


05-13-2013, 05:15 PM
He definitely wasn't a hero, but he tried his best. The young three year old male had lived in a quiet corner of the lands a bit ways away from here with his brother and parents. Natsu knew plenty about his families past, and how they were long lost royalty but he didn't care. He had been feeling empty with nothing to protect or look upon for support. His father Pippin had been a loner that Anthesia ran into one day and the two fell in love. Dragneel had followed Natsu here, but somehow had split up once they had gotten here while Natsu searched for Valhalla. The pack in which his Grandmother died in, from what Natsu had heard it was like any other family there could be.

He pulled his tan colored paws up at the border and sat down, his crystal blue orbs searching in the middle of the day. He was unsure of what to do honestly. As he flicked his black tipped tail he let out a small bark. The white patch over his left eye glowed in the sunlight of the lush area. So far Natsu was enjoying his time here.


05-13-2013, 05:49 PM
((hope you don't mind me hopping in, he's not high ranked but he's valhallen :) ))

He was never far away from the boarders, though some figured the male was simply patrolling he wasn't. He was sick of these lands, tired of being here and all the drama going on. Though he hadn't really met anyone since the pack meeting he had seen enough there. What had Aislyn dragged him into? What were they bringing their daughter into? He had been keeping to himself, still maintaining that rouge mindset of not needing to or wanting to interact with others. No one except Aislyn but it seemed she had been disappearing as much if not more then him. And last he had heard she had brought their daughter to the battlefields though he did not know why. Everything was far less simple in a pack, he was stressed out and tense, something he had never been when he had been on his own. He needed to speak with Aislyn, he had barely seen her or their daughter since he had almost asked her to be his mate and then the old leader of the pack had interrupted. Why did everything have to be so hard?

A bark was heard not too far away and black rimmed ear flipped towards it curiously. Someone was at the boarders? Though he wasn't exactly qualified to be greeting new comers would he get in trouble for saying hello? His paws were moving towards the sound before he even gave it another thought. He wanted to talk to a rouge, it seemed like a pleasant enough idea. And maybe it would help the pack a bit, entertain the new comer until a higher ranked wolf could come along. "Hello!" he greeted easily as he neared, tail low and licking at his heels with head lowered slightly making it obvious he wasn't a high ranking wolf here. "What brings you to Valhalla's boarders?" he asked, a simple question to start off. Who knew, maybe he was looking for someone in particular?


05-13-2013, 06:58 PM
Natsu was waiting patiently when he saw another wolf approach. Instantly he was already flustered about what to say or do. He dipped his head though out of respect, after noticing that the wolf was not of high rank. Regardless it was still a wolf of Valhalla, this was their home and not his. Well Natsu hoped that would change. He raised his head and gave a chuckle. "Hi, I'm Natsu Tokoto, I'm here to seek entry into Valhalla. It's a pleasure to meet you" Natsu happily stated his name as he wagged his tail back and forth. He was still excited to see how this pack worked. Even though he would be oblivious to their current problems. He wanted to be apart of something big.

"Why are you at the borders, are you patrolling? Because that's cool, I have to say I'm a little nervous about meeting a wolf whose a leader of a group of wolves. I've always just been around family." Natsu asked tilting his head. Sometimes he'd talk a lot more when he was nervous about something. If it was one thing though, he was a good liar, but enjoyed being truthful and helping others when he could.


05-13-2013, 07:26 PM
The new wolf looked slightly flustered but Friction's easy smile remained, whatever worries this wolf may have he would put to ease. But a chuckle soon slipped from the male, Friction was glad to see him settled and more at ease. The male introduced himself and stated that he was looking to join the pack. Why would anyone want to join a pack? "Welcome Natsu, I am Friction Sovari. I'm afraid I can't grant you access to Valhalla but I can wait with you while someone else comes to speak with you and answer any questions you may have." he said easily, seating himself before the male and allowing his tail to brush the ground behind him. He seemed pleasant enough and he didn't see why anyone would say no to his request to join.

Why was he at the boarders? It wasn't like he could tell the truth after all. What kind of pack member would he be if he told a potential member that he was roaming the boarder because he no longer wanted to be here, because he wasn't allowed to leave... So instead he smiled easily, inclining his head thoughtfully. "Yes, I have no real duty here so I do odd jobs on occasion." he replied with a shrug of his slim shoulders. "I understand, my birth pack was only my mother, father, siblings and a few close friends. Still a large pack but all close." he responded easily. He missed that, missed the closeness. Here he only knew Aislyn and their daughter really. He had been keeping his head down since the pack meeting.

"Do you mind if I ask why Valhalla? From what I've seen its lovely but you seem like you knew before you even barked." he asked, head inclined slightly. Or did everyone just instinctively know what pack they wanted to join. Maybe this wolf had looked into the other packs? Or had been recruited already? Or maybe Friction was just missing that desire to help others or be around wolves that weren't family. Was he broken?


05-13-2013, 07:44 PM
Natsu looked at the other male and tilted his head, but smiled again anyway. He was a bit slow when it came to stuff, even though he was smart in other areas. The boy was young and youthful and the stories he had been told about the old lands, with Niana, and the old leader Cairo. He had longed to want to be apart of those legends and stories some day. "My grandmother used to be part of Valhalla or at least was close to it my memory mixes it up a lot. My mom would tell me stories all the time. Her name was Niana Tokoto, her half sister I think was a healer in Valhalla by the name of Night. My mom would tell stories of Cairo, and even adventures of the pack from which she had heard herself. Valhalla to me seems like the best place I could be, I've been feeling empty lately, I want to be loyal to something. Make my place somewhere!" Natsu exclaimed as he raised his head proudly.

"No matter the problem, pack mates need to help each other out right. That's how the world should be, even when times are tough. Its nice to have others to count on, and to know that you can use your strength to protect others." Natsu lowered his head and flicked his ears a bit embarrassed now. He would probably not get a very good first impression on the alpha. That upset him a little. "Sorry for you having to deal with my pestering morals" Natsu apologized.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-21-2013, 10:15 AM (This post was last modified: 05-21-2013, 10:17 AM by Epiphron.)

The scent of a stranger reached her nose, drawing her out of the stupor of her afternoon stroll. Ears perked atop her cranium, swiveling as they searched for any sound that would help her pursuit of the unknown creature. Before long, the creature came into view, as well as Friction, a male who was relatively unknown to her.

The woman held her head high as she approached the duo; the stranger was lingering across the border respectfully. The white-furred female gave a simple nod of greeting. "Good day, Friction," she offered with a slight smile. She knew his name, but that was about it. Her attention quickly shifted to the stranger, wondering what he requested. Entry to Valhalla, perhaps? "May I ask your name, sir? My name is Epiphron Adravendi, Alpha female of Valhalla."


05-31-2013, 12:03 AM
Natsu raised his head for a moment when he was confronted by the alpha. He was a bit startled and flustered by her appearance. These foreign lands never ceased to amaze him so far. He smiled keeping his posture lower with the respect needed hoping he wasn't doing anything wrong so far. "I'm Natsu Tokoto, I came to seek entry into Valhalla my lady. I have to say too, you have a pretty coat color." His blue eyes sparkled with kindness and delight. He was happy he could meet such wolves if not anything at all. Even if he were to be rejected, they could still possibly be friends right? Natsu's blue orbs nervously looked at the female. The leader huh, equality seemed to be the best fitting for any pack.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-31-2013, 07:14 PM (This post was last modified: 05-31-2013, 07:14 PM by Epiphron.)

The male before who seemed harmless. While slightly taken aback by Epiphron's sudden appearance, he smiled nonetheless and promptly introduced himself. "It's a pleasure, Natsu. It's refreshing to see a stranger so eager to become part of our family." It was nice to be sincere for once; she was growing tired of diplomacy, of serious meetings. She enjoyed seeing the interest in Valhalla shining clearly on Natsu's face. He even complemented her coat, which brought a smile to her face, tail wagging behind her slender frame, obviously pleased. "You're certainly a sight for sore eyes yourself, sir."

A slight pause followed, eyes examining the male. He was built well, and could certainly make a food fighter if he so chose. "Tell me, though, what brings you here? What do you know of Valhalla, if anything?" She gently reclined on her hind legs, eyes warm as she waited for his reply.


05-31-2013, 10:50 PM
He hadn't expected to be complimented, it only brought him much joy though. Natsu was happy his family ancestors had been connected to such wolves. The stories of bravery he would listen to as a pup always fascinated him. He was young and strong, and wanted to be of some use to others. " My grandmothers half sister was part of Valhalla. My mom would tell me stories all the time from the old lands before the fire. Tales of bravery, Cairo the old alpha had his name made. Even more so legends that I couldn't even dream of accomplishing myself. " As he told it, his eyes burned with the passion of the path of a warrior. Natsu held no shame in who he was, he only looked for acceptance after all. "After I grew wary of my old home, I came here. So that I could possibly make my own story, and have a place within a family. That's what a pack is supposed to be after all. Family." Natsu flicked his black tipped tail. Some wolves didn't have a story like he did, some others did. He didn't hide the fact he wasn't perfect, but he was worth something if anything.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-06-2013, 05:06 PM

It was obvious that Natsu was overjoyed to meet someone from Valhalla; his joy shone through, he didn't bother to hide his emotions. She liked that, as she'd never found it so easy to express herself fully. A genuine smile crossed her features, but she was still contained slightly. She didn't know this male -- and he could very well be bluffing to her -- and so she would speak to him for a bit longer. Figure out what he was all about.

He explained he'd had family from Valhalla. And he'd heard of Cairo. "Cairo, my father," she repeated with a grin. "He is growing older very quickly, but he is still around, albeit a bit less often as he used to. I'm sure he would be willing to speak with you, if you so desired," she explained, figuring that would please Natsu, who spoke of him so highly. The male seemed proud as he stood there, his heart worn on his sleeve, as though he held no secrets.

Epiphron was grateful -- it made her job much easier. "Well, Natsu, Valhalla would be more than happy to have you," she said sweetly, tail wagging from where she held it above her back.