
Beautiful nightmare


10-28-2014, 10:26 AM
Again she would trot pass the border. So far she had been in and out of pack lands, enjoying her little adventures. Perhaps she should visit Valentine. She had never been close with her half siblings, but he had recently formed a pack of his own, and she was curious. Long legs stretched, eating up the ground with no problem, massive paws pressed into the earth, silencing her movements with surprising effectiveness. She had reached her full height, and she towered over the world, most were forced to look up at her when speaking. She had long lost her puppy coat and fat, replaced with thick muscle and a dense pelt. Each marking was distinguished across her entire body, making her quite the spectacle.

She didn't keep track of where she was going, she had been to so few lands that stumbling upon something new was easy. Emerald orbs darted back and forth, Ebony and silver adults tipped forward. Her tail streamlined behind her, slicing through the air with ease. Her nostrils quivered, testing the air, pulling the scents into her lungs. Her senses were on high alert, each nerve ending alive as she slowed to a lazy walk. Hips swayed with potential, steps fell with confidence. Everyday she was being groomed to take over the pack, though her mother didn't seem keen on giving up her crown just yet. But one day, one day it would be her sitting on the throne to Arcanum.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Cicero I


1 Year
Extra large
10-28-2014, 08:44 PM

Mountains. Rivers. Lakes. Streams. Trees. Dirt. Rocks. Grass. It was the same damn story everywhere he went. Sure, there was a variation as to how big some of these things were or what kind they were, but when they were boiled down to their basics they were the same thing. It seriously could not get anymore boring than that. Maybe he just set his expectations too high for each new place that he came across. Sadly, there was no way for him to change that, so tough luck he supposed. He might as well make the best of the situation; there was nearly potential in anything if one was willing to look hard enough. Most of the time Cicero was, unless of course said things or people got on his nerves, then, if he was feeling nice, he'd look past them or if he wasn't, he'd simply rip their throats out. As was the adventurous life of Cicero de Luca.

So far, this territory that he'd crossed into hadn't really pulled out any of the stops for him. There were forests, plains, mountains, lakes and yet none of them were in the least bit interesting. They were nice to look at sure, but they didn't really catch the golden and russet boy's attention. Then again, it took a lot to catch his attention, but either way, they weren't that big of a deal. This particular patch of land he'd stumbled on seemed to be a tad more interesting than the rest, seeing as giant slabs of ivory stone lain strewn across as if someone had been tossing rocks and had simply forgotten them here. Other than the rocks themselves, there was nothing else particularly interesting about the place itself. So the boy decided to make things interesting for himself by climbing and scaling the rocks.

The slabs ranged in size, some as big as a deer and just as long, others the size of rabbits while others towered over him, large and imposing, their veins as thick as his talons. They weren't exactly the easiest of things to scrabble on, but it was as good entertainment as any. He had no one to try and manipulate at the moment or use to his advantage for something or the other, so why not try and improve on his physique? He was a yearling now after all, his puppy stage having slowly begun to peel away with the changing of the seasons. In two more season he would be fully grown and he wanted to be in the best shape that he could be. With his smartass mouth he was bound to get himself in some tight spots, so it would be convenient to be able to muscle his way out of them if need be.

"Burn Baby Burn"


10-28-2014, 10:10 PM

She would not be left alone for long. The distinct sounds of nails striking stone would pull her attention. Her emerald gaze would search until she found him. It wasn't hard really, his vibrant colors stood out against the grey backdrop. She would watch as he scaled the stones, finding his actions to be rather peculiar. Haunches would recline, audits tipping forward as she sat silently, simply watching. An amused smirk would twitch the corners of her dark lips. She had never seen someone with such strange coloring. Every so often she would catch a glimpse of the color that bathed his other side. Russet and gold, so clearly defined on either side of his body. He was captivating in appearance, so unique.

She wasn't sure how long she watched or remained unnoticed, but the silence would get boring. So with intentional movements, she would kick a rock, sending it tumbling into a nearby stone. It was subtle noise that softly echoed in her silver ears. Would it be enough to catch his attention? Her posture was entirely relaxed, evidence that she had been watching him for awhile. Pools of green remained cool and indifferent, as always. Nostrils shook, inhaling his rogue scent. He didn't belong to any packs, so was he new here? Or simply another stranger for her to come across and meet?

"Burn Baby Burn"

Cicero I


1 Year
Extra large
10-28-2014, 11:03 PM

This In a I-have-nothing-better-to-do sort of way. He probably could've found something to do if he found someone to go and start a conversation with, but what was the fun in that? It wasn't nearly as fun to approach others as it was to have them approach him, that is, if they had the balls to even come up to him. His unique looks were usually a deterrent in themselves, keeping others from approaching him. At the same time, his unique looks sometimes acted as a beacon, attracting attention, both wanted and unwanted, to the young man. He supposed it really just depended on the day and the type of vibe he was giving off, if he was even giving off a vibe. He chuckled at his own thought as he scaled over a particularly big slab. Usually he'd be one to be attentive to his surroundings, looking for the opportunity to happen upon a new pawn, but in this moment he wasn't very interested. This new land hadn't show any new potential for pawns as of yet, so he didn't really expect to run into anyone that would be even remotely useful to him.

Ah but he had spoken too soon. As he began to descend the slab, the sound of a rock bouncing off another caught his attention. He would pause mid climb, precariously perched atop the half slanted slab, silver eyes searching for the source of the disturbance. There. Another wolf. Ebony nostrils would test the air, the scent of female tantalizing his nostrils. How long had she'd been standing there watching him? He would cock a golden brown at her, russet tipped tail lashing behind him. Did she want something from him or was she simply trying to tell him that she was there in an effort to get him to come over? He sneered to himself, continuing his descent as he searched for another slab to climb. She would have to try harder than that if she wanted his attention.

"Burn Baby Burn"


10-29-2014, 08:16 PM

He had heard her. His silver gaze would seek her out, his movements pausing as his brow lifted. But he did nothing, he went back to climbing, ignoring her once more. Her own brow would lift curiously. So she was gonna have to work his attention. Very well. She liked a challenge, and he seemed like just, a challenge. Her chest would press against the earth, her hips flipping to the side as she made herself comfortable. Her afternoon just got interesting. She continued to watch him, his vibrant pelt easily picked out against the stone. Her tail lashed back and forth, the beauty of the place lost her. She had eyes only for one right now.

"I hope you fall." Her voice was just loud enough to be heard. Despite what she said, her tones were sweet and silky. A smirk toyed with her lips, her emerald gaze watching curiously, waiting for a paw to slip against the smooth surfaces, or for a slab to shift beneath his weight. A low bubble of laughter would roll off her tongue, audits remaining tipped forward. She had never met one like him, she wanted him to come closer, to spend a little time with her so she could get to know him better. Her eyes raked his features, he had to be about as large as her, so was he the same age? Had she finally found someone her age that was significantly smaller and weak?

"Burn Baby Burn"

Cicero I


1 Year
Extra large
10-29-2014, 08:32 PM

It was easy to pretend like the ebony and silver traced girl wasn't there; because she really wasn't. She wasn't being useful to him in any manner, so why should he waste his time trying to interact with her? Perhaps if she offered to bring him some food or provide information about this new land he'd stumbled across he would consider entertaining her presence. But it seemed she just wanted him to come over and keep her company. Did he look like he'd been put on this earth to become her companion? She was sorely mistaken if that's what she thought. It was this way of thinking that kept the golden and russet young man climbing across the slabs, hoping across those with flat surfaces, his attention enveloped in his exercise.

I hope you fall. He was just about to launch himself to the next slab when her voice pierced the air this time, a taunt reaching his ears. He would pause in his launch, deliberately taking his time to turn his head in her direction, that golden brow raising once again. Wasn't she just the sweetest thing? Do you now? He'd answer, an idea forming in his head. If you're so eager to see me fall, why not make it interesting then, mm? I wager a bet against you. I make my way towards you across these rocks without falling. I complete the task, I get to fuck you. I fail, I'm yours for the rest of the afternoon to do with as you please. Fair enough, or do you have other arrangements with your many suitors? He wasn't entirely sure how she'd take his bet, but from the sneer that was twisting his lips, it was clear that he was already enjoying it. Would she believe that he really wanted to take her body? She'd have to be stupid to think that he would. That was the last thing he was interested in, even if she was one of the more good looking females he'd come across.

"Burn Baby Burn"


10-29-2014, 08:49 PM

He looked ready to launch himself onto the next slab when he would pause, finally giving her his attention. He would make a show of looking at her, a brow lifting. A sneer would curl his lips as he spoke, proposing a wager. She was all ears. If he won, then.... Woah. She was shocked, though not an ounce of it showed on her features. If he won, he got to fuck her? That was quite a wager, considering he was already doing so well. But if she won, he belonged to her for the day. Tempting. Until he finished speaking. One of her many suitors? Did he call her a whore? Bastard. But, her mask remained, her expression still pleasant and faintly amused.

"Thats quite a deal, but unfortunately, I will have to say no. I'm not sure you'd be up to much of anything." She would sneer back at him, dark lips curling, a shrug lifting her shoulders. How would he handle her insult? She remained still, keeping up her picture perfect look. There was no way she would ever agree. She may have followed in her mother paws steps, but she would not be quite so easy to get into bed with a stranger. No, she was far more cunning than that. Amusement danced across her dark features, her eyes bright with the possibilities that he held, whether or not he knew it.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Cicero I


1 Year
Extra large
10-29-2014, 09:00 PM

He was expecting her to openly balk at the proposition of him fucking her, but surprisingly she was able to keep her composure relatively well, not an ounce of shock creeping into her features. Props to her for knowing how to keep her emotions off her face, but Cicero knew too well that she was taken aback by his offer. Who in their right mind wouldn't be when a complete stranger said they wanted to fuck you? If she wasn't shocked, she should at least be flattered that he wanted to fuck her; it meant that she was appealing to him. But if she really knew that he didn't mean it, then she probably wouldn't be as flattered as she should've been. It was all the same to him anyways.

Thats quite a deal, but unfortunately, I will have to say no. I'm not sure you'd be up to much of anything. Surprise surprise, she wasn't up to taking his bet. Wonder why that was. His sneer widened as she suggested that he wouldn't be up to doing anything; thought she was smart didn't she. If he was up for fucking her, he was most certainly up for anything else, but she didn't need to know that. He would shrug at her comment, seeming nearly uninterested once again. You're probably a terrible fuck anyways. Thanks for saving me the trouble. Silver eyes would glint maliciously as he poked at the dark girl, wanting to get a rise out of her. Would insulting her physical appearance be the trigger? Cicero would watch her from atop his slab, tail lashing behind him in waiting, wondering if he could lure her in instead of the other way around.

"Burn Baby Burn"


10-29-2014, 10:00 PM

He certainly had a way with words. She would mirror his sneer, her eyes glinting with just as much malice as his own. They could exchange insults all day, she would never run around, and it seemed like he wouldn't either. She took nothing that left his mouth personally. He was just another asshole. So when he called her a lousy fuck, she would laugh softly, her sides quivering with the noise. She doubted he would ever get a rise out of her through simple insults, she had been raised better than that. Obviously he was not from these lands, otherwise he would know her mother. Then he would have a vague idea of what her upbringing had been like. She had been raised by a vicious Queen that would beat the weakness right out of you.

"Don't knock it till you try it." She would coo, easily keeping step with him, brows lifting suggestively. His tail continued to lash behind him as he remained perched on the slab, as though it was his stone. Did he think it gave him an edge being perched above her? He would be sadly mistaken, there was no one that would be above her. Nor would there ever be.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Cicero I


1 Year
Extra large
11-12-2014, 03:56 PM (This post was last modified: 11-12-2014, 03:56 PM by Cicero I.)

He would watch her from his slab, noticing the laughter that racked her sides, quiet enough that he had to strain just a tad bit to hear it. She seemed amused by his blunt truth; wasn't that a first. Most females probably would've been insulted at being called a terrible fuck, vehemently arguing that they were indeed a very good one. Or at least, perhaps the whores around the area would try to defend their valuable bodies. The thought was amusing to Cicero, but not nearly as amusing as the comment that slipped from the girl's lips. Don't knock it till you try it..

As the words filtered through his ears, a booming laugh would erupt from his jaws as his entire body shook with laughter. It was a few moments before he could calm himself enough to speak properly. Be careful what you wish you little storm cloud because it very well could come true. He would chuckle again, unable to contain his laughter. She was basically asking him to fuck her. Was she that desperate to be used? Was she one of those whores that pretended to be hard to get, but when you got her fired up, was unable to control herself? He couldn't tell and it wasn't like he cared really. She could be whatever she wanted and do whatever she wanted; she was of no concern to him. Not yet anyways. The two-toned man would continue his adventure across the slabs, slowly but sure making his way towards the storm cloud, curious to see if anything interesting would develop from this meeting.

"Burn Baby Burn"


11-16-2014, 05:51 PM

His deep laugh would fill her ears, he was clearly amused. Her own laughter faded away, leaving behind only a smirk. He would warn her away though she did nothing but shrug noncommittally. He could try to fuck her all he wanted, there was no way it happening. It didn't bother her what he thought, how he tried to insult her, she had been raised to tolerate it, to allow insults to roll off her like water. He would continue his trek across the slabs, slowly but surely making his way closer. But she found herself growing bored. So far he had nothing to offer and didn't seem to keen on chit chat. So she would rise, her emerald gaze resting easily on him. Her tail would twitch as she took a moment to shake anything debris that clung to her dark pelt. It was time to move on, find someone a little more exciting. Without a word, only a smirk on her face, she would turn away from him, disappearing into the shadows of the forest that surrounded this place. Perhaps one day she would run into him again and he would be a little more exciting. Or maybe he was simply another face that would steadily fade away from her memory until he was just another wolf she had met once upon a time.


"Burn Baby Burn"