
Absolute Territory[MEETING, ISOKAN]



7 Years
Extra large
09-09-2014, 07:40 PM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2014, 07:45 PM by Quelt.)

Finally the time had come, his mate Irune wasn't feeling well so she would not be attending unless she felt the need to as he had told her. The male shimmied across the northern mines into one of the large chambers, where it opened up to link all the others. Little crystals provided light, and it was big enough to house all the wolves who resided here and had chosen their dens so far. Which was why he enjoyed the mines so much. As he raised his head he let out a calling howl for all the members of the pack. Minus that of Sheikra if she was hiding in the shadows that was just as fine as well.
Here was the first meeting, where he would be addressing how the kingdom would be run from here and hopefully until he retired or died. Quelt would not let this pack be taken so easily. It was a sanctuary for all of the walkers and Arrow's, and anyone who was considered family by them. He would also be answering any questions they may have had. Regardless though his heart beat a little faster with his anxious nature, yet he remained with a smile on his face as he waited.
ooc: Everyone is required to post unless posting in absence, due date for posting is the 16th of September. This is just to see how routine meetings will go, after quelt explains everything, the members are allowed to ask any questions they like don't be afraid quelt won't bite.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



5 Years
09-09-2014, 10:22 PM

So much had happened, she wasn't sure to make out of it. First Isar had found her and told her Eris, her dear sweet mother, had passed away. He gave no details as to how or why it happened. But then again he seemed to think she had already known as he had simple just apologized for her loss. She never let on to show she hadn't known and remained neutral. Neutral was the best way to be around her father. Even as he challenged for her claim. She knew how to whisper soothing words to him, to wind her way around his paws, into his good graces. But that day had killed her from the inside out. Yes she told him of her ambitions, yes the mentioned a possible training to obtain such goals and glory. But unlike her father she had not wanting it through bloodshed and terror. No and wanted more tactical skills of obtaining high ranks and a pack and keeping it. She was starving with ambition, a trait that had to be from her father, all her other siblings for the most part seemed the same way.

But then the challenge against her father came. Something she knew from the time that howl from the half skull male, this would not be a good outcome. She had stood there watching till it ended, only to watch the only other parental figure slip away from her life. His pack disbanded, split and scattered. It seemed he challenge for her from Abaven was wasted on both him and her. She walked away that day, lost and swallowed up in the black wave of grief as she finally let it take her. She wondered the north, staying close to Bevroren near her brother but refusing to let him see her in such a state. But it was Quelt, the male who confessed his love for her who found her. She had thought he would have lost hope for them, but found he had been fighting for her each and every day since she left Abaven.

Which now left her here, under ground in the mines, curled up in a ball within the den they shared. She had not spoken much, if only but a few words. She just couldn't shake this sorrow out of her chest. All she kept seeing was her mother, each time a different death, each time she wasn't there for her. She felt she had let her mother down, angry she had not been there for her, pissed at herself for not visiting more. If she had known, she could have been there, Eris could still be alive. But alas she was not. Quelt's howl echoed with the mines, making her head lift up. He had said she didn't need to come unless she felt up to it. He knew she was ill to some degree, but she never spoke words as to what illed her. Blinking her vivid amber eyes she struggled to her paws, body stiff from being in one position for so long.

Quelt needed her support, she was his mate after all. It was the least for could do for him after all. Plus she could not deny she was interesting in who all did make up this pack they ruled together. She stopped in her tacks. They ruled a pack, together, side by side. How ironic life could be. When she was a pup she had promised it would be her and her two brother, Ky and Riv. She shook her head sadly before hurry to catch up to Quelt, she wanted to be there for when the first arrived. When she reached him she would brush against his shoulder to sit there and lean into him. Amber eyes turned to look up at him as the sorrow vanished from them and was locked away for the time being. Only Quelt would see her grieve, no one else, she wouldn't allow it.



6 Years
09-09-2014, 10:47 PM

The dark obsidian temptress would be lurking close to Isokan's borders, making sure no one was at the borders. A loud howl would break her concentration and patrolling, ears flicking back as she listened for details. It was her friend and the pack's leader, Quelt. He was calling upon all members, the event being a pack meeting.

Ebony paws would carry her effortlessly over the terrain, hips swaying with the easy movement. She had promised Quelt she was going to be a meeting, and she had kept it.

She would enter the familiar territory of the Northern Mines, little lights illuminating the dark cabes. She would be the second one to arrive, noticing a small, earthen pelted woman placed next to Quelt. "Hello," she would say in a soft, single lyric. Her ebony crown would dip in respect to them both, guessing that she was royal and close to Quelt. Mariposa would sit across from them a few feet away, topaz eyes, watching her paws as she waited for the meeting to begin.



4 Years
09-09-2014, 11:03 PM

we'll go down in history, remember me for centuries.

Isokan was no longer her brother's pipe dream. He was a King now, ruling with Irune at his side. Her siblings had been reunited; in Serra's past, this would have been heaven. But now it was impossible to deny that another also held an equal share in her heart. Quelt had always been the dearest of her siblings, but he had her sisters and brothers now too. And he had been closer to them, she knew. And Newol needed her. She was conflicted, more conflicted than she knew how to admit to her brother. How could she tell him that the wolf that she had sworn to follow to the ends of the earth was no longer the central force of her life? Perhaps it was understandable that this came with time; they were adults now, grown with their own lives.

It was Quelt's howl that interrupted her thoughts and Serra stirred for the first time, bold blue eyes closing for a moment before she set off. Her legs carried her smoothly across the earth, and she made her arrival swiftly. Quelt stood with Irune at his side, and one other member, a strange black female, had also arrived. Serra smiled at her brother, dipping her head respectfully towards the male and his mate, before glancing curiously at the other girl. To her, Serra also inclined her head, a silent greeting as she settled back smoothly on her haunches.

Whatever Quelt had to say, she was in no rush. He could take his time and she would be content to wait for a while. It would be a good chance for her to meet some of the other members of Isokan as well, the ones that weren't family (or practically family, anyways, like Irune).




3 Years
09-10-2014, 05:08 AM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2014, 05:09 AM by Ixionn.)

A soft, reassuring howl tore through the mines as Ixionn lay sleeping peacefully within his chamber. It bounced off the dark walls and slithered it's way into the boy's ears, causing his eyes to slowly open. It didn't take too long for the young warrior to realize it was Quelt, who was probably calling for a pack meeting. An uneasy groan left the man's lips as his paws found the floor, body rising and stretching calmly. His ruby-hued eyes swept over the crystals and stones that shimmered in the darkness and a smile played upon his face.
His paws carried him out of the chamber and took him to the gradually forming crowd in a large area with crystals and stones everywhere. They lit up the room. Ixionn grinned and sat a few feet away from Quelt...who was occupied by Irune, Serra, and another girl who he was unfamiliar with. Ixionn lifted a brow and slowly leaned back to sit. His tail coiled around his paws and he awaited other members who still needed to get here.
Though while he was waited, he hummed a song that a pair of mates were singing late in the night, a few days ago. They sounded beautiful...and the song was stuck in his head.



09-12-2014, 08:29 AM
Aiko slowly padded away to where the where the meeting was being held in the mine, shivering with the cold. When she finally made it to where everyone was gathered she began looking around for her uncle. After looking around for a few moments and not seeing her uncle she decided that she would ask someone if they had seen him yet. The first wolf Aiko would notice she didn?t recognize. When she was fairly close she playful jumped in front of her. Aiko also wanted to see who this new wolf was. Maybe she?d have a new playmate. ?You! With the face! Have you seen my uncle??


09-13-2014, 07:52 AM

The small wolfess had not been in the chamber he picked for their densite. That lead Allen to only one conclusion -- that she was already on her way to the meeting that Quelt had called. It was an exciting event for all of them, honestly, or so the calico male felt. The Walker family was placed back into nobility, where they were destined to be, and it was all thanks to that brilliant young man of slate coloring. Quelt was surely family, and he had kept his word, proved his loyalty and shown his faith. He deserved this leadership with little doubt. Allen couldn?t be happier to be serving at his side.

But what he found in the chamber of the meeting, well, was enough to make him smack his paw on his face. There was Aiko, naive and childish as ever, approaching a complete stranger. Oh how the calico was trying, but it seemed no matter what he did the girl refused to act even slightly closer to her age. Sometimes he felt he?d have better luck trying to get a tree to grow fruit out of season then get anything through to the young girl.

?Come now Aiko. That is no way to ask another a question.? Gods give him strength to deal with this young lady, because he surely needed the help. She was a pawful, that was absolutely certain.

"Speech", 'Thought'



3 Years
09-15-2014, 07:03 PM

Her approach was quieter than a mouse; a gentle crunching noise of snow beneath her paws intentionally made in the wet snow. Dry snow made absolutely no noise at all upon anyone arrival, or usually. She appeared from the shadows, rubies glinting in the sudden burst of daylight as she would slither toward her brother, a gentle whisper sent in his ear. "After this meeting, perhaps we could spar? We best sharpen our skills, and I'd like to teach the children and the rest of the pack about defense in fighting, should challenge come to us. The Armadas are infamous for war, you know?" A small chortle would follow her speech, a loose tone meant to relieve him of any worries he may have. Rubies shimmered with mischief before she would turn tail and return to the shade, to observe quietly, as if she hadn't been there at all.


art © luisiana :: coding ? starry



7 Years
Extra large
09-17-2014, 09:28 PM

ooc:For those who didn't post, just a warning, if you miss 2 meetings your wolf will be demoted whether they are a royal or not. And if you miss 3 Quelt may remove your wolf from the pack entirely unless you have posted in absence.
Quelt flicked his ear as he watched his mate thankfully show up to the event for the first meeting. He smiled gratefully and licked her over the top of her head before facing the pack. Not everyone he had wanted to show up, but he would have to make due. He knew some wolves had their perks, and things they needed to sort through. As he took in a deep breath, he started to speak to them. "Welcome everyone, to the first official Pack meeting of Isokan. First of all I would like to thank all of you for the support, and this meeting will cover how things should work inside the pack." he stated. Stopping occasionally to make sure that they were listening and understanding to what he was saying.
"I am your Olori, or King, who ever holds the rank of Olori should be related to the walker family in some way shape or form. Supreme ruler of the pack, whatever I say goes, if you listen well you'll live a leisure filled life. Irune is my Akoko, which is most of the time the Olori's mate, the Olori is not a male only rank it is whoever is in charge of the kingdom at the time. Understand she has as much authority as I do, but if I say something, you are to follow it." Quelt's eyes shifted. "Now to explain the heir or Arole, it works a bit differently than other packs do. To ensure that you know the Olori is here for you, the heir will be voted upon by everyone in the pack. The heir has to be from the rank of the royals, Royals will be explained a little later. But yes you will be voting on the heir when I think it is time, so it gives you a chance to have a say in who leads you. Our Oga is lead warrior and beta, in charge of all the fighters. They have the ability to deny and accept members at the borders, and if I or Irune are not present they are in charge. The Dokita is the lead healer, but they also must be knowledgeable about the wolf mind and behavior. Psychology is just as important as your physical health. The Ode is lead hunter and messenger, in charge of providing food for the pack, and the Ode themselves will be the one carrying important messages to others. Then we have the Royals, if you have come to the pack and are related to the walkers you are a Royal, or are one of my siblings. Royals are a bit different from everyone else so they should be respected, but do know they are not there by right, it is a privilege. If they break rules just like anyone else, they will be demoted. And in order to be voted as an heir you must be in the Royal rank. The Ogun, are the fighters of the pack. Currently Mariposa is our only Ogun. Eweko are our healers or healers in training. And Iranse are the hunters and messengers serving under the Ode. Illu's are wolves who have just joined the pack and have no duties, pregnant females will retain this rank until they feel they may return to their own. Omo are the future, those under a year of age and not within the Royal family. Do not ever, ever abuse a Omo it doesn't matter who their parents are, they will not be held accountable. If a pup is hurt and I find out about it, you will not be happy. Lastly are the Elewo, the omega's and prisoners of the pack. You must have done something really wrong to get into this rank, and I would hate to put any of you in it. Elewo's must have a Ogun suprvising them at all times."
Quelt would stop to take a breath, hoping that all of this was sinking into them. He would be answering questions after he was done. "Now all the rules are fairly simple, keep in mind anything I say still goes. But these are the basic things you should know. First off Olori?s word is law, there is no defying him or her unless you wish to get back lashed. Second should the pack disband, and there is no heir, the royal pool gets first picks on claiming the pack in order to continue on the blood line. Only then are outsiders or other pack members up to claim the pack. Thirdly intruders should be handled by the Olori, Akoko or heir only, unless hostile. Hostile intruders may be chased off the land immediately. And every member has the right to a private life, however anything done out of the pack that affects everyone, should be thought about before being done. If one wolf gets in trouble the whole pack may be punished depending on what it is, I hope not to do this often so keep in mind of your actions if a certain wolf does something I may not punish the pack. Also before conceiving children, I ask that you have a marriage ceremony. And both parents are within the pack, should the mother choose to move to the males pack she is free to do so. I will oversee the weddings. Should the pack population increase, breeding will be constricted to the Olori only. Respect everyone, if you can?t get along fake it. Allies are to be treated with respect, anyone discovered breaking alliances will be punished, these wolves are an exception to the everyone being punished rule. Our current Allies are Bevroren, Abaven and Etheral. I will be visiting the other packs as well to figure out their standings." Quelt finally finished, taking in a deep breath after all that talking. "Any questions?"


[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



6 Years
09-17-2014, 10:51 PM

"Me? With the face?" She would question her back, stepping away from the female that had just so damned rudely pushed her face into Mari's and asked who her uncle was. This angered the ebony fae, a growl threatening to rip against the peaceful silence, but she held it back.

"No, this face hasn't seen your uncle," she would tell the girl, her tone was soft, not showing her hidden anger to the girl, and then turn her attention back to her alpha. Mariposa had no damn idea who this girl's uncle was, or why the hell she was asking her out of all the other wolves that possibly could know where her uncle was.

Mari shook the thought away and looked at her alpha, paying close attention to him as he spoke. . . Most of this stuff she had already known, so it began to bore the fae, topaz eyes trailing to the cave walls. But, when Quelt would mention her name, her head would snap and her attention would be brought back, all eyes most likely on her. She gave a shy smile and coughed out a small "Ehheh." with a nervous tone. But, when Quelt would ask for questions- she would definitely have one.

"My King, Quelt, since I am the only wolf experienced enough in battle at the moment, would you like me to hold fight training one of these days, to sharpen their skills?" She would ask, a small smile upon her maw. Even though the fae was small, she was a warrior. And she knew how to fight pretty well, giving her skills to the others a bit would definitely help.


09-19-2014, 09:36 AM

A sigh would leave Allen as the black furred woman growled at Aiko. It was an understandable reaction, yet still the male felt frustrated she acted this way, insistently, when she was so close to being a year old. She was naive, so terribly naive. He would apologize to the woman later, but for now he would focus his attention on Quelt and pay attention to what needed to be said... And there was a lot to be said. Things started with a rather long speech that Quelt needed to give them about ranks but it was necessary. He had forgotten how much information was poured into a pack. But he would grow used to it again.

They had allies too, in Bevroren, Abaven, and Etheral. He knew of one of them, and knew Bevroren was their neighbor, but he had not heard of the last pack. Perhaps he?d ask Quelt about them at a later time. For now he was quiet, letting others speak up to voice their questions. He would glance at Mariposa, the black furred woman, raising a brow. The only wolf experienced enough in battle? The young lady needed to choose her words more carefully. Clearly Quelt was, and he figured Irune would know. He too knew of battling ways, and it was likely Quelt?s siblings would too. But Allen was not one to get angry over such small things, and instead his gaze would flick to Quelt to see how he would handle things.




7 Years
Extra large
09-23-2014, 03:06 AM

Mariposa would speak, and he had already noticed her behavior before. She was a prideful darker wolf, and he wanted to teach the others to learn to get along with others like herself. In order for the pack to survive that was how it was going to have to be. He looked at Allen for a moment, he would smile at the elder. Whispering the words 'thank you' with his lips hoping that he saw them. It seemed the walkers had plenty of experience in this. But he flicked up his tail to make sure his sister Sheikra didn't do anything because he was sure she would. "Bevroren is calling a joined training soon, you'll be able to spar then." he whispered to his sister as his attention turned to Mariposa. He wanted everyone to see how things would go in the pack. They needed to throw away their petty little pride, they were here to protect each other especially the royal family.
"Don't get too ahead of yourself Mariposa, all the royals have fighting experience except for the pups. Allen is your elder and probably fare more experienced than all of us. You simply are the only one holding a soldier position is all. It doesn't mean one is more experienced or less experienced." he would say. Flicking his tail and smiling, "I like your confidence though, don't lose that we'll need it in a fight." he would not have his members at each others throats right away. He had already said, if you couldn't get along, at least act like you did. "Now I want everyone to keep in mind there is no problem with sparring, and if you really need to fight out differences I'll look at dominance matches as long as you see me first. But I repeat, there WILL be darker minds joining us in the future in case something needs to happen. I need you all to get along no matter what. Ranks are allowed to be challenged for as well apart from royal and the olori, Akoko and heir positions. Bevroren will be calling a joined training meeting, if you are well enough to go, go, otherwise if I find out you skipped for no reason you will be demoted to a illu or citizen." Quelt would explain. "Royals will be a little different from the rest of the pack, they are still required to do duties however. As of now I'm putting Allen in charge of teaching everyone how to social for the better or like a counselor. If any of you need help, please go to him. He is the oldest of all of us. Everyone is dismissed, if you need me please talk to Allen or drop by my den." the Olori dipped his head and turned around to his den. Watching Irune to see if she would follow. This was going to be a difficult path, but one he needed to decide on his own.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



5 Years
09-24-2014, 08:11 PM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2014, 08:13 PM by Irune.)

She would sit there next to Quelt, ears forward, head held high and amber eyes sharp. Though her figure was stiff, strong, a small sound of affection rumbled in her throat as Quelt laid a kiss to her head. In a way she needed it, just as he needed her here. She was slightly not sure how to go about being proper before a pack that now looked up to her and Quelt to protect them. Her eyes roamed over the gathering wolves, already finding a spot in her heart for them. These were her pack mates, these were the wolves she was in charge with Quelt. For the first time, having someone look up to her and to feel important was refreshing. Nostrils flared as she took in a deep breath. Already those gathered, their scents were mingling together as one, the scent of Isokan.

Her gaze never missed the reaction between the darker female and a younger girl. She remained indifferent to the reactions but took note of it and stored it away. Silently she listened to her mate explain the workings of the pack and how everything would run. She would nod softly at the end of it, a smile playing on her lips. That was till someone spoke up about her family. Amber eyes zeroed in on the wolf in the dark corner, the glow of fire sparking to a blaze. "You're right. We Armada's are high driven for dominance. Thankfully my successful sister and brother from Bevroren are our allies.". She replied. Her gaze would travel to Mariposa the darker one who looked like she would have snapped at the young girl if everyone had not been here. "I like your drive and passion for thinking of the well being of the pack. Perhaps you can help me tone up my skills?" Already she like the other female, the spark she saw ignite in her. Temper some called it, she called it life.

Eyes rested on the rest of the pack." Also I want everyone to know I do have skills in healing. Should anyone get hurt or fall ill please call for me. I will not deny anyone in need of a healer, even that of an outsider. And i'd be more than willing to teach anyone the art of a healer. Maybe once things get moving i'll hold basic training for everyone. It is important that ever wolf know the necessities in healing." She would stand then, pausing for a moment to let anyone to reply if they wished to. Head turned back to look at Quelt, nodding to him. She'd join him in a few, she wanted to get to know her pack, and the pups.


09-27-2014, 07:29 PM

The male would let out a soft sigh as he watched Aiko, hoping the young girl would not throw a fit. That would surely be unneeded, yet there was little he could do to help her at this point. While darker minds might be in their midst at some point they definitely did not need to be fighting each other or having younger members throwing fits like some month old pup. The calico would let his gaze wander to Quelt as the Olori began to speak again, the royal taking in each word quietly. This was but one small trial the other would face as a leader.

He handled with situation with Mariposa well, and the calico gave a small nod. He might have been the most experienced with battle training, perhaps, but that did not make him the best at it. The man hardly preferred to resort to such tactics after all, if it could be avoided. But sticking up for the other adults was what Allen felt was most important here, and making sure that the woman did not bear to much pride. While it was good to have confidence, flaunting it around a pack was not a proper show of manners. At all. At the mention of his name Allen?s ears would perk, his dark eyes shining with understanding. Ahh that was going to be an interesting task. Yet the male would bear it no complaints. He would smile, dipping his head to Quelt.

?I will aid all of Isokan the best I can, Quelt.? He would look around at the rest that had gathered. ?You are all more than welcome to speak with me anytime. I assure you that I am an approachable man.?[/color] Irune too would speak, and as Quelt turned away the calico would set his gaze on the male?s sister. He would rise, approaching her and then dipping his head. ?If I may, at some point soon, I?d like to request a meeting with you, miss.? Not that she had done anything wrong, but she was a rather elusive figure. Allen wasn?t sure he?d meet her again by chance. She seemed the type to only appear when she wanted to be seen.



09-29-2014, 05:17 PM
Aiko looked at her uncle uncle for a a moment or two before turning back to the black wolfess she had just jumped in front of. Aiko gave a small dip of her head. ?I?m sorry, please forgive my childish behavior, thank you for your time.? Aiko got up and followed her uncle to listen to to her step father.

As Aiko continued to listen she heard that a training meeting would be called. After the meeting was over Aiko followed her uncle. Excitedly she asked him. ?Hey uncle Allen does that mean I?ll get to learn how to fight and hunt too? Can you teach me how??