
burn my lungs and curse my eyes



4 Years
10-13-2014, 04:22 PM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2014, 04:22 PM by Lillyth.)

How curious this place was, a kingdom of rot and decay. Everything crumbled where it stood; the ocean was stealing back it's vessels, and the earth taking back it's stones. One day this would not exist, and no one else would get to see the glorious, slow death of what was once something so archaically beautiful. The charcoal bitch wandered across cracked tarmac, observing the dying landscapes with a disdainfully removed gaze. Mercury and sanguine orbs scanned over it all, taking in the tarnished metal of abandoned vehicles and dust coated glass of windows, watching her like the dead eyes of a rotted carcass.
It was all so delightfully broken, so wonderfully falling apart. It must have been so chaotic, in the time before this place was abandoned. What had driven it's inhabitants away so quickly they had left everything to watch where it lay? Plague? Invasion? A silent killer, something invisible until it was too late. Her entire form quivered at the thought of an attack by her own kind, the demons, had they come here? Had they wiped the pitiful colony who had once lived in this forgotten realm from the face of the earth? A delighted growl slipped past her onyx lips, and she masked wraith felt a flash of hunger for some destruction by her own hand. She wanted to rend someone, or something, flesh from bones and consume it. Yes, that would be wondrous right about now.
Devious grin would spread across her severe features, and her pace would be picked up. She had to find something to destroy, and she had to be quick about it, or she might burst. It would take no time at all for her long, slender limbs to propel her at a gallop, seeking a poor little scoundrel to take apart. Her grin would soon be twisted into a malicious snarl, as she sought her quarry.

-Unknown passing of time-
Blood soaked the silken tresses upon her chest and muzzle, splashed across her face in the most messy way possible. It dripped from her sated jowls, slicked her nostrils. The coppery taste upon her tongue was delicious, and she was deliriously relaxed now. To an outsider, the obsidian masked woman sprawled out in a pool of blood and gore might have been more than appalling, but to anyone in her family it would have looked as wonderful as it felt to her. A contented groan would escape her jaws, and she let a breath shudder through her flanks. Dual toned optics would fall shut, as she fell into a state of almost sleep.

Walk "Talk" Think



3 Years
10-13-2014, 06:11 PM

Nimble limbs carried the dame over this very strange domain, this was simply another stop on her travels and to be honest with herself she wished no to spend too much time in this domain but the strange surrounding was interesting since it was something she had never seen before so she decided to take some time and explore.
As she moved, Amber hue's absorbed as much as they could before her nose was irritated by the scent of blood, narrowing her orbs she ventered off in its direction before she spotted the female and her little mess. "Well, that is not a very lady like way to indulge in dinning" she cooed softly in a slight whisper as she fixed her amber hue's upon the girl.

table by jay



4 Years
10-13-2014, 06:32 PM

A voice met her obsidian audits, prudent and condescending. She would halt in her glorious basking, where the dying light of the day was baking the sanguine wine into her pelt and lulling her. Who was this inferior woman to chide her? The temptress would rise, slowly, with the coil of lithe muscles and the boil of ever present rage under her skin. Dual toned optics would snap open to fix a molten stare upon the whelp who dared to insult her. A small one, but she held the potential to be a seductive little creature. Blood soaked jaws would part, onyx lips lifting in a sneer of disdain. "And what purpose would being ladylike serve if there is no one around to witness it?" Silken lyrics would purr, heavily laden with sarcasm and irritation.
Charcoal tail tip would flick angrily, the silent rattle of a snake ready to strike. She could tear this pretty little thing apart, it wouldn't even be a challenge. Yet here the little princess stood, daring to speak to her as if she were a mere whelp. "Tell me, little princess, who are you to chide me? I am just dying to know." She crooned, raising an eyebrow in question as she took a step closer to the babe. Blood slicked nostrils flared as she took in the bronze femme's scent, delighting in the tang of her femininity and disappointed by the lack of fear she possessed. Well, there were always ways to change that.




3 Years
10-14-2014, 12:10 PM

As the dark female stirred from her so called slumber,The ears of the ivory female perked upright as her head tilted slightly. watching her a soft chuckle escaped her jaws. "There are eyes everywhere in this world" she stated as she watched the girl draw closer to her frame yet she remained standing were she was, tensed and prepared for an attack but other wise relaxed in a strange way as she continued speaking"Simply a statement dear,I tend not to scold those that are strange to me that would require effort that I currently do not have she cooed as her tassel flicked at her rear as her amber hue's drifted around the area once more, This place was indeed very strange, a cement maze that irritated the girl considering there was little life in these parts thus meaning she would have to scavenge for food. The thought of it made her cringe but she would have to do what she need to survive, Sighing faintly as her abdomen growled at her she shifted her weight slightly . So Aside from that... display, Is there anything else to eat? She questioned as her amber hue's flicked to the girl once more.

table by jay



4 Years
10-14-2014, 12:29 PM

There was evident snark in the lass' tone, and the woman grunted in irritation. Ignorant girl she was, this little wolf. A regal, foolish thing. She noted the tense in her muscles, the way she readied herself for an attack, the acrid tang of fear was just barely there, she could smell it wafting from that pretty bronze coat. Tongue would escape to caress her tainted jowls, wiping away some of her most recent mess. Ivory daggers flashed as she sneered once more at the girl, ebony audits catching her most recent statement. Not very smart, this one. Her statement was rather hypocritical, disregarding the way she'd just chided the charcoal bitch. "Oh really?" She purred, sultry lyrics dripping with venom as she took a step backwards. Sensual hips swayed once as she stepped toward the remnants of her messy little kill.
The faint growl of an empty stomach drew her attention back to the girl, who was looking rather hungry. She posed a quiet inquiry, and the wraith let out a bark of laughter. "There is a meal anywhere, if you are competent and willing to find it." She crooned in reply, dark banner swishing across her tall heels once, twice, while her dual toned gaze remained fixed upon the delicate features of the petite lass. She would not be the one showing this little princess how to find food, if she couldn't do it herself she wasn't worthy of life anyway.

Walk "Talk" Think



3 Years
10-14-2014, 03:35 PM

The hackles of the ivory female raised slightly at the girls words, Was she mocking her in some-way? the idea buzzed in her mind for a moment before she she snorted at the girls commentYour not very helpfull she stated as she narrowed her hue's on the girl "There was food anywhere the words of the girl rang though her mind before a sly smirk crossed the lips of the dame, yes there was always food around and the dame before her was packed tightly with meat that would keep her fed for a few days however cannibalism was simply a last resort..for now at least.

Flicking her banner she stalked forwards, she could not afford to spend her time here much longer she need to hunt and to find some place to rest for the night and so she needed to venture further out of this domain and in to the next hopefully the next domain would have some form of meal and a water source she oddly was cravening a swimming session to sooth her tired muscles. Glancing over her shoulder to the dark dame Have fun in this maze of sorts, Am heading to a domain I know of, lots of water if your tempted she cooed softly in her own bitter sweet tone as she continued with out a second glance back, if the black dame wished to follow then she could if not well that was no concern of the girls.

~Exit pandia unless stopped~

table by jay



4 Years
10-15-2014, 11:36 AM

Poor little princess, not getting her way. Look how angry she gets, panties in a bunch and hackles sticking up. How very unladylike of her. At the announcement of the obvious, she snorts derisively in return. "A popular opinion." She chuckled, dark mirth evident in her sultry lyrics. The wraith stooped to root through the entrails scattered upon the grass, and plucked up a scrap that looked too good to be ignored. She missed the sly smirk, just by a fraction of a second. More than likely she would have offered to wipe it off that pretty bronze face for free. The poor babe was tiring of trying to out wit the queen, and so she turned, offering a nice view of a rather fine rear. Amber optics met molten sanguine and mercury orbs, and she chuckled quietly. The weakling couldn't stay here a second longer, it was too much for her faint little heart. Then the girl was gone, and the obsidian masked wraith was left in her own little mess, at peace once more.
She sighed, gaze flicking to and fro across the landscape. It was nice here, and there was no one around at all. She could roam in peace, a demon in her domain with nothing but the crumbling city to see her sins. Yes, maybe she would stay here for now. The decay was so appealing, there was no need for archaic decorations or rotting carcasses. The entire realm was one rotting carcass, long forgotten.
.:End of thread:.
