
This life would kill me if I didn't have you



10-28-2014, 04:09 PM

The meeting she had with Taurig was definitely one of unexpected events. She had gone from solid, to insanity, to rage, then a complete, tearful breakdown, only to end up being consumed with nostalgia before falling back into reality. What a roller coaster she had been on, especially in just one afternoon. Sibelle had arrived, with her chilled personality and desire to save Maija in case she did anything stupid. Maija had been rescued...something she would never think would happen.
As they left the clearing where it all went down, Maija was lost in her thoughts. Taurig returning had made her reality simply break apart, but to know that he wanted to let her go...was something she never thought would happen. The golden beauty knew that he still loved her, but how he acted confused her in more than one way. Just the mere image of him made her stomach twist into knots. Her once cobalt king was now a former lover.
They reached the dens that Sibelle had mentioned, a place that Maija had never visited. She had only been to the Woods a couple of times, but never as deep as they had gone. Once Sibelle stepped into her den, Maija slowly followed. It was big enough for two grown wolves and some extra height space. Maija didn't feel like she would suffocate and comfortably reclined on her haunches. "Your home is...lovely," she admitted, tones evident of her exhaustion from the drama earlier that day.

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10-28-2014, 04:37 PM
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They would leave the clearing behind, Taurig having departed earlier. She would lead them back to her den where she would slip in first, followed closely by her sister. She would lay down, making herself comfortable as the other woman did the same. Her sister would comment about her and she would wrinkle her nose with distaste. "My home." Her tone was bitingly sarcastic, her singular eye blazing. This was just too much. "In case you haven't noticed, my [i]husband and children are missing."[/b] She finally allowed the anger to surface. She had not spent any time with Cru since she had run into Taurig, and even then their meeting had been fleeting. He and their children remained tucked away in a separate den. She had no idea when they would return, or if they ever would return. The anger and hurt burned like fire in her veins. She had been picking up the pieces alone, piecing her memories back together little by little, though it was better now, she wasn't quite so lost. She knew exactly who she was. It was her lover than she questioned. He had been distant, almost as though he had resented her for what had happened, like she had left their home with the intention to be kidnapped. Her gaze was averted, glaring at the wall of her den. She wasn't entirely sure if her anger was amplified by her brother or simply because of her mates lack of support. Audits pulled back against her skull, emotions stewing dangerously. This shouldn't have been about her, she should be focused on her sister and her troubles.

"Burn Baby Burn"



10-28-2014, 04:44 PM

She could hear and see the hurt that rang in every part of her. Maija didn't know that Sibelle was going through so much; probably why she had come to see if she was all right. Being a prisoner wasn't her choice; how her mate acted once she returned wasn't her fault, either. She folded her front paws beneath her chest, making it fluff out like a kitty's. Leaf-green gaze focused on Sibelle and she scooted a bit closer to the wall in case her sister decided to blow up and pace.
"What exactly happened when you got home?" She knew asking her that would cause something inside Sibelle to break, but better she let it out than keep it in. Maija had already formed an opinion of Crucifix the first time; now, she was sure it would come back and prove how right she had been. Of course, she wouldn't say this to her sister. She had been there to save her from possibly doing something with Taurig; now, it was time for her to keep Sibelle from drowning.

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10-28-2014, 04:57 PM

Her sister gave her space, which was appreciated. She didn't know if she would explode or not, but the anger and hurt had been building, locked away inside her, clawing at its cage to get out. And all it took was a simple question. Her posture stiffened, eye narrowed to a slit. Her hackles shot to the sky, muscles trembled with the urge to rip into something without remorse. Her sister wanted to know what had happened. "I didn't remember a thing. I had such a bad concision there were gaps in my memories. But when I saw my kids, bits and pieces came flooding back. I was able to piece things together." it had been a tough time. "Cru and kids moved into a separate den, he seemed to think that time alone would help." Lips curled back to reveal daggers thirsty for blood. "I haven't seen him. Not one fucking time." Her words came out in a venomous hiss. Her toes flexed, nails scraping against the floor of her den. He had gone too far this time, keeping her children from him. Resentment suddenly flared so high it was suffocating. The urge to rush into battle was overwhelming. A newfound power flowed freely through her veins. Her gaze would finally flicker back to Maija, her singular optic held something new, something dangerous.

"Burn Baby Burn"



10-28-2014, 05:09 PM

Maija could relate to the anger that came spouting from Sibelle. She had dealt with such emotions when she realized Taurig would not be returning. The anger, pain, and desperation for it to be a lie had built up over time, creating a ball inside of her that had taken over the good Taurig had helped produce within her. Now, as she watched her sister explain everything and how she had been isolated, it made her feel empathy. She wanted to help make the situation better...but how?
Slowly, she rose to her paws, maintaining her weight before taking a few steps back. Just in case Sibelle wanted to race within the den or outside, she wanted to be ready for either situation. "I cannot believe that he would do this, especially after you just getting back and not remembering most things." Her tail ticked behind her, aggravation etching itself into her features. "He should think of what may be going through your mind, take a moment to step into your pawprints..." Her brown furrowed. "You need his presence now more than ever...not to mention your children."

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10-28-2014, 08:53 PM

Maija would rise, seeming unsure of what to do with herself. But she paid no mind to her, only when she spoke did her attention settle. Angry words would spill from golden lips, along with disbelief. It was nice to have her sisters support, not that she ever doubted having it. Aggravation was evident in the golden woman's features as she spoke the obvious. Her body still trembled with pent up anger and distress. How had she fallen so far? How had she allowed such thing to happen? She had been raised better than this. Even her bastard father had taught her a thing or two. And now she had fallen, fallen from her throne. She had become a disgrace. But no longer, she was back. She was back with a vengeance, things were going to change. And whether or not those changes would be for the better was still unknown. But no longer did the unknown deter her.

Her attention would snap as soon as her sister said she needed him. And that was the end of it. She rose in a single fluid movement. Legs lifting with a new found grace. Muscles rippled beneath her pelt as she moved. "No. No I do not need him." Words fell from her lips like silk, dripping from her lips. She didn't need anyone. Her tail lashed back and forth behind her. Decisions needed to be made. She refused to remain the shell she had become. No longer would she mope about, or let some man bring her down. She was a queen, a fighter, and a mother. She would be damned if anyone dared to stand in her way.

"Burn Baby Burn"



10-28-2014, 09:19 PM

Right then, Maija knew that she had made her sister madder. Nevertheless, she thought it looked pretty good on her. The fire had returned to her sister's eyes, the burning rage that usually faded after a few days spent doing things that distracted her. A smile began to appear on Maija's face as she watched the russet fur across Sibelle's body heat up in color. The Armada gene was becoming more obvious now more than ever.
"You're right about that!" she exclaimed, tones brimming with confidence and support for her darling sister. "You have been under other people's paws for too long, keeping your opinions to yourself and refraining from doing things you wanted to do." Her voice became soft and dangerous, but in a good way for Sibelle. "You are strong, you are independent, you are...someone who doesn't need to depend on someone else for your own happiness." Maija's leaf-green eyes flashed. "You have been through hell and have come back wiser, have seen things that others would only dream about." She took a step towards Sibelle and rubbed her nose into her neck fur. "You are an amazing woman, mother, and sister, Sibelle. Don't let anyone ever take that away from you." Slowly, the golden bitch was coming back to her senses.

speech here


10-28-2014, 10:05 PM

She took no note of her sisters smile, or the eagerness she seemed to express. She would listen, allowing her sisters words to fuel her fire. Tones were soft and dangerous, painting a picture she found rather alluring. Her sister would step forward, pressing cool nose into the fur of her neck. A smile would begin to curl her lips, though it was wicked. She felt refreshed. Revitalized and ready to take on the world. It course through her veins. "You're right." Her sharp gaze would flicker to the golden woman, eyes bright with new determination. Things were going to change. She was sure of that. She was ready to stretch her legs, and extend the reach of her power once more. She was done between held beneath everyones paw. Jaws would unhinge, an eery smile lifting tattered lips. Her haunches would once again lower, her body steadily relaxing. Tomorrow, things were going to be shaken up and turned upside down. "Don't let my brother ruin things for you." Her gaze would soften only for her sister, searching her face for any signs of weakness that her brother may have caused. No longer would stand for men ruining their lives and causing such hardships. It was time they got better. They deserved better.

"Burn Baby Burn"



10-28-2014, 10:39 PM

The love that Sibelle had for her made Maija feel more needed than before. She had never had a constant person in her life, even when she had been married to Dragomir. There was never anyone she could run to, confide in, or trust beyond her own shell of a body. Now, years later, after two husbands and two separate litters, she had Sibelle. The woman had been at her side since she started seeing Taurig (secretly, mind you) and stayed there even after things fell apart between her and the disclaimed Armada. Maija was brimming with pride and contentedness, two things she only felt for her children after her marital affairs fell apart.
"I won't," she softly said, tones mirroring the smile that had gently faded from the drop of adrenaline in her veins. "No matter how much he tempts me..." Her confession was one she had felt earlier, before Sibelle had appeared to save her. A gentle sigh slipped from her lips and she watched her beloved sister as she said, "Sibelle...Neo hasn't been around for a few weeks...He didn't even appear for the birthing of our daughter..." Her high on danger receded and she softly blinked her eyes. "I hope he is all right..."

Talk like this


11-03-2014, 07:49 PM

Her sisters would fire would recede, though hers remained brewing beneath the surface. Brows would lift as the golden woman admitted to the temptation her brother still held. That explained the little scene she had come across earlier. She was about to speak when her sister spoke of Neo. Concern etched into her features as she spoke of her lover. He had been gone so long that he missed the birth of their child. "I'm sure he's fine." She didnt know what to say. What could have possibly called him away that was so urgent he would miss the birth of his own child? She desperately hoped that he had no simply used her dear sister, she had experienced far to much heart ache. "Taurig is staying in Solstice." She thought the golden woman might want to know such things on the chance that she came to visit again, or brought her child to play with her own. Again she would lower herself onto her belly, stretching languidly across the den floor.

"Burn Baby Burn"



11-06-2014, 02:41 PM

Their eyes met and Maija hoped that Sibelle's words rang true. If something happened to Neo, to the future that they had been planning, then she wouldn't know what to do. Aside from being tempted to fall over the brink of insanity, she had her daughter to think about. Selfishness was something she hadn't done in a long time. Why start now when her small world was still growing up? For now, Maija would put Neo on the back burner. No use in worrying when she couldn't find him.
As Sibelle lowered herself to the floor, she gave Maija some unsurprising news. Her former lover and mate was staying within Solstice. At first, all she did was blink and not say a word. Finally, she moved to the ground and stretched out her front legs. "I figured he would remain here with you, Sib." Her words were soft, Romanian accent tenderly wrapping around them. "When I saw him after so long...everything came crashing down. I thought he was a ghost, then I became shocked...angry...and then realized I still want him." As soon as the last few words left her mouth, she physically reacted. Ears flattened to her skull, she closed her eyes from self made shame, and her tail curled tightly against her hips. "Despite all the hurt, all the pain, all the heartache, he has been one of the best things to walk into my life..."

"You're gonna hear me roar"