
Munch, munch!

Sage I


3 Years
10-26-2014, 11:50 AM

The brute took another step towards the waterfall, large paws crushing the morning frost. He could see his misty breath in front of him and the cold wind nipped at his skin underneath his still bulking fur. The deep pool at the base of the waterfall was beginning to freeze thinly around the edges. With a smile the pushed through the underbrush and stopped just before the bank.

Since joining Isokan, he'd made it priority to stock up on medicinal herbs before winter hit Alacritis. His stocks were pretty full as they were, but from experience, he knew you could never be overprepared. He'd travelled here to search for juniper, but was keeping his eye out for some marshmallow as well. The latter would be vital for any colds or coughs in the winter.

Silently, the man sat down at the water edge, quietly taking in the scenery as it was. He hadn't been here since he was a pup. Following his nose, he'd wound up here from Soulsand Cove, in search of herbs. Funny he found himself in the same place, with the same purpose, almost two burglars later. He'd made his dream of becoming a healer a reality. With a smile he looked down at himself in the water, his reflection staring back up at him.

"Burn Baby Burn"



7 Years
10-26-2014, 12:07 PM

The waterfall was not far from Bevroren, and it was a great place to find herbs. Since Athena had graced her with the title of Medisch, she had made it her daily task to practice more and more. She had always had some knowledge of herbs, she had taken it upon herself to study it so that if she was ever hurt, she could just slink off and take care of herself. Amalia hated feeling like she was a burden to others, so naturally, learning to heal herself was a big factor. But now it was not just for herself, it was for all of Bevroren as well. She didn't want to do anything to upset Athena, and strove to be the best that she could in her field to make her lover proud. Calling the silver queen that still made her cheeks blush, she couldn't believe that she had admitted her love to her as well! For so long she had adored the woman, but now the feeling was mutual. Plus, with the puppies coming soon she knew that she needed to make sure that she had enough herbs to care for them. They were going to be her children too, Athena had told her that she would be like a step-mother to them. Oh what lucky children, to have the love of three parents.

She made her way to the bottom of the falls, knowing that there was a patch of mint that liked to grow in the cold territory. She knew that it wasn't a vital herb, but it was something that she was low on in her personal stock. The sweet taste of the leaves had a lot more uses than wolves generally knew. They were great for indigestion, and helped protect the liver -- it kept its metabolic properties working well. Plus it helped with heart palpitations, working almost as a sedative. It was more of a calming factor than something to knock a wolf out with though. It was perfect to deal with headaches, something that she was sure they would have a lot of once the puppies were born. Letting out a small giggle she sniffed the air, checking for the distinctive smell. It wouldn't be long before all the mint died off, and it would be very useful for her to collect all of it now. But when she tested the air for it, there was a scent of a male there as well. She knew his pack scent, Isokan was an ally with Bevroren. Grinning, the girl rounded the corner and looked up at him. "Hello friend! What brings you here today?" She asked in her cheery voice, knowing that he wouldn't be an issue for her.

Sage I


3 Years
10-26-2014, 01:03 PM

Sage was woken from his reverie by a friendly voice behind him. Turning around, he smiled at the femme. "Hello friend! What brings you here today?" The woman had the scent of Bevroren, so any anxieties he had vanished. With a dip of the head, Sage replied
Hello to you! I was in fact here to stock up on healing herbs for the winter, Miss....? He ended with a question. He hadn't expected to meet anyone else here, but the more the merrier. He hadn't had the chance to meet any of his fellow pack members yet, focusing on the task at hand, so company was indeed welcome. Sage's bi-coloured eyes glinted in the late Autumn morning sun. The chill promised biting snow to come.

"Burn Baby Burn"



7 Years
10-26-2014, 04:40 PM

Her smile grew larger as the male turned, a friendly look on his face as well. It just made her have more faith that the world was good and whole -- that evil was nothing but a figment. Her little stub of a tail wagged behind her, her rump following in suit. It would seem that she could not wag her tail without her whole back end following it, there was just too little tail left for all that momentum. And he was a healer too! Oh perfect! This day just couldn't get any better. "That is the same reasoning for my being here as well! And I am so sorry that I didn't introduce myself before, my name is Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Mathias, but just Amalia works." The doll said with another giggle, winking one cyan eye at Sage. She liked to toss around her large name, it was part of her and carried on her family with her. She was proud of it, and didn't mind that it almost took all of her breath away just trying to spit it out.

Coming up closer to the male, she sat before him and looked up, herself being so small, with that elegant smile on her maw. "So what did you come looking for? I come here often to look for herbs, so maybe we can help each other! I'm still learning... but I know quite a bit." She stated, head tilting to the side as she wondered what he was here for. She was a bit unconventional with her herbs, she seemed to know ones that many did not.


Sage I


3 Years
10-27-2014, 05:19 PM

Sage smiled warmly. It was not often he met someone so friendly. It joyed the man as the girl told him her reasoning to be here. Chuckling lightly as she recited her name, Sage replied

Well, Miss Amalia. It is a pleasure to meet a fellow healer. He said with with a bow. My name is Sage, I'm from Isokan, as you have probably realized already.
As Miss. Amalia shuffled closer, Sage relaxed his posture so as not the seem so tall.

So what did you come looking for? I come here often to look for herbs, so maybe we can help each other! I'm still learning... but I know quite a bit.
Sage grinned.

I was here in search of some juniper, but I could always use some marshmallow. I don't think I'll find any here though. Might have to go a bit further south. I'm just stocking for winter. You can never be too careful, as I'm sure you know. What about you, Miss. Amalia? What were you in search of? Excuse my curiosity.

"Burn Baby Burn"