
give a good girl bad habits



10-28-2014, 03:25 PM
Gauner hadn't been in these unfamiliar lands for very long, but he was already starting to feel comfortable with his surroundings. This continent didn't seem much different than his homelands, there were forests, deserts, mountains, lakes, and even beaches on this large piece of land. Hell, he might have considered living here once he had reached adulthood, if it wasn't for his family. Auburn audits fold at the thought of his family, they were probably scared, alone, and scattered. Rudi was the one he was most worried about, his little sister wasn't capable of being on her own. His parents had always had each other, and he had always had Rudi. Without her, or his parents... he felt empty.

He would slow his pace down to a halt, his mismatched gaze turning toward the opening that had appeared before him. He had been so caught up in his thoughts he had forgotten where he was going. Slowly he would walk toward the opening, the fresh scent of water kissing his senses tauntingly. He had not had a fresh drink of water since he had been dropped on this continent, and he was awfully thirsty. A few seconds pass before the trees before him completely vanish to reveal a large body of water. Once he sees the lake he sprints toward it, his tongue hanging lazily out of his mouth. He wastes no time quenching his thirst, as he plows directly into the water, his mouth gaping open so he can gulp down as much as his mouth can hold.



10-28-2014, 10:16 PM

She would watch the from the shadows. It had been her plan to catch a drink, but then some fool came bursting into her line of vision and all but dived into the waters. He lapped up the cool liquid like his life depended on it. Was he really so foolish as to go that long without water? She would shake her in disappointment, some were just so stupid. Long legs would pull her from her hiding spot, as she attempted to approach him from behind. His pelt was a mixture of colors, something she hadn't seen before. She found him to be peculiar looking. Perhaps her mother would allow her to keep him. He would make a unique little toy, but only if he was fun to play with. Hips swayed with every step, her shoulders rolling to absorb the impact of her steps and mute her approach.

She hoped that his noisy drinking would mask her approach, at least until she stood only a few feet behind him and to his left. "Your awfully noisy." She would speak, her words like silk, falling from her lips just loud enough to be heard. Emerald pools studied his figure, waiting for his reaction. Would he be startled or would he catch her before she could achieve just a pleasure? She certainly hoped that he would be startled, she wanted to play a game. But not just any old game, she wanted a more unconventional game, one that would test his limits, if she were to keep him around, she wanted to know just how far she could push him before he broke. Broken toys were no fun.

"Burn Baby Burn"



10-29-2014, 10:25 AM
He would quench his thirst after a few large gulps, and he would keep his eyes trained on the beach so he did not get ambushed by whatever animals lived in these woods. He still hadn't run into another wolf yet, hell, he couldn't even smell any here. Maybe there were no wolves on this island, or worse... no more wolves at all. He clears his throat at the horrifying thought, what if he was really the only one left in the world? As far as he knew, the storm could have wiped everyone out. He is so caught up in his thoughts that he does not notice the girl directly approaching him until she speaks. Mismatched gaze flashes in her direction, his eye brows raising in astonishment as he beholds her stunning form. Not only did this just prove he wasn't the only one left, but damn this girl was pretty! He has never seen markings like hers before, and wouldn't mind getting a closer look.

"Oh thank goodness you are here!" He barks loudly, ignoring her statement about him being noisy. He bounds out of the water and toward her, aiming to approach her head on and stop a few feet away from her. "I thought I was alone! You see, I'm not from around here, that huge storm... It separated me from my family, and I ended up on one of those islands that surround this continent." Carmine tongue slips out from its toothy prison to relieve his face of any water that could be lingering from his jump in the water. "Sorry, I'm starting to ramble. My name is Gauner, what is yours?" He asks, trying to keep a conversation going. He had quite a few questions to ask her, like where the hell was he and how many wolves lived here?



10-29-2014, 08:05 PM

He would spin to face her, his movement not really surprising. But his loud bark would have her brows lifting. He was obnoxious. That was her first thought. He would ramble on about how he thought he was alone and he was so happy that she was here. She had decided to chat with someone who was crazy. Great. When he finally realized that he was babbling and wasting her time, he would stop, and introduce himself. She contemplated giving him her name, or just making something up so he couldn't track her down after this. Basanti." She allowed her name to roll off her tongue as she furthered his inspection. His coloring continued up to his face, where mismatched eyes sat. And just below his eyes... She would pause. There was no way her mother had birthed this one. There was no way she was related to him, it simply wasn't possible. Her eyes would narrow, looking at him like a suspect in a vicious crime. Her mother would have fun with this one.

You talk to much." She would comment idly, peering down at him. She was taller than him, by several inches, making it easy to look down upon him. Whether or not he shared a similar marking, he was lesser being. Everyone she encountered was a lesser being, no one else had her superior bloodlines, nor would they ever. His name was Gauner, and it was carefully tucked away into the dark confines of her mind. She continued to study him, questions racking her mind. One thing was for sure, she was not letting him out of her sight anytime soon.

"Burn Baby Burn"



10-30-2014, 02:21 PM

'Basanti... Haven't heard that one before...' He thinks to himself as she gives him her name, the happy expression on his face not fading a bit. Although she wasn't the friendliest wolf, or the most talkative, she was pretty enough to talk to. Besides, maybe she was just in her shell, and he could bring her out if she was up for it. "Basanti... I like it." He complements her, hoping she will warm up to him if he continues to be nice. Girls liked compliments, didn't they?

But when her eyes narrow, and she glares at him as if he had just murdered her child, his expression changes. Ears fold against his skull, and he takes a step back from her, and toward the water. Had his complement just pissed her off? Did she not like her name or something? "You talk to much" Ahh, maybe that was it. Maybe this girl didn't like to talk much, and he was pushing it. "and you don't talk enough!" He comments back, his lips creasing slightly into a sly smile. "Why are you looking at me like that? Did I do something wrong?" He asks, commenting on the dirty glare she was giving him. If he had done something wrong, he wanted to know what it was.



11-05-2014, 06:50 PM

His first words would be to compliment her on her name. She didn't care if he liked her name or not, or if he found it to be pretty. All the matter was he looked the same. He finally took note of her expression and he shrank away. His ears pinned and he stepped back, but he had nowhere to go. She would take a step forward, towering over him. His would ask a string of questions, trying desperately to know why she was suddenly so upset. But she was anything but. "Who are you?" She would bark the demand in a low voice, her gaze constantly raking his face and occasionally the rest of him. She remained utterly calm, allowing him to think that she was deeply upset by something. Her heart beat rhythmically against her chest, her emerald gaze narrowing upon his face. "Where did you come from?" She would drill him with questions, not once explaining why she was asking these questions. She would take another step forward, bringing them nearly nose to nose, close enough that her breath could wash over his face. He had no where to run, she stood between him and his escape, unless he decided to go for a swim, but then she would be tempted to simply drown him with her larger size.

"Burn Baby Burn"