
i can't stop drinking about you


10-26-2014, 07:45 PM

[Image: mipief.png]

He could barely stand, could barely drag himself away from the the land bridge. Blood dripped from various wounds on his body, the worst coming from the side of his neck right above his collar bone. Flesh was torn and ripped, shredded noting muscular or neurological but he already knew it would scar. She had, luckily, missed his jugular and his artery. He had fled rather then fought, had attempted to get away from her rather then defend himself and this is what had happened to him. He felt like crap, he was tired and dizzy and he could barely keep himself awake even as he tried to walk. He needed to make it back to the oracle's den, she would know what to do. But he no longer even know if he was going in the right direction. Somewhere in his mind he recognized that there was something green around him, that the ground was soft beneath his paws. But all he could do was try and keep walking. He felt like he was constantly about to fall, body falling forward before his paws would come forward to catch himself and shift his weight forward again. His breath came in gasps, wheezing and hissing through his teeth as he ground his teeth together against the pain. His ears were folded back, pinned to his skull. Where was he even going? Head would tip back, a short gasp of a howl escaping his throat with a single message. 'Shai.' His voice would cut off quickly and he would cough painfully, eyes squeezing shut. Would he come?

" This is my speaking color woop. speaking"

Table by Tempy. Art by Tatchit. <3




8 Years
Extra large
10-26-2014, 07:59 PM

Skah had left the oracle in capable hands, not a hair on her sweet head had been touched during the time that Shai had to oversee her. He?d found that their relationship was easy, they?d only really talked a couple of times, but he felt that much closer to the goddess during those three days. He?d sigh softly as he let himself start to unwind. Skah would be back anytime to collect the woman from him, and oddly Shai could easily say he was ready. The rest of his life had opened up when Skah took the duty he?d longed for, now as he played guardian he realized how important that was for him. He had a future, his life was not devoted to the Aika.
The sound of his brother?s call would interrupt all of his thoughts, they would scatter like a herd of deer. Ears would perk and his relaxed form would stiffen as he pushed his massive frame from the ground. There was something obviously very wrong, the voice would cut off suddenly and he knew from the tone that his brother was not alright. Hurriedly he would rush towards the sound, his long legs taking massive strides as he raced to find Skah within the bamboo forest.
The scent of blood would lead him to his giant brother?s side, the sight of him horrific as Shai moved to support him. Terror would race through his blood as he tried to comprehend his brother?s injuries. "Skah!" He would yell, frightened for his sibling. He?d move to support his brother?s weight, eager to take him from this place and get him somewhere he could recover.

"Yoruban" "English"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


10-26-2014, 10:31 PM
Skah Adeyemi

He felt dizzy, his vision constantly switching between tunnelling and blurring out completely. His equilibrium struggled to keep him straight and it seemed that every few steps the world would slant and he would have to follow it to stay up before righting himself. It was on one of these many slants that he would hit something solid. Shai? No. Bamboo.It supported him for a moment, bending a bit under his weight as he rested there. All he could hear was the pounding of his own heart, all he could feel was heat. There was no pain, not yet. There was enough adrenaline coursing through his veins still that he couldn't feel the pain but it was also doing a good amount to hinder his walk. The massive male pushed himself off the bamboo and almost careened off in another random direction before he finally found his sea legs and started off in? Hell he didn't know where he was going anymore. But then pressure, a voice? He would blink, aqua eyes trying to focus as he ceased movement and stood for a moment. Without swaying? Weird.. What changed? Skull turned languidly and he his vision would be filled with black white and blue. What?

It took his mind a long time to comprehend what was happening, he felt so tired. His head would flop suddenly, dropping lazily and at a rather awkward angle over his brother's back just behind his shoulder blades. A heart beat. Was he not leaning against bamboo? Warmth? He stood a moment longer, blinking before his vision would begin to return and he realized where the black, white and blue was coming from. Shai! Immediately his head would snap up as if coming to his senses, fuck had he gotten blood on his brother's feathers? "Sh?Shai..." He could barely choke out his brother's name, his voice felt strained, throat parched and harsh. His mind was reeling, racing. Had he called for his brother? Why was he here? Shouldn't he be looking after the oracle? What was happening? He leaned heavily on his brother. "Back to... Aika. Not safe." He would force the words past thick tongue but make no move. Where was he even? He would look around, confusion obvious on his features. Where was he? "Shai..." His voice was a whisper, he wanted to ask things but his mind was racing and sluggish at the same time. He felt lost. Blood still dripped from his neck, it had slowed during his walk but it was still bleeding. Fuck he would kill himself if he got any blood on his brothers blue fabrics or feathers.


Art & table by Layla/fiftyblackroses




8 Years
Extra large
10-26-2014, 10:56 PM

His brother was injured, and bad, Shai could see at his approach the blood dripping from his brother?s wounds. The decorated wolf would not know how deep the gashes were, or how much blood he?d lost, but he knew that he had to get Skah to help and quick. He didn?t know how sound he was, but his voice seemed to still be working. He was on his feet when he?d found him but it didn?t seem like that would be the norm for very long. The words would hit him like a ton of bricks ?not safe?. The Aika was not safe, and they needed to get back to her immediately. Panic would fill Shai as he supported his brother?s weight. He was the heavier one and Shai knew the trip back would be difficult. He had to do it though, Skah needed him to be strong.
"Shhh..." He?d hush his brother, he needed to save his strength. "Lean on me, I?ll get you back to the Aika." He would shift himself under Skah so he could better drag him back. Letting loose a howl he?d call for help in advance, his giant form carrying himself and Skah back to the tribe.

"Yoruban" "English"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


10-26-2014, 11:15 PM
Skah Adeyemi

Shai's voice would finally slither through his haze, a silencing sound that hushed his erratic mind. It soothed him, calmed him and slowly his almost frantic breathing would slow to a more normal pace. For a moment he would stand, eyelids fluttering open and closed before ending at a half open position and studying his surroundings groggily. He still struggled to hear much past the pounding of his heart in his ears. Shai spoke again and again Skah's skull would loll and flop so he leaned against his brother his head head draped over the other male's back. There was so much green here? Why couldn't he focus? Akia. That word broke through and then they were moving. Pierced ears flicked forward and he forced himself to lift his skull. Paws would shuffle forward, retaining his most basic motor skills. He would allow Shai to go forward a bit more, flopping his head on his brother's back. He could walk in his weird almost falling then catching himself motion but it was the direction his struggled with. He used Shai to ground himself, focus him on the hear and now. His eyes would flutter open and closed again. "How? is Akia, and you? While I was gone?" God he felt like an idiot, barely able to form coherent sentences. He wanted to slap himself, a small past of his mind still conscious of what he was doing and that little part shook it's head at his stupidity.

The last thing Skah wanted to do was look like an idiot in front of his brother whom he had idolized his entire life. But then again he was already stumbling along with his head and neck resting along his brother's spine. Probably stepping on his hind paws every so often. Honestly Skah had no idea what was going on. He needed Shai to speak, to ground him further to the here and now. He needed to stay awake more then anything else.


Art & table by Layla/fiftyblackroses




8 Years
Extra large
10-26-2014, 11:51 PM

He would hear as Skah?s breathing would take on a more natural rhythm, though it was obvious that Skah was not in his right mind. He was draped sadly over his tall back, lolling helplessly as he tried to keep control of his limbs in vain. Shai would feel a surge of adrenaline rush over his body as he realized the gravity of the situation. Skah could be dying.
The similarly tall man would appear to find himself then, awareness coming back as his charge was mentioned. Still, his brother was struggling and obviously using Shai as a crutch. Words would be forced again as they went forward, asking of he and the oracle.
Though Shai was sure his brother should have been conserving his strength he also knew that words of his beloved charge would keep him centered. "Not a hair on her head has been touched. She is safe, brother." He?d pause his speach as he tried to pick up the pace a little, doing his best to supprt the majority of his brother?s form. "I?m doing well," he?d grunt, focusing on the task at hand and hoping that the others would arrive soon. "You haven?t missed much here." Though he wanted badly to hear his brother?s story, the danger that lurked beyond he knew Skah should not be talking.

"Yoruban" "English"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


10-27-2014, 12:16 AM

[Image: mipief.png]

Funny. The thought of dying had never really crossed his mind, had never even come to his mind for a moment and yet here his brother was. Did Skah think himself invincible? No, not in the slightest. Maybe it was too soon, he couldn't die yet. He hadn't even been protecting the Oracle when he had been attacked. How stupid would that be. Shai's voice would slip in and out of Skah's mind. Sometimes he would hear what his brother was saying and sometimes he wouldn't. He chuckled, the low baritone sound rumbling up his throat even as he groggily followed Shai like a baby elephant might follow it's mother. Eyes would only remain open half the time. Haven't missed much. "I walked by the land bridge? She attacked me. Akia said not to fight. can't show tricks? I tried to run..." His voice was horse, scratchy in his throat as he spoke but he would try and speak. Somewhere in his mind he noticed Shai speeding up. He too a couple of uncertain steps, almost falling as he tried to match his brothers pace but soon enough he found the new rhythm. "Your butt feels nice..." He murmured, voice barely a whisper as he repositioned his face so his cheek pressed against to top his his brothers lower back along his spine. Eyes were barely ever open anymore. God he just wanted to sleep so badly...

" This is my speaking color woop. speaking"

Table by Tempy. Art by Tatchit. <3



10-27-2014, 08:29 AM

She had heard his cry. It was almost ignored it had been so soft and weak. But something was wrong, she could feel. After a moment of hesitation she would break into a run. It was hard to pinpoint where he was at, his call had not been loud enough to give a clear direction. Ashen paws struck the earth, nostrils flared to grab at the wind in search of Skah. The closer she got, to heavier his blood clung to the air. Blood. Her heart would skip a heat, fear rising in her throat. Long legs would stretch, trying desperately to cover more ground. Claws dug into the earth, gripping and pulling her forward, her muscles quietly protested, but where pushed aside.

Two figures began to creep closer, immediately she would recognize them as Shai and Skah. She would slow as she got closer, finally coming to a halt. Her gaze would shift back and forth between them. Skah leaned against his brother, barely aware of his surroundings. Blood dripped heavily from his neck, the worst of his wounds. She struggled to get a hold of the fear that rose, threatening to overcome her. She would step forward, looking at Shai but moving towards Skah. "Skah lay down." Her voice as surprisingly steadily. She would press her smaller form against his, guiding him to the ground, not giving him any options. "Shai, I need you to find me horsetail, wintergreen and trillium, please." She was by no means a healer, she knew next to nothing about herbs, but she did know what could be used to treat wounds, later she would drag him to a healer. Her gaze would lift from Skah, to his brother, urging him to go, it would take some time to locate the herbs.




8 Years
Extra large
10-27-2014, 09:57 AM

Skah would weakly continue the conversation, though Shai was wary of his continued speaking he was glad for the information given to him. Worriedly he?d continue on, hoping that the rest of the tribe would soon be in their midst. They needed to know of this brutality. Shai could almost not make out the words his brother offered, but slowly they had come, and he?d know the truth. He?d do his best to support Skah, the change in pace obviously affecting his littermate, but he held fast. Skah would find the rhythm, and almost absentmindedly mutter about Shai?s rear end. He?d not pause, but he?d turn and glance back at his lucid brother.
He?d reposition himself again and Shai would realize they wouldn?t make it much further in his condition. That?s when their savior arrived. The pale form of Gwena would be a welcomed addition as she rushed to their side. She would come to a stop before them, her eyes taking in the dire situation before she?d step forward and take control. She?d take Skah?s heavy form from him, instructing the wounded beast to lay down while she would demand herbs from himself. Field medic training seemed to be kicking in. He would nod, saying nothing but giving another glance at his brother. ?hang in there Skah..? He?d think before leaping off, worry evident in his gate as he took off quickly, knowing that finding these plants in the autumn would be hard.

"Yoruban" "English"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


10-27-2014, 12:29 PM

[Image: mipief.png]

Shai wouldn't humour his delusional words, wouldn't respond to his speaking. But then again even if Shai had replied Skah doubted he would hear is words over the heavy drumming of his own pulse in his ears. Skah knew that he was probably wasting his breath speaking, tiring himself out even more but it helped hi concentrate and try and stay awake. He felt so tired? Suddenly they would stop and there was warmth on his other side as her upper shoulder pressed into the muscle of his mid shoulder. Thankfully her height kept her from touching his neck wound directly but blood would trickle and dribble onto her grey coat. Oops. He would lean more onto her, releasing Shai from beneath his weight and transferring to Gwena. That alone proved to be too much for him as shaky legs trembled and he folded uselessly to the ground. Paws would splay before he would drop like a rag doll to his left. Yes. Sleep sounded about right. Eyes would flutter close but breath would remain steady. The ground felt like it was tilting and tottering beneath him. "Heeeeyyy Gwena. Whats up?" His words were a soft whisper a mumble that rolled off his tongue. Everything felt funny...

" This is my speaking color woop. speaking"

Table by Tempy. Art by Tatchit. <3



10-27-2014, 12:44 PM

Skahs weight would transfer to her, his mass nearly squishing her. Luckily she didn't have to hold him up for long. He would slump to the ground in an ungraceful heap. Shai would take off without a word, leaving them alone. His eyes would flutter close, mumbled words barely audible. A faint smirk would lift the corners of her lips, even on the brink of death he could find a way to amuse her. "Skah, I need you to look at me. Open your eyes." Her voice was soft, though her demand was clear. She would nudge him, jostling his limp form. His blood had stained to her try pelt, the crimson color starkly contrasting her monochromatic coloring. Her crown would lower, her tongue gently cleaning his wound while she waited. A forepaw would lift, pressing lightly on the area behind his shoulder, keeping him place in case he decided he didn't like her tending to his wounds.

Her gaze would flicker to her face, ensuring that he stayed awake. "Skah, tell me what happened." His name fell easily from her lips, trying to pull his attention to her. His bleeding had slowed, but the drying blood matted his thick fur. She noted that his scarf was missing. Had he lost it or simply left it behind before his adventure? Small wounds decorated the rest of his body, though they were only superficial wounds. His blood was unpleasantly tangy against her tongue, she hated seeing him so wounded. Worry say heavily in her belly, pulling her ears back against her skull. "Skah." Again she would jostle him, determined to keep him awake and focused on her.



10-27-2014, 05:49 PM

[Image: mipief.png]

He felt tired, his eyes glued together. Somewhere through the haze he knew Gwena was talking to him, urging to have him open his eyes but all he could do was smile, the odd expression curling up the edges of his lips. " But I'm tired..." He would mumble, refusing to open his eyes though now it was more to be oppositional then because he couldn't. He would lay motionless, feeling pressure beside the heat of his neck. And then the pain. Her tongue rasped against the ragged and ripped flesh of his neck and immediately his eyes would fly wide. He found clarity in the pain but muscles would clench and teeth against the pain. " FUCK SAKES GWEN! I wanted to die peacefully in my sleep not painfully!!!" He growled, lifting his head to glare daggers at her before tossing his head back down quite over dramatically. She asked him what happened and he would grit his teeth, trying to remember. Where was he? Why was he here? The bamboo forest? This wasn't close to home was it? "I got blind sided by a northerner..." His voice would trail off as his icy gaze would travel around and look at their surroundings curiously. Where was Shai? Vaguely he remembered calling for his brother, worrying about his feathers. But where was he now? Why was Gwena here?

" This is my speaking color woop. speaking"

Table by Tempy. Art by Tatchit. <3




10-27-2014, 09:01 PM

Unknown to all, the brown little warrior set off to test her tracking skills. Oh yes, today she would track down one of her older brothers and tackle him! Tracking and ambushing, both very important things to learn. And well everyone else seemed too busy to teach her at the moment she she would just have to take it upon herself and teach herself! Shai would be the first of the two older brothers' scent she would pick up. Tail waved up in the air with excitement as she charged forwards, the scent growing stronger, propelling her to move faster. But oh she did not forget about moving silently! Oh no, she would never loose her skill is having soft paws. Oh no she took too much pride in herself to allow herself to go crashing through their home like some untrained pup on it's first day out of the den.

For a moment she grin would vanish. She never met her real mother and always did wonder what she would have been like. How life might have been different if she was still alive. But alas there was nothing she could do, her mother's death had given her life. And for that Tiva would always and forever to grateful to the mother she never knew. Twitching her cream tipped ears she focused back on the trail, now hot on Shai's tail. But quickly in became mixed with others and a sickening smell that only made her freeze and want to run in fear. Gwena was there and her other brother Skah and a heavy odor of blood. Her fur around her nape bristled in fear but she slowly made herself move forwards.

What greeted her brown and green orbs was something of the impossible to her. Skah laid there wounded, badly wounded. How could it be? He was invisible! He was her hero! Who could out do her older brother?! A few blinks of her eyes till she could get a grip of herself, and the yearling rushed over.What can I do to help? I can find spiderwebs to help soak up and stop the bleeding?Her voice shook but her eyes glowed with determination. She would do anything to help a tribe member, specially that of her direct family.

"Burn Baby Burn"


10-27-2014, 10:04 PM

He would protest, keeping his eyes closed. She would shake her head, an unamused smile lifting the corner of her lips. She would shake him some more but to no avail. It wasn't until she pressed her tongue to his wound that he came to life. His eyes flew open, his entire body going stiff. He would spit curses, and her sides would shake with quiet laughter. He was going to be just fine. "Shut up Skah, you aren't going to die." She continued to clean the injury, waiting for Shai to return. Ears would perk as he spoke again, speaking of northerns. Her body would still, her cleaning stopped. He had been attacked by a northern, without reason. Shaking off the feeling of dread, she would return her attention to him. Despite his sudden burst of clarity, he would still be weak and need tending to.

But instead of Shai, Tiva would arrive. The girls voice shook, silently begging to help in some wait. Peering over at the girl, she would give her gentle instructions. "Go find me some moss, and soak it with water, I need to clean this better." She would offer a comforting smile, knowing that she was probably having a small panic attack over her brothers condition. Returning back to Skah, she would begin to clean the fur around his wound, smoothing it out of the way so she could cleanse it with some water before applying the herbs. Her gaze would dart back and forth in search of Shai. As soon as Shai was back and she was done, Skah would dragged to den, whether he was willing or not.




8 Years
Extra large
10-27-2014, 10:17 PM

The massive brute had searched for the plants as quickly as he could, but his long stride was forced over much terra to acquire them. He was thankful for his previous training, being able to identify such plants might just save his brother?s life. He?d gather them as quickly as he could, and with no hesitation he would race back to the maze of bamboo where his brother was with Gwena.
Even before he arrived he would realize that Tiva had also made her way to Skah?s side. He still was very much unsure of her and his younger siblings, never having gotten over the thought that they were the reason for their mother?s death. He?d glance at her slightly as his attention would be fully brought to the attention of the determined she wolf at Skah?s side. He?d drop the herbs by her paws and his form would fall to the ground by his litter mate. Shai would offer his comfort as relief would wash over him to see that Skah was looking much more alert now.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]