
Lets dance, baby

Motif I


4 Years
10-26-2014, 10:33 PM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2014, 10:34 PM by Motif I.)

The South lands truly where a miracle, they where foreign and strange to her, but magical and shiny to see a land she had never stepped foot on before. The wolves here where different, fascinating, no... intoxicating. She was already high from meeting just one of these strange and exotic beasts. She could feel her heart in her chest hammering out a tune and her tail rising lushly behind her as she skimmed her paws across the earth, exploring, searching, needing to find more of these strange beings. They where a delight to her eyes, candy to her senses. The scent of them was all earth, natural and strange in a whole different way to the wolves she was accustomed to. These wolves where exotic, and she didn't think she could go back to plain and normal now that she had seen them. She wanted a taste, no.. she needed a taste of them, she would find herself another hot piece of wolf her or kill herself finding one.

She could not forget the allure of the lands either, of course, these places so new and in such desperate need of exploration. She moved across the land, she found her body moving against the trees as she pushed, her plush tail racking against the edges of the bark, her cheek finding purchase against the rough exterior as she pushed her body up against this tree, and that tree. If she didn't know better, she would have thought her heat was in over drive ? but was past that now, summer had been and gone and Fall was in the air. The taste of Autumn was delicious against her tongue, falling leaves where a color about her and the scent that clung to her and all she touched was down right... tasty.




10-26-2014, 11:00 PM

[Image: mipief.png]

Rest. He needed rest. Yesterday he had been attacked, blind sided by a northerner. All that stress and worry that had slowly begun to melt off his shoulders in his time away from work was back tenfold and he felt uneasy, nervous even. Everything hurt. He was sore and he could barely move his neck without disturbing the poultice and leaf that had been placed there. Today he was wearing his red cloths, draped around his neck and wrapped around his tail mostly to hold the leaf close to his neck but also because for some reason. He wanted to wear them. It had been a long time since he had wanted to wear them. At one point they had been a mark of his and his brothers bond and then after Skah had gotten the position of oracle's protector they had simply felt like a constant reminder of how far apart they had drifted. But now? Skah liked to hope that maybe they were beginning to mend that broken bond between them. Shai had stepped up, thankfully agreeing to remain Ojise's temporary protector while Skah was healing. So all that was left for him to do was to rest. And it was something best done at the falls. Ojise's den was not too far away, if she howled and needed help he could be there for her. Despite his injuries he was not dead, and until he was dead he had no intention of letting any harm befall the Akia.

Massive beast would rest at the edge of the river, the steady drumming of the falls in the background helping lull him into a light sleep. He had never been a heavy sleeper, needing to be on guard at all times in case Ojise awoke in the night and required something of him or in case a threat was near. But despite old habits he would slowly slip into a deeper sleep, head lolling a bit to the side off his paws. Dreams of his brother when they were younger drifting through his mind. Memories of them finding the cloth together, of hunting birds for their feathers. The pain staking hours Shai had spent helping Skah decorate his neck with little white downy feathers. So many memories, so many smiles. It had all gone because Skah had wanted to be his older brother and in his mission to become Shai he had taken Shai's dream job from him. Would they ever be like they once were? Toes would twitch slightly in his sleep, chasing after Shai in his dreams.

" This is my speaking color woop. speaking"

Table by Tempy. Art by Tatchit. <3


Motif I


4 Years
10-26-2014, 11:11 PM

The saucy creature would make her way further and further into the strange and intoxicating lands of the South, each step brought her more excitement, more hope for what this land might beheld. She was already deeply in love with this place, with its new and shiny lands and its wolves.. oh, its wolves, that stood taller then she who wasn't a short beast in her home, whose coats where a black fire and a cool misty ice, who wore bands about their bodies and held flashing yellow eyes. She needed to see more of these beasts, she needed to explore and find and feel. She had not realised how much Abaven had been a cage to her, she was a butterfly that had for so long now been incapable of spreading her long, delicate wings. Spread them now she did however, spread them long and far and stretch out to each corner of freedom she longed for. She longed for the touch of a man, one beautiful and fair, one exotic and different.

She was not so encompassed in her thoughts and desires that she didn't catch the scent of another creature. The wind was in her favour, blowing light, sweet tendrils her way of the scent of a stranger. Its scent was vaguely familiar in that it resembled the wolf she had left behind and she found herself heading towards it, she needed to see this creature to know if he was as beautiful as the other boy of this land that she had met. She would find his sleeping form beside a waterfall, as the last boy had been a halo of darkness and moonlight this would be one of soft water spray and warm golden light. His tones where richer, but he still boosted the shades of silvers as had the other. She found herself creeping closer, longing to see the tones of his eyes, to see him stand and discover what his fill height would be at. She held her breath as she moved close enough, so close she could reach forth her head and swipe a lick across his features, taste him and see if he was as sweet as he looked ? she kept this fantasy, and her tongue, to herself ? Instead she sat there, with but a small distance between them, and looked at him, this strange sleeping boy.



10-26-2014, 11:42 PM

[Image: mipief.png]

ooc;; motif freaks me out XD

He would sleep soundly, massive beast positioned so he was balanced on his hips and his forepaws were stretched before him with head laying atop them. Ears flittered and twitched as toes clawed in to dirt, every so often something in his dream making his lip curl. Something drifted towards him. A sweet scent. Gwena? The smell would coax him from his sleep muscles rolling and flexing beneath his pelt as jaws opened to yawn languidly. It would be another few moments before he would blink his eyes open, a soft smile drifting over his lips. "Ẹ Gwena, gbọdọ ti a ti ni mimu soke lori..." His voice would slowly drift off as nostrils caught the scent more specifically. That was not Gwena. Skull would lift suddenly, sleep haze leaving him all at once as his skull snapped quickly to take in the sight of this stranger. Northerner. Pain arched through his neck with the sudden movements. He had different orders now. He would not speak, long legs slowly unfolding beneath him without shifting his position much. How had this one gotten so close to their home! Icy gaze would harden and narrow as he glared at her, lifting himself to his full height as paws slowly overlapped, one over another to separate them slightly.

What would happen if he left? Could he turn around and walk away without her following him? Could he kill her here and now and be done with it? Should he be calling for help? For his brother. Hackles would remain lowered, skull lowered as well to keep his neck safe. He had made that mistake once before. Again, left paws would cross over right and he would attempt to put a more comfortable distance between them. Should she move lips would curl in warning. "Not welcome. Leave." A blanket statement, spoken in a heavily accented voice. It was one of his few known english terms, that and he knew how to introduce himself but this statement seemed far more suiting. Why was he having all the bad luck? What had he done to make the goddess punish him so lately? Was it because he had taken a break from his duties that one day to hang out at the beach with Gwena? God if this was what he was going to get for slacking he would never do it again!

" This is my speaking color woop. speaking"

Table by Tempy. Art by Tatchit. <3


Motif I


4 Years
10-27-2014, 01:14 AM

She would smile, slow and salty as she watched this boy sleep. She knew she should be more afraid, more aware that she was in their home, their turf, that these beings where large and unknown to her. Yet, the girl couldn't bring herself to feel fear. When she looked at this boy, took in his sleeping feeling all she could feel was one thing 'mine' she would have this giant. It didn't matter how, or what form, if it be as lovers, friends or some other form of belonging. She was captivated by the rise and fall of his breath, the taste of him on the wind, and all this was before she heard him speak...

It would come then, those words. More words then she had heard in their language before, the sound of coming from his deep tones was alluring, it sounded like a promise, like a mystery she had to unravel. His words would end, his head would lift and his eyes would snap open. She would be meet with the blues of his eyes, they where not a calm soft blue but a fire as he took in the stranger before him. He would rise, his movements teasingly slow as he brought his massive legs beneath him and stretched to his full, looming height above her. Her grin would grow, surely she could only have fallen to insanity to stand her before this beast and smile as he realised she was a stranger in their home. He would back away from her, and she would make no move towards him. She knew already that it had been a mistake to get so close, if only because it clearly startled this giant boy. She watched him with cautious eyes, wondering if he would run from her, wondering if she had screwed up her chance to claim this boy, claim him as what, her friend? He would speak then in halting English, his words plain and clear as they warned her from this place. He did not see that she was captivated by him, she did not see that she could not leave him now, not without knowing who he was. ?Why must I leave? I did not mean to frighten you? she tilted her head to the side, lowering it slightly in a curious and un-aggressive manner as she watched him, waiting to see if her words would sink in. these strange, giant beasts, afraid of her! A light-build girl built for running, built with a soft coat and curves in all the right places




10-27-2014, 01:44 AM

[Image: mipief.png]

She was freaky looking, something about the markings on his face made him feel unsettled and severely creeped out. He tried to focus on that, focus on the disturbed feeling that was slowly growing in the pit of his stomach as she sat there a short distance away from him. She was smiling and he would lift a lip in a snarl as he continued to take a few steps back. Emotions raged and swirled within him, he didn't know what to do. His mind was whirling and he tried to keep himself sturdy and on his paws. Despite his outwardly solid demeanour he felt woozy, nauseous. He had only been attacked yesterday and he wasn't feeling very sturdy on his paws, blood loss and drugs made his mind feel slippery and elusive even to himself. He would sway a bit and paws would splay to try and steady himself. There was so much to take in all at once. Her smell? Shai? He blinked, blue eyes confused as he tried to process all this new information. She would speak, her words garbled and not understandable. He didn't know any of what she was saying, simply caught the word 'leave' and a question. He would shake his head, trying to clear his mind as he took a few more steps back and backed solidly into a tree. His neck felt hot. Was he bleeding again. Icy gaze would snap open again and he would growl, mostly at his own thoughts as he tried to chase them away. Why did she smell of Shai. "O nilo lati lọ kuro, yi jẹ mimọ ilẹ... O nilo lati lọ kuro..." He would mumble, trying to sort though his own skull. Eyes would clench shut. She had to leave, how did he tell her she had to leave any better then he could already? This was his home, she wasn't welcome here! She was dangerous. She could hurt Ojise. He had to make her leave? A tail of blood would slip down from beneath his cloth and the leaf pinned to his neck by that. Damn.

" This is my speaking color woop. speaking"

Table by Tempy. Art by Tatchit. <3


Motif I


4 Years
10-27-2014, 01:55 AM

She could tell she had completely thrown the wolf, he seemed uncertain and on the verge of turning aggressive. For the first time it broke through the fantasy she had created in stepping onto these magical lands, and she could see what a fool she had been in stepping up to this stranger in his sleep. She couldn't understand the emotions churning about inside of her, she knew that she wanted something to do with this wolf but she could not for the life of her decide what it was. She watched him in silence as he struggled with his own thoughts an d she would come to a second realisation, he was injured. She realised then that she had snuck up on a strange, injured wolf in territory he was likely not going to expect a stranger, boy, she had been a fool.

He would sway, his shock had put him on his paws too soon, marking her as doubly the fool as she realised she was also hurting this wolf. She cooled her fires, backing down as her smile turned more serious and the blaze in her golden eyes cooled. She took a few steps back, to give him some space and to show him she meant no harm. He would speak again, his tones strange, his words undecipherable, she backed up another few steps, but not yet willing to turn her back on this stranger. She sat again, flattening her ears in a submissive still, trying to tell him she meant him no harm. She had no clue why he was injured, in fact she could see the trail of blood that ran from his neck and she whimpered softly, apolitically. She wanted to speak, to tell him she had been foolish and she was sorry, but what was the point? He would not understand her words. Instead, she had to speak through actions and she sought about herself for a moment until she found a large, and suitable leaf. She picked it up in her jaws, looking at him and yipping very softly, her tail giving a slight wag behind her before falling still again. Would he get the message? That she wanted to help?




10-27-2014, 02:18 AM

[Image: mipief.png]

He was confused, feeling trapped and angry at something he didn't really understand. Some primal instinct to him to chase her from here, make sure she would never come back but some selfish part wanted her to stay. Her positioning was submissive, none threatening he felt a pang of guilt. Here he had been the one trying to say maybe the northerners would be alright at first. But once Ojise had started having nightmares his opinions of them had changed, once he had been attacked they had changed drastically. Why did everything have to change? He would shiver, haunches almost falling him back into a seated position but he would splay his legs and remain standing. God damned wasn't this all perfect. Head would droop slightly, lowering and eyes fluttering closed. He was so tired. A whine. Something alerted him to her presence again and his head would snap up as if he had already forgotten about her presence. Shit she had to go.

Gaze would be cast around as her took a step away from the tree. She had a leaf in her mouth, the look on her face making that pang of guilt arching through his belly once more. A strange rumble would roll up his throat as he pushed off from his tree, his grounding point. Here went nothing. His steps were unsteady, staggering as he made his way towards her, attempting to close that precious distance he had worked so hard to put between them. Head would lower, ears pinning. He would move towards her, not touching her but he would make a motion for her to move. Nodding with his head that he wanted her to move. Ears were pinned to his skull but finally he had come to a decision. She had to leave, she couldn't find out where his tribe was. He would redirect her elsewhere if he could. He would motion to her with his skull before motioning for her to move, motion for her to head down stream. He would try and take a step past her, a soft whine slipping from his lips. Would she understand?

" This is my speaking color woop. speaking"

Table by Tempy. Art by Tatchit. <3


Motif I


4 Years
10-27-2014, 02:28 AM

The boy was losing it, but she couldn't see how bad his injuries where, not after they had been tended to and covered but she could only imagine that they weren't pretty. The way he seemed to struggle to stay on his feet, shifting his position to keep himself there and even his eyes struggled to remain open, drooping slowly closed as he struggled to hold on. Some part of her was telling her she should leave, he could not relax until she was gone and her presence was only causing him aggravation. However, that determined part of her that refused to never back down was itching at the back of her thoughts, her pride was telling her that to turn away now would be a loss. With her soft whine he was brought to himself again, he could see the alert in caution in eyes that blazed open once more. She held back her sigh, dammit boy, she wanted to say, relax already. What was she going to do anyway? Sass him to death? She sighed, keeping her thoughts to herself ? with their language barrier she didn't have any other choice.

He moved towards her now, pushing himself off from the tree as he did so. There was something about his strength of will here, something about his determination that almost made her smile ? neither of them wanted to back down, and she could imagine their pride clashes heads. He kept indicating with his head, indicating again and again and a soft whine escaping his lips. She sighed softly, she wasn't giving up exactly, he was moving with her see? She wasn't stepping away from him just this clearing. She nodded her head slowly, sighing again as she turned down the path he clearly indicated and took a step on it, he moved ahead of her, and so long as he didn't stop or indicate that he would be abandoning her, she would willingly follow his directions. She made certain her whole movements where gentle and un-threatening, telling him she truly meant him no harm.




10-27-2014, 02:54 AM

[Image: mipief.png]

Odd strange girl... She seemed to stare blankly at him for a moment before she would clue in and realize what he was trying to tell her. He needed her to move. He needed to get her away from here, maybe later he could come back and get the tribe to move camp. He wasn't in much of a state to be formulating plans, he would have to take it all one step at a time. He would move past her and fluidly she would get up, following his path. Moving forward gave him focus, gave him something to concentrate on. His mind would calm a bit, returning to its normal patterns of function as he moved downstream. She wanted to help. Fine. He would get her to help. He walked with his head hung low, icy blue eyes following the path of the river. It went from rapids to a shallower but wider creek bed quite quickly. Occasionally aqua gaze would flitter back to the woman following him but he would not look at her for long.

Red. He halted quickly, the color filling his vision. The river went from shallow close to the bank here to deeper further out and where the water dropped off there was red floating in the water. He would look to the woman, brow quirking curiously before lowering his head to the ground. Shoulders would shrug slowly and red cloth would slip off his neck and into the ground, the leaf clinging half assed to the side of his neck along his collar bone on his right. Another look, another motion to follow. He would walk slowly into the water, glancing back at her as he headed to the deep water. Massive form would sink into the water, slow moving creek pushing the leaf from the wound on his neck. Flesh had been ripped and shreaded from his neck and collarbone. He would motion for her again, making a motion towards the red before reaching forward and dunking his head under water. The alge moved away from him, kind of like bobbing for apples. Head would pull back, jaws empty as he glared down at the water and went down to try and grab a mouth full.

" This is my speaking color woop. speaking"

Table by Tempy. Art by Tatchit. <3


Motif I


4 Years
10-27-2014, 03:09 AM

The steps of the boy where so dejected, or tired, or whatever it was that harried him. She once again found herself wondering if perhaps it would be better if she left, yet once again her pride reared its ugly head and told it would be giving up. She could prove to this set male that she wasn't here to do him harm, she would prove it to him if it damn well killed her! She would follow after him, walking down strange and unfamiliar lands. She fleetingly wondered if she might get lost here, in these bizarre and unknown places, but she flicked the thought away, surely she could find her way back home again. She caught him looking back at her, but she felt certain his gaze was only to ensure she followed him. Why was it so important that they went this way? It was clear that walking did him no good, was he hiding something, protecting something? Perhaps, but she would not provoke him and find out.

She wasn't certain what happened next, but the boy halted, looking at the river, he would carefully shrug off the strange red scarf that adorned him and she would watch the motion of it sliding to the earth. She watched it until it touched the ground before snapping her gaze back to him once more. Again he indicated her to follow, but she did not move as she watched him slip slowly into the water before them. She watched the motion of the cool liquid slip over his firm muscles and her mouth went dry. She battled a moment until her crazy desires where locked away before obeying his command once more. She followed him into the water, her tail sliding against the water behind her as dainty paws took her step by step further into the embrace of the lake. She moved towards him, she watched him as he dipped his head into the water, the movement arching the muscles on his neck, but she was too distracted to notice this, instead she saw the wound on his neck, and hissed softly in sympathy to see the torn flesh that showed her he had been in battle. His head came back again, his teeth bared as through he had been attempting to grab something. It took her a moment, but she got it ? it was a game, grab the algae. She moved closer to where he fished for the boobing bits, her side brushing every so slightly against his, but when she felt his closeness, aside from the heat flushing her cheeks her reaction would be to scoot away. So far all the boy had wanted was space, she would not take that from him now. She dipped her own head in the water, chasing after the algae. It had looked easy when watching him, she couldn't understand how he had missed, but she realised quickly the motion of her pushing through the water pushed against the algae, it bobbed and teased before her, ever out of reach of her teeth. Her head came up again and she bared her fangs at what had dared defy her as she snaked her head forward quickly in another attempt to grab the allusive algae.




10-27-2014, 03:34 AM
Skah Adeyemi

She would follow him to the river but as he took a moment to take his cloth off she would pause and simply watch him. Even as he slipped into the waters she would stand on the shore line and watch him. It was getting more then a bit creepy and unsettling by the time she seemed to snap out of it and come to her senses. She would follow him into the waters, drifting closer and closer to him. Instinctively his muscles would tense and he would streatch his skull away from her a bit without actually taking steps away. She seemed to clue in, their sides brushing breifly before she would give him the space he so desired. Touch. When was the list time he had touched another? Yes he had used his brother as a crutch just yesterday but did that count? This was different. A warmth spread through his skin where they had touched but if he had enjoyed it he didn't show it.

Head would begin bobbing from there, throwing his head down and grasping wildly at the shoots as they darted around and away from his grasp. He would come up after teeth clacked around nothing for probably the tenth time. He came up just in time to see her go down, following his motions and trying to grab the seaweed as well. She came up empty mouthed, snarling at the water before going back down. The slightest smile would trickle across his lips, a slight chuckle rumbling up his throat but as soon as he noticed her starting to come back up his features would quickly recompose into something more serious as he tossed his head back underwater. Head tipped upstream and jaws finally grasped what they were looking for. A bulb. Teeth would rip the tender shots from their place in the ground before lifting his head. A smile danced on his lips as he moved it nudge the woman's shoulder, nose talking her shoulder to show her before even thinking about it. But as soon as he did it his eyes would shoot wide and he would snap his head back. Where had that come from?


Art & table by Layla/fiftyblackroses


Motif I


4 Years
10-27-2014, 03:45 AM

She would hear the soft gurgle of his noise through the water, a sound that almost sounded like laughing, but as she resurfaced, jaws empty once more she would see his face as composed and serious as ever ? no, she had imagined it, it seemed to take a lot to break his stoic mask and she didn't have what it took. All the same, she was grateful his command to leave had turned into this allowance to get to know her, for her to prove to him she was not a threat to him. She wondered then if once of her own had done that damage to him, but dismissed the thought as quickly, it could have been anyone, here or there, and even if she could ask him she was beginning to doubt he would answer.

They where a fairly quite pair, but that could mean anything, he may well be a chatty sort amongst those he knew, and those who could understand his language, even if she had her sneaking suspicious that he was much like this always, stony, composed, unwavering. She went down again, fishing about and coming up empty. She really had thought this had looked easy, but she was finding out the hard way the challenge it proposed. As she came up again she would feel a nudge on her shoulder and she would glance over at him to see the bulb in his mouth. A grin of pleasure would sweep across her mouth as she realised he had one, and would darken again just as quickly as she realised he had beaten her at the game. She would notice also his reaction, pulling away from her, and would hide her smile by ducking under the water again. Perhaps she was cracking away his armour, even if there was only the finest ripple of cracks so far, it was a start. She came away empty jawed again and swiped at the water with her paw, angry at herself for loosing something that had looked so easy. She dove beneath the water this time, determined that she would come up with a prize or wouldn't come up at all. She moved her nose about in the water, her eyes open against the weight of the water, blurring and barely visible as she snapped about. She was running out of ear when something teased against her lips, she pried open her jaws slowly and breathed in the tiniest amount of water, pulling the seaweed towards her. Her head thrashed to the surface and she choked on the water she had inhaled, careful to keep the seaweed to the side of her jaw as cleared her airways and turned back to the boy, triumphant ? he had gotten one first, yes, but she had gotten their in the end.




10-27-2014, 10:37 PM

[Image: mipief.png]

Eyes were wide, shock. Why was he here? He had just been attacked by one of these beasts and now. He had touched her. Muscles were stiff, trembling as he took a cautious step back. What was wrong with him!! Eyes would remain wide, another step back and he would almost fall off the edge of the drop off, forepaw hitting the rocks and skittering off as he tried to put weight on it and the ground gave out beneath him. Forequarters would drop suddenly before he would back up. She had her head under water as she continued to try and fish for the seaweed bulbs and he would back up slowly, long legs pulling him back to shore quickly while still managing to move at a fairly slow pace. All the while aqua gaze would study her, watch her as her head thrashed around beneath the surface of the water. For a moment he would stand in the shallows, watching her fish. She would break the surface again with a bulb in her mouth just like the one he held tightly in his own. She looked so proud but again his vision was hard, violent. Eyes were narrowed, watery blood flowing from his neck as he watched her. Why was he here? Why was he enjoying this. Lips would curl slowly, dropping the seaweed to the ground and shaking his head slowly. The world tottered beneath him. Tipping and for a moment he would sway before opening his eyes and turning abruptly. This had been a stupid idea. There was no way he could teach her how to apply the seaweed, why would she want to anyways? She would probably just try and take a chunk out of his neck as soon as let her near it anyways.

Massive paws would pull him out of the water, head dipping to grab his scarf. He needed to go see Ojise, needed to consult with the goddess. He felt more confused then when he had been attacked then the found by his brother. He felt lost. Was everything he knew wrong? The didn't have violent wolves here, there was no war, no hatred, nothing. Once his uncle had tried to claim the goddess's land as his own but the elders had stopped him. There was no anger here and yet that was what he felt as he turned to focus icy gaze back upon the woman. She had smelt of Shai. Maybe he would know more. But then... Why had Shai been around a northerner in the first place? Especially after Skah had been attacked only yesterday. For a moment he would stand at the shore, regarding her cooly as scarf dangled from his jaws. Why was he here? He might be on temporary absence from his job because of his injuries but that didn't mean he was no longer the protector of the Aika. He had to get back. He would turn deafly, moving with long strides and slipping into the forestry's shadows. He had to warn the Aika, this woman was too close. They had to move the tribe. He would head north first, towards the land bridge before he would begin to loop back around towards the pack in hopes that if she did follow him she might loose his scent before following him home. He didn't want to fight her, he was in no condition too and the Aika didn't condone violence but he would keep his home safe.

-exit Skah-

" This is my speaking color woop. speaking"

Table by Tempy. Art by Tatchit. <3


Motif I


4 Years
10-27-2014, 10:48 PM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2014, 10:48 PM by Motif I.)

The pride of her catch would be utterly ruined as she looked up and found that her new friend was backing away from her. It seemed that her time in proving herself was up, and somehow she had failed. She watched him, without moving with a defeated set to her shoulders. She was beginning to like this boy, she was having fun here! What had happened, where had she gone wrong? Was it her pride, she had been so determined to win the game that she hadn't stopped to think if maybe her actions where wrong to the boy. She had snapped at the water, and kicked out at it, had that been seen as aggressive to his eyes? She found her golden tones blurring and blinked furiously as she watched his departing form. He stopped leaving when he reached the shore, pausing to pick up his scarf and look back at her. A part of her wanted to look away, hide the sudden hurt she was feeling, but still even now her pride forced her to raise her head and meet his gaze squarely. Let him run, if that was his choice then so be it. And run he did, turning from her he departed, and she struggled to hold onto her feelings of indifference.
