



10-13-2014, 10:21 PM
Paws pounded the earth under foot, the grey pelted female charging forward with all her might. It was hard to explain. The emotions in her body on this particular night. Tessi was a kind hearted person, it was just buried under a mile of self made defenses. Every now and again there was this primal surge that bubbled up from her gut, and wormed its way up past all they layers of spite and anger and caution. She had retracted into a of survival, yes. But she was still alive at heart. And every now and again that had to be given into. All the pent up energy had to be let loose for fear of driving her insane. And tonight was one of those occasions. Call it the location. She was a long way away from her past and among strangers that knew nothing about her and thus had nothing to use against her. Yes, it was an unfamiliar wilderness that she inhabited. But like a triumphant rising beat, that was actually something of a notion of safety to her. The only thing she had to fear right now where the physical threats of living.

And that made her feel alive. Because she was actually in good standings at the moment. Her paranoia serving her well on the road here. She'd made sure to always eat every chance she'd been given in preparation for the coming winter. The extra pounds clinging to her sides and making her look healthy. Her winter coat was starting to grow in, but she wasn't extremely shaggy yet. It rippled along her sides as she ran across the plain. Finally, she came to a sliding stop and raised her maw to the sky in a lively howl. Proclaiming that she was alive and proud enough of herself with just that.

Finally coming to a rest, she dropped to a setting position and looked up ant the sky with her two toned gaze. A sigh escaped her maw. Nights such as this where always terrible. When she allowed herself to give into the fact that she was very much still alive, and still very much a wild wolf of the wilderness. They where terrible because the act always left her with a very primal and simple list of wants. She wanted to feed, she wanted to run, she wanted to sing. And there was one other want. A particular one that had lead to many a venturous night. But that satisfaction on this want was more up to how fortune favored her. For now she settled for looking up at the moon, burning brightly in the night sky, and toned leg muscles warm under her fur and her chest rising and falling as steamy clouds of breath rose from her parted maw. For the most part Tessi was still Tessi. No emotions hung on her face. She displayed no happiness. But there was something of an aura of a pleasant feeling radiating from her, and there was defiantly a wild look in her eyes. Her green right eye shining like a beacon in the night light. Again her maw rose to the sky and her voice rang out.

Tonight there was no mind. Tonight she unlocked the doors and allowed her instincts the reigns. Her soul one night to run wild.


10-13-2014, 11:53 PM

Finding comfort in solitude this night was the idea. To shake depressing thoughts from her mind, and perhaps to rediscover herself. Foreign, and annoying, feelings poured over her. Ones in which seemingly softened her heart and made her reavaulate her life more than usual. This was not acceptable. Not acceptable for such a galactic, regal warrior as herself. Tears should not taint her eyes as they did now. Small droplets dripped from both eyes - reflecting the light of the stars and blending in so perfectly with the flecks on her face.

Body was lying with her back against the tall grasses. Limbs folded carefully against her belly as she stared straight into the night sky. Stars danced about beautifully and the moon shone brightly with all its radiance. Beside her, lied carefully picked Fly Agaric Mushrooms. She had never taken it upon herself to try these natural drugs; however, she has heard much about them in her former prison and had seen how they seemed to take away all of life's problems for those who chose to consume them. Mind debated heavily on whether or not to try the plant, in truth, the thought of it made her a bit nervous. But she was desperate.

A howl broke through her silent night just as she was about to flip over and consume the crimson plants. Ears perked up as she listened to the lonesome howl. Though, she chose to ignore its cry. Problems of her own were to be dealt with on this night and, hopefully, without company. And so the succubus turned to her left side, slowly sliding the plants into her maw. The taste was definitely not as delicious as a fresh killed fawn. She found herself gagging a few times as she forced the plants down.

She twisted so that she now lied upon her belly, head rested carefully upon her forepaws as she awaited for the drug to take its hold. Never really sure what to expect. A sort of calm began to wash over her as another cry echoed across the plains. She arose to her feet, and without thought, headed to the direction of the howl.

She was a bit drowsy, and everything seem to come automatic now. A trance-like state that allowed her to feel an absolute calm. A calm without worry or concern for tomorrow. A calm without a fear of death. And so eyes finally settled upon a figure that settled in the fields. No harm seemed to come to the gal, perhaps the moon's light induced the songs that poured from her lips.

Eyelids were half-closed and she was tempted to settle on the ground and let the gal sing her to sleep; however, that would not do. She carried herself to the woman's side and seated herself next to her. Marbled eyed blinked very slowly and often. Fireflies' glow seemed elongated - leaving really long strands of light that decorated the night in beautiful strokes. Life was seemingly in slow motion. And so she sat there, dazed, without a word, beside this girl she did not know.

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10-14-2014, 01:35 AM
Sunlight - Modestep (may be too heavy for some)

Already, this young night would prove interesting. Under normal circumstances, the other woman would not have been able to approach Tessi so easily. But tonight, again, it was all instinct and no mind. So she watched the woman as she approached. And once they both sat beside each other in the moonlight, Tessi found herself suddenly warm all over, very sure that she was blushing under her fur. This stranger was possibly the most gorgeous wolf she'd ever beheld in her life. Nearly unable to take her eyes off the star speckled face of the other. Her moments also struck her too. Something was strange about them. They where so smooth and relaxed, and she showed no fear nor hesitation to come before Tessi and sit herself beside the other. It was almost like her judgment was impaired. It was only her luck that the stranger beside her was Tessi. As Tessi would not harm her. But she still found herself embarrassing hung up on this other woman's beauty.

The woman just didn't know what exactly to say to her. That was one of the drawbacks of her current state of mind. Everything was done by feel. And right now all that Tessi could feel was a desire to look deeper and take this woman's beauty in for an eternity. Try all she might, she could might, she couldn't find the words to speak. So, she quit trying and just went by feel, which was probably the best thing she could have possible done at that moment. It seemed to be her singing that had drawn the woman into her presence. And singing was a wolf instinct if ever there was one. So she reached out with her nose and tapped the other under the chin ever so softly and tilted her head just a tad.

This was as if to say Come, sing with me. And she could only hope that the other would catch her meaning. But she had faith. Touch could be very powerful. Sometimes feeling was all you needed to communicate a thought. And with that, the woman closed her two different colored eyes and tilted her head back and once again her musical singing voice rose to meet the night sky. Again, she would follow her feelings and sing this time of longing. Longing for the touch of another. Singing about how cruel and unforgiving the wilderness was, and about how having someone to wrap your arms around helped the pain go away for a little while. It was a notion worth Tessi. A notion worth anyone who had danced among the Riddles in the dark. She was following her gut here. And something in her gut told her that she wasn't the only one running from bad memories of another day. It scent a chill down her spine. This moment. It was just so utterly primal. And in there was nothing but safety. Safety from all the demons that haunted her head.

Ooc;// Dusk, I'd like to offer you a challenge. If your up for it, let's see if we can do a whole thread without speech.


10-14-2014, 07:20 PM

This welcoming detachment was exactly what she needed. A time of peace to shake her depression from her soul entirely. To become who she was once more. Ah, but the death of Chrono should not taint her mind as it had. It must be released from her thoughts so that she could focus on what was truly important - her own royalty. The desire to become her king's Naharar. To prepare for the fights and wars that lied ahead. To lay out her methods of training for each of her meager warriors so that she may twist and fold them into worthy knights of the king. She was her own sun, her own planet, without a need or desire for a moon.

Eyes would shift toward the female beside her as she would nudge her gently, a sign to join her in her song. And she would. She raised her maw to the air and allowed a lullaby pour from her lips. One that sung of royalty and war. One that would mirror her inner darkness that had been shortly loss. And she would discover it again. She would discover her desire for becoming a legendary queen again on this night. Perhaps this lady was sent to her from the gods, a silent spirit that would put her mind back on the path of glory.

Marbled gaze would shift to look at the woman as her battle cry would come to an end. The image twisted and faded in strange ways. Paw nearest to the woman would caress the lady's chest gently - touching the image to see if it were but her imagination. She felt the fur physically brush against the back of her paw, but it too felt distant. Feelings were just not the same in her current state. And so she would close the distance between them, allowing her body to melt completely against her spirit. Allowing shadowed thoughts of her dark desired consume her entirely.

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10-14-2014, 09:47 PM
Revolution-Diplo (Again may be too heavy for some)

The absolutely gorgeous woman understood Tessi's welcome to join her in song, and it scent another chill down the woman's spine. For a night of turning off one's mind and letting instinct run wild she sure was getting her fill. Together their maws rose to the sky and as one their voices hit the night sky. And the song that the woman next to her sang really surprised Tessi. It was a song about glory and war. A loud battle cry breaching the air. It sounded like something out of a tale of the kings of old. There where very few such things left in the world. A grand territory of many packs bound together under one banner, and one wolf standing atop the lot of them. But it was almost like it was something the wolf beside her craved.

It was a daunting thought, truthfully. Here, Tessi just a strong loner wanting nothing more than a quite corner of the world to call her own and to finally be at peace. And beside sat a woman who wanted to stretch her paws over whatever she could. Under normal circumstances that might have scared Tessi. But tonight, other was only this primal moment that the two of them sat in. Wish all she may and long all she might, right here and right now, she was no more or less a being than Tessi. Here and now she carried no crown. Here and now she sat on no thrown. There where no knights and warriors beside her. Here and now she was in the Wasteland. And the Wasteland had been Tessi's home sense day one.

That notion was only reinforced in Tessi's mind when she felt the woman's paw against her chest. Again she found herself getting warm under her fur. This gorgeous creature who she would have never given herself a chance with had not only sang with her, but even touched her. She brought her gaze over to meet the other's, looking at her as if to question whether or not she was real. Again, something seemed off about the other. She seemed just as out of a sound state of mind as Tessi. All the grey woman could do was continue to offer her her gaze. Her green right eye still shining like a beacon in the night. That star speckled face the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen in her life. Right there beside her looking back at her.

Then things took another turn as the woman leaned herself against Tessi's side. A surge went through her body as she reacted, letting her gut feelings continue to lead her on in her quest to fulfill those simple and particular wants. This was betrayed by the way she suddenly flexed those well toned legs of hers under her pelt, a long and deep inhale reaching into her chest as her eyes closed and she brought her lips down searching to meet the other's. All the grey woman was right now was nerves. An abundance of bundled up energies that had collected up over time. Perhaps this was it. Perhaps tonight would be the night that some of the edge was allowed to be taken off. This absolutely stunning royal woman would be offered a taste of the rugged Wasteland.


10-16-2014, 07:08 PM

Voices would melt so perfectly together in a song of wild wolves. Blending so perfectly as to echo against one another. The sound also seemed to be altered by her current state of mind, seeming almost dreamlike. Perhaps, this was a dream. Though, it was a welcome one. One so very different from her recent hauntings since the death of Chrono.

The two of them seemed to share a similar detachment, but a word would not be spoken. Instead, she would quietly enjoy this woman's company. To let body and spirit intertwine with one another in its own, natural way. Starlit gaze would watch the woman's silhouette blur as it would make movement of its own. And those movements, her kiss, would be returned. So delicately, her galactic form would press her tongue against the stranger's maw. She seemed so real, yet so distant. Thought, it did not matter whether the gal was a spirit, demon, or real on this night. This night, at this moment, complete desire would overcome her - a desire to feel the foreign touch of woman.

Venus would push against the stranger's body as to gently nudge her to the planet's flesh. Encouraging the gal to lie in a face-up position so that her eyes could be dazzled by the night's stars as well as her personal stars. She would lie on top of the woman, careful not to put much weight on her delicate body. Her eyes would meet the stranger's eyes, taking in all of their radiance. Pools of vivid colors would burn even more brightly beneath the direct light of the moon. And this position allowed her to see just how beautiful this woman was.

Left, front set of talons would rake gently against her cheek, taking in the strange way the herbs made these sensations of touch feel. Ah, but she could not help but wonder how passionate embraces and touches could feel at this moment. All the more enjoyable, perhaps? Or less so. . .

-fade to black?-




10-26-2014, 11:32 PM
Nightcore - Monster (DotEXE Remix)

When their lips finally connected, Tessi was finally consumed by all those nerves packed with pent up energy. How long had it been sense she'd felt any kind of embrace? Any at all? Far too long. But now she had it. One thing was for certain, she didn't like the way this woman treated her so gently at first. So when she tried to lead her to her back, she offered just enough resistance to make the woman understand, if she could, that she was not one of her royal subjects. And never would be. Tessi may not have been the biggest wolf there was, but she was strong. Tessi may have been mentally battered, but she had not let it tame her. Change her, yes. Shape her and mold her. But not tame her. But finally, she laid down on her back. With her nose tucked to her chest, she looked up at the woman with perfectly calm eyes, not a twitch in her body.


The morning light slowly made its way over the horizon, bringing light back into the world. As was her nature, Tessi stirred from her slumber early. This morning a little later than normal, but none the less as soon as the light started to change, she returned to the waking world. This morning was a little slower than usual though. Not all of her senses returned at was. As she shifted from sleep to wake, she felt very groggy at first. Like others was a fog in her head. The primary thoughts of where am I, what got me here where all a blurry image at first. Then she became aware of a warmth at her side. Slowly, she finally opened her eyes in the dim morning light where they had curled up for the night and saw the sleeping face of the woman she had met. The star painted, gorgeous woman she had spent the night with. What Tessi had this had only been a good dream had actually been real. And at once the woman had remembered what had transpired. Bringing her maw over, she licked the other on the top of her snout as she still slept.

Satisfaction washing over her, she rose to her paws. Taking a few steps, she turned to face the direction of the rising sun pulling herself back to stretch her front legs. Then again with her hind legs, pulling forward. Turning her head, she looked at the star painted fea, deciding that she would remain until the other woke, so that she would know that she had not been an abjuration created by the other's mind. Then she turned back to face the horizon, settling into a seated position with her tail placed atop her paws. Tessi knew that this calm would fad soon enough. She would once again have to return to that cold and unforgiving world. But for now, she would enjoy these final moment of peace.


10-28-2014, 09:10 PM

This encounter was definitely unique in many, uncountable ways. Normally, jealousy raged inside her when meeting beautiful women; however, she let all of those feelings go with this gal. Perhaps it was the drugs, or maybe it was really herself seeking new adventures. Nevertheless, it was enjoyable. The two of them would probably never cross paths again after this night. The woman would simply became a faint memory, a ghost that sat quietly in the back of her mind. One in which would be consumed by other memories and eventually forgotten as the rest of the wolves she took pleasure in. The woman showed some resistance at first, though, would eventually give in to her strength and soon give in to her further advances.

In a dance of two lonesome bodies, the pleasure would satisfy her momentarily before drifting off to sleep. Sleep in which seemed all to real from the plants she had consumed. Vivid images and feelings haunted her mind and when the morning came, it was remembered all too well. A frightening experience that she would have to remember to avoid. She had been awakened by a kiss upon her nose. A tender touch that would pull her back to reality. Still lying, she watched the other rise and then walk away. Sun beamed across her body casting an ethereal shadow upon the ground. The image would fade and dance as she made movements, finally settling in a sitting position.

Galactic body would then rise herself, a part of her a bit angry about allowing herself to be taken by a woman so beautiful. Ah, but then another part so completely satisfied. She would take a seat beside the gal, allowing the warmth of the radiant sun to envelop her entirely. Ears would pin against her skull in annoyance, at herself mostly. Marbled eyes would narrow in frustration and a soft growl would fall over her lips. A warning, perhaps, that the next time they meet things may be a bit different. A sign that friendship from a woman was not something she sought.

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