


11-02-2014, 03:48 PM

She was bored. That perhaps was the only explanation of her lazing about the forest. No calls had been issued from the border, in her mind the blossoming of packs in Alacritis had made gaining members far more difficult. Perhaps she'd start claiming them, forcing them to serve her. Maybe she needed to become more cruel. Her mind milled about restlessly, the pack was too small- too weak. To easy to over-come and she would have to make a change to that. She didn't know what to do- this land had become weaker than it had been when her father had ruled this empire. Without the thirst and blood of true nobles, she feared that Alacritis would dissolve into chaos. There seemed to be no true leaders here, and she wondered why she had returned.

She needed to establish who ruled what packs. She didn't want any alliances, they were bothersome, and Roman wasn't going to be quick to make any promises to any alpha, especially ones that weren't of her blood. Drashiel's pack of course- would have her undying loyalties. She wouldn't waver against her own brother. She sighed, resting her head on her paws with a frustrated growl. She was going to practically die of boredom, unless someone came along to give her something to be interested int.




2 Years
11-02-2014, 04:18 PM

At first he thought he'd just imagined it. Was his mind playing tricks on him or had that really been Roman's call that had sounded from Bevroren. Drashiel felt a burst of pride. The thought of his sister strong and powerful filled him with joy and of course the hope of an alliance. If there was one alpha he felt he could trust it was Roman. The two of them would raise from the ashes and become strong leaders that would carry the Armada name forward into a new future. Although?. worry settled hard in his stomach. If Roman was ruling Bevroren then what had happened to Athena? He hoped she was alright.

Drashiel paused at the border and howled. He knew Roman probably wouldn't mind if he just walked right into the terra but this was a matter of respect for the moment. At least until the rest of the pack became familiar with him. He waited to see if she would call him further into the terra or come to meet him at the border.


11-03-2014, 06:20 AM

She brooded- her mind dark with the raging thoughts that plagued her. She was filled with hatred for the world that had turned out to be so cold to her, but even her hard heart would slightly melt and flutter at the sound that echoed around her. Drashiel The king of Fehu was at her border. She pulled herself to her feet- and propelled herself forward and towards the border, her legs quickly loping over the forest, and she came to a skidding halt at the border- nearly crashing into him. Digging her claws into the frozen turf to halt herself she let out a bark of laughter, and stopped just feet of where he was.

"At last! Someone to relieve my boredom." She chuckled, truly she was in a better mood since they had last talked, and a bit of excitement bubbled forward at the prospect of having.. someone to talk too. Seriously, she spoke, "If anyone could simply cross into my lands- it's you." She said, beckoning him forward with a flick of her head. "Walk with me?" She invited.
Greek Speak -- Roman Speak



2 Years
11-07-2014, 07:16 PM (This post was last modified: 11-13-2014, 08:15 PM by Drashiel.)

She came racing into vision like the goddess she was, pure white fur rippling over her sturdy frame. Roman was growing stronger and it pleased the young king greatly to see that his sister was improving in spades, especially now that she was Queen once again. Regium was alive and well? though the pack of his mind still worried lightly about Athena. They'd never really had a chance to smooth out their last encounter.

Drashiel took a few steps back as Roman skidded to a halt in front of him, his tail wagging jubilantly at seeing her again. "It's good to see you as well Roman! I figured as much but I wanted to be sure, naturally you have permission to walk into Fehu's borders whenever you should desire." He would not set up boundaries between them, especially now that he knew she thought the same. He hoped their packs would grow equally close.

Smiling he leaned out to lick her cheek. "Roman nothing would make me happier than accompanying you. I hope our packs can grow closer together as well...although...I rather wish they were one pack."Drashiel slowed to a stop the weight of feeling burning in his chest. Say it man, dammit just spit it out. He turned to her, his eyes searching hungrily for her own. "Roman... I don't think this is enough for me. Ruling Fehu is like a dream come true but to be frank I'd rather be with you." He took a few steps forward, heat rushing through his body, his stomach flipping in knots. Just say it, just say it. "Roman, I love you."


Edited per our Skype discussion.


11-14-2014, 12:38 PM

She'd hurtled towards him, he was her closet friend- her dearest ally. Perhaps something more? He took a few steps back, as she skidded to a halt before him, a wry smile pulling at her dark lips. She chuckled, and nodded slightly- accepting his words about Fehu and the borders. He moved closer to her, and she leaned against him- trying to press her shoulder into his. His touch and scent comforted her. His next words caused her to pause. One pack? Fehu and Regium combined could be... great. She'd have Drashiel at her side- and he made her stronger and the force they could command.... Gods.

He paused for a minute, then spoke again, and she froze her ears trained on him as her face turned towards him. She stared at him, strange emotions filling her. Her mind raced, the thoughts becoming distorted and blurry. Then he said four words that shattered through the fog of her mind. 'Roman, I love you.' His green eyes met her violet eyes and she could see the hunger there- she thought she could even see raw desire. She blinked once, trying to sort out of her own emotions. "Drashiel..." She whispered. Her voice tremored slightly. "I.... I... I" She didn't want to say such binding words unless she was sure. Was she sure? She leaned forward, her nose just inches from his, her violet eyes staring into his verdant gaze. "I love you more then you will ever know." She spoke softly and seriously, her breath billowing in the frosty air between them. "Let us combine Regium and Fehu. Be my king, Drashiel. I can imagine no other I would lead with. Athena shall be our heir.... In case..." She fell off into silence, a slight frown on her jaws. Athena would be a great heiress until... they perhaps had children of their own to thirst for crowns.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak



2 Years
11-17-2014, 08:33 PM

The instinct to run bubbled up in his stomach but the young male quickly fought it down. She couldn't say no, surely she felt the same? Please, please, please, please don't break my heart, please feel the same. It didn't even cross his mind that some might see love between two siblings, even half siblings, to be perverse but the Armada family had always been strange in this respect and it didn't even phase him.

Drashiel forced his eyes to stare into hers, his ears, his senses, his whole being hanging on her every word. His heart was pounding so hard in his chest that it hurt as she stuttered. He knew that her next words would either make him the happiest he'd ever been or completely, utterly destroy him.

I love you more then you will ever know.

SHE SAID IT. Drashiel was frozen as he tried to process her words. She loved him? she loved him! His tail was wagging and he lunged forward to lick her right cheek, tail wagging ecstatically. He pulled back as she spoke and the deal was made. They would rule together and he would be there to raise his family. Drashiel didn't want to settle for a visit now and then, he wanted to actually be there to witness them grow. She spoke and Drashiel stared at her silent for a moment before nodding.

"Yes, Athena will make an excellent heir for now though? I was thinking she could be our Sekundant, our beta. You'll have to fill me in on the ranks. You see?. I? well.." He took a few steps forward, leaning in to push his chest into her, his maw hovering by her right ear. "I had rather hoped we might start a family when you're ready."
