
Let Her Come



8 Years
10-06-2014, 08:36 AM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2014, 08:37 AM by Valerius.)

First it had been sickness that had separated him from his family, breaking his promise of staying beside Emer. He hadn't wanted her to catch it- nor the children, so he hid himself away. The sickness has been harsh- with fevers and hallucinations. He'd lain awake for nights, shivering in the darkness of the set he had taken shelter in. The sickness had nearly killed him- but it was the thought of Emer- her not knowing where he would have disappeared too, that got him through the night. She deserved better than that. When he'd emerged from his set, and moved to a newer one to recover- he was confused- where was he? Where were they?

Then it had stormed. It was as if the fates didn't want him to be happy, they didn't want him to have a family. The storm had been a freak of nature- getting him lost in a land that he knew. When it was over- he found himself in his wreckage of a life, and he vowed to find her- to find Emer. So help him god he would never leave her again.

So when he finally figured out the world again, he traveled. First he explored the western lands, where they had lived- but he hadn't found her- he hadn't found anyone. He'd found himself in the Eastern lands- in the woods, as the leaves tumbled around him, their golden and brown hues painting the land. He was gaining weight slowly, but he still looked a wreck. He'd feel like a wreck until he found Emer. She helped ground him. So he traveled restlessly, looking for her- just praying in this vast land- that God would have mercy, and he'd find her again. Similar, to what he'd done in other regions, he drew to a halt deep in the woods- and tossed his head into the sky. A deep baritone howl, left him- a strangling cry for her. With any luck she'd hear him, and come. God let her come.




7 Years
10-06-2014, 08:49 AM

Finding Cecily had certainly helped the woman slightly though the rest of her family were still lost to her, Taddeo and Valerius traceless from the horrid storm and Signy out who knew where in the world. Not to mention her fears still haunted her, Cecily hadn't asked what bothered her though it was clear that her daughter had noticed the change in her mother. Her sleeping pattern was kept regular only through Cecily's aid or else she likely would have kept herself awake till exhaustion, collapsing and awakening as her nightmares gripped her, repeating the same, self-destructing cycle over and over. One was enough to halt that, keep it at bay though there was still plenty of repair to be done, even now that Summer had ended and with it her heat, she was safe from that at least but the memories had been re-awoken from everything.

She would think herself dreaming now as she heard the familiar howl across the lands. This was a new form of torture, yet another way her mind had found to break her, imagining those she loved. Cecily was away at that moment, hunting for the pair of them and her mind would abuse that moment of isolation, cruelly taunting her with memories.

For whatever reason she chose to humour herself, to dare to venture out and prove that he wasn't there. There was of course a longing that he would be, but ever the pessimist she doubted there would be any sign of him. And yet, the negative thoughts would soon prove to be unnecessary, unless she truly was dreaming. He didn't look quite as well as she recalled him though he was there he really was there. She hadn't noticed that she had paused for that moment, golden gaze staring hardly able to believe the truth, all to suddenly though she would move, running the rest of the way to close the distance between them as she nuzzled into his form. Dream or not she would allow herself a moment of happiness.



8 Years
10-10-2014, 08:08 AM

The sound of his howl echoed around him, resonating through the thick wood. He waited, where he stood- hoping she could hear his baritone tones and would come. His hopes had been crushed so many times- when strangers had come to the sound, or more often, no one at all that he was sure he was dreaming when he scented a familiar sweet scent. His eyes grew wide, as he took in a deep breath- even if it was a dream, he would at least get to smell her, perhaps even touch her again. As she came into view, his tail wagged slightly, and a rumble of approval left him as she closed the distance at a run. He'd step forward to meet her, all illusions of a 'dream' shattered with an electrifying jolt, as she nuzzled into him.

Valerius lowered his head, lifting his paw to wrap around her in a sort of hug. He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath- taking in her sweet scent. He didn't talk for a few moments, rather, tried to take the moment in- and let it become a sweet memory. Then he would speak, his voice rasping as he began, the tone wistful. "Emer." He paused, a whispered. "Oh, my Emer, how I have missed you." His heart throbbed, and he let out a deep breath that he didn't realize that he'd been holding. "Emer" He'd whisper again, pressing his muzzle into her. Her name was an affirmation to her scent, and the feel of her body as it pressed against his. It was as if the gods had decided that fate had been cruel enough- that again he would find his happiness.




7 Years
10-10-2014, 08:35 AM

It was not a dream though, he was really there his scent enveloping her as she nuzzled him, and he would nuzzle her back, pulling her in closer with one leg as he hugged her. That feeling of safety that Valerius always brought to her had returned, he had a way of somehow giving her strength and confidence of helping to banish her fears. Home she had come to realise wasn't a place, it was family and this man here was a key part of that. He was the foundations, the support that kept her stable, allowed her to feel that she could help herself and her children.

His voice would rumble softly in her ear as he whispered. He had missed her. Why he continued to return she could never fathom but selfishly she had never dared to question it and still would never bring herself to do so. "I'm missed you." She would utter the words in return. There was much to tell him about, finding Cecily for starters which was wonderful news to share though it would mean informing him too of losing Taddeo, and still savouring this joyful moment of finding him again, a part of her almost could dare speak.

Ultimately she would find herself giving in. She knew he would ask after the boy. "I lost Taddeo in the storms." She would admit sadly, as she withdrew slightly to once more look at the man. "I..." She planned to explain more, her fears and her failure to find him but couldn't speak the words. "I found Cecily." She would stick with the happier news instead.