
Dreams Made Flesh



7 Years
10-03-2014, 01:37 PM

Surreal lay panting in a comfortably sized den, well above the waterline of the area. The cramps had started over an hour ago, long enough for her to call out for her mother and Falk, and Imena and Cael if they wished. Now she labored, her mother having given her the plants needed to ease this miraculous process of bringing life into the world. Cramps rippled along her belly and down into the point where life should be appearing. It felt like she was trying to expel a very large rock from her insides.

She lowered her head with a groan, eyes closed as another contraction rippled through her muscles. And there she felt a give. ?Mother, Falk? I think? Ooo? I think this is it.? Another contraction squeezed through her muscles, her back cramping slightly, causing the groan in her words. The herbs her mother had given her had taken effect quickly, and there was less pain, she was sure, then there might have been if she hadn?t consumed them. She rose slightly, shifted to a more comfortable position, and heard a slimy splash behind her.

A soft gasp left her as a new contraction powered through, stronger than the others, quickly followed by another, and another. She gritted her teeth as the pressure grew; as the firstborn began moving outward. All was well. All was well. And then it wasn?t, all the sudden. The contractions were coming, hard and strong as ever, ripping gasps from her, but the pressure kept building, without release, and she felt a sudden lack of movement. ?Mother?? It wasn?t a loud call, mostly because a contraction stole her breath away. But the concern was evident to any and all parties present.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



8 Years
Athena I
10-03-2014, 07:58 PM

Falk sat anxiously just outside the entrance to his and Surreal's den. He didn't quite know what to do with himself. Ever since Surreal had called him and Erani to let them know that the pups were on the way he had gone between pacing nervously to sitting anxiously. He wanted to help, but really what help could a male be in this situation? Falk started out in the den with her, but when Erani first came with herbs and to check on Surreal he had slipped out to stay out of the way.

When Surreal called him and Erani again his ears pricked and he couldn't keep himself from slipping inside once again. He knew he didn't have a clue as to what she was going through or really how to help, but he wanted to be there for his mate. He quickly slipped in and went around to lay down behind her, figuring that he would be the most out of Erani's way there. He laid so that Surreal could lean back against his side if she wanted to and curved his neck so that he could place soothing licks on her forehead and cheek.

His ears pinned back nervously against his head as he watched her push, still trying to stay calm and be there for her. The worry grew in his expression when she called out softly for Erani again, feeling helpless with little to no healing knowledge and not a scrap of knowledge about birthing. "Erani?" he called as well, hoping that his louder voice would catch his mother-in-law's attention more easily. There was a similar concern in his voice before he began gently kissing the top of her ear and ears again.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-03-2014, 08:39 PM

Erani lay outside the den, watching the father to be pacing nervously, a faintly amused smile in those haunted eyes. She didn?t tell him to relax, didn?t tell him to sit down and stay still. He had all the right in the world to be nervous and excited. So she waited, one ear cocked backward to listen to her daughter. The herbs had been applied, and were in full effect by now, and she knew there was little pain affecting her daughter. There was a thrill of excitement in her old heart. She had grandchildren being born, of her own bloodline. These were grandchildren that would remain close to the family.

Finally, Surreal?s groan filtered out to her ears, and she pushed herself to her paws, ambling calmly into the largely dug chamber. It was a temporary residence; until the pups were old enough to move. When that time came, so the time to make a true home would arrive. As her silver and black daughter came into sight, Erani settled nearby, watching the muscles quiver as contractions pounded Surreal?s body. And then, the movement changed, and Surreal felt it. As she called out, Erani rose, and Falk came in (for possibly the tenth time), just as worried as his mate. Erani took a position behind her daughter, ignoring the slimy amniotic fluid under her paws and lowered her head, a paw lifting to rest on the bulging belly, toward the rear.

Gently, she probed with the paw, feeling out the pups, until she found the cause of the disturbance. Her browpoints quirked faintly. Quite the little monster, this one. ?Alright now, Push as I press. The herbs will help.? She pressed, slightly pulling towards herself, paw firmly planted against what she hoped was the pups rump. Simultaneously, a contraction, coupled with Surreal?s conscious pushing caused a give under her paw. A nose began to poke free. ?Excellent. Well done. Get its head out, and you should be home free.? Of course, this would be a difficult kind of home free.

But slowly, the pup was revealed, and with a final push, it shot free. Erani ignored the appearances for the time being as she nudged the pup out of the way, noting the ease in the size of her daughters belly. The other pups were small, and with how large this little monster had been, the last few would need no help from her. She stepped away, allowing her daughter and son in law to admire their newborn firstborn.



7 Years
10-03-2014, 08:59 PM

Surreal was relieved when her mothers calm figure slipped in, taking a place behind her. Falk was swiftly in as well, and much less calm. It was almost comic-- Ooh. Another heavy, ineffectual contraction rippled through her. Leaning back on Falk, she turned her head to look at her mother as the elder rested her paw on her belly, gently probing. She didn?t miss the slight speculative rise of the brow points. However, soon enough, her mother gave instructions, and she listened. Another contraction was coming, she could feel it. ?Okay, okay.? It was a whispered repetition, before she took a deep breath and, as the contraction rolled through her like a thunderclap, and her mother pressed, pulled, she pushed as hard as she could. And felt a wonderful give, coupled with a nasty beginning of a stretching pain.

Encouragement, another contraction, more pressure from her mother, and push. Repeat. The pressure was getting stronger, the stretching, more painful. A tiny, fizzling whimper bubbled past her clenched teeth, jowls lifting in a grimace. More stretching, more pushing, tearing. It didn?t feel like it was inside, though. Again. Again. Push, press, give. Release.

A muffled shout exploded from her as the final push sent the not so little body shot free of her body, and she slumped against Falks blessedly solid form as the relief rolled through her, making her legs feel like water. She was beyond sure that if she tried to stand right now, she?d flop like a fish to the ground. She was vaguely aware of her mother nudging the as yet genderless pup out of the way of business. Then as the pup began squirming, her attention sharpened, and she rose enough to look at this new life. And felt a shudder of shock roll through her. Quickly, she leaned around and ripped that sack away and? And revealed something completely unexpected, and a little frightening. But her mother seemed calm, and she didn?t feel all that weak. So gently, lovingly, she began to clean the newborn; a boy, she found soon enough. So it wasn?t blood that made his fur so red. So very very red.

?Oh Falk? He?s beautiful.. He?s Huge!? This was her fathers fault. But she didn?t have time to dwell on the genetics, as contractions resumed soon after she had her firstborn son attached to a teat along her belly. However, now that the big red plug had been cleared, the next two were a breeze. One, right after the other, almost as if they were in a hurry to keep up with their brother.

Two beautiful girls. Their colors were as regular as their brother was bright. They were muddled, with no clear definition of markings but they were beautiful, in their blind helplessness, and as she cleaned them, her mind whirled with names. She slumped back, her brood lined up against her belly, and cocked her head to look at her Falk. ?I love you.?

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



8 Years
Athena I
10-03-2014, 09:29 PM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2014, 09:30 PM by Falk.)

Falk let Surreal lean into him happily, glad that he could at the very least be here for her in this way. He continued to place comforting licks all over her face, head, and neck, whispering sweet, encouraging words while he watched helplessly while she pushed and pushed and pushed. His ears turned forward and he glanced worriedly toward Erani for a brief second as he caught the whimper that escaped his mate and saw her continuing to strain to get out their first born. His ears flicked back again and he kept on with his pattern of licks and encouragements till finally their first pup appeared with a shout from Surreal, Falk catching her weight as she fell back against him. He sighed with relief, a faint smile touching his muzzle as he peered down at his mate, already swelling with pride and he hadn't even looked at his first born yet.

His gaze followed Surreal as she leaned up to clean off their child and his eyes widened with shock and a confused since of worry. The pup was so... red. Falk leaned to get a better look, the worry draining away as Surreal cleaned the pup off and he noticed the bright red hue stayed behind. His bright blue gaze shifted from the pup to Surreal and back again at her comment. A boy. A huge, red boy. A lopsided grin touched his muzzle and he chuckled, nodding in agreement.

After their son's troublesome birth the next two seemed like a breeze. One after the other they would appear, two girls. A son and two daughters. As he peered at their tiny forms he could already feel himself falling deeply and unavoidably in love with both of his daughters. He looked at his son, so obviously built to be a warrior just like himself, and pride welled up in his chest. Surreal's voice pulled his attention from his children and he tipped his head down to find her beautiful two-toned gaze, the same gaze that struck him as the most beautiful sight he had ever seen the first time they met. A huge smile stretched across his lips as he peered down at her lovingly, still letting her body rest against his own, his larger form curling ever so slightly around hers protectively. "I love you too, Surreal. I love you more than words can say. Our children are gorgeous, just like you."

Looking back at the three of them, he wondered what Surreal thought they should be called. His eyes rested on one of the girls, so tiny laying there next to her brother, covered in grey markings very similar to Surreal's. Wheels turned in his head and suddenly a name came to him. "What do you think of Zuriel for her?" he asked, leaning his neck over Surreal's form to gently touch his nose to her side, the look in his gaze soft and loving.




12 Years
Extra large
10-03-2014, 09:32 PM

Everything was perfect in his rather constricted world. He didn?t want for anything. He was warm, he wasn?t hungry, and he was safe. Unbeknownst to him, this little world of his was about to be turned upside down. And it was going to happen sooner than one, two, three. He was bumped out of a happy doze, his form suddenly constricted much more tightly than his already comfortably snug fit. He thrashed slightly, protesting thissacrelige. Beside, him, around him, his sisters wriggled, muffled squeals vibrating his skin. Then he was being shunted, his body twisting and turning, some force making him move, and quite against his will, thank you very much.

Inexorably, he was drawn forward, until his muzzle was abruptly caught in a trap, being squeezed, while around him, the world fell in on itself, again and again and again. Then something prodded his rear, prodded and pressed, then pushed, right as the world tried to eat him again. Fear wasn?t a part of this whole endeavor, but there was a thrill of adrenaline. And then a squeak was squeezed from him as his head was enclosed by the trap, then his middle. And then he felt a new sensation in a day full of new sensations. Openness, and cold. A nudge to his side, scooting him along a very not soft surface. He squirmed with discomfort, then squealed as loudly and as demandingly as he could.

It seemed to work. A warm? thing, began rubbing him, and he felt a sudden need to get closer. Whatever this thing was, it smelled nice, and as the air suddenly got much clearer, he took a real breath, and squealed again, much louder. Then the warm thing was rubbing him again, and soon enough, he wasn?t as cold as he?d been at first. A smell permeated the air. Tantalizing, alluring. He needed it. Needed to get closer, needed. And then, with a nudge, his face was buried in the smell. With a startled squeak, he nosed around, then found the source of that wonderful smell. Instincts guidance was all he needed, and soon, there was nothing wrong, and everything right with his new world. He couldn?t see, he couldn?t hear, but oh he was quite the happy boy. Soon enough, he felt the familiar bodies beside him. His sisters were there. Even better. Soon enough, he felt full, another of the good new things. And then? He felt nothing but the floating happiness... of sleep.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



7 Years
Athena I

10-05-2014, 01:25 PM

Her world was quiet and still for the most part, just how she liked it. It was warm and still, for the most part, and she was perfectly happy just staying here forever, but that wasn't what the world had in mind apparently. All of the sudden what she knew as the world was moving, pressing and pushing her. She squirmed unhappily as she moved along, starting and stopping and getting jostled here and there. She suddenly had much more room to move as the large form that was her brother disappeared from beside her. Then, almost as quickly, the warmth she knew was gone. She cried unhappily, but she wouldn't be left in the cold for very long. Soon enough the feeling of what she would learn was her mother's tongue would lap over her, calming her a bit even though she wasn't quite sure she liked these changes. Her tiny lungs let out quiet whines and squeals as she was moved again until she felt her side press up against her brother, her sister soon joining them as well. Their familiar presence calmed her down enough for her to notice her momma's stomach in front of her, finding the milk there and quickly filling her little stomach. Curling up against Surreal's stomach and Regulus's side she drifted to sleep easily, too tired to be curious about her new surroundings any more.
