last time they had seen each other. Orochi easily matched him in height--a feat that few were capable of. Both boys were well on their way to becoming adults, although neither quite fit the bill yet. Seeing him now, the jump in age and size so vast, was weird. "Ask me what?"

His brother would go on to test his new loyalties. One of his ears flicked back in uncertainty. He desperately wanted to be with his brother again, but the opportunities that Yfir offered couldn't easily be forgotten. "I'm training under a warrior in Yfir." He put off answering the question for a moment, stalling for time as his mind spun for an answer. A split second later he was out of options. In the end he decided to counter his brother's offer. "What if you were to join me, Orochi? There are many opportunities there. I think you would like the Lady Katja."


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.



09-28-2014, 11:08 PM

Orochi would listen to his brother carefully, but anger would bristle slightly inside of him. He wouldn't get mad at his brother, no, it was nearly impossible after how he felt about his family. But his super-ego was higher than it had been when he was a child. Everyone was below him or at his level until proven otherwise, because he wanted and needed the strength to survive. He watched their mother be torn to shreds but the source of scum that had torn their family apart. He had also eradicated that scum because the source of evil in him had arisen. So it hurt, it hurt a little to realize his brother had indeed moved on. Yet had found a place with no connections to their prior family what so ever. Laufey didn't know so Orochi could no entirely blame him, so his ears would come up and he would stand tall.
"I know you cannot simply abandoned your pack, as I cannot mine brother. But I found our mother, I learned a lot about the world with her, even learned a new language. But Isokan, Isokan is a kingdom for the relatives of Vahva. We were close to her, and I felt that I needed to do her a service after her death. Yet I do understand, that you might have fallen for others in their bonds, even as much as I dislike it." No one but Laufey would fully hear him speak in a serious matter like this. Usually Orochi was a huge flirt, he waded away from the world with his feminine like antics. Yet here was important, his brother was important to him. Even in the time he had left, he worried about Laufey immensely.
"How about we fight, you and me. Whoever wins will go with the winner to their pack. I know we will have to speak with our alpha's I might even have to fight yours if she does not agree. But it would prove to me, who is stronger. We won't survive unless we are strong.....I saw mother die because of her weakness for us. She wanted to protect us, and ended up being slaughtered by a pig." His hackles would raise slightly. His toes spreading into the terrain, the thought of the man irked him still. He calmed down though, gray eyes watching Laufey to see what he would say.




5 Years
Extra large
09-29-2014, 12:01 AM

Orochi unleashed a flood of information upon him and Laufey was momentarily struck dumb by what all he had to say. All he could do was shake his head, not in disbelief, but in amazement. Their mother had been killed, a fact that should have sent him reeling but didn't. The young titan was saddened by this knowledge, but he'd gone so long without seeing her that it was like she had died long ago. He was sad that the option of seeing her again was gone, but the thought had turned into a fantasy while he was still quite small; the hope of an actual reunion dying long before the wolf.

For a moment his eyes would close as his brother once more tried to sway him. It was tempting. He wanted to be with Orochi again, for it to be like it had been when they were small, just the two of them against the world. But...he recognized that they weren't children anymore. Those days had been hard and he'd learned much from them, but he was evolving, ever changing and bettering himself. He wished to graduate to an adult relationship with his brother; to have differences and separate lives, to be thriving individuals, not children facing off with the world. The distance between them shouldn't weaken their relationship any. They should both be free to do as they wanted; nothing could ever change the blood between them.

The boy opened his eyes and fixed them on his brother. "I don't want to fight you, Orochi. If neither of us want to leave the lives we've built, why should one of us have to give it up for the other? Why can't we stay where we are? We can still visit." Was that not reasonable? "I'd like to hear more about mother, though. And this pack with Vahva's relatives." Maybe he could visit this pack? Vahva had played a huge role in his life, taking care of him after his mother had left. It would be interesting to meet her family.


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.



09-29-2014, 12:20 AM

His lips curled as Laufey spoke, his reality was far too impending for Orochi. If he didn't know that his blood was safe, what was he supposed to do? Laufey had lived sheltered, far too sheltered to understand the struggles of every day life. He went off and played, while Orochi trained, he broke bones, nearly lost his life multiple times before he had to watch the horrors around him unfold. Laufey didn't want to know what happened with mother, more about her. She was crazy, insane, bat shit crazy, and he had been passed on like that for some time. His connection with her had been strange, and his world was a lot darker than since he had come into it. Who...who had brainwashed his brother and taken him away? If only he had been here, taken Laufey with him, then he would have been able to monitor him better. His body felt like the boy, was utterly his until convinced otherwise that he could defend himself in this dark world.
A soft growl would leave his throat, as he tried to think. He didn't want to upset his brother. Yet deep down he really wanted to just attack him now and take him away. But that would only show immature he was, a child but an adult by mind because he was forced to be that way. He pulled back on himself, stretching his lean muscles as he watched Laufey carefully. He looked like he was doing well, but the others around him, how did he know they would not turn around and bite him in the ass. How would he react, so inexperienced because Orochi had no clue what his brothers skills were. And he refused to fight which was their nature as wolves? He didn't understand at all.
"Fine, but if you end up dead I'll tear the hearts out of every single wolf who didn't help you get stronger. This isn't a pretty world don't want to think it'll all get better. It gets worse, and if you don't have the strength to survive, you die. What makes you think that Isokan isn't more capable of protecting you and teaching you the skills you need?" he snorted mildly. Shaking his head, Laufey just didn't understand and it frustrated him. "You don't want to hear more about mother. And as for visiting, you'd have to take it up with the alpha Quelt Walker." Orochi's tail flicked in annoyance. He really did want to be with his brother, and there didn't seem to be a way to convince him. Orochi was resiting the urge to flat out attack him to stay out of trouble. But since he was young, he assumed once he was in his brothers pack, he would have to start from the bottom. It didn't sit right with him, so he had to weigh his due's.
"Fine you know what, if you trust them that much I'll go. Only I can judge for myself if you'll be okay there. You don't know the horrors I've seen brother. My heart carries no compassion for the weak and useless unless it is you. If I have to be seen as lower until I am older and even more experienced so be it." Orochi's hackles raised as he dug his nails into the dirt. It pissed him off, it pissed him off a lot. Now he realized his mistake of leaving his brother here. Laufey was his, his to protect to have to hold. His full blood brother, the last living thing that had a running blood relation to him. Unless.....he found his father. In her dying breaths she had spoken his name, of the male that she had kept a secret from them all. He lowered his hackles, "I'll return with the out most loyalty to this pack you hold so dear, and we can talk then." he turned his body around and headed back to his old home.
-exit Orochi unless stopped-




5 Years
Extra large
09-29-2014, 09:36 AM

The boy's eyes rolled skyward as his brother began to speak. It was starting to become clear that Orochi thought him weak. It would have been one thing to say he had his back, but that's not what his brother was saying. His brother was boldly and emphatically telling him that he was an inexperienced weakling that needed to be coddled. It was Laufey's turn to bristle. "You think I don't know that?" Not once in the whole of his existence had he ever thought that the world was all rainbows and sunshine. "I've gotten along just fine without you up until this point, Orochi, and if I passed you by today, I'd have continued being just fine. Don't preach at me like you know more than I do. You don't know where I've been. Perhaps we should have it out if you think I'm such a pansy." His gaze sharpened, locking on Orochi in anger.

He simmered, ears pinning as his eyes sought the horizon for a moment. A spring of words welled up inside him, threatening to burst forth and drown the two of them in venom. The young titan didn't want to wound their relationship, but Orochi's assertions were making that very difficult. Finally his eyes would move once more to his brother's face. "I do want to know about mother. You think I don't know that she was off? We slept on the skins of dead wolves as pups, Orochi. Don't treat me like I'm breakable, brother, when you know nothing of my time without you."

He paused, jaw working and gaze darting away as he stifled the flow of words, cutting them off before he said something he regretted. He locked eyes with his brother again. "Don't get me wrong, more than anything else, I want you to join me, but..." He shook his head for emphasis, eyes never leaving his brother's face, "You need to accept that we are equals, regardless of who is stronger." A fight would prove nothing, at least not to Laufey. Physical strength only got you so far. If physical prowess all Orochi was rating others on, then he was the Kigu that was lacking.


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.



09-29-2014, 12:39 PM

Orochi rolled his head back and remained calm. Of course he got ahead of himself, he could have been blind and still realized that they were no longer children no matter eat anyone else thought. His eyes searched over his brother. Part of him had hit been hoping Laufey had not been tainted so hat he could protect him. His brother was possibly the only living thing he currently held feelings for at all. His hackles bristled with anxiety Laufey was standing up for homself. He was sowing that he wasn't so fragile anymore. But what if like his mother, he was insane, what if he had some sort of switch. He was definitely full of rage for raven and anyone else that had abandoned him. He just felt as if he was not good, and he'd never be avle to be any good.
"I'm glad you weren't there, Laufey, I had to watch a man who had targeted out family rip her apart" Orochi would sigh slightly. It was that memory that made him worry he didn't want to see his brother end up like that. Ever. "I'm coming, whether you think were equals or not I worry about you. If your in trouble I won't hesitate t protect you even if I was to die. I'm coming because I care. I want to be involved in your life, even if that isn't normal. I don't want to have a separate life. I want to be by your side and make you proud that we are brothers" Orochi said as he leaned back a little. He turned again to leave he'd see his brother again in yfir.
