
Addicted to the things you do between the sheets


11-06-2014, 11:28 PM

She felt as though she was going to explode. Emotions raged inside her that threatened to be unleashed. She needed to feel something. Anything. She stalked the shadows of the moore, the wet muck clinging to her fur. Her eyes blazed with unspoken fury, her hackles stood high along her back, her behemoth frame quivering with pent up emotion. Her head would snap back, her voice booming across the night sky, it wild and desperate, demanding attention. He was probably asleep, but right now, she simply didn't care. She still moved with a limp from her interesting spar with Bass, but it didn't slow her down. Her hips swayed and her shoulders rolled as she moved across the moor continuously. She needed to expend some energy and draw some blood. And who's better blood to spill that her lovers. He would willingly allow it. Unspoken emotions rushed through her veins like liquid fire. Her body was hot, uncomfortably so. Her tail lashed back and forth like a caged animal desperately seeking an escape. The moon was missing tonight, cloaking her in complete darkness. Autumn air chilled her bones, but she didn't feel it.

"Burn Baby Burn"


11-07-2014, 12:14 AM

"What happened?" He had followed her smokey scent for some time, keeping down wind of her and placing paws at the same time she placed hers so sound would cover sound. He had become a master of stalking it seemed, rarely very far away. Massive beast had quickened his pace to catch up to her and immediately eyes would snap to her paw that she tried to keep her weight off of. His gaze was cold and hard, words a possessive hiss as he studied her. He would step towards her, moving to attempt to tip her maw up with his own maw to inspect her himself. What had happened? Who had done this to her? Hackles would bristle and angry rumble would begin to roll and rumble deep in his chest. Heads would roll? Though she was no where near as busted up as he had been on his many trips back from his fights there was a possessiveness within him that demanded blood as payment.



11-07-2014, 01:03 AM

He would approach from behind the moment her call ended. The fact that he was following her should have been no surprise at all. A single question slipped from his lips as he came up beside her, halting her in her tracks. He would tip her head back and she would comply, allowing him to arch her neck and expose her throat. Coral clashed with emerald, they gazes equally hard. Though his was possessive, along with the tone of his husky voice. "It doesn't matter." She would bite out through clenched jaws, her vocals husky and harsh. Lips would peel back to expose fangs, a low growl rumbling in her throat. Saliva pooled in her mouth as his scent swarmed her senses, assaulting her mercilessly. Her jaws would part only to snap shut with an audible click. She had aimed to surprise him, to drag her front teeth along the tender skin of his nose. Her gaze was molten fire, wild with unspent emotion, and desperate to feel.

"Burn Baby Burn"


11-07-2014, 01:43 AM

She would accept his touch, would bend and stretch her neck for him to inspect her only to find that it was really only her limb that was wounded. He would grunt, a silent acknowledgement that she was probably fine and might possibly be capable of handling herself. She would snap angry words at him, hissing them out as if she wanted him to back off but he would not, would not give her any space. Acidic gaze would burn into her gaze when all of a sudden she would lash out. Teeth raked along the top of his muzzle so fast he only had time to snap his face back as her teeth came down on the left side of his upper lip. Immediately a snarl would rip through his chest as he recoiled before attempting to launch himself forward. He would aim to knock his chest into her shoulder, looking to have jaws come down on the base of her spine just above her shoulders, right foreleg swinging around to attempt to drape over her mid back. She wanted to play rough? He could play rough? He wanted her to feel pain but at the same time he wanted her close? Closer then she already was...



11-07-2014, 01:48 PM

He would only grunt after surveying her, finding that nothing else was majorly wrong with her. The moment he felt her teeth, his head would snap back, but it was too late, her fangs connected the tender skin of his upper lip. His blood danced across her tongue bringing a twisted grin to her features. His lips curled back in an angry snarl, he was obviously not happy with her little attack. He would recoil, and for a moment she thought he was going to leave, but she should have known better. He would launch himself forward, his chest colliding with her left shoulder. She couldn't contain the flinch as the collision jostled the strain muscles and struck the moderate bruise. An angry snarl would burst free from her lips as his fangs sank into her scruff, just above her shoulder. Her crown would immediately drop, aiming to grab a hold of his left ankle as his right leg cam down across her back. With a jerk of her head, she would either miss or hopefully pull his leg out from under him. Pain radiated across her body, but the adrenaline that rushed her system was overpowering any pain she felt. His body heat washed over her as he kept close, pressed against him. Her hackles bristled, growls leaving her throat as she tried to support his weight on three legs.

"Burn Baby Burn"


11-10-2014, 11:31 PM

She would retaliate with rage, it was understandable since she had just been in a battle and was probably pretty sore. Did he care? No not really? His chest would collide squarely with her shoulder but she would not topple, holding herself up even as jaws came down to clamp around her lower neck. He would feel her movement before she would get too close, would feel the ripple of muscles in her neck. Jaws would flash, darting down towards his leg. Fuck that shit. Immediately he would shift, lifting front leg and bringing it up with force into her grip. He would hope to jar her teeth and force of the impact and force his leg far enough into her jaw to make it hard for her to apply much force. Also to reposition her grip and give her a stronger bone to chew on rather then his ankle to crack. If successful he would lean back further, balancing most of his weight on his hind legs and on the leg he had successfully balanced on her back. If he was going down she was coming down with him.



11-12-2014, 12:39 AM

He would bring his leg up just as she moved to strike. He would force his leg into her waiting jaws, splaying them painfully wide. Her head would aim to snap back so that she would try and snap her jaws down on his leg once more, even though he only offered her thick bone rather than his ankle. She felt him shift away from her, his weight rocking back onto his hind legs. With her legs already bent, she aim to shove her shoulder into his chest, hopping to topple him backwards. The movement would undoubtedly tear more of her scruff and only intense the bruise that existed on her shoulder. An angry snarl ripped from her lips, narrowed eyes blazing with rage. Her body ached and screamed for rest. But the adrenaline that rushed her system kept her fighting. Hackles bristled as emotions waged war inside her. His body heat wrapped around her like a vice, demanding for her attention while his fangs dug into her flesh painfully. A twisted sense of lust curled in her belly, steadily spreading through her veins. The world around her fell away, and there was was Kylar. The sound of his breath, the beating of his heart. Her full attention settled on him, nothing would distract her. The pounding of her blood was steady in her ears, the thud of her heart heavy against her chest. It had been far too long. Far too long since they last enjoyed each others bodies as they used to. Since taking this pack things had changed. And she longed for the wait things used to be. Hot, heavy and bloody.

"Burn Baby Burn"


11-12-2014, 11:11 PM

His leg connected solidly with her teeth, sending a jarring feeling through his limb and joints as her teeth wrapped around his leg. She would lean into him, hoping to topple him backwards but he had a different idea. Using his one foreleg draped over her back he would attempt to hook it around her ribs and use her momentum against her. As she shoved into his chest he would allow himself too drop like a sack of potatoes, attempting to pull her down with him by her rip and by her face should it remained attached to his jaws. He would attempt to drag her down with him, trying to roll her into him so she would land with her back into his chest. If successful he would slacken his body, dropping complete and utter dead weight. "Oh no! I've fallen and I cannot get up!" He would say, flopping a useless forepaw (that was not in her mouth) over his head as if he had fainted. Okay, this was probably the worst idea ever. Would it further piss Cat off? Yes. Would he have fun doing it? Of course! He would keep his eyes closed, feigning sickness or dizziness. He didn't know what he was faking, all he knew was he was kinda done with fighting. It was time for some fun.



11-18-2014, 05:02 PM

Her jaws met his leg, and she would clamp down, her anger still burning wildly. His leg that draped across her back would grip tightly, hooking beneath her ribs. And then suddenly, she was falling. He dropped back, going completely limp, managing to pull her beneath him. Her back pressed against his chest as he became dead weight, putting an comfortable amount of pressure on her lunges. Her jaws would part, releasing his foreleg, though his blood still teased her tongue. She would gasp and growl, wiggling beneath him as his voice filled her ears. "Then what use are you to me?" She would bite out angry words, craning her neck to look over her shoulder at him. His eyes were closed, a leg draped over his face. Sometimes it amazed her that she had killed him yet. He was so infuriating she would wring his neck. Lips peeled back to reveal fangs as she tried to buck beneath him. But his fat ass was heavy. There was no way she would be able to lifting. So she went for a different tactic. Pulling her limbs beneath her belly, she would arch her back and shimmy her hips against him. Forcing her hackles down, she tried to make it appear as though he had won, but the moment she got free....

"Burn Baby Burn"


11-18-2014, 06:58 PM

Her rage amused him, toyed with him and egged him on despite her very obvious frustration with him. She fell with him, dropping the the ground. her teeth pulled angrily at his paw but eventually she released him and he wrapped his limbs around her. She would thrash and throw herself, anger evident as she called him useless and thrashed some more. He would chuckle, the sound rolling from somewhere deep in his throat as he leaned forward so hot breath cascaded along her ear and neck. "Oh but I have so many uses even from down here?" His words were dark, husky, lined with a promise as neck would arch and move along her neck, rough nips slipping along the side of her neck, not quite hard enough to break skin but not exactly gentle either. Her hackle would lower and she would arch her back, leaning into his massive form as she shimmied her hips into him. A fire would ignite somewhere deep within him and he would groan, the sound moving into a chuckle as he would fling his massive weight, hoping to roll them so he would pin her onto her belly with him laying his entire weight on top of her. Neck would twist, once again reaching forward to allow his breath to tickle her neck. "Still sure you have no use for me?" His words were a deep rumble, nipping at her ear tauntingly. He wanted her to beg.