
Change The Formality


09-29-2014, 12:51 PM

Kau would loom over the body of his brother, blood upon his jaws. What possessed him to do it... He was unsure at this point. Yet... Kau felt no remorse in taking it at all. His siblings. His blood. They were all reminders of a broken past he held. A life that was no longer his. The white male would give a soft sigh, looking down at his brother?s medium form. He had been a wolf too soft for this cold world. So many broken promises. Then, when he spoke of finding their father, a bastard who had never even been there for them. Well... Kau simply snapped.

But was that the true trigger? He would narrow his orbs, lifting his gaze at the sound of pawsteps. Oh, and what a delightful scene he would see before him. Such shock, such horror was in the gaze of the other calico male. He had known his brother then, hmm? Yes... There was no doubt. This man...

?So I finally get to meet my daddy, hm?? Kau would ask, darkness shining within his gaze.



10-01-2014, 05:17 PM

Just... What was he seeing? Allen could not find words -- the abandoned him in this moment, replaced by horror. He saw the massive male, the one with a single purple orb. The color he knew well enough -- he had seen it before, that he had. He felt frozen, looking at the young man that stood over the body of his own son. Even if the living male did not bear a calico coat, or the strong striking browns and red-browns that were most obvious in his coat and his one-night stand, somehow Allen knew that this male... Was yet another child.

His son was much larger than he was, but height was known in both the Walker line and Kedieo line, as Keno II, the mother of the children, had been fourty inches in height herself. But she had not worn the sharp gaze his son not looked at him with. His tone too would tell Allen that this child would not be welcoming as Gavroche and Amber had been. No... Allen wasn?t sure how this was going to go at all, seeing as how things were already off to a very, very bad start.

?...Why did you kill your brother...?? His words were quiet, his mind racing as he processed all of this. But... It was just the beginning.



10-01-2014, 05:19 PM

Those words, quiet as they were, did contain pain. But Kau cared not. He had no reason to care for his father, a man who had never been in his life. He would lick the blood from his muzzle, stepping over the corpse as he started to close the distance between himself and Allen. His body was that of eerie calm, his good eye gleaming with a sickness, a madness, that lived within his blood. Some called it a curse of the Kedieo line, something prone to infect one of each litter it seemed... At least for those descended from the Blood Empress herself. But whether madness, or purely corruption and damage that had Kau act this way was unknown. It could be either or... Or... Even both.

?Here?s a better question... Allen.? Yes... He knew his father?s name. At least he did thanks to Gavroche... Before he ended him. He would stop, lifting his head and tail high in an act of superiority. ?Why did you mate my mother just to leave her? You?re old enough to have know what would have happened.? He narrowed his eye. ? because you?re not the saint Gavroche believes you to be, that?s way.? His words would come out, spat at the older male, before Gavroche would have a change to utter a single syllable.


10-01-2014, 05:20 PM

His son would not answer his question, instead approaching, turning the dark spotlight upon him. The massive male knew his name, which Allen could only assume was because the male had gotten it from his brother. Gavroche had not know his name before meeting him. But names... They didn?t matter. Not right now. The calico would flick his ears closer to his skull as the accusations were thrown in his face. How his heart hurt, and how it ached, but... He would not bend and shatter before this other male. There was a time for grief... But with danger looming so near this was not the time for it.

?For starters your mother had not been in season. I was a younger man, and I am not flawless. I thought because Keno was not in heat that she would not conceive. Had I known she would I would not have left her.? Allen kept his words level, defending his actions. The calico would shift back some, some defenses, protecting his ears, eyes, and lowering his head some to protect his throat falling into place automatically. He did not trust his son not to attack him. He had already killed Gavroche... What would keep him from trying the same with him?



10-01-2014, 05:21 PM

Kau would listen, though he would give a small snort. So he would simply seek to have a one night stand because he thought it wouldn?t result in children with the heir of an empire? Sure he was one to talk, having taken more than just a few to his den to share an evening before meeting Avion... And even now he had spent time with another male in Alacritia, if only a night, as well as a few, if brief, encounters with females. Then the creamy-tan female as well.... But none of those had been royals. Perhaps it was his pride as a male of noble birth, but to simply walk away from one of such a high rank when it was they who invited you in... Seemed a bit of a mockery to his lineage.

?So you left because you thought she would not conceive. You didn?t bother to check back on her. You played a dangerous game, you know. You are lucky the Clan did not try to bring you back. Touching the heir as you did, and simply leaving... Count yourself lucky you still walk as a free man... And alive.? The words remained cold, insensitive to how Allen felt, or if, perhaps, had any sort of feeling for his mother at all. For her loss.



10-01-2014, 05:22 PM

Still his masked son would speak, pressing at him as if he was the one in the complete wrong. The calico would grit his teeth some. Threats inside accusations, and all simply to drag down his spirit. What was the massive male hoping to achieve? What did he hope to gain by doing this, as he did? The calico eyed Kau quietly, resisting the urge to ask Kau what made him feel he was so pure and above everything? Allen would give a low growl, his hackles raising some.

?...and what makes you feel your actions are better than mine? That you walk a more pure path? You brother?s blood is upon you! Yet you toss these accusations at me as if I am the only one in the wrong. Yes, I made a mistake. I said before that I am not a flawless man. But I do own up to my mistakes and try and fix them if I can. What is done is done -- I could not go back in time to be with you all as you grew, or to save your mother from her demise. But what gives you the right to take away such a kind spirit from this world? Who made you a decider of who is right and wrong, who lives and dies??

Something far more rare had shown itself in Allen now. Anger. His words were still spoken in a level way, but a bit faster, a bit sharper and more direct than his usual manner of speaking.



10-01-2014, 05:22 PM

The massive male would give a snort in response to Allen?s words. What made him better? ?My ties to the Kedieo line makes me outrank you, Walker.? Ignorant and cold. ?I was the heir of that empire, of the Clan. I am destined as a great being, favored by the gods. I am chosen to wipe the weak of the face of this miserable planet and rebuild an empire anew, a Clan that will stand against against any foe.? He would smirk. ?...and I was just doing as the gods would wish. Culling the weak of the noble blood, and making sure that they will not be a burden upon me when I make my own legend.? Perhaps it could be said there were two sides to Kau, or deviations within his nature that could be a personality disorder of sorts. It all depended on the day, it seemed, for how his actions would be. He was volatile, a source of instability, with no one to keep his mind on track any longer.

?I will be coveted as a god.? He would give a harsh laugh. ?...and you? You will be nothing but another corpse when that day comes, father. But no... I?ll let you live for now. Let you watch my legacy unfold. You will hear of me more, I?m sure. It?s time that I stop playing around with this damned world, is it not?? How cocky and full of himself he was, speaking as if was indeed a god.



10-01-2014, 05:23 PM

He was insane. Make his mark upon the world? Who would dare follow such an insane man? The way he spoke sounded as if he was already stirring trouble in Alacritia, working on such small things at the moment... But slowly building his plans. He would allow him to live too... To see him rise and become a god. Allen would scoff. Who would covet this madman? If anything they would put his son to death for his corrupt ideals. Good would take care of evil in the end -- it always did. Allen could feel his emotions stirring, his mind trying to decide.

...Should he be the one to try and put and end to this, here and now? His son was blind on one side -- he could trick him perhaps. Outmaneuver and outsmart him, taking his life to save other innocent ones. But... Could he really? Allen was no murderer. Fighting, serious fighting, had never been a factor in his life. He was a gentleman, a kind soul, who did not care for such actions if they could be helped instead. Life was a precious thing. What could he do? Did he go against all he stood for, and attack his own son?

Allen would lift his head slightly. ?You will not succeed.? His words had lowered in tone again, spoken in an angry calm. ?Your thoughts are of madness. No wolf would covet you as a god... Especially wasting innocent lives as you do. Your actions will attract those of righteous hearts, and you will be destroyed before you have the chance to build this so called empire. It would be damned from the start.?



10-01-2014, 05:23 PM

Kau would throw back his head, letting out a harsh, cold laugh in response to Allen?s words. ?Seems your mind is aging far faster than your body. You are a fool.? Kau would gesture towards Gavroche. ?You think they will care about rogues, about wolves not within their own packs? I would not be so stupid as to wage a war I did not expect to win.? He would begin to circle Allen now, his words sickly sweet, though they hid the venom that the snake truly had.

?You know... why not join me, father? You could yet seek redemption for your failures. It is far better to be on the side that will win, is it not? You could atone for your sins... And fix what you?ve left broken. I could even ally with those you are with now... Offer them my protection.? His grin turned into something twisted, pleasure in his words.


10-01-2014, 05:24 PM

It was his son who was the fool. Too blind, to lost to see he was fallen into the abyss. Eventually the darkness would swallow him whole, and he?d be completely lost. Allen could not argue some of the truth, however, in the massive boy?s words. What pack, what group of wolves, would care about those who they were not bound to? If it was rogues, or those within his own fold that his son treated this way, who would really care? Who would have the strength to stand up to a pack if his son did manage to start building his empire?

But then... It was if a switch had been flicked. Now, as the white and black male began to circle him, his words were far more sweet. Too sweet.... And as if he was yet speaking to another man. Offering him redemption? Protection for those he was already living among? The calico would follow him with dark eyes. ?You?ve got to be kidding me...?



10-01-2014, 05:25 PM

Kau would come to a stop, giving a look as if he?d been hurt. ?Kidding? Oh, but never with you, my dearest daddy.? Sarcasm in those words, even if they were not said with such. His good eye would gleam darkly, and Kau would speak, his voice soft, trying to coax the calico into his trap. Allen was clever, but perhaps his kindness, his heart, could yet be used against him. If not today, perhaps another. This was all just part of the foundation of his plans in the end.

?But I?m serious. Very serious. You love those you are with, don?t you? Why not unite us? Become a true... Family. Get to know your remaining son... Make amends and a new destiny for yourself, for your pack. Doesn?t it sound lovely? To not have to worry about being an enemy of your own blood instead? Can?t we just... Put the past behind us and look to the future now??


10-01-2014, 05:25 PM

No. He wouldn?t accept that. Those words were lies, false. His son would turn on them... Use them. He would not endanger Isokan?s members by bringing the idea of an alliance with his son to Quelt and Irune?s attention. No way, no how. Even if the massive male tried to offer them ?protection? Allen saw it for what it really was; gaining more bodies for his warmongering plans. No... He would not be part of such an insane empire, and he would not endanger anyone he loved by presenting them to it either. He would fully face the massive younger male. His words were so contradictory and flawed... Everything about him and his plan was.

?...You want me to just ignore the fact that my other son has just been murdered by you? That you will cull any of your own blood, and perhaps even others, if they do not suit you? I am not blind, and your games do not fool me. You will not use me, child, and you will not use my true family. If you make an enemy of Isokan we will band together and defeat you and any allies you dare try to bring. I don?t doubt that you would slay me as I slept once I gave you what you wanted. I will not join you.?



10-01-2014, 05:26 PM

Ah, sharper than he appeared. But with age came wisdom, or so it had been said. Kau would shake his head, giving a mock-disappointed sigh. ?That is a real shame you know. I would have thought that you might seek forgiveness... But I guess I was wrong. No matter... It seems that we will have to do this the hard way.? Kau would lift his ears, looking at his father with a challenge forming in his mind. A test. He would speak again through another sigh.

?...I guess I?ll give you my name, so that when you hear of my accomplishments you will know it is the son you lost. Kau Kedieo.? He would frown, keeping up his act, and he would tilt his head to the side. ?...Though... You say I will be defeated. Why not take care of it yourself? You know my intentions, my will... You know my word is true by Gavroche?s corpse. You could end it all here and now if you killed me. That is...? He would smirk. ?If you have the balls to try.?


10-01-2014, 05:26 PM

Kau. The one thing he could not piece together in all of this, however, was why his son had left the former empire when he was ready to rise into his position of Emperor. Why throw it away just to rebuild in a land where he had no standing? No point of power? He could have had it handed to him on a silver platter. Perhaps it would be the satisfaction of earning it himself? Allen would grit his teeth, wincing as the words left Kau?s lips. His challenge.

He saw through him.

The calico could feel himself wavering again. Kau?s confidence came from the fact that somehow he predicted that Allen would not attack him here. Would not attempt to take his life on his own. Dark gaze would lower, his brow furrowing in frustration. His own weakness... He damned it. He could prevent all of this... But killing his own child especially, corrupted or not... The man wasn?t sure he could do it unless it was in action to save another life. Even then... He?d still try and prevent actually killing him. Something in his heart told him that.



10-01-2014, 05:27 PM

So he was right. Allen did not have the heart to attack him. Even when he had already proven he would murder another. Even when the one he killed had been known by his father all the same. He would give a shrug, a snort of pleasure leaving him. ?So you don?t. Perhaps you should lose what is between your legs then and take up your new life as a woman.? The insult rolled off his tongue easily, and Kau would pad back over to Gavroche?s corpse, looking down at it for a short while.

?So this it farewell for now. The next time I see you, who knows, perhaps the next time you see me I will already be on the path to glory. Until then... Do me a favor and live. It would be such a shame if you died before I was ready to end your pathetic existence myself.? With that Kau would leave, turning his back of the north for now. He had to go find where his dearest little plaything had settled.

-Exit Kau-


10-01-2014, 05:28 PM

Cold. He felt cold. Sick. Kau had seen through him. Was he so easy to read? To trick? Kau knew of this weakness now... Though his insult was not as damaging as it might have been under another circumstance. For a while Allen would remain still, even after his huge son had left the area. Then, slowly, he would go to Gavroche?s body. He would look down at the boy he had known, his neck torn and his blood soaking the ground around him. The male began to shake, the tears beginning to roll. ?Gods above... Please give me strength...? The man would whisper, sinking to the ground and laying his head across Gavroche?s still body. Just when it seemed things were getting better... Life crashed around him again.

