
Saying Goodbye


10-23-2014, 05:23 PM

Allen had not been at the meeting. The man had lingered in the mines, greatly debating over his next step in life. Isokan had been his home... A wonderful home. The children who were with them, Renhet, Ixionn, and Aiko had loved it here. But the man wasn?t sure how to feel about this change in leadership. He understood that Quelt had wanted to make this pack for them, for the Walkers... But... The calico would let out a sigh. He wasn?t so sure that Isokan was meant to be his home. It had hurt to think of this... To come to this conclusion... But he didn?t want Nona to be somewhere where she may not fit in either. He had sent her onward to Abaven, promising to catch up to her, but for now Allen needed to speak with the new leader of the pack.

He... He was leaving.

The calico male would give yet another soft sigh. This was by no means easy to say goodbye, but it was, perhaps, for the better. The male would close his dark eyes. What was he to say? How was he to tell Quelt, should the man appear, of his decision? What would Aiko think? The girl had been surprisingly scarce. Had she... Perhaps seen him with Nona? Was she jealous of his relationship with the beautiful woman? Allen took a deep breath. Come what may... It was his life to live. He loved his family, truly, but he was not getting younger. He had to take his chance with love while he had it. So, tilting his head back, the man would howl for any who would answer.




4 Years
10-23-2014, 08:19 PM

Arian had already known those who did not show up at the meeting no longer were within Isokan. It was a painful reminder on how she was stealing their home somehow. She had gained Ixionn's trust maybe, but that wasn't worth much besides for giving the boy a good mother figure to follow. As she limped towards the call of the man. Her eyes softened, this was the man Hajime had held so near to his heart, his uncle another one of her cousins. "Allen." though she knew him from stories, he probably didn't know her.
Her tail flicked partially before stopping. She let out a soft sigh before looking at him. "You've come to say your goodbye's? You are just as polite as Hajime said you were." Arian gave a little smile towards the male. She always did that for some reason. Maybe it was just in her DNA, to be like a walker.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



7 Years
Extra large
10-23-2014, 08:27 PM

His body ached, specially after he experience he had with Irune returning. He felt like his heart should be in a flutter, but part of him realized that she had not been here for the half of his life that was the most important. Sure she was 'around' but her absence was like that of a ghost. Once he thought she was here, she would move again do something else. And the only thing tying him to this place, was his adopted son Ixionn.
As he approached, the broken man would look at Arian for a moment and then Allen. "Is it true, you're leaving." he looked at him with hurt. It was his fault, his fault he had dragged all of them into this. Isokan wasn't meant to prosper underneath him, but now his family and life was falling part he finally understood what it meant to feel pain. The pan of realizing he didn't entirely love Irune anymore was swerving in his head.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



3 Years
10-24-2014, 12:08 AM
A howl from Allen? What...? Allen wasn't at the few previous meetings, and it had made Ixionn think that he had ditched Isokan. It made him angry...frustrated that his uncle would suddenly bail out on his family. But here he was summoning them. Probably wanting to explain to them what was going on---whatever that was. At first, Ixionn uncoiled from his large chamber, lifting his head and glaring ahead in the distance. "...Allen..." But then, his mind began to read through the reasons in which why that man was calling out to them. He may want to rejoin them...or maybe he'd make his leave official. Ah. Ixionn wouldn't know until he went to see. So the boy slowly stood up, sprinting out of the mines and meeting everyone who was gathered outside. Arian...Quelt, and of course, Allen.
Once the masked heir-in-training arrived, he stopped instantly and stared at Allen coldly. With a, "You should be ashamed," kind of look. But before he decided to ask why Allen called them, he slowly made his way over to Arian's side, sitting down and lifting his head. His paw had finally healed, and so had his back wounds. But he had lots of scars. And it made him look a lot older than he actually was. Hm...perfectly. And now that both his father and Arian had said he would become the heir soon, he decided he'd make himself a bit more responsible. He'd wake up earlier, he'd try to meet and talk with Arian as frequent as possible so that he knew when there would be meetings...etc.
But he still needed lots of training. He also needed some advice on being someone with such a big responsibility. From Quelt, of course. Or maybe someone else he Arian. But that didn't matter now. Allen mattered. No, not Allen. It was his reason that mattered most, not the wolf himself. Ixionn leaned his head back and inhaled sharply, turning his hard red eyes to the calico and frowning. "Is it true, you're leaving." Quelt had said this not too long before he arrived. But Ixionn had managed to hear it. Instead of questioning it, Ixionn decided to go along with it. Because he almost knew exactly what Allen wanted to say.
"What a surprise. Disappearing suddenly, and then coming back?" The masked boy arched his back and gave off a cold expression to everyone around him. He was in a strange mood...almost like a mature, yet heavily angered mood. As if he was trying to hold back as much anger as possible by keeping his voice calm, yet dripping with venom. "No...maybe 'disappearing' isn't the right word." Ixionn leaned back forward and huffed, staring at Allen darkly. Everything he was saying...he didn't even think about them. They just came rolling off his tongue and he didn't even realize it. "Either way, you're leaving, right? I hope you don't mind telling me why." The boy rolled his aching shoulders forward, continuing to stare at the older wolf with irritation in his eyes.


10-26-2014, 08:25 PM

The first to arrive would be the new alphess of the lands. Though he knew her not the young woman seemed to know him. Of course she would... through Quelt. Through Hajime. The calico male would wince slightly at her words. Though they had been said kindly, it deepened his regret of what he was to do. He was not one to shamefully walk away with no words of goodbye, yet... saying goodbye was a painful thing. But Allen had learned, through his life, that sometimes you had to do rather painful things, even if you you might regret it later. He just prayed his judgement was right, and that this was what was best for him in the long run.

"Yes... I could not simply disappear without at least explaining why." His words were heavy, and heavier would his heart feel when Quelt came. The hurt on Quelt's face... he understood the man felt betrayed. Allen could not blame him. But... he would not change his mind on this matter. Sad, dark green eyes would fall on the larger man, searching for the right words, if there were any, for this moment, but all he found was silence long enough for a third wolf to arrive.

Ixxion. His words dripped with venom, with accusation. Allen would flick his ears back, and unusual for the calm man he would growl deep in his chest, narrowing his eyes. "Watch your tone, pup. Do you honestly believe that I would disappear without cause? That I would choose to leave, without good reason?" His words were full of calm anger. Allen was in no mood to make this any worse than it was, but he would defend to his right to a life.

"Let me begin by telling you all some things perhaps you may or mat not have known. To begin starts it all. Hajime was a pup, and I was the one who took him away from his homeland. I saw him to be a king... I saw him as nothing else. I loved my nephew with all of my heart. My loyalty was to him alone. I was certain he was going to carve a kingdom for our family... a new kingdom." Allen would close his eyes, digging into his memories.

"We traveled much back then. I can not say all of my choices were right. I knew they weren't. I know now they aren't. Not every choice is going to be made correctly. A mistake such as that was made one night, meeting a young woman..." Allen opened his eyes again. "Neither of us suspected anything would come of our night alone together. She was not in heat, and both of us were young and foolish. When morning came I left her, thinking of it no more.

I traveled with Hajime here. The two of us found out his mother was here as well... however she was murdered by a Glaciem wolf. We were together for a time, but then, due to an accident, we would up separated. I searched for him. I was lost... depressed. I had built my life around seeing him rise into a king." Allen's words remained level.

"After a time I left Alacritia... and I met two of my children. Children who I thought weren't going to exist, yet there they were. The guilt I felt was nothing like I had ever experienced. My son and daughter, already adults themselves, and I hadn't been in one minute of their life prior." Allen would pause, taking a breath, trying to keep his emotions steady.

"We started back to Alacritia. We... were getting close when I noticed Hajime's scent. I was determined to reunite with him... but then the storm hit." Allen closed his eyes once more, brow furrowing.

"Gavroche was separated from Amber and I. She promised they would catch up to me, urging me on. I agreed, and went on ahead. That was yet another big mistake in my life." Allen would let out a sigh.

"When I found Hajime... the first thing I found out was he had become a father, and his mate was dead, leaving behind five children. Guilt once more tore at me, for not being there for him... for being unable to aid him. We went to Abaven of course... and Hajime died. I mourned his death. I hurt, thinking that I was nothing but a failure to him. I couldn't help but ask myself time and time again; Would his life had been better had I not interfered? Would he not have been happier if I had not been around? Hadn't taken him away?" Allen's voice was strained with emotion now.

"I tried my best to hold it together. To stick with the broken family we had become. For you, Quelt, for you, Ixionn, and for your brothers and sisters. I had messed up so badly with my own family... I didn't want to continue seeing this one break apart. During that time of grief I met someone, someone I hold very dear to my heart. A fae who has been able to rekindle my hope even when it has become but the tiniest spark; Nona."

The calico man would swallow and then continue. "We moved to Isokan, and I felt relief... relief that my nephews children were safe. Relief that they were growing strong. I was not entirely content, but I figured as long as I could visit Nona it was fine. I wanted so badly to be here..." Allen gave a small shudder as the next memory came to mind.

"Leading up to my disappearance..." Allen's dark forest gaze, lids partially opened, were focused upon the ground. "What is a man to do when he sees one he loves lying dead upon the ground?" The question was asked softly, full of pain. "I found Gavroche again... but he was dead.. slain by his own brother... a male who denounced his ties to me. I understood his anger at me... but... to slay your own flesh and blood... it made me sick... and I hurt... and... in my weakness... I could not raise a paw to him. He was my child, whether I had known him or not. He was my child and I couldn't bring myself to attack him."

"If I had known the fae was going to bear them I would have figured out some way to have stayed... I would have taken on the responsibility... but now... I have one child surely dead and another who seems to have a hatred for all that I love... a threat to kill others did not join in his insanity. So yes... I fell away from the pack. Nona found me, giving me comfort after I buried my child. I don't expect you to understand why one my choose one they have a deep connection with over their family... but that is not the issue here."

Allen lifted his gaze, looking at them all. "Trying to live my life for the sake of a single goal... is not what I'm meant to do. I wanted to support Quelt as a king, but even you have stepped away from the throne. I am not getting any younger. When spring comes I'll alright be six years old, two years shy of being considered an elder. I want to use what is left of my life for love... to try and have a family the right way... and as sorry as I am... I don't feel that this family is meant to be in Isokan."




4 Years
10-26-2014, 09:02 PM

Her eyes would wander towards Ixionn for a moment, but she kept silent and let the boys speak it out. Indeed Allen gave a full explanation, she now nearly his entire life story. There was still much about herself that was a mystery. She could perhaps use this time now to explain something about herself as well. Allen may have been leaving, but to her, he was family just as anyone else was within the walker name to her. She leaned to a side, it wasn't like she would force him to stay here. She was making this her home as much as she was still trying to reserve a place for Ixionn should he still want it along the road.
"In order to keep our lives going Ixionn, it's important to weigh decisions on your well being. Even if Allen isn't here, he is still a part of you and still a part of your family." Arian stated. "He just told you his story, that should be enough to console." she stepped forward and pressed her snout against Allen. She was far beyond her years, she doubted many knew her age. After all she had barely turned two within the last season. As Ixionn had turned a year this one.
"My father was the son of one of your siblings Allen, my grandmothers name was Niana. During the time she was forced to be courted by her brother, she gave birth to two males Natsu and Dragneel. Natsu was my father, and he was a warrior of Valhalla until he discovered my mother. They fell in love with each other and when she became pregnant with me and my siblings she became crippled. Unable to feed herself, my father fed her himself. After we were born as soon as I could make sense of the world they told me the stories of our heritage of themselves and my fathers parents. But, a man from glaciem came black as night and slaughtered him right in front of me when I was only two months of age. With no one to feed my mother, I watched as all my brother and sister died in front of my very eyes." she shut her eyes for a moment giving a shivering breath. "With the last ounce of my mothers strength she carried me to the Seracia borders where Epiphron the queen came to her aid. She and my father were friends and she took me into their family. Maverick and Epiphron were my parents my last name Adravendi. That was when I met Hajime, and discovered about my family. I even mourned the death of his mother. I also came across Vahva who was the daughter of Night another one of your half siblings Allen. She died during the plague but left behind three children, Emma, Colman, and one girl Colman told me about but I cannot recall her name." she smirked a bit. "I understood things far beyond my years, I studied healing, but then when I was a year old my parents stepped down from the throne. And decided to leave Seracia. It was in a friends paws until it went into another which is a woman I still consider a second mother. I left seracia after training in Olympus with my uncle Syrinx." maybe it wasn't such a good idea to be spouting out her life story to them. But who else would tell her story otherwise.
"I was going to become heir to Seracia at the age of one....but it was challenged for and I lost my home and my family. My adopted siblings and parents were no where to be found. So I was alone for a very long time only brief visits to Hajime. I found my uncle Syrinx, and I placed my faith in him. Trusted him to make me feel whole again and to find a new home. But, he cared none about me I realized. He and the woman named Virgil of Olympus had pups and I was going to care for them, but Isardis struck my uncle down and I saw my mother fighting with one of my adopted cousins. So again I was without a home and went to Azalea of Ethereal becoming a healer. Sadly that did not last either, I joined Ethereal last season when I just turned to the age of two. Azalea vanished without a trace and I was maimed by Neo of Arcanum. Broken and bruised, Quelt came to me and offered the crown of Isokan. I honestly in that moment only thought of giving myself a home. Giving myself some sort of sense of security." she lowered her eyes a little.
"I've made mistakes in my life, and I've been hurt to my very core, as what it comes with being a walker by blood I guess. So I understand you completely Allen. I may be young but in my short amount of time on this earth I have learned much of what the gods have wanted me to." she smiled painfully at him. "So I accept your goodbye even if we do not know each other very well. I told you my life story as you have told me yours. I hope a friendship will never leave us. And make sure to be safe, don't be afraid to visit." she looked to see what the others wanted to say.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



7 Years
Extra large
10-26-2014, 09:12 PM

His emotions were drawn out, and just by hearing Allen it was enough to drive him deeper into the dark hole of himself. Ixionn knew that he was leaving to go back to Abaven, but at least he was staying to train the boy so he being hurt was no surprise. Quelt made no emotion on his face, maybe pain, but it did not change to any sentimental form after Arian spoke. Hearing of love just made him sick down to his stomach. He hadn't told Irune yet, but soon they would be apart, perhaps the Armada's would want his head but he was too far gone to care. Ixionn held his full attention now, to fix a possible mistake in the world. Quelt was broken and he would hide it very clearly, smiling at Allen, his lip twitched.
"Goodbye Allen. I will be returning to Abaven soon once Ixionn is trained, he knows this. So you are not alone in your path." yet Quelt was entirely alone. There wasn't a star in the sky that could possibly understood about how he felt after all. Standing here taller than the lot of them, he should have been the leader. Leading all of them, but he craved something else as he sat there. Maybe Ixionn would get more angry, either way, life moved on.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]