



1 Year
11-10-2014, 09:56 PM

The farther she got from Kingfall, the safer she felt. There was this constant paranoia clinging to her fur that her father or her former best friend had started to follow her tracks in order to seek revenge for leaving or to have their wicked way with her. The thoughts were sickening and so she forced them out of her mind as she followed rabbit tracks left in the snow. The bunnies would no doubt be finding their way to hibernation soon. It was the perfect time to hunt. With a deep breathe in, she traced the scents of the prey as they hit her nose. Light on her feet, she followed the tracks until the rabbits were in her sight. She remained hidden behind one of the trees as her tongue glided over her lips in hunger. She wanted to devour each rabbit. She was famished and couldn't remember the last time she had eaten. She was, by no means, starving but she needed to eat nonetheless.

"Dinner." She murmurred to herself as she leaped into action. She chased the rabbits, trying to match their speed and overpower them so she could feast. If she had another wolf or two, she might try her luck at a buck but today was not her day. The mottled girl was fine enough with rabbits far from her birthplace. The girl quickly overpowered the rabbits and at the end of the hunt, she had one dangling out of her jaws as a lifeless mass. She settled down under a tree nearby as the snow around her melted from her body heat. She began to devour the rabbit, blood staining the beautiful white crystals of ice around her as well as her muzzle. Her hunger would be satisfied for now, but how long until it was to return? She looked up at the sunset as the sun sank below the earth into it's bowels and the moon rose to take control of the night. This was the perfect life. This was the life she should have had back at Kingfall.

[Image: i2EAWJS.png]