
it's an exploration, she's made of outer space



4 Years
11-08-2014, 09:11 PM
It was a perfect night to watch the stars, despite a lack of companions. These things were always so much more fun when she was surrounded by the bodies of her friends and family, warm and loved. Tonight, however, would not be a bad night. The stars were out in full, and she could see the cosmos stretching for miles. Delicate paws plodded silently through the tall grass, the crisp strands dragging cool fingers through her thickening coat. The sky itself was dark, but with all these galaxies lighting up the night, she didn't even need the moon to see her way. Her whiskey toned pools were fixed upon the vast expanse that stretched above her, pinpricks of light interspersed among impossibly bright stars and faraway worlds. It was back to her favourite pastime, regardless of the cold that probed at her with icy talons. The sun had long since set, and she could not sleep. The endless sky called out to her, even though her rational mind was prompting her to sleep. It would soon grow too cold out here on the plains, and she needed to get in all the time she could with this wondrous place and it's infinite ceiling. The ground beneath her dainty toes was cold and hard as stone, already feeling winter's grasp claiming it. Soon, snow would be falling here, and it would not be an easy thing- these all night escapes to this place with it's brilliant sky and open landscapes. There was no wind tonight, which only made it better to watch the constellations overhead. There would be no need to squint against persistent breezes, and she could admire the cosmos to her hearts content. Yes, it would be a good night.

It took her a little while to find her usual spot. It was a small knoll, hardly even worth the title of a hill. There, the grasses were a little shorter than everywhere else, and so it didn't tickle her throat when she laid down. It was softer, and cushioned her frame while she stargazed. Willowy limbs folded beneath her petite frame as she settled in her favourite spot, letting out a quiet hum of pleasure. After a moment of simply reveling in the night itself, her amber gaze rolled skyward. The heavens were a lovely thing to watch, and the night could only get better from here. Shooting stars sometimes graced her watch, and she quietly hoped one might find her tonight.

Dada Shawnee

Mo ti ṣe kan ìfípáda



3 Years
11-08-2014, 09:19 PM

Some lands proved more situated than others. So far Migi had only run into the female population, something he would prefer over meeting males anyhow. The foreign strange wolf was finding his way around rather easily, not that it mattered to become helpless in any situation anyway. The first female had refused to leave him alone, following him, the second however it seemed odd all together. These new lands, left his brain cranking for somehow to make himself not die. At two years of age, it was screaming at him to gain strength, gain wolves, gain children his pure instincts the only thing carrying him along.
Though a scent filled his nose on these lands, another female and yet again not in her season. Perhaps more and more useless life forms just kept piling up on his door step. The emotionless wolf would stand maybe two yards away from the female. She looked far different from those wolves in the northern area, perhaps these lands were far more suitable for his life, at the moment he didn't know that. Information would fill his brain as he made no attempt to speak or interact with the girl, he just stood there in a rather ghostly way.
His blood orange eyes would glow in the dim light however. Staring right into her, as if he were a demon. Another concept he didn't understand after talking with other wolves. There was only one thing that came close to those monsters and that was wolves themselves. He was only trying to survive, that was his goal, to live as long as possible. To make sure his life span exceeded all and every heights until his very last breath.

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4 Years
11-08-2014, 09:53 PM
Her peace was interrupted rather swiftly, and the sound of pawsteps approaching from somewhere she couldn't quite see made her hackles rise. Her gaze fell from the stars to the figure standing a little ways away. The lack of a breeze made it a little difficult for her to discern a scent, but in a moment she had it in her nostrils. This was a stranger, and not one from around here. Her hackles rose further, his proximity and possible danger posed by it kicking her into high gear in a few seconds flat. Her audits fell back against her skull, and she rose slowly, making sure to keep the male in her sights as she backpedaled. Her upper lip curled to reveal her teeth, defensive rather than offensive. It was imperative he know exactly what would happen if he came any closer. No sounds would escape her maw, not even a whisper slipped through her bared teeth. Her ebony tipped tail curled toward her belly in fear.

This stranger had not said a word, he displayed no foreign tongues yet. However, he was no native, no man of her tribe. Therefore he was dangerous until proven otherwise. He was simply staring at her, like he was trying to find a use for her, or a way he would like to eat her. It was unnerving, and she wasn't sure if she would be safe running from him.

Dada Shawnee

Mo ti ṣe kan ìfípáda



3 Years
11-08-2014, 10:23 PM

The wind carried through his fur, and it was obvious that he was down wind from her. So her fear was not surprising, though it was an emotion he didn't feel. Blood orange eyes blinking before observing her as she started to become on the defensive. He wasn't going to attack her, she was no threat that was obvious. She was naturally assuming him a threat, which he may as well could have been if it was her season. Though, he had never been open to the idea of actually getting to know anyone. If they proved useful he'd keep them around, but being alone just seemed the best option in most cases.
He stayed still, frosty ear tips moving as he turned his head left eye patch looking in a different direction. This place was strange, it gave off a glow that was unnatural to him and yet was working all the same. "Strange." he accidentally said out loud instead of in his thoughts. Though his attention turned back to the woman.

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4 Years
11-09-2014, 03:59 PM (This post was last modified: 11-09-2014, 04:00 PM by Dada.)

OOC: Hover over speech for translation <3

The male seemed rather disinterested, his deep orange gaze drifting away from her form and to the plains around them. The cosmos watched on silently, cold and distant as they observed the encounter below. Her backwards steps faltered, hesitating as she debated fleeing. It didn't seem to be the safest plan. Something about him was just... dangerous. More threatening than the others she'd encountered thus far. He seemed the kind to chase her, and hunt her. It was unnerving, and she quivered at the thoughts of being devoured alive by this phantom man. Her curled upper lip slowly lowered, hesitant and cautious. Onyx tipped banner uncurled, sticking straight out behind her and flicking to and fro nervously.
When the foreign language poured from his maw in a single word, or what she thought might be one word, she was on her guard again. Who was this stranger? How did he find her? What did he want? Her hesitant melodies filled the air. "Kin o nfe?" She demanded anxiously, her voice cracking on the last syllable as she tried to seem bold. Hackles raised, she might look big enough to be intimidating at this point. She drew herself up to her full, meager height, stretching her neck out to glare at him in demand.


Dada Shawnee

Mo ti ṣe kan ìfípáda



3 Years
11-09-2014, 05:11 PM

Migi would raise his eyebrow for a moment. He was a little confused, it had been a year since he heard that tongue. The village elder had spoken it, and he hadn't entirely been taught properly like the three languages he knew aside from English. He wracked his brain trying to think of something to say. It was fine that she was afraid, it was just another way of her protecting herself he knew that. Such a small child would never have survived unless she had smarts. Therefore he could possibly be injured easily. He doubted that she could over power him, but her friend indefinitely could.
"Emi... ko fẹ ohunkohun" his tongue would say. As he tensed a little, had he said it wrong? He didn't want to be seen as weak, he didn't want to not be able to communicate. That was probably a fear he would never admit to, though his body was empty. It made it to the point where his lack of emotions were a blessing as well as a curse. Numb to the world around him.

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4 Years
11-09-2014, 05:29 PM

The male was slow to respond, which worried her. Was he trying to piece together how he would eat her? Trying to understand her language? She held her body as still as she could, though her muscles still trembled. Finally, he responded, her own tongue falling from his lips in a halting, slow monotone. She blinked at him, eyes going wide as she stared at him. What? Audits flickered back and forth, alternating between being lowered toward her skull and being shoved forward. How did he know how to speak her language? He knew the other tongue, the foreign one she couldn't understand from the northerners? Her amber optics slowly narrowed suspiciously, unsure of what to do about this stranger. She took a step forward, but only one. In no way was she about to get too close to this foreigner. There was a hesitant spring to her step, as if she were a nervous horse. Her head was raised so she was looking up at him over the bridge of her nose. "Bawo ni o ṣe mọ ahọn yi?" She demanded, not trying to seem too aggressive or harsh. However, there was that note of urgency in her melodious vocals.

Her tail tip flicked, an ebony streak through the darkness. She watched him, pinning him with a scrutinizing gaze. Who was he? Her crown tilted to one side in curiosity, the twin crimson feathers behind her ear jerking in the same direction before they settled again, sticking out over her neck. Her body language was purely curious now, forepaws crossed one in front of the other while the back legs were splayed wide in case she needed to brace for an attack. Never off her guard around strangers, and extremely uncomfortable in the presence of this foreigner. She didn't like strangers, and her whole body was tense, despite how much she wanted to know this information.


Dada Shawnee

Mo ti ṣe kan ìfípáda



3 Years
11-09-2014, 05:58 PM

Migi didn't usually get frustrated, it was all Trica's fault for bringing back borderline emotions. He watched the woman carefully, backing away as she got closer raising an eyebrow to the woman. He dislikes her being so close. Someone who knew something he didn't, a fact of language he was not entirely good at. Though he didn't do much else, as his solid tail flickered back and forth as a reaction to her. He tried to piece a few words together again.
"Al?gb? ni .... ile, sọ yi. Orukọ rẹ Omi"(Elder at....home, spoke this. Her name Omi) he said to her. Lowering his head to it made it seem like he was actually trying to communicate with her. Although it was difficult, he was still glad that he knew at least a little from his year as the caretaker. The old woman had been washed ashore, so this had been her birth place?

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4 Years
11-10-2014, 04:05 PM

To her one step forward, the male took one step back. This was a strange phantom, and she still didn't know what to think of him, other than that he was an odd sort. Compared to her and those she'd known, of course. He was more cautious, and yet his questions were far more blunt and simple. There were no pleasantries from this male, and she wasn't sure what to think of it. Did the warmonger wolves even bother with such niceties? Or did they greet each other with bloodshed and rending of flesh?

Slowly, the gears in the male's head could be seen turning around and around. What was he thinking? It slightly worried the dove, wondering whether or not she was about to be eaten by the strange man. Eventually, a response fell from his maw. He was taught the tongue? By a woman named Omi. She felt like she knew this name from somewhere, but couldn't come to think of where she might have heard it. Had there been an Omi in her tribe? She nodded, humming in acknowledgement. That was interesting, but obviously she still couldn't trust this stranger. She took a step back, turning her head so her gaze could rest upon the stars above. She wanted to sit back and go back to stargazing, she was so tired of talking to the odd phantom. She just wanted to lay back and enjoy the cosmos over her head.


Dada Shawnee

Mo ti ṣe kan ìfípáda



3 Years
11-17-2014, 09:41 PM

Migi was happy with the silence actually. It made him feel a little more comfortable. Perhaps he should try to socialize a little more. Trica had taught him keeping his guard up wasn't all that there was. It made him terrified, but if he tried it a few times, perhaps the connections would help with his survival. This place was not like home, he was not the same small weak pup. Only the strong survived, but many of the weak depended on those strong to protect them to possibly get a chance at life. Making them useful in one way or another. He wracked his brain for a moment, tilting his head to the sky before giving a small gruff. Then looked at her again, dropping on his rump.
"Mo ti yoo ko ipalara ti o"(I won't hurt you) he said, beady orange eyes looking at her. His appearance was scary yes, but he was not too worried about that. It wasn't like she was of much use of him, besides that language that sat on her tongue. Migi hated that he was weak in this one, unlike the many others that he did know.

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4 Years
12-08-2014, 10:00 PM

The male regarded her for a moment or two, succeeding in making her uncomfortable in record timing. Those dark orange eyes were so eerie in that phantom mask, it wasn't something she liked focused on her. However, he let out an irritated huff and dropped back onto his rear with a muffled thud. The dove watched him curiously, the autumn night daring to try and work it's fingers deeper into her wiry coat. She shook her lean bodice, dispelling the air's silly notions. He offered a promise, well, not a promise, but he explained that he wouldn't harm her. She scoffed at this, lip curling in an amused sneer while her nose scrunched up. As if. Northern wolves weren't to be trusted, and that was a simple fact of life. One she'd been taught for a long time. 

She eyed him warily still, not willing to let her guard down. The phantom could not be trusted, and he gave no indication that should dissuade her from this. Her audits remained lowered toward her delicate skull, not willing to let him think he had her relaxed. That would not be the case at all. Her ebony dipped banner swung to and fro at her hocks, displaying her distrust even further. Maybe it would be better if she simply left, and watched the stars another night. A small sigh escaped her, at the injustice of it all. Her safety was important, obviously, but it was such a perfect night for stargazing. The cosmos above begged to be marveled at, they called to her like the sea. She loved the vastness, craved to be out in the infinite sky, exploring it. Just as she did the ocean all around her. But alas, life had been so cruel as not to lend her wings. Her whiskey gaze drifted back to the male, waiting for him to decide what he might do.