
Athena x Vereux Armada

Athena I


9 Years
10-04-2014, 01:32 PM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2014, 02:25 PM by Athena I.)
Finally, the first litter of Armadas from the pups that Isardis had here in Alacritis! Athena and Vereux are the rulers of Bevroren so these pups will definitely be growing up there for the foreseeable future. I want these pups to be very active and Athena will be personally making sure they are trained properly since they might inherit Bevroren one day. I will be taking one of the pups and I would like her to have around three so I'll say that there is two available for now. That may change depending on how many applications there are and how many of them Riv and I like lol

There is three designs available, but I might make some more if people want more options. I've also attached a name to each design, but if you don't like those there will be more names to choose from under the designs. Any of the designs can be any gender. My pup will be an albino male named Tiburtius.

Available and their suggested names:
user posted image

If you don't like those names, here's a few more to pick from:
Male: Antonius, Caius, Festus, Julius, Marius, Varius, Vitus.
Female: Agrippa, Aquila, Cassia, Fabiana, Glaucia, Laelia, Tullia, Vibiana.

More names!
Male: Vesels, Jaka, Kasi, Chuma
Female: Pirma, Moto, Nzuri

They should be due somewhere around the last of October or early November, but I'll update this with a set date and a deadline for applications when the pup application gets processed by the staff.

I feel like I should just talk about the fact that Athena and Vereux are litter mates. From all the research I've done about wolves having pups with their siblings I haven't found any real evidence that it would cause any problems. That being said, I personally am okay if you want to work in any mild personality quirks or very, very mild deformities to make it realistic. Maybe a puppy with ADD or a weird shaped ear, I don't know. Be creative and don't go overboard.


10-05-2014, 01:06 PM
[ insert app for pup two with the name cassia here when i have the motivation to apply ]


10-07-2014, 05:58 PM
I Would Like To Apply For The Male :)

Name: Varius Armada

Design: #3

Appearance: At The Age Of Adulthood, Varius Will Have Made It To Thirty Six Inches (Or A Bit More If I Can Afford It By Then), And One Hundred And Forty-Five Pounds. He Bears Dark Coloring On His Entire Pelt, The Only Exception Being The Lighter Grey Tinted With A Blue Hue On His Underside. He Will Be Large And Bulky, But The Majority Of That Is Not Fat, But Muscle. Due To Living In The Northern Province Of Alacritia, He Must Be Lean And Muscular To Have The Stamina Needed To Hunt And Fight In The Snow. His Eyes Are A Piercing Crimson Red, Taking The Coloring From His Mothers Dual Colored Eyes. His Pelt Is Thick And Coarse, Keeping Him Perfectly Warm Within Their Frozen Home. His Menacing Glare Is Nothing To Take Lightly. Then Again, Due To His Inbred Lineage He Has Acquired The Blind Trait...But He Manages To Play It Off Well Most Times.

Effects of Inbreeding: Blindness, Agression.

Varius At First Will Be A Bit Shy, Having The Inability To See Hampers His Confidence From Time To Time, But He Will Get Over It Someday. He Wants To Prove That He Can Be A Warrior, Worthy Of A Throne Of His Own Someday & A Protector Of His People. Despite His Handicap, He Can Be Quite Formidable In Battle Once He Learns How To Use His Other Senses More Proficiently. He Will Be A Great Tracker, His Sense Of Smell Heightened Due To His Lack Of His Sight Sense. One Thing About His Nature Is That He Prefers To Keep To Himself When It Comes To Strangers, Often Times He Will Be Tight-lipped & May Only Respond In Short Curt Nods Or Words. It Is Hard To Gain His Trust, But Once You Have It You Will Have An Ally For A Long Time. He Can Be A Good Judge Of Character, Lacking Naivete Due To His Untrusting Nature. But That Can't Be Helped, He Cannot See So It Is A Vital Part Of His Personality.

One Thing He Does Like To Do, Is Care For His Frail Sister. He Will Strive To Protect Her. And Thanks To His Attained Aggressive Nature, Potential Suitors (If His Sister Chooses To Have One), Will Have A Hard Time Bypassing Him. His Sister Seems To Be The Only One Able To Calm Him And Keep Him In A Calm State Should He Become Aggressive. Also Due To This, His Fighting Style Is Often Times More On The Offensive As Opposed To Defensive, However, The Blindness Factor May Balance It Out At Times. He Can Be Easily Provoked, Hot Headed, And Hates Being Told What To Do; But Will Listen To Those He Respects. Seldom Will He Be Playful Or Joking, Preferring To Remain On The More Serious And Sharp Side Of Things...With The Exception Of His Sister Of Course. He Will Play With Her And Entertain Her, And His Gentle Side Will Only Ever Be Shown With her. Loyal And Protective Is He, Which Makes Him A Good Addition For Any Potential Ally.

Athena I


9 Years
10-08-2014, 09:39 PM
The pups will be due on November 3rd! That means Riv and I will be choosing who will be playing the other pups around October 26th to give whoever the players will be around a week to get their accounts set up.

Now a little crinkle in the plan is that we were given one free pup. Since I will be taking a pup that means that anyone who takes one of these pups will have to pay for a extra pup pass. I wish I could pay for it for you but my boy is going to be around 2000 gems to get sooooo :x

But yeah. I hope there's still people interested in them anyway! If you've already applied and no longer wish to be in the running just edit your post and erase the app so I know <3


10-15-2014, 12:30 PM
Name: Aelia Armada

Appearance: Design 2, 29 inches, 90 pounds (runt if possible)

Effects of Inbreeding: Reduced fertility, growth depression (height and weight, smaller than parents), weak immune system (will get sick frequently)

Personality: Probably the complete opposite of her parents, Aelia will be very quiet and timid when it comes to things outside of her family. Even with her parents and siblings she would be the last one to do something or join in the fun, always looking over her shoulder as if something will come to snatch her up for being so small. She needs encouragement, as well as somebody to do something before she does in order to make her comfortable/safe enough to follow behind. Very naive and gullible, since she is always so timid about things, and only knows what people tell her and often believes it to the core, she can be easily manipulated or brain washed into believing anything you say. Accident prone, she will be clumsy and often finds herself in sticky situations because she doesn't realize what is going on until it is too late. When she does try to help people out she doesn't seem to do too good, whether its trying to help a friend or family out and accidentally blurts out a secret or rats them out. It isn't from ill intentions, she just doesn't realize what she is doing to help is actually just making people made. As she ages, Aelia will build up some courage and is less timid, naive and gullible. She will use her experiences to learn and improve herself, and since she has suffered from colds for most of her life and accidents she will learn about herbs for both herself, mainly, and to help her pack mates. Helpful and suppostive to those around her, she will be plafu and very friendly to family and friends, but when it comes to strangers she is very cautious and often looks like she will flee at any second. Because of her personality since she was young, Aelia will stick with those she has known since a child, not the adventurous or curious type of girl.

Athena I


9 Years
10-24-2014, 12:52 PM
Alright just a couple of days left till these pups are going to be chosen!

And a little news, I've decided to change the design of my pup and with that extra gems I'm saving I'm going to be buying the extra pup passes! So since I'm buying those and none of the designs have stuff on them that would need to be paid for, these guys are completely free! Plus they'll have not just Vereux and Athena to look after them, but also the adorable Momma Amalia <33

So get those applications in!!



6 Years
10-24-2014, 12:57 PM
Design #1... Male

Name: Caius Armada

Appearance: Caius will reach thirty-six inches in height upon reaching adulthood and weigh in at one-hundred eighty-five pounds, slightly on the chunky side although that could change should he decide to do more running around. The majority of his thick pelt is made up of a silver hue. The insides of each of his ears, down the nape of his neck and at the top back portion of his head is where white takes over. His tail too, half way down and at the tip is of that same white coloration. However his lower thorax, underbelly and legs are of a dark slate gray color. Still there is black upon him, his outer ears and just below his vibrant green eyes there exists that darkest of all colors. The oddest part of him however may be that he has six toes instead of the usual five on his front paws (the effects of inbreeding).

Personality: As a pup, Caius is an outgoing youth who enjoys climbing on and over his siblings and parents as well. He has an obsession with chewing on other ears. He's also quite vocal whatever mood he is in. Temper tantrums would therefore be phenomenal as he digs the ground and tosses sticks and stones around. Without a better handle on his temperament he may well lash out and bite as hard as he can anyone who gets to close to him during one of his worse moods. But never let it be said that he doesn't feel remorse, because he does and therefore might at times become depressed after realizing what he's done during one of his outbursts. Which may well make it difficult for him to make, or at least keep any new friends. But Caius does know how and when to apologize, although sometimes he might leave it just a little too late depending on the other party and just how long it takes Caius to calm down.

As an adult, Caius will have matured. He will cease to be quite as outgoing and prefer meditation over play time. As time passes he'll be better able to maintain a neutral stance and expression as if he were a wise sage speaking only when he had something to actually say. But bottling up everything could lead to a potential disaster worse than any outburst he ever had as a playful, demanding and vocal youth. In any case he will try his best to not take sides and instead do what is best for himself. It isn't out of vanity or egotism, but out of self-preservation so that he doesn't hurt himself by hurting others. That does not however mean that he's incapable of being corrupted, but he will try his utmost best to be a son that his parents could be proud of. Thus as an adult he may find it hard to deal with others or make friends for different reasons than when he was but a pup full of spunk.



4 Years
10-24-2014, 01:12 PM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2014, 12:24 PM by Ellasyn.)
[Image: 2h4aubr.png]

Name: Vitus Armada
Gender: Male
Design: #2
Affects of Inbreeding: None
Height and Weight: 36" and 136lbs


Vitus is a shadow among his family, the silence in the madness. At the start of his life it was believed the child could not speak, his vocal cords ceased to develop and work. He neither whined nor growled, nor made a sound even as he grows. It is not until he enters his early teenhood that he would speak, and even then words are few and far between untill he matures fully. His actions are subtle, the flick of emotion over his face almost indistiguishable. It is silence that is his friend, and the shadows that hide him untill he matures into adulthood. Yet, he is not alone, nor is he a loner. The boy loves and he trusts those he loves almost to a fault. When he chooses someone to enter into his life and his heart entirely he lays himself out to them. Loyalty is everything to him, and he is blinded by it. His life belongs to those he is loyal too, and he will lay it on the line to protect them, be it family, pack, friends or love. And yet he desires for no recognition. Infact, he shies away from it. Shies from compliments, from words of affection. It is as if he is fearful to accept them as truths, because good words hurt more than fangs when they are proven false. No, actions speak louder, and he would rather a loyal companion at his side than a few good words. And yet, true to his family name, he is a friend of anger. As a child, his anger flows through him in silent actions, in fights with his family and animals that are not fast enough to flee from him. But as he grows, he learns to channel it, to funnel it into his limbs, his muscles and his reflexes. He uses his malic to become his might, and often times it floods his brain. He fights as easily as he breathes, and he becomes restless when he doesn't. As he matures, he takes a hero's mantle, using his might and his power to protect those he loves, and because his heart and his life belongs to those chosen few, he is quick to rush in. Strong, capable, but blinded by love and trust and all those things that control him. A dreamer's hero.

I can buy an extra pup pass for this design if you choose me. That way maybe another can have the one you offer? I have fallen in love with this character already <3



7 Years
10-24-2014, 05:13 PM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2014, 08:56 AM by Empyrea.)

[Image: puppy_by_xx_starry-d844xrh.png]

NAME: Aeschylus Armada


DESIGN: { click } (Please do not use this design for your own app. Thanks.)



Brought into the world as a perfectly healthy boy, the Armada prince is a strong child of the current ruling pair of Bevroren. He takes mostly after his dam , inheriting her pelt and wondrous facial markings, yet he has managed to gain some of the coloration of his sire and build. As an adult, he stands at an impressive thirty-six inches of height, most of it consisting of legs, but much of his figure will be coiled with muscle, bringing his ideal weight to one hundred forty-six pounds. He will be a mix of stream-lined and barrel-chested. His fur will be medium length around his entire body, thicker on the neck and tail, and thinner on his legs.

His base is swathed in a light gray, mottled with darker strips here and there, most prominently on his back side and along his flank. These strips are much more prominent upon his visage, paws, and banner. One thickens beneath his right eye, a marking very similar, almost exactly, to his mother's. Both ears are rimmed by this same color, the darkness rimming the edges and curling off his ears just a little bit, just before his cheeks begin. His banner is dipped in the obsidian hues, residue flushed toward the base of his tail. A lighter variation of gray taints his chest and all four paws. On his sterum, it is almost a diamond-like shape, whilst on his paws, they are simply dipped in the pigment, then dipped in darkness just barely, concealing his pads in darkness.

When he appears, his eyes will both be a vivid evergreen, but the right muddled with a hint of a darker color, and as he grows, it will develop into a red ring about his pupil, just like his mother's.


When he first 'pops out', he will be quite the lively little ball of fluff, never failing to not sleep and making quite a ruckus over whatever reason, but as he nears getting closer to being able to venture from the den, he will pipe down, becoming more and more serious as words begin to come far and between, short little sentences or overall complete gibberish as he tries to pronounce words far too advanced for his little brain to comprehend yet. He will love all of his siblings dearly, and want nothing more than for them to be all okay, faults and everything alike, and he is unspeakably loyal to his parents, who are the ruling pair of Bevroren, and is best buds (or so he thinks) with Amalia.

Knowing that he is a prince, the little dude really tries to keep himself sitting nice and upright, and puff out his chest with self-induced pride, but he always ends up slouching or toppling over like a sloppily made pile of rocks. As he ages and his boyish features balance out, he will find this task easier, and will become much more humble about it, his speech like any other wolf.

There will always be that little bit of a good heart in him from his second 'mother' Amalia, whose bubbly and happy attitude has rubbed off onto the little man, making him a very good neutral character in the game of war. He doesn't see any reason behind war and fighting, and only sees the good in everyone.

OTHER INFORMATION: I am willing to pay for an extra pup pass for this little dude to be with the other four bbys.

Athena I


9 Years
10-26-2014, 08:29 PM
Alright!! Drumroll please!!

The pups will be played by Arin, Starry, and Trinket! Thank you so much to everyone that applied. It was a reeeeeally hard choice.

All of the extra pup passes have already been bought (you're welcome ;D) so all you gotta do is get their accounts up and running. I'll make sure everyone knows when the birthing thread goes up!