
Together Forever



10-05-2014, 05:33 PM (This post was last modified: 10-05-2014, 05:33 PM by Haruka.)

The small girl was practically bounding in front of her brother as they drew closer to Bevroren lands, her heart beat quick as she picked up the smell of the border. She was excited to have her brother with her again, she felt so much more alive at this point. "Come on slow poke!" She called over her shoulder, easily making it across the snowy landscape. She had grown used to the cold in the few months that she had been here. Her fox coloured coat had grown thicker to battle the chill of the North, something that she was sure her larger brother would get used to. Dancing on fleet feet she paused at the border, something that felt foreign to her. She was so used to the shadows in these lands, it was truly a home to her now. Tipping back her head, she let out a call for Athena. While she was a high ranking wolf she would not be able to accept Ritsuka into the ranks. She had told the Queen about her having a sibling, so she wondered if her Lady thought that she was ever going to drag his butt here.

Flipping her body around to look at Legend she flashed him a huge grin, her whole body wiggling from the force of her tail wags. The girl was usually so calm, but this situation called for excitement! Finally the duo would be in the same ranks once more, an unstoppable force at Athena's command. She was as giddy as a child, prancing around in a circle as she waited for the leader to show up, eager to show her brother all the wonderful hiding places she had found. Hopefully that would cheer him up.



10-08-2014, 03:37 PM

The young male would follow his sister, trekking to the even colder bits of the north where snow blanketed the ground. It was autumn, the season of their birth, and Ritsuka could feel a bit of happiness returning to his heart. Once more the Legendary and Epic would be together, as they should have been, as they needed to be. They were parts of a whole, a brother and sister duo that completed each other. Suka found himself smiling, his eyes a bit brighter as he crunched through the snow. "I'm coming, I'm coming." Since reuniting with Haruka his mind stopped it's buzzing, its constant hum of threats and horrors. This... was the right path.

When they arrived at the borders he would look around, his ears perked up. So... So this would be his new home? He would look back to the smaller femme, breathing out. "It has it's own beauty, Epic. Unlike where we were born, and yet... It captures the eye." His coat was not quite as thick as it should have been for the weather, but by the time winter hit he'd be able to endure well enough. He just had to get used to this part of Alacritia, as his sister had. "I'm glad that I'm here." He would say softly, for her ears alone, should someone already be close.

"Listen To Ritsuka," "Listen To Haruka," 'Read Ritsuka's Thoughts.'

Athena I


9 Years
10-08-2014, 09:06 PM


Her dark-colored ears perked with interest when Haruka's call reached her. She had been a whirlwind of emotions recently, but the emotion that hit her above all was excitement and joy. If she was right, and she was almost sure she was, there would be young Armadas running around Bevroren very soon and that thought alone had her thrilled. She wasn't so sure she was excited about the whole process of being pregnant, but she was excited about the end result. Pulling herself to her paws she hurried off to find Haruka, both to see what she needed and to tell her friend her news. She knew maybe she should tell Vereux first, but she didn't want to get his hopes up before she checked with Devin to ensure her feeling was right and she just had to tell someone.

She kept heading toward the border, her curiosity growing the further out she went. What could Haruka want her for way out here? Was someone else out here? Had she missed a call from a stranger? Her questions were partially answered when she arrived, spotting the earthen-toned male beside her friend. Athena smile softly, immediately falling into that dominant stance of an alpha she had trained herself to carry over the last year. It was like a reflex now when she saw someone she wasn't entirely comfortable around or simply didn't know. "Haruka, who do you have here?" she asked curiously, glancing from Haruka and back to the male again.



10-09-2014, 05:02 PM (This post was last modified: 10-09-2014, 05:02 PM by Haruka.)

Haruka could hardly contain her excitement, and nuzzled her brother with affection as he stated that he was glad to be there. She was very glad herself, she felt like she could be more involved with the whole pack with her brother at her side. They sure didn't have to wait long until Athena showed up, and right away the girl could tell that something was arise. The older girl raised her brow, silently questioning her Queen without her brother seeing. She would ask her later though, now was the time to talk about her brother. Maybe it was her own heat that made her more in-tuned with others peoples emotions, but she knew Athena and knew that something was up. She just gazed at her for a moment longer, just until she was asked who she had with her. Her smile replaced her raised brow, looking proudly at the male beside her. "This is my brother, Ritsuka. The one that I had told you about." She said, pale tail wagging behind her. "Ritsuka, this is Athena, Soeverein of Bevroren."

OOC - omg terrible >.>

"Listen To Haruka," "Listen To Ritsuka," 'Read Haruka's Thoughts.'


10-14-2014, 12:26 PM

Ritsuka?s affectionate nuzzles were well received. Gods above how he missed her. How glad he was that they were together again. He felt like he could breathe. They were not waiting long, and as the silver woman would approach. No doubt by how she carried herself this was Athena, the Sovereign of Bevroren. She held the look of a leader, and as the words first left her lips, then his sister?s, Suka?s suspicions were confirmed. He would dip his head respectfully. He didn?t look his best, considering the nightmares and hellish time he had right before running into his sister again, but hopefully Athena could overlook that for the moment.

?Lady Sovereign, it is a pleasure to get to meet the femme my sister speaks so highly of. I?m hoping that there is little question as to the reason of my presence being here.? Ritsuka would lift his gaze to Athena, giving her a warm smile. ?I wish to pledge my loyalty to Bevroren and join my sister among your ranks. I have skills as a fighter, though I am a capable hunter as well. During my time in Tortuga I lead a pack hunt and held the position of lead hunter.? He was by no means trying to brag, simply give her an good idea of his skills. Though he knew that Glaciem, and perhaps Bevroren when it changed over, had been allied with Tortuga. Would she question why he left? Or would that be overlooked?

"Listen To Ritsuka," "Listen To Haruka," 'Read Ritsuka's Thoughts.'