
you're so dark



3 Years
10-13-2014, 05:17 PM

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A delighted giggle could not be suppressed, and the patchwork lass bounded across the fields. There were so many cool bones here! She didn't recognize the skulls she could see poking up, they didn't look like real creatures at all! Skidding to a stop beside a giant tail, she busied herself with trying to dig up some of it. The whole thing was longer than she was, and there was no way it could be real, not in her head. However, here it was, and it wasn't wobbling in and out of view like things did in a dream. It was real, but it was unbelievable! When her frenzied digging yielded no results, she gave up and simply returned to running at full tilt from one end of the bone field to the other. The wind in her fur as the ran was great, and she would randomly stop here or there to examine some fantastical fossil or another. Everything was so strange, and wonderful. She was having the time of her life, and it could only go uphill from here, to her.
The one second she wasn't looking where she was going, the lass tripped over something solid and started falling headlong toward the ground. Ass over teakettle, she tumbled, until she ended up skidding on her face across the grassy plain. When her momentum halted, what of her wasn't touching the ground flopped ungracefully back onto the dirt. She let out a pained groan, before hauling herself to her feet again. More or less, the ebony girl was alright. There was going to be bruising, and she'd be pulling grass out of her coat for weeks now, but that wasn't about to put a damper on her day. The fading sun of the fall beat down on her thickening coat, and she was enjoying the last days before winter reigned all over again. She'd come full circle, her first year, and she was celebrating.
Now, it was time to see what the hell she'd tripped over so violently. Bounding jovially back in the direction she'd come, she simply followed the skid marks until they yielded to paw prints. Wow, that looked pretty big. Whatever it was, she was going to dig it up and see what it was. Tea cupped paws of rust and ebony set themselves to work, obsidian talons scraping away terra from the bleached surface of the bone. It was smooth, that was for sure, but what could it possibly be? Her entire being became focused on unearthing this strange thing, there would be no talking her out of it now!

Fenben made me this here arts, thank you Fenben!