She?d find her way slowly forward with Dutiron by her side, they?d slowed down much since the storms but in reality she didn?t mind much. She?d heave a sigh as she leaned into her mate, his warmth a comfort as they drew more near her granddaughter?s den. They?d heard what had taken place, and the children that followed. Excitement would run through her no matter the situation. They were great grandparents. An amused smile would tug at the corners of her lips as they found their way to the new mother?s den.
The scent of Song was rather strong, she could only guess that she too had found her way there recently. As the thoughts brought themselves to her mind she knew they were true, Song was standing quite deliberately in the entrance of the den. "Song? How are they?" Her features would tilt curiously as the pair would stop beyond the entrance, she would hope that Novel might bring the boys out to see them.
His missed his children, though he would not deny the time alone with Novel had been rather pleasant although it certainly would have been nicer could he change numerous things. The weather was of course the first, the rain didn't seem to let up and thought things were gradually improving, the Summer had gone. The other thing was of course the problems that were striking the family once more. Novel this time was a large worry. The girl was apparently coping though it didn't stop Dutiron from feeling furious about what had happened to his poor granddaughter.
None of that anger would be shown to the family however, least of all not the younger Novel and her children. He and his wife were on their way now to check on their granddaughter and it felt strange to say and only made the man feel older still, their great-grandsons. Song would be there when they arrived, and it would be Novel who would speak up first, enquiring into the health of the newest generation. The anger was certainly cast aside now, rather eager to meet these newest additions to the Destruction family.