
What do I spy...


05-19-2013, 11:02 AM

Once again I left the safety of the swamp lands in search of a new form of entertainment. Sure toying with the females was always fun. Stalking them within the shadows, practically screwing them with my eyes. It was always a blast. But sometimes things got old. The spark of fun had faded and quite frankly I lost interest in the feisty little bitches. One brute could only take so much.. And I had heard rumors of different places, different individuals. Those of a softer nature.... Yet another thing that I could bide my time with toying with. I grin graced my features as I lurked through the few shadows that the autumn day had to bring. The chilled breeze slightly toying with turning leaves, causing some to free themselves and flutter to the ground. Of course, I had yet to know if this was even the region in which such pathetic souls roamed, soon enough I would find my answer though. Possibly.

Lifting my snout towards the heavens I inhaled deeply, taking in the mixed aromas. Some of wolves of the past and some more recent but nothing seemed to be anywhere near me. Just simple history being whisked away upon the fingertips of the wind. What did catch my attention though alluring aroma of water, of course it was tainted with a slight fishy scent so it was easier to assume that it was a lake rather then a creek or springs, and so off in that direction I went after realizing just how parched I really was. I had been so busy with all that was going on I forgot the most simpelist of things... To drink.. How foolish. That was almost as stupid as forgetting to breath.

Lengthy appendages carried my own multi colored thick masculine physique closer to the still standing waters, the slight ripples teasing me, drawing me closer and closer. And so I listened to its beckoning until my front paws nearly stepped right into it. Cranium was lowered to the surface so that pink muscle could freely lap up the refreshing life giving substance. The water easily moistening my throat. And at this point I was so consumed with relaxation and satisfying a horrible thirst I forgot to pay close attention to just what was Happening around me,.


05-19-2013, 11:22 AM

Gabriel. That was the name his parents had given him. Named after the archangel... not that he knew what an archangel was... nor did he think he really acted like one. He was far too curious, patrolling about Valhalla and getting lost within its depths and weren't angels supposed to know where they were going? But every time he escaped, every time he drew away from the warmth of his mother's side, he ventured just a touch farther. Granted, mama was beginning to worry less and less as he got bigger and more sturdy on his wobbling legs, but she had made it very clear that he was not to leave the border, in fact she had had papa reinforce the rule. Of course the forbidden fruit was always the most succulent and as such, the tiny male found himself perched on the border line itself. Gabriel would huff rather indignantly.

Craning his head to peer behind him and then looking back, he tentatively stepped over the line. Pressing into unknown territory. He half expected one of his parents to come barreling out of the forest with teeth barred and screaming at him, but no such thing occurred, even when the rest of his bodice joined that first hesitant paw. Giddiness flooded through the youth and his tongue lolled from the side of his mouth, thin tail propelling back and forth as he happily bounded away. In a few moments, the tiny pup had all but vanished.

For some reason, the lands outside Valhalla seemed so much brighter, so much more vibrant! maybe that was just because he wasn't supposed to be here, but he was excited, his tiny body bounding through the trees, his scraggly fur catching on near everything, the boy couldn't be bothered to care. A scent caught his young nose but it didn't smell like Valhalla... he had never met a non-Valhallen before... curiosity blossomed in his tiny chest and slowly he followed it, nose to the ground and rump in the air until he came upon a lake. A male drank heavily from the crystalline waters and Gabriel bounced closer, coming to a halt a few feet away and huffing as he reclined upon his haunches. Two toned eyes watching the male closely.

"Whatcha doin' all be yourself mister?"


05-19-2013, 11:54 AM

Now apparently I wasn't the only one roaming around unfamiliar territory now was I? Only difference was I lacked the 'do not go anywhere' lecture. I was older, and free to do what I wish when I wish.. And just how I wished. A part of me wanted to stop drinking the water and press onwards, yet the thirsty part said hell no stay right here. And of course I listened to the rather dehydrated portion of me. Lapping it in as quickly as possible, making a mess all over my facial features as well as water somehow, some way splashing even onto my chest. Then out of no where my trance had been severed. Shattering me back into reality. Dial jerking roughly to look into the direction in which the rather youthful, a bit squeaky voice came from. My own Green oculars landing upon a rather..... Tiny creature. What in the name of Satan was that ugly little thing?!

It's two toned orbs stared right at me. Due to the high pitched of the youths voice I couldn't quite make out if it were male... or female.. Sniffing the air I took in its puppy smell, of course it seemed to be a kid of my own species... Never really seen a pup though, not as long as I can remember.
Of course, I brought myself to my full height, making my way towards the little varmint that sat comfortable upon his haunches. Curiousity shone in those little beady eyes of his. My own mind wondered as well.. Where the hell were his parents? And then fear struck my very core as I eye balled his tiny little frame up and down... Hopefully it wasn't some little orphan out and about to find a wing to hide beneath... I was far from a mama hen... Hell I didn't even come equipped with the body parts to be considered a mama anything. The look of disgust caused my lip to curl a bit upwards. I'd rather eat the thing, personally.

I plopped down on my own haunches right before him, still I remained silent.. Hell I could probably pass as a mute by now. I was to busy trying to figure out just what to say.... I had no need to explain myself to some kid.. Finally my right paw extended to give him a little nudge.

What are you, some kind of rat?

Thick Russian accent, entwined with broken English finally cut through the silence that had partaken upon my part. That invisible brow rising as I searched the kiddo up and down.

And I should be asking you the same. Where the hell are you parents. This is no place for a little varmint. A hawk could easily make a meal out of something as... tiny... as you.
Or me, after all I was a little hungry. A pup wasn't really what I was searching for to cure my boredom.. But hey, it could work.


06-03-2013, 12:25 PM

Gabriel would huff, his tiny bodice plopping to the earth with a heady thump, his still fairly hairless tail winding in the dirt and making obsolete patterns, his dueled gaze lingered on the massive male as he watched him slurp his drink. Mama had always told him never to slurp his milk, she said it would give him a tummy ache and make him sick! His brother had tried to prove her wrong, how silly he had been! Gabriel had gotten a sick satisfaction out of watching his elder brother, a fact he rubbed in consistently, throw up outside the den, he snickered a bit at the memory, before his attention returned to the man before him, as curious as he was, his mama had always told him it was rude to stare and with a huff, he averted his gaze until the male began to walk towards him, he didn't wanna break too many of mama's rules!

Gabriel cocked his head to the side as the male sat in front of him. A soft huff escaping his larynx as the two blinked comically at one another. Gabriel had never met another male aside from his own father, and he seemed so different from his papa... who was he? Did he wanna join Valhalla? Valhalla wasn't too far away! It would be fun to have another playmate! Suddenly his new found source of entertainment would move, a paw extended to nudge him, and Gabriel fell onto his side, rolling to stand back up and shaking the clumps of dirt from his pelt... he hated being dirty, he hated wrestling. "What ja do that for? I just asked you a simple question!" He grumbled rather irritably, but brightened considerably as his initial question was at least responded too.

"Names Gabriel! I don't know what a rat is... my mama and papa live in Valhalla! They tell me I shouldn't e'splore without them, but I like adventures! I get to meet more cool wolves like you!" Gabriel's tail battered playfully behind him, his tongue lolling from the side of his maw as he panted slightly, his rounded belly being drawn in and released with every quickened breath he took. Too young to realize the potential danger he was in.