
you are the sun i am the moon



4 Years
09-20-2014, 04:59 PM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2014, 05:00 PM by Arian.)

The woods were quiet with the clouds overhead. Not that it bothered her though as she was returning back home. She bleeped her heart out destruction already. So her eyes were crusted over from the wake of crying for the first time ever in her life. She would rise anew though, try to concentrate on the positive. Her worries were put at rest mildly with the woman. Now she only hoped things went well with her mother, if she ever saw her again.
Epiphron seemed to hate azalea so she only wondered if her mother would hate her too. A sigh escaped her lips, so much for thinking positive. Her paws splayed and she let out a groan and flopped down in the forest floor. This was what living was about, it was hard but she did it anyway. She let the mud soak the white portions of her chest not caring about her physical appearance at the moment.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



7 Years
10-24-2014, 08:06 AM

What would he do now? Harmony's presence was almost nonexistent, and he felt a stranger in Abaven among all the wolves there, tied together as friends and family. Perhaps he ought to have remained a loner. He'd been enchanted by Harmony's sudden liking of him, by her subtly flirtatious stare and by the way she rested her head on his back when they lay together. "Stupid," he muttered under his breath as he walked, pacing aimlessly among the trees overhead. As if she had really wanted a future with him -- as if he had anything to offer her. A huff escaped his throat as the scent of another impinged on his senses, briefly flooding with with nostalgia he couldn't shake.

Arian? He hadn't seen her in many seasons. Truthfully, he hadn't had contact with any of his siblings or even his parents, and he found himself briefly stunned by her sudden arrival in these lands close to his new home. Nose twitched as he caught her scent, trailing after it quickly. She was spotted easily among the burnt tree-trunks and he paused a short distance away, eying her.

Her eyes were bleary as though she had been crying and Quintus found his head tilting slightly to the side, curiosity and a bit of worry shining in his sea-green stare. "Arian?" he called out softly, lyrics laced with surprise at seeing her here and in such a condition. "Why are you here? I mean--" he had so much to ask. Where had she been? Had she seen any of their other siblings? He worried in particular for Amalia and Cassius, who hadn't been heard from in so long. "..what's going on?" Where could he possibly begin with his questions; and would she even have answers for him?

(Wanna pretend this is after Arian has Isokan and has met with her mother and other siblings? <3)