
Clash Boom Bang



7 Years

11-04-2014, 05:46 PM (This post was last modified: 11-04-2014, 06:49 PM by Bass.)

There was a silly grin on his maw as he made his way towards Cataleya's lands, his paws dancing across the ground. This would be a surprise for her, that was for sure. He highly doubted that she would expect what was to come, and he wondered if she would even except it. He wasn't even sure if he was ready for this, but he knew that he needed to do this. The practice would be good, and it would be fun to strengthen their alliance, or so he thought. So he stopped at the border, his head tipping up and calling out for Cat, his voice strong as he summoned her. His song coming to an end, he leveled his head and smirked. Now just to wait, and see if she would like her little surprise. Falling back to his rump, his golden eyes looked across her land as he looked out for her. He could hardly contain his excitement, he had been planning this for awhile. He wanted to wait until he felt better, and now that Wren was back he was more than ready for this. Letting out a deep breath, his breath fogged before him in the chilly afternoon. White tail thumped on the earth, as pleased as a peach.


11-04-2014, 06:05 PM

His voice cut through the air, pulling her attention to the source. Surprise would lift a brow before pulling her forward. Not once did she ever expect to hear him calling for her at her borders. Their alliance meeting had gone rather interestingly, but they had formed an alliance nonetheless, even if it was held up by a very thing string. Silver limbs pulled her to the border with ease, her pace quick with purpose. Her curiosity would prevent her from making him wait too long. Her coral gaze came to rest on his face, a brow lifting once more. "Well, well. What do we have here?" She would coo softly, a smirk lifting the corner of her mouth. He looked rather pleased with himself, a grin on his face and his tail thumping against the earth. Her crown tipped ever so slightly to the side, eyeing him closely. What could possibly have him looking so pleased? Slowly her haunches would lower themselves to the earth, her tail flicking to curl around her hips. Audits tipped forward, her senses on high alert as she awaited the news.




7 Years

11-04-2014, 06:21 PM

He didn't have to wait long at all until the silver woman showed up, looking rather curious about what brought him here. Standing up, his tail aligned with his spine as other defenses kicked in. A wicked grin spread across his muzzle, old golden eye winking at her. "Fight me. Right here, right now." He growled, his stance set. He had been wanting to hone in on his fighting skills, and had been wanting to challenge Cat. She was strong and known to be a good fighter, and since their packs were joined by words of alliance, it would be a good test of that. He already knew that the woman was stronger than he was, but this would be a good practice for him. He knew that he could walk away pretty hurt from this, but then it was just more practice for his healers in training. Cataleya was in no doubt intrigued by his notion, and he backed up until there was about three feet between them. Ears pinned flat against his skull as his toes spread, pushing his claws into the dirt. Lips pulled back into a snarl, but his tongue snaked out between his jaws to point at Cat. This was to be a serious fight, but he was in no way challenging her dominance. This is why he was still over the boundary on the rogue side, only going to step over the line if the fight brought it that. Neck ducking to align with his spine, chin pulling closer to his chest to protect his vitals. He rolled his shoulders forward, and for the first time he really sized her up. They stood at the same height, both 36 inches tall. He was stockier than her though, he had more weight on him that she did. She was more slight, less stocky than her. He himself weighed 180 pounds, and he guessed that she was close to that. Letting out another playful growl.


11-04-2014, 06:43 PM

The words that left his lips were not ones that she ever expected to hear. Fight me. His voice was a husky growl, extending the grin across her own face. His defenses slide into place as he back away from her, setting about three feet between them. Very well baby, as you wish. Her own voice would be a husky purr, rolling gravelly off her lips. There was no way she would ever deny him such a request. But what they were fighting for, she wasn't entirely sure. Did he wish to express some sort of twisted male dominance over her? Hell was more likely to freeze over first. Or was he testing her? It seemed the most likely over her theories.

Her defenses slide into place: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, crown level with her spine, chin tucked, shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunched, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, tail straight and aligned with her spine, and her weight evenly distributed.

She would strike first. Her haunches would drop briefly, her hind legs bending deeper before shoving off, propelling her forward. She aimed to come at him nearly head on, but so the point of her left shoulder was aligned with the center of his chest. They stood at the same height, though he was about 50 pounds heavier. She would jut her left shoulder forward, moving another step to her right so that she could attempt to shove the hard point of her left shoulder into the soft spot between his chest cavity and his left shoulder. She didn't want to hurt him too badly, but he had wanted a fight.... So she would settle for some heavy bruising rather than a dislocated appendage. Following that, her charcoal jaws would unhinge, her crown tipping to her right in an attempt to grab a hold of the upper part of his neck. She aimed for her upper mandible to land along his the left portion of his neck, behind his left ear, while her lower mandible sought the valuable artery in his throat. It was not her intention to kill, but she still wanted to bring him to his knees, to put pressure on his . In a final attempt to best him, her left foreleg would lift, and then aim to slam down on his own left forepaw. A few broken toes never hurt anyone.... With the lift her leg, her weight would redistribute across her three limbs, and her hind legs would bend deeper to prevent her form being toppled over.

CATALEYA vs BASS for SEXY TIME: round 1/?

DEFENSES: second paragraph

ATTACKS: aiming to ram her left shoulder into the soft spot between his chest and his left shoulder. bite to the side of his neck. stepping on his left forepaw.

INJURIES: pending




7 Years

11-04-2014, 07:38 PM

The smile didn't leave Bass' face, happy that she took up his offer. He watched her with narrowed yellow eyes, calculating her movements. She stood, but didn't stay in one position for long. Ears remained pinned tightly against his skull, tail flagging out behind him to level with his spine. As Cataleya ran right for him, he tried to dodge her attack by taking two side steps to the right, keeping his body facing forward. He intended to move out of the way completely, but was only able to take two steps. This made Cat's left shoulder ram right into his own left shoulder. His teeth grit together as the pain flared out, moderate bruising spreading across the area already. He had little time to dwell on the pain though, as Cataleya moved to bite him on his neck. Even though he had moved to the right, it wasn't enough to avoid her attack. Cat's neck was able to extend towards his neck, teeth locking just below his left ear and lower jaws biting close to his jugular. A growl rumbled through his throat as he attempted to tear his neck towards the right before her teeth were able to sink in too far. The puncture wounds had only been minor, but if Cat had tried to force her jaws around him tighter, there was no doubt that they would turn moderate, if not severe. Cat was fast on her paws though, hardly giving him enough time to think at all. It made his mind reel, but made his adrenaline pump faster through his blood. Because he had moved towards the right, her intended slam would not have landed. That was until Bass made a move on his own.

Shoulders rolled, Bass attempted to lower his head as his jaws opened wide, taking advantage of Cataleya's raised front left paw. He tried to lock his jaws down around her left front ankle, lips pulling back into a snarl. He hoped to prevent her from placing it down on the ground, making her remain in a tripod stance. Bass then tried to twist his jaws to the right, hoping that his bite would hold as he moved his head. He aimed to sprain her paw, but not going as far as to break it. He meant business about this, he was going to prove that he was a good fighter and worth having as an aligned pack. Bass spread his toes, his claws biting into the cold ground to try and keep a level position and to make it harder for the woman to knock him over. He kept his weight balanced on all four paws, bending his legs slightly to make up one solid stance. He wasn't going to be easy to push over, that was for sure.

The white male let out another growl, tail lashing behind him like an angered cat. He could feel his neck bleeding, caking into his once pristine coat. He couldn't help but think that his wife wouldn't be to pleased when he came home, all battered and bleeding. But he was testing himself, seeing how well he could do against a well known fighter. Cat was strong, and he wanted to show that he was as well.

Bass, hoping to still have a hold of Cat's paw, lifted up his front left leg. He snaked it forward, trying to wrap his leg around Cat's front right leg. Quickly adjusting his weight for his tripod stance he attempted to pull his own raised right leg back, hoping to knock her leg out from under her. If he still had her paw in his mouth, there was no doubt that she would fall. Hackles standing on end, he once more let out another growl.


Bass vs Cataleya for Surprise buttsex Spar
Defenses : Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, tail aligned with spine, shoulders rolled, lips snarling, toes spread, claws dug into ground, weight balanced on all four legs, legs bent, weight adjusted for tripod stance, hackles raised
Attack : Trying to bite into Cat's front left paw, hoping to sprain it. Trying to pull her right leg from under her and hopefully knocking him over
Injuries : Moderate bruise on left shoulder, minor (for now, pending) puncture wounds on left side of neck


11-06-2014, 10:18 PM

The adrenaline that rushed her system was a high that she lived for. Her heart pounded against her chest, her blood thundering in her ears. It was with great satisfaction that she collided with him, though her mark was off, she still struck him. A moderate bruise would immediately flare across her left shoulder, pain radiating from the spot. Jaws met their target, sinking into his neck, his blood teasing her tongue. However he had moved to his right, thus causing her fangs to sink in shallowly, missing his jugular. It didn't stop her from attempting to clamp her jaws shut and sink her fangs in deeper.

He was better than she thought. Just as her left forepaw left the ground, his fangs would sink into her leg, tearing through skin and muscle, leaving moderate puncture wounds. Pain seared across the area just above the joint of her left ankle as he gripped it. He would tip his skull to his right, jerking her leg into an uncomfortable angle, tugging at her left shoulder. The movement would pull at the muscles in her left shoulder, moderately straining muscles and ligaments, which would make it undoubtedly difficult to walk on. A grunt of paw would seep from between her clenched jaws. He would strike again, his leg snaking out to wrap around her right forelimb that was still planted on the ground. She knew immediately that she would go down, so she figured she would do it in style. She would throw her weight to her right, allowing him to tug her right leg out from under her. She would attempt to clamp her jaws even tighter, hoping that her weight would be enough to pull him down with her, on top of her, or rip a chunk from his neck. It was her only option. As she tumbled, her tail would tuck to defensively cover to soon to be exposed belly.

All the while her defenses remained intact: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, skull level with her spine, chin tucked, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunched, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground and tail straight and level with her spine.

CATALEYA vs BASS for SEXY TIMES: round 2/?

ATTACKS: trying to keep a grip on his neck, death rolling to her right

DEFENSES: 3rd paragraph

INJURIES: moderately bruised left shoulder, minor bite to her left foreleg, strained ligaments/muscles in her left shoulder, pending bruising from her death roll.




7 Years

11-19-2014, 03:59 PM

Bass had expected a good fight, and was glad that Caraleya didn't disappoint -- just as he knew she would. When her teeth hit their mark, the left side of his neck, and her teeth sank in deeper. His shoulders were rolled, as well as his chin tucked towards his chest, they did not puncture his muscles. The wound was moderate, but it still stung like a bitch. He let out a growl as his ears pulled eve tighter to his head, although the adrenaline from the battle blocked most of the pain. Bass' eyed remained narrowed, trying not to fully shut them as his teeth grit together.

His teeth gripped onto her left front paw, her blood trickling into his jaws. The coppery taste was no longer foreign to him like it was once was, his tongue trying to snake around the wound. There, a little kiss on her boo-boo, he thought with a grin. As he twisted her paw to the right, he felt the muscles in her leg pulling tightly. He had been able to pull her right leg out from under her as well, but she was clever. He felt her weight shift, and as her jaws were still biting into the left side of his neck he knew that she was going to death roll him. Growling, Bass felt her starting to fall. As if in slow motion, he watched her go down as thoughts raced through his mind. He had two options, lose a chuck of his neck or go down with her. Or... Bass could be clever himself. Lowering his head so that his neck was closer to her falling form, he attempted to pivot his body so that he was now hopefully standing over her lowering form. In order to do so, Bass spun his body to the left, switching his bodies positioning so that he was now (hopefully) facing the opposite direction that he once was. Bass kept his head lowered as her jaws had sunk in further, digging her teeth deeper into his neck. He hissed between clenched jaws, the bite now becoming more severe. They were dangerously close to his neck muscles.

Bass now stood over top Cataleya, she was laying on her back and her belly facing his own. (Permission to power play position given by Saffie.) The left side of his neck was still in her grasps, just as he was trying to keep her left front paw in his own jaws. The man tucked his tail between his legs to protect his exposed belly, his toes spreading as claws bit into the ground. Weight was balanced evenly among all four paws, legs bent slightly as he secured his position above her. His chin was still ducked down towards his neck, wanting to protect the much more open vital bite. His lips were pulled back into a snarl, loose skin pooling around his eyes to further protect them from attack.

The man didn't recognize the positions they were in, while he was aware that he was on top of her the sexuality of the position was lost in him. He was focused on their fight, wanting to both better himself as well as prove that Abaven was a reliable ally. Bass then attempted to let go of her front left paw, his jaws not remaining open for long. Trying to lower his head as far as he could without straining on her hold on his neck, the male sought to close his jaws around the center of her neck, jaws aiming for either side of her windpipe. His aim was to not bite deeply enough to puncture any arteries, but to try and maintain a hold. He hoped that his attempted bite would be enough to get her to let go of his neck. Bass then attempted to lower his back half into a seated position, trying to sit on her belly. Yes, sit. Hopefully it would cause enough discomfort and pressure for her to give in. The man couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, he was literally trying to sit on this woman as an attack.


Bass vs Cataleya for Spar - Round 2/2 {sorry forgot about this >.>}

Defenses : Shoulders rolled, chin tucked, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, tail tucked, toes spread, claws dug into ground, weight balanced, legs bent, lips snarling.

Attack : Trying to bite Cat's neck on either side of her windpipe, not deep enough to bite in to deep. Trying to sit on Cat's belly.

Injuries : Moderate bruise on left shoulder, severe puncture wounds on left side of neck

The Judge


12-30-2014, 12:31 PM


Round 1

8/10 for clarity: -2 with her left shoulder forward she would have to twist her neck quite far to reach his throat as it would be over her shoulder
10/10 for powerplaying:  
10/10 for defenses: ten defenses found, no serious breach of defenses
6/10 for attack: +2 shoulder attack, +2 bite to neck (-1 for clarity), +2  stomp to paw
10/10 for injuries:First round

Round one CAT Total: 44/50

6/10 for clarity:  -2 where on his left shoulder is the bruising? -2 where on her leg is he aiming for his paw to land?
3/10 for powerplaying: -2 if/then (assuming a grip on her paw when he moves his head), -2 "if he still had her paw in his mouth, there was no doubt that she would fall" don't make assumptions, it's always up to your opponent, -2 how is he moving his head so much if she has a grip on his neck?, -1 minor conditional (trying to twist his grip on her ankle depends on having a grip and you have it written as two separate motions/two attacks)
8/10 for defenses: ears, tail flagged, weight balanced, toes spread, claws digging, legs bent, shoulders rolled, hackles raised
2/10 for attack: +2 bite to ankle/attempt to sprain (-1 for PP), +0 paw swipe (-1 for clarity)
10/10 for injuries: Severe laceration to right ribcage (decided by judge),  

Round one BASS Total: 29/50

Round 2

8/10 for clarity: -2 where on her left shoulder is the bruising?
9/10 for powerplaying: -1 minor conditional (pulling him down depends upon her ability to keep her hold in the first place)
7/10 for defenses: (you added enough defenses but then you state "All the while her defenses remained intact" and it would be impossible for a few of them to remain intact when she's falling and you make no mention of her adjusting them)

3/10 for attack: tightening grip +2, "death roll" +1 (it was clever but there were too many associated problems for it to be effective)
5/10 for injuries: moderately bruised left shoulder -1, moderate bite foreleg -2, strained ligaments/muscles in her left shoulder -2

Round two CAT Total: 32/50

2/10 for clarity: -2 (how far did he pivot his body? what angle is he trying to be in relation to her?) -2 (over her body in what way? How is he trying to align himself with her?) -2 center of which side of her neck -2 (where on her belly is he trying to sit?)
6/10 for powerplaying: -2 (with all the movement it's unlikely that her teeth didn't puncture deeper than skin and fat) -2 (it is unrealistic that he was able to pivot in that manner while both bites maintained grip - there isn't THAT much extra skin around the throat area and legs don't bend that way so he would only be able to pivot so far)
10/10 for defenses:  ten found
4/10 for attack: +1 attempting to hold grip on paw(PP issues), +2 bite (grip attempt, but clarity issues), +1.... sitting (clarity issues)
6/10 for injuries: -3 for severe lacerations to neck, -1 additional from judge for PP issue concerning injury

Round two BASS Total: 28/50


CAT: 76/100
BASS: 57/100

And the winner is...

CAT! Bass must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


CAT: All wounds would be healed by now

BASS: All wounds would be healed by now - the wound on the throat may scar


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)


For Saff

Your second attack was refreshingly original, you just need to watch that you don't sacrifice your other scores in doing so

For Eve

You need to work on a couple things yet - the biggest is making sure that you are making your posts clearer. State your intentions exactly... remember that "he attempted to hook his paw around her leg at the ankle" is much clearer than "he attempted to hook his paw around her leg". Your second post was really hard to follow with the movements as they were not entirely clear and it was very difficult to picture. You also need to watch your realism as far as movements and taking damage.

- By [Tea]