
Cant take me, i'm free



2 Years
10-15-2014, 07:27 PM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2014, 07:29 PM by Crucifix.)

I hear the wind call your name

it calls me back home again

it sparks up the fire, a flame that still burns

oh its to you, I will always return

He had tread the length of his territory and rounded up his young, leaving them in the care of his sisters so that he could ? at last ? track down the scent of the woman he longed to find. The few hours it had taken him to find their children meant the scent wasn't as crisp as it had been when he had entered the den, but the day was still young and the wind was near non-existent. He followed her trail from the den towards the end of his borders, she had left the territory through the Tall Grass Plains. Again, he found himself bewildered despite the evidence that she could not still be in Solstice, he still wondered why she had left. The briefest fear trickled against his mind, but he could not truly believe that she would leave him, leave their children and their lands. No, she had wondered out before, which of course brought him to his second fear. Every time she left the territory it seemed something terrible befall her, with the previous instant being the loss of one of her eyes. Surely her luck could not be so terrible that she could find herself in further trouble. All the same, something compelled him, moving him forward at a quickening speed.

I still feel your breath, on my skin

I hear your voice, deep within

The sound of my lover, a feeling so strong

Oh its to you, I will always belong

He would enter the territory of the Alabrastrine Shrine, a land adjacent to his own. Here he would follow his scent to her battleground, where he his scenes, sight and smell would tell him something of what happened here. The scent that reminded him of Cat.. thus telling him the wolf knew her or belonged to her pack, had been here. They had fought, and the scent of blood was strong in his nostrils. The scents of Sibelle's blood was stronger then the scent of the stranger, He nosed about in the grass, attempting to get a better sense of what had happened here, but he could not deny the truth. Someone had fought Sibelle, and taken her away. Someone with the scent of Arcanium about them. The king raised his head to the red-lit sky and let loose a deep, roaring howl. In it there was anger, and fear, and revenge, whoever thought they could keep what was his would soon find themselves greatly mistaken, he was on his way to her.

Lyrics; Spirit, I will always return




8 Years
Athena I
10-16-2014, 01:03 AM

ooc: Hope you don't mind a furious, vengeful brother joining in ;D

How many times had he wished he had been able to guard his sister better? How many times had he looked at some new scar or injury on her and think 'If I catch who did this...'?

He realized that he hadn't seen Sibelle in some time and had gone to visit her. He reminded himself that she had new pups of her own to care for on top of helping Crucifix run their pack. It was really no surprise that she hadn't been able to visit since the day she had come to see his children. He had just gotten close to the Solstice borders when he heard a howl that shook him to the bone. He recognized the voice from the few times that he had met him and that tone alone struck dread into his heart. Without a second thought he took off at a full run, his large paws thundering against the ground as he raced toward Crucifix. His gray-hued form finally appeared and Falk skidded to a halt, his ice blue eyes scanning the scene. Sibelle's scent was everywhere, mixed in with someone else's. It wasn't hard to put the pieces together. Even someone with half the experience in battle that Falk had would have seen it.

Falk was normally a very easy going, even tempted man, but in this moment it felt like the furry that ran through his veins was fire. It lit him up and made him blood thirsty for whoever did this to his sister. He loved Surreal and his children, but Sibelle had been in his life longer than anyone and meant more to him that possibly anyone on the planet. A deep, rattling growl formed in his chest, his hackles bristling. His gaze fixed on Crucifix and when he spoke it was it was in the form of a rasping furry that he did not realize he was capable of. This was the Armada blood running strong in his veins, the blood of warriors. "Whoever took her... I want their head."




2 Years
10-17-2014, 04:24 PM

The the moments he had seen the mental or physical scars on his sisters bodies from abuse from past relationships or friends he had seen red and wanted nothing more then take apart the wolf who had done it to them. Here he had evidence of her pain, yet no sign of his mate herself, no proof she lived or calm presence to quell his building anger. His paws quivered in anticipation and he dug them into the earth before his body could run away and find the one who did this, before his mind could catch up.

He was lost in his anger and almost missed the presence of another wolf joining him. In a haze he recognised this boy, he had been their at the birth of their children. He knew Sibelle, no... that wasn't it, he was related to her, her brother. He took a deep breath, and concentrated on the words spoken by the other boy. ?I'll find her? Crucifix promised him ?And I will bring her home again? he would hold himself to those words, he knew, as he took another deep breath and cleared his head enough to think. He was certain he knew which pack was behind this, and well he didn't know much about the pack he knew enough about the ruler to know her pack will be strong and full of fighters. He thought of his own pack, currently more fulled with family members and pups then anything else. Their warrior had dwindled and left, despite all of his and Sibelle's efforts to encourage their strengths. More then that, their was his young, his children that where barely a few weeks old with their eyes finally open and enjoying the world. Yes, of course he had to return their mother to him but he needed to ensure they still had a pack and a family to look after them. It was that first that cooled the fire the most, the little beings that depended wholly on him, those lives he held in his paws. Of course Twig would look after them well he went and did what he needed to, but he was already decided the best way to do this.

Crucifix needed to fight Cataleya, the Alpha of the pack for Sibelle's freedom. If they had maimed of killed her, then Crucifix would have to do more, but Sibelle was an Alpha and there was a shred of hope that they would be diplomatic about holding her. He was almost surprised at the clear, reasonable train of thoughts his mind was walking him down. He sighed, wanted blood and knowing of only one way to get it, challenging Cataleya. At last, he opened eyes he had not even realised had slid closed, and turned his attention to Falk. ?I need to return to my pack and talk with them, then I will go and find her. Of course, you have the right to walk freely on my land until your sister is safe, and your welcome to accompany me when I find her if you can hold yourself back from interfering? he said softly, he didn't want a hot-blood making matters worse for Sibelle ? he would have enough trouble holding himself back.