
[A]nd [w]hat is this place?



10-21-2014, 09:21 PM
"Oh, Mama, what have I gotten myself into." Her delicate voice carries over the coastal wind, paws bracing against the spongey bank of the delta. Bright yellow eyes overlooked the ocean as the heaviest of sighs seeped from her noise, as if she were deflating at the sight. At one moment she remembered playing along the most beautiful of beaches with her family, laughing and splashing in the waters, and next..she had awoken here, alone. Worry flooded through her as she stared, wide eyed, at the ocean. What if she wasn't the only one pulled under by the rough hands of the sea, and what if she had been the only one to make it. "'You float so easily cause you have nothing in your head, Roe'" She mocked, her tones deepening to resemble her brother before she sighed, once more, and sat where she stood.

"What am I to do?" She whispered, glancing just slightly over her shoulders, brows knitting together in fear and worry. She was alone now, away from her family and her friends and her home, drenched in the sea and starved. How many days had it been since she had conciousness? Had it truley been a miracle, or did she only travel a short distance. For all she knew it could have been only a few hours ago that they had played together. But, reguardless, she was still alone, still afraid, and still rather hungry.

Shaking the loose sands and the last of the ocean from her silken fur she turned away from the sea, eyes and jaw set with determination. Whatever this place was, and however she had found herself here, it didn't make a difference. She would face this challenge the way she faced every challenge, without looking back. Everything would work out for the best anyways, and if Fate didn't wish for her to have this challenge she wouldn't be here. Life only gave you the fights you could battle. "Alright, Roe, let's find you something to eat." She whispered as she clenched her jaw and took her first step inland, away from the life she had been swept away from, and away from the questions the coastal waters seemed flooded with.

"Burn Baby Burn"

(So I didn't know this was a territory at first xD BUT! This shall be fun.)



1 Year
10-22-2014, 11:52 AM

The girl was still quite small, but that did not stop her from wandering away from her little den. For too long she had been stuffed in there while the storms raged across the lands, and so now it was rather hard to keep her in there. The air had grown colder, but with it so had her creamy coat. With head and tail held high, she marched through the Sawtooth lands and crunched leaves below her paws. This was her Daddies land, he ran the whole pack! It made her feel proud, she loved her Mommy and Daddy. So she was of to protect Sawtooth, she would love everyone to death that dared to step over the boundary line. Charm had been learning the scent of the pack, and that anyone who didn't smell like her parents were not part of it. So with this knowledge she marched on, rubbing her little body on everything that she passed.

Nose in the air, Charmeine took in large breaths of the bitter air. It caused her to sneeze, that biting wind that froze the inside of her nostrils. But there was something on the winds, a smell that did not smell like Mommy or Daddy. An intruder! Barking happily the girl skipped over to the strange wolf, easily picking out her form among the Autumn colours. Letting out a gasp she paused to admire the pretty wolf, before she picked up into a trot and barked happily. A stranger! She was going to get her! "Wha'chu doing in my Daddies land? 'his is our home!" She called out, her voice strangely chipper for meeting someone that she didn't know. Charm had yet to pronounce the letter 't', something that she was still struggling with. It didn't really faze her though... there were more important matters in hand! Closing the gap between her and the she-wolf, the pup latched herself to the woman's leg. Nuzzling her masked face into the dark fur she let out a few giggles, her whole body clinging to the tall pillar. "Go'chu, go'chu!" She said in a burst of giggles, licking the stranger with much enthusiasm. So what she was a stranger? She was pretty and she liked her!

Because of nearly drowning, Charmeine is very afraid of water and may panic if she gets to close to it.



10-22-2014, 12:20 PM

Dhiren had been walking across the Delta, making sure the borders were being kept stealthy with scent and guards. Alpha life was pretty busy and he was lucky to have a little bit of time to himself. Feeling blessed and happy that his life was slowly coming together, he walked with a new spring in his step. It hadn't been there before and he was sure to keep it around for a good while.
As he neared the coast, he felt the salty sea air brushing his dark fur. Silver and gold eyes hid behind closed lids for just a second, when he heard a familiar squeal. They snapped open and he turned his head towards the wider part of the beach. Charm was there somewhere and he knew that she wasn't alone. The scent that wrapped itself around her own was unfamiliar and his chest rose into his throat. Immediately, he set up at a sprint towards her.
His paws hit the cold, hardened sand as he raced, intending to come up and snatch the young girl from the stranger's clutches. Instead, he appeared just in time to see her approach the woman without any shame. His brow furrowed and he slowly trotted towards both females. "Charm!" he sharply called, ears slightly flattening against his skull. "Come here, please." His large form stood to its highest, bi-colored eyes flashing beneath his furrowed brow. She knew better to approach strangers like that, and because of the past incidents with Guinevere, he was paranoid about his daughter being snatched up, too.
He had never been stern with her, but because of how she was acting, he had no choice. Once he ensured that he was safely next to him, he looked over to the stranger with a slightly concerned gaze. She was drenched from the ocean and smelled strongly of fish and the deep, salty war. The woman was shaking and from how she stood, she looked lost and confused. His brow's furrow lessened and he made sure Charm was glued to his hip before saying anything to the unknown female.
"Excuse my daughter, miss," he said, turning to look at Charm with a caring, yet stern gaze. "She must have slipped away from her mother without her realizing it." His look said, 'We will talk about this later.' Then, he looked back to the woman and continued to speak. "What brings you to this shore, miss...?" He wasn't sure about introducing himself just yet; he wanted to know the other party's name before relaying any information.

Talk like this



10-23-2014, 12:30 AM
The juvenile shout of a child was probably the second to last thing she had expected to hear, but it was what she said that was the first. Land? This was a territory? Instantly the girl froze, statuesc as the child latched herself onto one of Roe's (short) legs. Breath caught in her throat as she instantly pulled back her ears and dropped her tail, attempting to look as submissive as possible. She hadn't meant to tresspass! She hadn't known that this was a territory, and even so it wasn't like she could have prevented it. Oh, sure, perhaps not playing in the deep water when the tide was rough wasn't the smartest idea. With a brave glance down at the little child, she couldn't help the smile that spread across her lips. "My my! It looks like the princess has quelled the foul beast!" She said with a grin, her eyes shining with a sort of happiness. Yet she was still afraid, still terrified.

At the sound of another voice she winced away, shying from the voice of the male who, from the sounds of it, owned this land she found herself on. With a gulp she slowly opened her eyes to look to the alpha...or general, or, well, the high ranking wolf that could easily kick her keester to the ground. With a forced smile she pulled her ears back and leaned towards the ground just so to appear just a little shorter than she already was (and Roe was a rather tiny thing). "Oh, Sir. My I apologize for this, sincerely." She said in a rushed tone before she paused, blinking over wide eyes. "Wait, wait, why are you apologizing??" She said, one brow lifting just slightly higher than the other. "She was no inconvienience, infact, I'd say I caused more inconvienience than she did."

With a deep breath she turned fully towards the male and offered a polite bow, shivering just so from the cold air and the cold ocean water she still seemed to be dreanched with. "My name is Roewyn. family combines the middle and first name. Just Roe is easiest, however." She said with a slight smile, lifting her head just so to look at the male as apologetically as she could. "Sir, I do apologize for being here without cause or permission. I got swept away from my home and my family by the ocean...and it seems I have landed here without knowing it was a territory."

"Burn Baby Burn"



1 Year
10-23-2014, 11:41 PM

The strange woman called her a princess and told her that she had captured the beast, making the girl let out a high pitched squeal. She did get her, didn't she! Charm was the big protector of Sawtooth, and daddy would be so proud of her! She was too young to notice that the stranger was trying to act submissive, that didn't matter in her bright blue eyes. It was then that she noticed that the stranger was all wet. Still wrapped around her leg, she frowned and poked her nose into her damp fur. "S'ranger, why you all we'? You covered in wa'er! You're going 'o ca'ch a cold!" She whined, clinging even tighter to her leg. She didn't want the woman to get sick! Being sick wasn't fun at all, and then that meant that they wouldn't be able to play! Charmeine didn't like it when she couldn't play, and she knew how much it sucked to be stuck in a den for so long. So the pup did the first thing that came to mind, which was to give her a bath. Baths helped with everything, right? So she just started to lick the poor woman, happily humming an unknown tune as she worked on.

It was then that a big booming voice called out to her. Charm's head snapped over to her father, tongue still hanging out of her mouth. Gray ears pressed flat against her skull as she de-tangled herself from Roe, hanging her head low as she slunk over to Dhiren. He had never used that tone with her before, and it was scary. Daddy was being a big scary meanie, and she didn't like that very much! Letting out a whine she curled herself around his white marked leg, pressing a few soft kisses there in a way of saying that she was sorry. Then Daddy went on to say that he was sorry, and that Guin didn't notice her leaving. "All momma wan's 'o do is sleep. Sleeping all day is no fun a' all." She murmured, ears still flat against her little creamy skull. But she didn't say anything else, just kept her tiny little body wrapped around her father. If he was to move anywhere, she would just move right along with his forelimb. There was no way that she was letting go now that she found out that she was in trouble. But she didn't cry, because she was a brave girl.

The stranger introduced herself, and Charmeine looked over with her brows pushed together. That was a really long name! "Roe-Roewyn-Roewyne'a." She forced out, testing the super long and hard to say name. But then she said to call her Roe, and Charm let out a happy little giggle from her daddies leg. "My name is Charmeine, and 'his is Daddy!" She exclaimed, not yet knowing that her parents had names other than 'Mommy' and 'Daddy'. That was all she called them, so it had to be right... right?

come and sing for me

Because of nearly drowning, Charmeine is very afraid of water and may panic if she gets to close to it.



10-26-2014, 09:24 AM

Charm wasn't hesitant when it came to moving towards him. His command wasn't one that was normally used for her, but today, he felt she needed to be reined in...just a bit. After speaking to the woman, she began to explain her predicament. When she said that she had been washed away from her family, Dhiren immediately took pity on her. If he had been the one washed up on an unfamiliar shore, he would be worrisome, too. Dhiren was one whom didn't mind having empathy for another kind soul.
He cleared his throat and reclined to his haunches, bringing Charm closer to his side. He sniffed the air, taking in the salty breeze and any potential stray scents. Nothing, nothing except the woman whom introduced herself as Roe. Her story was true and that was all Dhiren needed. Looking back at her, his silver and golden eyes softened to her own gaze. "I don't know what I would do if that happened to me, m'lady," he said. "And don't be afraid that you ended up on our land. The ocean apparently has a funny sense of humor." For the first time since meeting her, he showed a gentle smile. "You look like you could use a hot bath, something to eat, and perhaps a warm place to relax in? I'm sure the ride over here was tiresome."
He looked down at his daughter and lowered his head to place a firm lick across her crown. All sternness melted away as he met her own blue gaze. "Charm is right," he added as he looked up again. "She is my daughter and I am her daddy." Very softly, he chuckled and rose from his haunches. "I'm Dhiren Destruction, by the way....and Alpha of Sawtooth."

Lineart courtesy of Kaylink on dA - Character belongs to Wynn



10-26-2014, 02:59 PM
A small smile played across her lips as her gaze moved from the little girl to her father and back again. It made her nostalgic, but also, it just made her miss her home. There she had been in charge of the littlest ones, there she had spent nights telling the grandest of stories and played the most expansive of games. With a sad sigh she lifted her eyes back up to the male before her, feeling more at ease as he, too, settled himself. It almost surprised her, the way he reacted to her tresspassing. At his offer of food, her eyes grew all the wider. "You certainly are the most surprising of kings." She said softly, the widest of smiles playing across her lips. "At home, if anyone stepped a paw into our land for whatever reason it was considered a crime, even if they were swept in by the ocean." She had never seen a king so welcoming or forgiving, but then again, this king was only the second one she had met in her short lifetime. "I am...was the child's watcher, the story teller of my pack. Nothing fancy and important like alpha or princess." She said with a small smile, glancing up to Dhiren.

When charm tried her hardest to say Roewyn's long and difficult name she couldn't help but laugh softly. She knew the trouble the children had with her name, which was why she had taken up a shorter version. Her family was strict about names, but for the children she had broken those rules. "Please, dear princess, call me Roe." It was the gentlest of smiles she offers to the girl and slowly she raises her head again to look to the male, to Dhiren. "I was actually on my way to find myself some food, before I found out this was claimed land. I...If you could show me where, I could stop tresspassing on your land.." But oh, she was scared. What if every other wolf out there wasn't as kind and welcoming as these two were. What if she would never be able to make it home, and she was lost here with no knowledge of this place, or warmth to cuddle up too at night. "If you don't mind.." She whispered, her voice tight in her throat as she glanced down to the ground.

"Burn Baby Burn"



1 Year
10-26-2014, 03:21 PM

The girl smiled up at her father when she called her his, that was her most favorite thing ever. She loved her parents with all her heart, and she had no much to give. It was strange, a child born of such traumatic situation had the most giving of hearts, and the largest spirit. Her wide eyes went back and forth from her daddy to Roe, her tail thumping on the earth when she heard her talk of story telling. "Don' go Roe, I wan' 'o hear s'ories! Oh please oh please s'ay Roe! Daddy will le' you, righ' daddy?" She pleaded. She wanted to hear this woman's stories that she had to tell! She was from a strange place and she must have a bunch of things to share, she just knew it! Her gaze lingered on Dhiren, the classic puppy dog eyes forming on her face. Her lower lip puckered out and quivered, cyan eyes huge and round as her ears lay flat to her skull. Ever so slowly she turned this look on to Roe, who spoke of leaving. "No please s'ay and be my friend! I don' have many friends and you're pre'y and have s'ories 'o 'ell! I wan' 'o hear s'ories!" Her little voice was squeaky and whiny, she didn't want this woman to leave just yet! She had just found her and she wanted her to stay and play with her.

Glancing back up at her dad for a moment, she untangled herself from around his leg and slunk closer to Roe, glancing back to make sure that Dhiren wouldn't use his naughty voice again. And then she plopped herself right in front of Roe, looking up at her with those big, wide eyes. "Please Miss Roe, we can have lo's of fun."


Because of nearly drowning, Charmeine is very afraid of water and may panic if she gets to close to it.



10-28-2014, 08:56 PM

The way Charm reacted to the stranger's words made Dhiren softly chuckle. He knew that he was supposed to remain strict after showing it, but he couldn't help watching her with silent fascination. She moved towards Roe and begged her to stay, ensuring that he would let her. Dhiren raised an eyebrow. What if he was a stern king, one that would turn away every trespasser? Such a thought made him temporarily shiver, making the idea disappear from his mind.
He watched Roe respond to his words and he couldn't help but smile softly. "That sounds like an interesting job indeed. We don't have many wolves around here that would love to tend to the young ones." The parents of his family's pups did love their whelps, but he knew they needed breaks every once in awhile. "Why don't you consider joining Sawtooth, Roe? Our lands are vast and the prey here are worth the hunts. Not to mention we have an abundance of puppies that would love to have the opportunity to hear untold tales." He hoped she would consider the offer. If not, he knew Charm would be disappointed.

Talk like this



10-28-2014, 09:50 PM
It was the child's response that surprised Roe the most. She hadn't imagined she'd be welcomed here, much less begged to return. It made her jaw clench and her throat tighten with emotion. It wasn't often she was requested, wanted. Her brother had teased her constantly, and she had been placed in charge of the children only because she had no skills in anything else. The only reason she had always been kept fed was because her pack had found her food. She was a fluid story teller because her head was more in the clouds than willing to memorize herbs and battle tacktics. She was small, tiny, flightly, but build to run and play with the children than to fight. She had no noticeable skills, and so she was always pushed to the back burner. "Really?" She squeaked in a voice far too tight to hide the emotion in her tones. She grinned down at the child before slowly bending down to reach her height. "Tell me, little princess, what stories do you like?" She said with the brightest of smiles.

When Dhiren spoke she lifted herself up, her yellow gaze shining at the offer. "Oh, I'd be honoured." She said with the brightest of smiles. It didn't seem like she'd ever be able to get home anyways, the ocean was far too large to swim, and she doubted the same wave would pull her away from this land. No, her old life, her family, was lost to her. She needn't feel guilty about accepting the offer, about finding a new home. Besides, this pack had children too, so she wasn't as essentially useless as she felt.

"Burn Baby Burn"



11-02-2014, 05:42 PM

If there had been a smile upon Dhiren's face before, it was bigger now. He let it spread from ear to ear until his pearly white teeth were showing. His tail wagged behind his massive form as he realized he had welcomed a new member to Sawtooth. Eagerly, he stepped forward and tenderly nudged Charm with his white paw, encouraging her to step back and give the woman some room. He didn't want to overwhelm his new Storyteller.
Once he made sure she was good to go, Dhiren cleared his throat and turned to look at the Delta. "Welcome to Sawtooth, Roe," he announced, voice booming with pride and formerly hidden confidence. His bi-colored eyes brimmed with happiness as he looked over to his newest member. "I hope you fit comfortably among the family you have become a part of." He waited for a minute before stepping towards the deeper part of the land. " have plenty of others to meet."-EXIT Dhiren-

Lineart courtesy of Kaylink on dA - Character belongs to Wynn