
far too young to die



7 Years
10-28-2014, 08:02 PM (This post was last modified: 11-04-2014, 06:49 PM by Natalya.)
Pups have a week to post here. There will be a short lesson on basic healing and quick, 2 round practice fights. One pup will either have to fight twice (these would probably just be Nat's kids, for matching reasons) or take on two at once (I would say Aura & Hera should fight together against a Natios pup in this instance since they are youngest) Adults are welcome to join to help supervise!

Also, this is kinda crappy and I apologize.

The pack had taken a few days to get to know the lands and settle in. Those days had been quiet and relaxing, just what they needed after a long journey. The time for resting was over, though. The pack members needed to start training, hunting, and recruiting. They needed to prepare for the wedding and festival they were soon to have. And, now that they were settled and Phoebe's children old enough, the pups needed to start learning what life in Pantheon would truly be like.

As Peltast, Conan would be responsible for training the wolves of the pack over a year old in fighting skills, but not for the basic training of young pups. She would, of course, invite him to assist if he desired, but she did not want to burden him more when he was still adjusting to fatherhood. Children, while a wonderful blessing, could be a lot to handle.

Natalya stood on the edge of the Sycari Strip near the grass of the estuary and called for children to join her, an invitation open to the rest of the pack as well. She was looking forward to finally having an opportunity to see the children of her family develop their skills for the future.


Thank you, Sea, for this gorgeous table! I owe you my life!


10-29-2014, 12:27 PM

Hercules had been studying the many birds that had been within their new claimed home, finding it quite interesting how so many could be in one spot and not seem to break out in fights a lot. It was kind of, odd. Ears perked up at the sound of his mother's call, summoning the children to come and join her as well as an open invitation for others to join. What was she up to? Quickly he rose to his paws, body turning and head off in the direction his voice had come from. In no time he would approach his mother, tail giving a brief swing as he came to a stop in front of her with a small smile and dip of her head, even though he knew she would not be able to see it happen. "Morning ma, what's going on?" He questioned with a tilt of his head.



10-29-2014, 08:10 PM

Things were changing so fast. Too fast in the tiny pups mind, it was difficult for her to adjust and it was all so confusing. All of a sudden she had a Daddy and what she knew as home had been pulled away from her. And now she was forced to live in a desolate world. Though, the crevices in the ground proved to be home to some interesting creature. Paw had swollen from a scorpion sting. The creature had looks so innocent, but when she tried to make friends with it - it stung her! And she just did not understand in her innocent mind why it would when she just wanted to play. She had yet to tell anyone of the incident, and she was on her way to do just that, but a call from her aunt would interrupt that. The pup would hop over to Aunt Nat, it seemed urgent (at least to Aura anyway). Here I am! She would announce with a sort of bubbly happiness. She was always happy to see her family, even if they drug her here to this strange place.

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts



8 Years
Chrono I
10-30-2014, 12:37 PM

Her mother call would drag her along, but no hurry in her step as she came. Sure she wasn't a princess, but the girl was glad to have that sense of power once again after Olympus had fallen. Of course she still wanted to pull those throats of the ones who had basically disowned and disrespected. And she would still see to it that they all got what that deserved.

She would take seat next to Natalya, not giving her an eye or the others that gathered around. She looked forward as if keeping watch over them, but her gaze floated over the land before her. She would only wait for the words her mother requested.

"Take a breath darling, you will get your revenge when time says so."



11-02-2014, 11:18 PM

At Aunt Nat's call Hera immediately jumped up excitedly and started running toward her aunt excitedly. Anything that meant some excitement or something new was great in her book! She could only pester Dad for so long before she got bored. Exploring their new home had taken up a good bit of time, but Momma wouldn't let them go outside the pack lines so even that got old after a while. But now Aunt Nat wanted her! Well, not just her, but her and her sister and her cousins.

She hopped up beside Aura with a happy giggle, her tail wagging a mile a minute. Hercules and Chione were there too and of course Aunt Natalya. She looked around at all of them curiously before plopping down onto her rump beside her sister. Maybe Aunt Nat was going to teach them something? That would be fun! Oooh or maybe they were gonna play a game! She sat quietly to wait, wondering if anyone else would come to play too.




7 Years
11-04-2014, 06:48 PM
OKAY GUYS :) Two rounds for each fight, avoid having your character inflict any actual harm on the other (since they are childrens) unless you want them punished.

The children wasted no time in arriving. All except for Alectrona, her sick daughter, came quickly to her call. First to arrive was Hercules, and she greeted him with a lick on the cheek. "You are beginning your training today, Hercules." Next came a niece. "Hello, Aura," she greeted with a smile. She would plant a nuzzle on Chione's head and greet Hera with a smile when they arrived as well, before getting down to business.

As Poe arrived with a small collection of herbs in his grasp, she cleared her throat. "Children, today you begin your training. Unfortunately your sister and cousin, Alectrona, is too ill to be present today. However, that will make this a little easier. Today I will teach you about the most common medical herbs in our area and their uses, then you will spar each other." She paused, spreading out the plants Poe set before her before gesturing to each in turn and sniffing them to check their identities.

Pointing to the purple (colors for the reference for the pups, obviously she has no idea what they are xD) alfalfa, "This is alfalfa, mainly used to help with weight gain. It generally is not dangerous, except if ingested in large amounts during pregnancy." To the yellow dandelion, "This is dandelion. It is usually used for increasing appetite and fixing digestive issues. It is not known to be harmful." To the orange marigold, "Marigold is applied to heal burns, cuts, bites, and scrapes, and chewing it can help with pain in the gums and throat. This one also is not known to be harmful. These are only the most common in our area, but they are useful for many common ailments and injuries. In future training sessions I will teach you of more of the plants of the continent."

She paused only briefly to give opportunity for questions before continuing. "Now, it is time for your spars. Due to your respective ages and this being your first training, I want each of you to spar your siblings - Hera with Aura, Hercules with Chione. In the future, you will be mixed to create a different challenge. The rules are simple - you will fight until I say you are done, at which point I will give you feedback. You are allowed to attack and defend as you like, but you must not break skin. Stop any attacks before you reach that point, like so." She demonstrated by appearing to strike at the raven standing at her feet, only to slow abruptly as she began to close her jaw around him. Her teeth rested gently on his feathers before she pulled back.

"When you all finally reach the age of one, minor injuries will be permitted without punishment. Now, please take your places with one another and begin. You may decide between yourselves who will make the first move."


Thank you, Sea, for this gorgeous table! I owe you my life!



8 Years
Chrono I
11-11-2014, 12:59 AM

Chione would sit through the herb lesson, not really paying attention. This was more of Alec's deal. Even though her mother came from a family of healer, Chione could care less. She would let a yawn escape her maw, listening to her mother's words and only giving a glance as she named them. But most likely it went through the other ear.

Spars caught her attention, though she wasn't overly excited about it. Neither were really her thing, though she enjoyed getting a bit roughed up. She expected her brother to do better than her, and wouldn't be too disappointed if he was victorious in this "training." And of course Charon was bugging her in the back of her mind to make him bleed like he said about Katja and all those other traitors. But she would do her best to not let him throw her off key.

Chione would take a few steps back, making her spot on the field. She eyed Hercules and no matter if he was prepared or not, she was giving him the first move.

Her front paws both jumped up and planted themselves in the ground for traction. She swiftly parted her hind legs behind her, straightening her tail out with them, and her head lowered, the top of her skull facing him. She was ready. "Bring it." She would softly tone mentioning giving him the floor.


Chione vs. Hercules for Training
I II ???

Attacks: None.

Defenses: Parting of hind legs; planting front paws into ground; head lowered, equal with her spine; Tail stretched for balance

Injuries: None.


12-02-2014, 07:57 PM

Hercules looking to his mother awaiting an answer, head tilting when she told him that he would begin his training today. It may not have been visible to the pups gathered around him but the boy was excited for this, it was something he had been thinking about for a few days now, and was even considering asking his parents soon if it had not been today.

Orange eyes looked to his mother's companion as he flew over, dropping a few plants on the ground. When his mother began to speak he would perk up and give her his full attention. She talked about how today they would begin their training, that Alectrona wouldn't be able to join due to being sick, they would learn about common medical herbs in this area and their uses, then they would spar each other. His ears twitched at the last part, herbs weren't his thing but for awhile now he wanted to learn to fight.

Till they sparred Hercules would act as though he was paying attention to what his mother was describing, taking it in but not fully locking it into his memory. She pointed towards a purple plant, Alfalfa, helps with weight gain, large amounts ingested could be dangerous during pregnancy. He nodded. Yellow plant, Dandelion, increases appetite and fixes digestive problems, not harmful. Head nod. Orange plant, Marigold, heals burns, cuts, bites and scrapes, chewing can help gum and throat pain, not harmful. He nodded one more time, though not paying too much attention to what she said afterwards. There was plenty of time for him to relearn.

Finally it was time to spar! They would spar their siblings, in the future they would be allowed to mix their partners for a challenge. Fight till she says to stop, afterwards she would give feedback, you can attack and defend as you like, they must not break skin, stop any attacks before they reach that point. Natalya would demonstrate then, about to strike her companion with a bit but stopping abruptly when her jaws were about to close on him. Adding onto what she said, the woman explained that minor injuries would be allowed without punishment once they were one, then gave them the go ahead to take their places and begin, they got to decide who started.

- Hercules VS Chione - (first puppy fight!)


Finally Hercules's body began to shift, turning around to face his sister head on. Since his sister didn't immediately go for the attack he would assume she was giving him the first move, to which he nodded his head, preparing himself first to think of what he will do. All four legs spread evenly, legs angling towards his body with paws slightly out. Toe flexed while his tail rose and smoothed out along with his neck, legs bending twice as he thought of a move.

Now. The boy pushed forward, going for a head-on attack, movement about steady with a jog. He approached, head lifting and chin tucking into his chest. What he would try, once he was almost touching noses with her, was bring his head forward then downward in a headbutt. The force wasn't too great since he didn't want to give himself a headache, just enough to try and push the girl back. With his head trying to come down on hers his jaws parted, aiming to bite the front portion of her shoulder where his legs would then angle back to pull him away. If successful his shoulder bite would hold as he pulled back and to the left, trying to pull her down.




8 Years
Chrono I
12-03-2014, 12:59 AM

Chione would eye her brother as he... jogged. Why was he jogging? She had watched the Olympus challenge and surely they did not take their time.  But soon he would approach her and head butt her!


She whined as she drew her head up from the impact. But he took the moment to lunge for her shoulder, and grabbed hold exactly where he planned to. He was very gentle, he kept hold but it was easy for him not to draw her blood. Chione would never understand.

He tried to pull her down, her right paw lunged forward from the pull,  but she was able to keep herself up. She tried to part her hind legs to keep a better balance and pushed her tail back up in the air.

She then tried to give a bite to his right shoulder, right in the front where his chest was so she could try and wrap her mouth around both sides. Though,  if she was able to bite, it was probably a little to hard and might have gave him tiny little punctures. She wasn't really trying hard enough not to hurt him.


Chione vs. Hercules for Training

Attacks: Bite to front of shoulder blade, trying to wrap mouth around both sides.
Defenses: Parting her back legs a little more, raising her tail again; both for balance.
Injuries: None.


12-04-2014, 10:39 PM

- Hercules VS Chione -


He didn't respond to his sister's hey, it was a spar, no time to talk and explain what you were doing. All Hercules paid attention to was whether his attacks were successful and after that, what his sister would try doing and how he would be able to retaliate towards them. Headbutt made contact, only enough force  to give him a small pain that would easily leave within an hour, no bruising. Bite to his sister's left shoulder made contact, his little fangs grabbing hold of the skin, careful not to break it and get in trouble after his mother and alpha told them not to. He tried to keep his hold on her while trying to pull her to the ground, but it seemed she wasn't going to, her body remaining up.

The boy spread his legs and re-angled himself to proper standing position, evenly spread and tail out behind him, ears pinning back against his head. Not wanting to let go of his hold, Hercules felt her return the bite, aiming and being successful in grabbing his left shoulder. She knew they weren't suppose to hurt each other, and that bite hurt! So with a silent growl the boy would shift his body, back paws quickly side stepping to his right despite the small pain in his left shoulder with the move. Right foreleg lifted from the ground and tried hooking over the top shoulder hump on her back, left foreleg remaining firmly planted on the ground while his head rotated left so allow him room to do his move while still holding her left shoulder.

It annoyed him how she thought she could do whatever she wanted simply because she was special for her invisible "friend." He wasn't going to deal with it. So If successful in hooking his right foreleg over her shoulder hump, he tightened his grip on her left shoulder, jaws tightening and twisting left while he used his weight and tried forcing it over her, again trying to knock her down but pulling her towards him. Right back leg moved forward and right then kicked, trying to knock it out from under her, keeping his other two firmly planted.
