
Crucibelle Baby Available



1 Year
11-10-2014, 06:17 PM (This post was last modified: 11-13-2014, 07:06 PM by Crucifix.)
So I haven't had much muse for this girl, as Cat and Bas take up most of time. And because I would like to see her active as a pup, I'm putting her back up for adoption.

Her name and appearance are going to remain the same, as Sea had ordered some art for all the pups. I don't mind her personality changing, but I would like for her remain relatively the same. The family is very family oriented, so the pups will be close and they will admire their parents. It would be highly unlikely for her to stray from her family or become a darker aligned wolf.

The app is as follows:

Personality: 150 words min
RP Sample: 200 words min

**I also reserve the right to take her back if she falls inactive at any point**

Sea edit: this pup will not be used to create further drama between Arcanium and Solstice, be aware of this when you apply for her



6 Years
11-10-2014, 08:32 PM
Name: Lolaf

Personality: (Same personality just rewording it)
Raised as a princess the girl has gained a bit of a princess complex, often bossing others around and holding herself with confidence that often translates to vanity. Which is fair as the girl is fairly vain. On the same coin she isn?t overly fond of rules or being told what to do, she?s very stubborn, a stomped paw in response to something her parents say isn?t uncommon. There seems to be very little filter between her mind and her mouth, as she often speaks her mind. Ravenna believes herself to be very important and isn?t afraid to show it.
That?s not to say she?s unkind as she will offer help when it is needed and genuinely worries about others, particularly her family. However as she ages her use of words as weapons will shift into a her like of actual physical fighting. Seeking them out among those she knows and throwing herself into battles against enemies and strangers.

RP Sample: Ravenna was pouting, her parents having told her to remain inside the den. It wasn?t her fault the boy had refused to play the way Ravenna wanted. Ravenna was a princess, the others had to do what she wanted right? And she didn?t want to be the damsel but a warrior princess, but noooo he had had to be the knight in shining armour who had to save the poor helpless princess.

It hadn?t been her fault that he had not been prepared for her attack, or that when she had pinned him to the ground that he hadn?t been able to shake her off. Maybe she should have gotten off when he started wheezing but then he had started calling for help and she couldn?t very well let him get off that easy could she?

But no, apparently she had caused him to fall unconscious when he started having issues breathing and so she had to spend the rest of the day indoors ?thinking about what she had done.? She was sorry, she hadn?t meant to hurt him so much, she was just frustrated that he hadn?t done what she wanted. A small whine escaped her lips as she laid her head on her paws, staring bay fully out at the world beyond.



4 Years
11-10-2014, 08:52 PM

Name: Den the weakling


She's my cherry pie! Cool drink of water, such a sweet surprise! Taste so good make a grown man cry!
Rebel without a cause- For some reason, this lass tends to flounce her way towards all things just a little unexpected of a princess. Being a precious little angel just isn't her style. Nothing obviously stupid- she does have an image to uphold, you know. She just tends to wander a little too far, poke her nose where it doesn't really belong in the first place, and be the victim of her parents scolding more often than she really should after all this time. She talks to wolves she might be better off ignoring, just to see what the reasoning behind this ban is.
Regal- Her very essence oozes calm and collected grace. Her movements look calculated, fluid, like she plans each out in depth beforehand. Even as a child, she knew just how she looked, and how it drew the eye. Some might see her as snobbish, but that just means they're jealous, in her mind. Her smile is gracious and polite, she's got manners galore. The classical princess in her kingdom, and she is completely alright with that.
Short fused- She's got an attitude, and a way with losing her very mind very easily. This temper came from her mother, without a doubt in anyone's mind. Not that this temper is nearly as vastly impressive, a few choice words and degrading insults she learned from who knows where, and she's pretty much over you and your petty problems. With that, she gathers up her pride and dignity, and saunters off like the beautiful little darling she is.
Family oriented- She loves her family, and would gladly die for them. Her siblings mean the world to her, and so do her parents. She will stick close to them through much of her youth. Playing with her siblings and enjoying quality time with her parents will be a pretty important ritual for this fae, and she wouldn't give that up for anything. Not like she needs beauty or wealth, she already has those.
Curious- She will always want to know things, and find out why this does that, or why this looks the way it does. The world and its mechanisms are something she quite enjoys learning about, and will never tire of learning new things about the world around her. Sure, this could lead to a short leave from her family to see what else it might have to show her, but not even the beauty of the green earth and the white capped mountains could keep her from them.

RP Sample:
Heavy metal broke my heart

Her body was still trying to figure out how to work itself, but she'd gotten the hang of walking, running, jumping, and all those important things. Now it was time to learn how to do these things gracefully, and she was learning by observation. Having left the well traveled areas in favour of the privacy she would need to work out her gawky limbs and the way they moved, she was alone. It was nice in this clearing, even with the dying grass. Scattered leaves had fallen in shades of gold, auburn, and a few were already rotting into muddy hues. Not nearly as much fun, but they definitely were fun to crunch under her champagne toes. She bounded from this place to that one, the rewarding crunch of leaves filling the air every time she hit the ground.
Eventually, she was tired of jumping on leaves. Taking a seat upon the earth, she let out a small sigh of contentment. So far, this had been pretty good. She'd gotten out a lot of energy, and now there was a chance for her to focus on getting around to what she'd actually come here to do. Getting back to her feet, she shook out her coat and straightened up into a rather regal looking pose, even for a child. Casting her gaze to and fro, she made sure no one was watching. In that, she started off. One foot forward, next foot forward with a small swing of the hips. Good. Next foot forward, then the next with a sway of her hip in the other direction. That was the right form, from what she could understand. Her mother and the other women walked like that.
She paced for a while like this, simply going around in a circle trying to get the movements down. Once she felt like she had it fairly well ingrained into her brain and her muscle memory, she paused, casting her mismatched gaze over the landscape. The shadows had grown much longer since they were when she'd first arrived, but the sun had yet to set, so she was okay. Sitting down, she decided this was a good time to get all the leaf pieces out of her pristine coat. Tongue lathed over her lanky limbs, and her flanks, seeking to rid herself of the impurities she'd gathered in her escapades. Eventually, she was satisfied with the results, and got back to her feet.
A figure stood in the shadows, watching her with a tilted cranium. She mimicked the motion, and stepped forth, falling into the strides she'd taught herself as she did. Her brows drew together as she scrutinized the stranger, not recognizing the scent as one from her pack. Had she really wandered out of pack lands? This wolf was obviously young, maybe a little older than her. "Who are you?" She inquired, lyrics falling from her lips in a monotone, a little too blunt for a princess. Well, too late now. The stranger was still mute, simply staring at her with bright red eyes. She drew herself up to her full, currently not too impressive stature. "What is your name, stranger?" She inquired once more, vocals putting a little more emphasis on the query this time around. "Are you a ghost?" Finally came the timid query, and she blinked at the older child. "No, of course not." She replied, frowning. "Why would I be a ghost?" She continued, confused by this. Why would anyone think she was a ghost? Ghosts were white and skinny and gross. She was none of those things. At all. In fact, if she was anything, it was offended.

Dada Shawnee

Mo ti ṣe kan ìfípáda

Virgil I


4 Years
11-10-2014, 11:33 PM (This post was last modified: 11-16-2014, 08:41 PM by Virgil I.)
Name: Ravenna Black

f e m m e f a t a l e

You do not see beyond the fluttering lashes, the subtle flirtation. Ravenna Black is a girl, is she not? Simple minded and innocent, bright and complementary. So few truly suspect anything ulterior about her. Her good manners are not but an extension of her being well-raised, her lovely smile a product of genetics and a happy mental state. Many write her off; not but a debutante, a doll to be placed by the side of a man.

Beneath, there is perhaps something less sightly.

Ambition crawls beneath a lovely visage. Each action she does is calculated, planned. The grooming of her fur, the way she carries herself, none of it is left to chance. Some might call her evil, but she does not do these things for the downfall of man. Rather, Ravenna's manipulation is simply for the betterment of herself, and her family. Nobody can accuse her of not being loyal. Well, at least not to those who have earned it. Her heart is not an open book; one must work hard at opening its gates, and even then it is quite simple to find oneself expelled into the fiery hells of her wrath.

Make no mistake, despite her feminine manner, she burns just as deadly as the pits of hell. Her wrath is not one a man would wish to earn. She is judgmental, quick to determine who is and who is not worth her time. You might never know if you're considered the latter; she is not at all obvious with the thoughts in her head, for she plays a game that is most subtle and unnoticed.

RP Sample:

He is nothing but a fool. Ravenna Black has long known this; he's fascinated by her pretty face, and so he feels obliged to, well, oblige her. Cool-toned gaze sparkles nonetheless; he is more useful as an ally to her than he is as an enemy. Flowers sit at her paws, simple wildflowers which he had likely seen on his way over and thought a kind gesture. She acts pleasant regardless; her smile tilts onto her angelic face effortlessly. The game of pretending is so simple when one is used to it.

"I think I'd like to rule a pack one day," he says. She doesn't truly think he will; he's not a particularly brave soul, although she supposes bravery can come in many unexpected forms. Still, there is opportunity here. The opportunity of different perspective, of learning of weaknesses.

"I'm sure you'd be great at it. You'd be a natural. Where might you target?" she inquires. Of course, she dreams of being a Queen, but not to one who would so easily lose his crown. He puffs up his chest at the implication, and she almost wants to stab a needle into him to deflate his ego somewhat.

"Fantasia I think. The Nova family is weak, and not to mention I think they're planning something," he notes. She watches the frown on his face, figuring it has to be something personal, something she cares so little about.

"I know you can do it," she offers simply. He can't, but her opinion is beside the point. Her fool needs to be given some bait, for if this pack is truly weak, it is opportunity. The Nova have long been their own enemy, stealing from their chosen lands and generally being obnoxious. It would certainly be a coincidence if a certain fool were to occupy its best-fighting alpha whilst the pack were being sieged.

She exchanges a kiss for his blood, and when he winds up a corpse in the podium of her victory she only feels remorseful that she might not use him again.


11-17-2014, 03:43 PM
After reading all the applications, and consulting with Sea, it has been decided that Lolaf will be playing Ravenna. Thank you to everyone who applied, you all had really great apps and it was a tough choice!