
--halfway gone


05-12-2013, 06:24 PM

Lentajin's Alphess had promised him a home, if he chose to come to her borders. And it had taken him some time to do so, but finally they had set of together, heading for Lentajin's borders. Wandering across Alacritis had taken time, but Lovatt didn't mind that. No, he had all the time in the world. Or at least, he felt like he did, now that Morgan was here, now that Morgan was his. She belonged to him and would always belong to him and that was that.

Lovatt slowed his brisk pace only when the scent of borders reached his nostrils. Grinning slightly, Lovatt turned to glance at Morgan. "Here we are, Darling." He spoke softly, ears flicking as he turned his gaze in the direction of Lentajin's packlands. They were pretty enough, he had to admit, and he already liked their Queen. There wasn't much that could happen that would make him change his mind about joining, unless Morgan chose to return to Valhalla, her original pack, once she had learned more about Lentajin.

With that in mind, Lovatt sat back on his haunches, head tilting back to let a low howl escape his maw, summoning the leaders of Lentajin to their borders. He would not trespass on their lands, no, but Lovatt was eager. Eager to see Newt again and to possibly find a home something that he had not had for a very long time. And the foundations of this pack were ones that Lovatt wanted. A pack that supported family above all, that protected the weak. He wanted that for himself and for Morgan. She could not remember the family that they had once had, so he wanted to offer her this, to let her have a chance at having the family that she could not remember. That was a noble goal, right? One that he wanted to achieve more than anything.

But now he could do nothing but wait and take comfort in the closeness of the wolf that he loved.



05-14-2013, 05:20 PM

Following only slightly behind the bruit she called her mate, Morgan watched his every move. She couldn't bring herself to pry her eyes from him. She was glad he was no longer a strange face in her dreams, however aside from her parents, and siblings he was the only one she could put a name to. The scent of another pack had the fur on her back and neck standing on end...a habit gained from spending so long within Cairo's pack.

Her lover's voice broke the silence. A smile found its way back to her lips as the fur on her back and shoulders lay back down with the remembrance that she wasn't there on Valhallan pack business and they weren't on her packs boarders. She was the guest and she knew they would gladly chase her from their boarders.

As Lovatt sat, so did Morgan. His summoning howl signaled that all they had left to do was wait. Silently she leaned into his side and looked up at him all the while knowing she would give up her old pack to be with him, knowing that she would change her ways to stay at his side. She wanted nothing more than for her children to like him...and for this pack to like her as this is were it seemed he wanted to be. A loving sigh escaped her after inhaling his scent and as she sat waiting with her lover.



05-17-2013, 02:24 PM

That voice, it sang his song of hopes and dreams. She knew that voice and a smile spread over her maw. She had given them sanctuary. Allowed them to come into Amenti without worry about enslavement or harm. She wanted them to see what she had to offer and maybe they would stay. Maybe her pups would have playmates and maybe the pack would keep growing in numbers. She was hopeful and even if the world were trying desperately to destroy everything she was building she would stand defiant against it all. She was the mountain in the pushing wind and she would never bow no matter how hard it pushed her.

She wandered the borders in search of them. Her gaze shifting over the shadows as she quietly made her way towards them. Her violet eyes lingered over the two figures in the distance and she couldn?t help her own smile. For once, she knew what it was like to love, at least as best as she could. Yet her heart was torn on many different faces to love but the most important were her newborn pups. Her teats hung low from the pups grabbing for milk, they were still too young for her to venture to far away for too long a time frame but she could show them to Lovatt and his mate. She as confident in her own abilities to protect them and she felt no fear for the couple.

?Hello Lovatt, it is nice to see you again. Have you brought your mate to look over the lands?? she questioned, her attention turned towards the female and she allowed a courteous dip of her head in her direction. To say she was an odd alpha was the understatement of the year. She demanded nothing until it was earned but once it was earned she would keep them to their loyalties. Betrayal wasn?t something she forgave. ?Hello my dear, I am Newt Saxe, The alpha of the old Lentajin and the now Amenti. I am sure Lovatt told you of our meeting and my offer?? she asked, though she could smell pack on her. She hadn?t met any wolves from her pack or had any knowledge of it. she hadn?t had the opportunity to meet any other alphas besides Tortuga. She was mulling the idea over of bringing the pups with her when they were older to introduce herself to them all simply to show face and know her neighbors.


05-22-2013, 01:12 PM

The brown male stirred slightly as Morgan came to rest against his side, but other than a contented wave of his tale, he seemed to hardly move until the soft crunch of pawsteps against leaves reached his ears. His head turned slightly to face in the direction of the approaching figure, and when Newt made her appearance, Lovatt felt a smile stretch across his features. Her warm greeting of Morgan was one that he appreciated; any discomfort that she might have felt was hopefully lessened now. It was a kind gesture of the Queen in any rate, and Lovatt flicked his tail behind him as he rose smoothly to his paws, lowering his head in a gesture of respect for the female who had offered him a home.

When Lovatt spoke, his voice was light, "Greetings, Queen." Lovatt chose his words less carefully than he might have in any other situation. Newt was a wolf that he did not know very well, but she was a wolf he respected at any rate, and a kind female. One that he could see ruling a pack he would be happy in. "We have come to look at your lands, and possibly... Well, possibly to join." A smile crossed the brown male's features as he turned navy eyes on Morgan, waiting to see what the female would do.

How would she react to Newt? The thought made him anxious. Surely she would like the female, but what if she didn't? What if Lovatt had not chosen a home that would make her happy? He would leave, of course, but where could they go? There were other packs in these lands, but they were far away, and . . . He needed to get a grip. Lovatt had never been this insecure before, and he wasn't about to start now. They would cross that bridge when they came to it. If they came to it. Until then, he would allow Morgan the chance to speak her mind and to form her own opinions on Lent--Amenti and its Queen. She deserved a chance to do that much, at least, before Lovatt started trying to shove his head into the conversation between herself and Newt.

Speaking of the Queen, something seemed a little different about her. Hmm. He would have to try and figure out what it was. But until then, the spotlight was on Morgan.



05-22-2013, 04:49 PM

Morgan felt her love move as the other woman appeared. Queen? The word struck her, this meant she would be speaking directly to an alpha. Respect was most definitely required. So, silently she sat and listened as the dark woman spoke with Lovatt and as he spoke back.

She hadn't expected it but the woman turned to Morgan and ever so gently gave a bow of the head. Immediately a smile graced itself upon Morgans features and she stood bowing in turn. Respect was something she did well and with ease, it came rather naturally to her. "And I am Morgan, warrior of Valhalla...hoping to become a warrior of your pack. It is good to meat you my lady. She paused only too look over at Lovatt before looking back to Newt and adding "And yes, My husband has told me."

So far so good. The alpha seemed to like her alright, and however odd the woman may be, Morgan kinda liked her was a nice change.
