
Where to Begin

Requiem I


2 Years
09-30-2014, 05:33 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Requiem was utterly confused. In what felt like a matter of hours, his entire life had been turned around and his place in the world had been redefined as something he would have never dreamed imaginable. He had been claimed, dragged into a new pack and forced to bear one of their lowest ranks, those befitting of a servant with little to no freedom for himself. It had been a humbling blow, but not nearly so humbling as realizing the one whose service he had been dragged into had been none other than the red woman who held such sway over his mind.

She had never confirmed for him that she was indeed some great being with relations to the divine power that he believed in and worshiped, but neither had the assumptions been disproved. He almost thought she liked the mystery leaving things open ended meant and reveled in the power that holding it over his head enabled her, though really she hardly needed to use cunning in order to make that happen. With the connection already made, Requiem felt that to earn her favor was to earn the divine's as well, and even though he had been stripped of everything - his rank, his home, his family, his freedom - he desperately wanted to prove himself, to gain her respect if nothing more.

The only problem with his seemingly fool proof plan was that he had no idea where to even begin. What would have impressed the young red wolf most? Strength? Bravery? Cunning? His brows were drawn down over his teal-green eyes, confusion set into every soft angle of his face. With his head lowered, as befit his new station but also weighed down by his current predicament, Requiem walked about his new home, treading through forests that housed a noisy river nearby. What was he to do? Was there anyone within this cold, unforgiving place who might take pity on him and help him win back the favor of the empress, of the divine power who spoke through her? Sighing to himself as he continued to trudge along, the brown youth was unsure.



6 Years
09-30-2014, 05:52 PM

The boy was broken, and it was nothing less of what he deserved. Only a year old, and he was facing the same situation he did at home. He was used to it, but refused somehow to become numb. His disability made it easier to cope, he didn't have to hear their screeching voices, their painful banter because he was a failure. Various wounds covered his body, and he knew it was because the other Nia had taken control. He was useless, but the other Nia. He was cool, he was collective and ever so evil. Nia kept his head low, his shoulders ached, his paw pads crusted with blood the same as his beautiful white pelt.
His little rat companion on his back frowned, Tally was worried about his well being. But there wasn't much she could do for the small runt of a boy. Her ears perked as she spotted another wolf. Nia would look up to observe, his silent world coming into color with the brown male. His head tilted a little, even if that hurt. Was he another serf, or was he another one of those devilish wolves who had convinced him he would only amount to nothing but a slave with his traumatic experiences. He made a small hiss imitating a cat and laying flat on his stomach. No more pain, he didn't want to feel it anymore. He wanted to get strong, but it was so hard. His body wouldn't do what he would tell it to. Tally stroked him softly, but even now that wouldn't console him any longer.

Requiem I


2 Years
10-06-2014, 04:12 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

With the pack being as sparse and scarce as it seemed to be, Requiem had little hope of running across anyone from Apollyon. For the time being, he was merely content just to get his bearings around the place and learn what the lands were like, to understand the home that was now forcibly his. So far his favorite piece of it was this side of it, so much more inviting compared to the foggy swamplands. Whatever it was that had attracted his young empress to the place - was it something the divine might have told her perhaps? - he surely did not see it.

And almost he did not see the other wolf who he was quickly coming up on. His distracted thoughts made him inattentive to the point that by the time he spotted the other white wolf he was already beginning to drop to his stomach, the noise he made obviously meant to dissuade Requiem from getting any closer. Startled, surprised, the brown youth stopped in his tracks, his ears folding back nervously against his head. Had he frightened the other wolf? It had not been his intent in the least, but it was hard for him to think otherwise with how the wolf had reacted to him.

Not wanting to project any sort of image meant to intimidate or threaten, Requiem proceeded to lower his head and body slightly, his stare apologetic. "I'm sorry," he muttered uncertainly, "I didn't mean to scare you." If the wolf was truly scared anyway. He was still unsure, but it seemed the safest bet, and either way he felt wrong at the thought of not apologizing, intentional or not. "I just didn't see you." Hoping the other was not so frightened he would not consider what the brown wolf tried to say, Req held his position, not wanting to make matters worse by making a wrong move as well.



3 Years
10-07-2014, 05:41 PM

I'll be TWISTED its my turn!

Her mind was a thing distracted, and she would walk through Apollyon seeking purpose. Seeking to find herself. What Arisu knew, what she thought she knew... her world had shifted. The confidence she fought to keep was waning some, and the young woman knew she needed some sort of boost to it. Something to lift her spirits. But what she found would do little to aid in that. She would find those ranked beneath all others -- but there was no honor in simply abusing them. No. Only a wolf weak would find pleasure, find strength, in torturing those who were so weak that they were force claimed to their home. The woman would strode towards them, ears pricked, watching the two males with her acidic eyes. How long would it take to notice her standing off to the side? Would either speak to her? Or go about their own way? Would they grovel? Spit insults? Who knew. But Arisu would remain for now. Perhaps some sort of interaction would do her good.

"Hear My Voice,"

'Read My Thoughts.'