
What In The Hay Is Goin' On Here!? {Join - Isokan}


10-27-2014, 11:52 PM
Her uncle had left her. It was a slap in the face to the immature girl. He disappeared, and when she saw him, she saw him with some lady who wasn't even her family! Tears were in Aiko's eyes. She was so mad, so heart broken, that the girl had recklessly run off, spending time alone in the North. It would have been a shock to her uncle, he probably thought her incapable of taking care of herself. Sure she got some cuts and whatnot, a few fail hunts and some nights she went to bed hungry but she survived. Though Aiko had wanted to stay angry... she wasn't. There was only hurt. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she padded back to Isokan, the place she had been calling home.

But once she reached the borders the girl stopped, reeling her head up in surprise. What was this? The scent of a stranger marked the border. Not Quelt. What... what happened? A whine would leave her, the childish yearling looking into the territory she should have called home as if it were some foreign object. As if her day couldn't have gotten any worse. Nervously her paws would step away from the border and, summoning her courage, Aiko would call for whomever was in charge of the pack now. She wanted some answers.



4 Years
10-30-2014, 06:44 PM

The woman would approach the borders with valor. Watching the girl who seemed a little bit upset. She was probably an old member if she could guess. Though a small smile crept on her face for the yearling, probably one of Quelts children. While Quelt was no longer here, she hoped that this interaction wouldn't turn out badly. After all, she was always worried about being a good leader, even in her crippled state.
"My name is Arian, Soul and alphess of these lands, how may I help you?" she asked her scarred face staring at Aiko. Hopefully her scars didn't scare her away either. Though right now maybe she was just being a little paranoid. Arian settled herself and listened quietly.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


11-05-2014, 02:11 PM

Aiko would lift her head as the approach of another was noticed, her ears lowering against her head. Who was this lady? She?d never met her before... But how she walked... Was this the new leader? The black furred yearling would take a step back, uncertainty in her gaze as she looked at the alphess. She looked a bit intimidating... But she had seen Quelt get scars too. A wolf might be scared, but that did not mean that they were bad, nor did it mean that they were truly of an aggressive nature either. A deep frown on her face the yearling would regard the new alphess with uncertainty... Though she knew simply running away would get her any answers. If she left... She might not ever find out what happened to Quelt and the remainder of Isokan.

A sigh would leave Aiko?s lips as she stood a bit straighter, trying to use at least some of the manners Allen had desperately tried to teach her. ?Umm.. Yes... Well you see...? The girl would take a breath, shuffling on her paws. ?I used to live here... But... Um... Could you tell me what happened? I mean, can you tell me what happened, please?? She didn?t like any of this at all. First her uncle was going to bring that lady here... And then he was going to leave them... It was all a mess. She felt like her whole life was taken and once more turned upside down as the gods shook it like some play thing.

It was not at all a pleasant feeling.



4 Years
11-05-2014, 03:21 PM

Arian frowned at the girl, she was obviously flustered and a little confused hell maybe a little more than a little. Her ears fluttered to edge of her skull as Arian crouched towards the girl, she was obviously a Walker. "Quelt felt like he could no longer lead.... no longer be with Irune. So he gave the pack to me, everyone didn't like the thought of being under someone who was not Quelt so they left. I'm your cousin. Ixionn your brother still remains in the pack and is going to be the heir, but I'm afraid your sister Renhet is nowhere to be seen. Both Quelt and Allen have gone back to Abaven with their new mates." Arian explained to the girl. Waiting a moment since it was a lot to take in.
"You're still welcome here little one. The pack is a family, maybe not by blood, but I'd protect you and help you learn what you want." Arian said softly her crystal eyes looking at the small girl.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


11-13-2014, 11:54 AM
So that was it then? Quelt felt he could no longer lead them and her uncle had truly left. Renhet was missing too. Aiko felt her heart ache. Her family... what had been left of it... was falling apart again. To make matters worse his uncle wasn't just into that other woman she was his mate. She felt bitterness rise in her heart, along with the hurt, and her gaze would lower to the ground. If her family was falling apart and leaving where did that leave her? What would become of her? She felt so alone... and the black furred girl realized the mistake of clinging just to her uncle. Now she had no one left that she really knew. Sure Ixxion was her brother but... they'd hardly been close.

Aiko just felt like crying. Just breaking down and giving up, right then and there. What was going to become of her now? Arian offered her a place in Isokan once more... it was more than she had to go to anywhere else. She would swallow hard, slowly lifting her head. Her red-orange eyes were misty with the tears that wanted to fall, though she was trying so hard to keep them from doing so.

"I... I wanna stay..." Aiko felt that in the other's leaving without a word to her individually it meant that they didn't care for her anymore. This probably wasn't really the case, but her naive mind would automatically assume the worst. "But... I don't really know... what I'd be good at... my... my uncle had been trying to teach me defenses for battle but that's it. I don't... I don't know anything else." Aiko lowered her gaze again. I'm useless... and they know it.



4 Years
11-13-2014, 08:08 PM

Arian's ear flicked, frowning slightly at the girl. She was not alone, she was not a failure. If she knew anything about hajime, it was that she sure as hell was like him in one way or another. People did leave often, Arian had been in that place, had felt useless, had felt like it was her fault. So she inched closer, and licked the girl over the top of her head.
"You must not worry Aiko. We can try all sorts of things until we find something you like. Would you like to go on some herb hunting trips with me?" she asked smiling brightly at the child. She wanted her to feel welcome, because that was all Isokan was about.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


11-17-2014, 03:11 PM

Arian's words were comforting, trying to help her fit in, to find hope. Her ears would lift a little, a small nod being given. It was a start, something... a way to include her in some small way. It would lift the naive girl's spirits just a little. She managed a little smile, her tail wagging a tad. "Really?" Arian wouldn't replace her uncle, but... maybe she could move on. Get strong in her own way. Arian... could become a bigger part of her family.

Aiko would take a few steps, back into Isokan territory before pausing and looking to Arian once more. "Hey Arian...? I know that Ixxion is training to be the heir... maybe I could... train to be like an assistant to him?" Her gaze would turn back to the woman, displaying a moment of higher maturity that would be expected of a fae her age. She would cling to the family she had left. Isokan was her home... even if Allen wasn't here. Even if Quelt was gone.

"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno